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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
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Issue Number: #1567
Date: Sunday 26th April 2020
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Broken Wand - Norm Neilsen
3. The Magic Word Podcast
4. FISM-North America Postponed
5. Magic And Corona Covid 19
6. The Ambitious Card: Featuring Penn & Teller & Friends
7. An Amazing Tribute To Slydini
8. Magic Castle Revisited. Part One By Nick Lewin
9. Gonna Make You A Star- John Carey #78
10. Ongoing Adventures Of Romany! #6
11. Free Houdini Mini-Print Give-Away!
12. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
13. E-zine Archives
14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2020-Jan-to-Dec-2020/1567-Apr26-2020.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Broken Wand - Norm Neilsen
Message by Lupe Nielsen (US)

A Brief Biography of Norm Nielsen

Norm Nielsen was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin on February 17, 1934 at 8:35 am. His parents were: Albert and Meta Nielsen.

He became hooked on magic at age 10 when his father took him to see a barber who loved to perform magic. Herman was his name.

Norm would hang out with Herman, who had a penchant of going to bars and drinking on the weekends. He would sometimes get free drinks by performing for the patrons. He never revealed to Norm the secrets of his magic, yet through observation, Norm started learning quite a bit. Eventually, Norm would go to his first magic convention where he met his idol, Neil Foster, who learned from and was a teacher at the Chavez School of Magic in California.

Norm's father was a baker. During his teenage years he worked with his dad at the bakery, making bread and decorating cakes for their many customers.

Imagine the disappointment of his father when Norm announced that he was moving to California to learn magic and become a magician! Like Neil, Norm learned his craft at Chavez and helped teach there for a little while.

Eventually, he moved back to Kenosha, where he opened Nielsen Magic in 1956. At that time
Norm was your regular 50 miler magician, who performed in the area, owned his little magic shop, and would build magic tricks to sell others. In the early sixties, he met Johnny Thompson, and through their collaboration, they came up with clever effects: Bottle through Table, Flower to Silk, and because they were both dove workers, they created the Nielsen Vanishing Dove Cage. One of his biggest clients was Magic, Inc., in Chicago, owned and operated by Jay and Frances Marshall.

Initially, Norm performed a manipulation and dove act, which including the Zombie Ball effect. Throughout the years in his effort to be different, his Ball became his famous and signature Floating Violin that we know of. The first attempts at the Floating Violin were made in 1966.
His big break was a few years later when Jay Marshall, arranged an audition with Mark Leddy - the booker for the Ed Sullivan Show. After his appearance in that show, the entire world opened to him. He had one of the most successful careers as a performing magician for the next three decades. He worked all over Europe, Asia, Latin American and South Africa. For nearly seven years, he worked at the Crazy Horse Saloon in Paris. He also appeared in probably fifty different television programs around the world.

Norm has probably won every single award given in the magic world: He had all the major awards from the Academy of Magical Arts: Stage Magician of the Year, Magician of the Year and a Performing Fellowship; the Jack Gwynne Award, