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* Magic New Zealand®
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1724
Date: Sunday 16th July 2023
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com

Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. FISM Italy 2025
3. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #116
4. The Magic Word Podcast
5. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 39
6. Broken Wand - Karl Johan Ericsson
7. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #49
8. Carney's Sleights and Insights
9. Thought Buster - John Carey #206
10. 85th Abbott's Get Together
11. E-zine Archives
12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML format go to:

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. FISM Italy 2025

The most important magic competition in the world

* 150 competitors.
* More than 3000 magicians present from more than 50 countries.
* 100 handpicked merchants
* 6 days of unforgettable magic
* 1 banquet
* Exchanges between magicians (jam sessions)
* And more


3. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #116
Message by Paul Stone (US)

On August 5th, the day before this year's Magic Live Convention here in Las Vegas, Roger Dreyer is organising a tribute to my good friend Fielding West.

Fielding is something of a Las Vegas magic legend himself. He has been performing here for many years, and still, even as the years take their inevitable toll, and have caused him some health issues, he battles on and regularly performs in the Lance Burton & Friends touring show, as well as at numerous other events both in Las Vegas and outside of the state of Nevada.

Fielding is a survivor, and if you spend time with him as I am often lucky enough to do, you'll find that his mind is constantly thinking up new ideas, and he is like a gag machine, rattling them off, one after another. And he has more stories about the Las Vegas entertainment scene than anyone else I know.

Best of all, he is great fun to be with, and is rightly very popular with everyone in the magic world. And he's a pro's pro!

Most magicians have someone that mentored them or who they looked up to when they were first introduced to our fascinating and addictive magic world.

For me, growing up in Liverpool, England, I was fortunate enough to be introduced at the age of 13, to the Liverpool Mahatma Magic Circle, one of the oldest magic societies in England, now 109 years old to be exact!

At the time that I joined, the Mahatma had quite a large membership, but undoubtedly the stand out member was a man named Bob Ostin. Bob was quite well known in the UK, having initially worked the local clubs doing a stand up patter magic act, but making his name more as a close-up magician.

Bob was a treasure trove of original, novel, and clever close-up effects. He had a very dry sense of humour, and was always working on some new miracle.

Goodliffe, whom older magicians will remember as the publisher of the world's only weekly magic magazine ABRACADABRA, also published a few books, including a couple by Alan Shaxon and Roy Johnson.

Goodliffe published a book by Bob Ostin called 'Fingertip Fantasies', which was packed with many of Bob's effects.

When I was the European Adviser for the Las Vegas Desert Magic Seminar, I brought Bob and Peter Kane (best known for his 'Gypsy Curse' trick) over from England to lecture and perform, and it was nice for Bob to receive recognition in USA.

I've always thought it was important to keep alive the names of performers who are no longer with us. And that brings me neatly onto two other magic legends, Siegfried & Roy.

As regular readers of my articles in Magic New Zealand will know, I am hosting a couple of exclusive tours of the Jungle Palace, the iconic former home of Siegfried & Roy on Saturday August 5th and Sunday August 6th. The numbers for each tour are limited to just 25 people. There are still a few tickets available.

This will genuinely be a rare chance to walk round this incredible property, which has been restored to its original magnificent condition. Through my personal contact with the new owners, I was able to get permission to put on these limited tours, so if you have any interest in magic history, and especially the history of magic in Las Vegas, you shouldn't miss this opportunity.
Each tour will last approximately 90 minutes, and you will be able to take photographs. Below is the link to book your tickets,

The timings of the two tours have been specially planned to accommodate magicians attending Magic Live which starts at 7pm on Sunday August 6th.

4. The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star (US)

Most of the magic community knows Andi Gladwin as the "other half" of the partnership (with Joshua Jay) at Vanishing, Inc. Andi and Josh have built a reputable company over a few short years as well as taking charge of the MagiFest convention held each year in Columbus, Ohio. They have reinvented that convention after its nearly century-long history and have taken it to new heights and different dimensions. Andi and Josh also sponsor the Session magic convention in the U.K. which is typically held prior to the MagiFest. But beyond that, Josh is also an author of a bestselling book "The Boy Who Cried Magic" as well as a creative and entertaining performer who even fooled Penn & Teller on their television show.

This week Andi talks about the business of his business and gives us some insight into Vanishing, Inc. and organizing magic conventions. He also answers listener questions, tells us some inside information not heard anywhere else, plus an amazing story about his experience on Penn & Teller Fool Us.

This week we welcome Martin Harry Cohen from Australia as our newest Friend of the Magic Word. Thank you, Martin, for your donation. And for others who might have the means to financially support this podcast with your donations or monthly pledges, please visit https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/fotmw for more information. And as always, you can listen to this week's episode wherever you get your podcasts. But to view videos, see some photos, get links, listen online and get more information, please visit: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/769-andi-gladwin And if you have not already subscribed to our podletter, then please visit the website to sign up and receive weekly emails with info on who is on each week's episode, who is coming the next week, and suggestions from the archives on episodes you may have missed. You will also be the first to hear about contests that we run from time to time.

5. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 39
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)

I am currently preparing a new special exhibition for my museum Bellachini. So far I have presented films, photos, posters and magic props of the German magician Fredo Raxon. This exhibit will now make way for another great German magician. On 17 November 2023, Alexander Adrion would have turned 100 (17 Nov. 1923 - 27 Feb. 2013). In his honour, I will open a special exhibition on 18 November 2023.

Adrion was considered the philosopher among magicians. He had the great fortune to be active at a time when magicians were not yet "swarming". The internet and other social media were not yet available to turn magic into a mass phenomenon.

Adrion sought his performances far away from the noisy events. In all his performances, he always made a point of seating his audience in rows of chairs to create as much of a theatre atmosphere as possible.

Through his book publications, he once again achieved notoriety. His three books written for the public ("Die Kunst zu zaubern" [The Art of Magic], "Adrions Zauberkabinett" [Adrion's Magic Cabinet] and "Taschen Diebe" [Pick Pockets]) have been translated into a total of six languages, including Japanese.

Last week I visited his widow, who still provided me with a lot of material about Adrion for the exhibition. I am particularly pleased that she has agreed to come to Hamburg for the opening together with her children. She lives near Cologne.

For those who are not so familiar with the name Alexander Adrion, I recommend a very nice article written by my friend Richard Hatch for Stan Allen's Magic magazine in 2003: The Conjurer Philosopher in: Volume 12, Issue 10, June 2003, page 66.

More about Adrion in Magic-Pedia: https://geniimagazine.com/wiki/index.php?title=Alexander_Adrion
And a little more about Adrion in the Zauber-Pedia
until next time


6. Broken Wand - Karl Johan Ericsson
Message by Mikael Vanheden (Sweden)

GMK Gothenburg Magic Club has great sadness.

Our honorary member and greatest mentalist humorist Dusenberg has left earthly life on July 3, aged 87.

Karl Johan Ericsson joined the club in 1970 and has brightened our meetings with humor and mental magic of a rarely seen kind.

Dusenberg started as a mentalist when he was 18 and has been conjuring abroad for several years.

He was Life Member No. 136 of the American Mentalist Association.

One magazine once stated following: USA, you have Max Maven and Eugene Burger, but Sweden have Dusenberg!

Thank you Dusenberg for all the wonderful laughs you gave us!

Mikael Vanheden

7. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #49
Message by Kent Cummins, Director (US)

A Kiss for the Ball and Vase

I call it, "The $500 Trick" (See last week's episode.), and it is definitely one of my favorite tricks. I own several dozen balls and vases, of many different sizes and styles, but the one I use when I am teaching is a small, simple plastic version available from novelty companies by the dozen. When I was teaching more frequently, I bought them by the case!

Naturally I teach the basics of the trick, plus a review of the French Drop, a convenient way to make the ball disappear before it reappears in the vase. But I also add a bit that - as far as I know - is completely original with me.

After the usual routine, I show that the ball has once again returned to the vase, and then ask a spectator to blow a kiss to the Ball and Vase ("not to me…I'm married!"). I ask the spectator what is in the vase, and they invariably say, "The ball." But I gently correct them: "It WAS the ball, but now it is a KISS…your kiss." I lift up the top, and in place of the ball is a Hershey's Kiss, which I present to the spectator.

How do I do it? I have a Hershey's Kiss sitting on its side behind another prop. When the audience is looking at the vase, I casually move the top behind the prop and pick up the kiss with the help of my finger. Misdirection works. It is similar to a cups and balls load.

I don't remember exactly when I started doing this, but it was definitely in the last century!
The Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing the art of magic. But I can't do it without your help. My Patreon account is the same place as my free weekly podcast:


8. Carney's Sleights and Insights
Message by John Carey (UK)

Sleights and Insights is full of original material for Close Up and Stage, John's first major work in 10 years. More than a just book of tricks, Sleights and Insights is about the process of creating, refining, and contributing to our own magic. More than a book of academic "theory," it provides concrete examples of how we can design our routines more thoughtfully, improve our technique, and make our magic more natural looking and deceptive.

Herein lay startling visual magic with cards for close up as well as stage, elegantly designed coin magic, impromptu cups and balls, torn and restored innovations, puppets and photographs that catch selected cards from midair, variations with a vanishing birdcage, and a haunted doll house where objects come to life, concluding with the appearance of a ghostly apparition ... and much more.

Sleights and Insights offers a fresh perspective, that will make you look at all your magic with new eyes.

$80 postpaid in USA
Other Regions require additional postage
Not Available through Dealers, only from

9. Thought Buster - John Carey #206
Message by John Carey (UK)

Thought Buster starts out as a 'test conditions' style Thought-Of-Card effect, but takes a pretty big detour at the climax. I've absolutely no problem in crossing genres in effects to create a strong and memorable synergy. Prepare by placing the Six of Hearts on the face/bottom of a
red deck and case this deck. Take out the Six of Hearts from a blue deck and place it face-down in the empty blue case. Give the rest of the deck to your dog :-)

Bring out both card cases and hold one in each hand from above. We will now start the deception with a truly great idea of Tony Binarelli from Italy. Holding the two cases a few inches above the tabletop, simply drop both at the same time. The sound illusion of two decks is perfect! Obviously you must only use this on a hard topped table. Push the blue case aside and pick up the red case and remove the cards from inside.

Execute an in the hands riffle shuffle, retaining the Six of Hearts on the face. Hand the deck to a spectator and ask them to cut the deck into five tabled packets. Then request they move the packets around in the row, you of course tracking the packet that has your force card on the bottom. We will now use Roy Bakers beautiful PATEO force to force the target packet on our unsuspecting victim. To new magicians, PATEO stands for point at two eliminate one. It has infinite applications.

To start the process, you point to any two packets except for your target packet and they freely eliminate one, which is set aside. Instruct your helper to replicate you and point to two packets. If neither is the target packet, pick up and eliminate either, setting it aside. If however one of the two packets is the target packet, simply pick up and eliminate the other packet. You then point to two non-target packets and they eliminate one like before. As there's only two packets remaining and it's your turn, simply pick up the non-target packet and set it aside with the previously discarded cards.

Ask your helper to pick up the last packet standing and to turn away from you. We will now use a beautiful little force by Ross Taylor, called the King's force, which he published in his book Second Coming, a joint venture with Fraser Parker. "Sarah, would you turn the packet you are
holding over please and think of the first card you can see. Lock it into your mind and then give the packet a cut. Then spread the cards with the faces towards you and once more focus on that card that resides purely in your mind." The monologue above explains what happens. It's loaded with subtle linguistics and can be used in so many other routines. Ask your spectator to shuffle the packet and turn back towards you. Then have them place that packet with the other cards and then hold the deck between their palms.

All that's left to do is to build up the conditions and bring the trick home in style. Bring your right hand over their hands in a mysterious fashion as you ask them to visualize their card. Then move the right hand over the blue card case on the table. "Watch!!!" Slam the right hand down onto the case, flattening the box! This is an extremely shocking visual moment so make the most of it. It's the easiest deck vanish you will ever do. Ask your helper to call out the name of her card. A moment later open the box and remove the only card there. Turn it over revealing it's the Six of Hearts and everybody goes home happy.

10. 85th Abbott's Get Together

Tuesday, August 1st 2023 (Pre Get Together Events)
8:00am The Open Colon "No Frills" Golf Classic
(with Al The Only - The cost is $10 plus the cost of golf)

2:00pm Magician's Tour Of The American Museum Of Magic (This tour of the museum and archives is geared towards magicians and will include a special selection of artifacts never-before-on-display. $10 per person. Reservations not necessary.)

Wednesday, August 2nd 2023
9:30am Registration Opens at the Abbott Plant
10:00am Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)
10:30am Abbott's Slightly Irregular Book Sale Begins (Requires Registration)
10:30am Abbott's Super Showroom Specials Begins Requires Registration
11:00am Abbott's New Book Release Seance Houdini 26:26 (Requires Registration)
12:00pm Free Street Performance (On Blackstone Ave At Dawn's Cafe)
1:00pm Lecture - 1st Japanese Group Lecture (Requires Registration)
1:00pm Magic Show Featuring Shango! At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
2:00pm Jay Blackwell Juggling/Fire Eating & More At Sterlini Magic & Theater
2:30pm Free Street Performance (Grannys Place By American Legion)
3:00pm Lecture - 1st South American Lecture (Requires Registration)
3:00pm-5pm Colon Historical Museum Is Open
4:30pm Magic Show Featuring Joe Bennett At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
5:00pm Live At 5 With The Sterlini's At Sterlini Magic & Theater $10
5:30pm Free Street Performance (Magic Capital Grill By Bridge)
6:00pm-7:45pm Dinner On Your Own
7:45pm Preshow Live Organ Music - By John Sturk
8:00pm Abbott's Stage Show - A Rocking Night Of Magic Gala
Featuring Bj Mallen (Welcome To Colon), Jeffery Jene, Steve Chezaday, Michael Trixx, Richard Hughes
10:00pm Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)

Thursday, August 3rd 2023
9:30am Registration Opens At The Abbott Plant
10:00am Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)
12:00pm Free Street Performance (Magic Capital Grill By Bridge)
1:00pm Lecture - 2nd South American Group Lecture (Requires Registration)
1:00pm Magic Show Featuring Jeffrey Alan At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
2:00pm Jay Blackwell Juggling/Fire Eating & More At Sterlini Magic & Theater
2:30pm Free Street Performance (Grannys Place By American Legion)
2:30pm Vent O Rama At Abbotts Plant (Requires Registration)
3:00pm Face Painting Till 6pm Outside 5 Star Pizza By Award Winning Artist Carol Hendrix (Standard Fees)
3:00pm-5pm Colon Historical Museum Is Open
3:45pm Famous Magicians Graveyard Tour Ushered By Al The Only
4:30pm Magic Show Featuring John Gilmore At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
5:00pm Live At 5 With The Sterlini's At Sterlini Magic & Theater $10
5:30pm Free Street Performance (Magic Capital Grill By Bridge)
6:00pm-7:45pm Dinner (On Your Own)
7:45pm Preshow Live Organ Music - By John Sturk
8:00pm Abbott's Stage Show - The Las Vegas Magic Gala
Featuring Mike Caveney, Mac King, Guy Hollingworth, Meadow Perry, Pat Hazell
10:00pm Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)
10:15pm Curlys Closeup Contest

Friday, August 4th 2023
9:30am Registration Opens At The Abbott Plant
9:30am Abbott's Talent Contest At High School (Requires Registration)
10:00am Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)
11:00am - 5:00pm Colon Arts And Crafts Fair
12:00pm Lecture - Guy Hollingworth (Requires Registration)
12:00pm Free Street Performance (Magic Capital Grill By Bridge)
1:00pm Lecture - Mac King (Requires Registration)
1:00pm Magic Show Featuring Tim Wright At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
2:00pm Jay Blackwell Juggling/Fire Eating & More At Sterlini Magic & Theater
2:30pm Abbott's Closeup Show (Requires Registration)
3:00pm Face Painting Till 6pm Outside 5 Star Pizza By Award Winning Artist Carol Hendrix (Standard Fees)
3:00pm-5pm Colon Historical Museum Is Open
4:00pm Free Street Performance (Library Lawn By Craft Show)
4:30pm Magic Show Featuring Rocky Clements At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
5:00pm Live At 5 With The Sterlini's At Sterlini Magic & Theater $10
5:30pm Free Street Performance (Library Lawn By Craft Show)
6:00pm-7:45pm Dinner (On Your Own)
7:45pm Preshow Live Organ Music - By John Sturk
8:00pm Abbott's Stage Show - The Far East Magic Gala
Featuring Kento Mukai (Japan), Shimpei Katsuragawa (Japan), Takehito Inoue (Japan), Yukihiro Katayama (Japan), Yu Komohara (Japan)
10:00pm Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)
10:30pm Abbott's Talent Contest Awards (Requires Registration)

Saturday, August 5th 2023
9:30am Registration Opens At The Abbott Plant
10:00am Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)
11:00am Lecture - 2nd Japanese Group Lecture (Requires Registration)
11:00am - 5:00pm Colon Arts And Crafts Fair
12:00pm Free Street Performance (Magic Capital Grill By Bridge)
1:00pm Magic Show Featuring Shango! At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
2:00pm Lecture - Lance Burton (Requires Registration)
2:00pm Jay Blackwell Juggling/Fire Eating & More At Sterlini Magic & Theater
3:00pm Free Street Performance (Library Lawn By Craft Show)
3:00pm Face Painting Till 6pm Outside 5 Star Pizza By Award Winning Artist Carol Hendrix (Standard Fees)
3:00pm-5pm Colon Historical Museum Is Open
4:30pm Magic Show Featuring Joe Bennett At Abbott's Magic Showroom Theatre $5
5:00pm Live At 5 With The Sterlini's At Sterlini Magic & Theater $10
5:30pm Free Street Performance (Library Lawn By Craft Show)
6:00pm-7:45pm Dinner (On Your Own)
7:45pm Preshow Live Organ Music - By John Sturk
8:00pm Abbott's Stage Show - The International Magic Gala
Featuring Bj Mallen (Mc), Bruno Tarnecci (Peru), Daniel K (Uruguay), Luis Manuel Salmeron (Spain), Gabriel Gascon (Chile)
10:00pm Abbott's Dealers Room Opens (Requires Registration)
10:30pm Abbott's Performer Awards (Requires Registration)

Sunday, August 6th 2023 (Post Get Together Events)
12:00pm Magician's Tour Of The American Museum Of Magic
(This tour of the museum and archives is geared towards magicians and will include a special selection of artifacts never-before-on-display. $10 per person. Reservations not necessary.)
Schedule subject to change

11. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:

Click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2023 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2023 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine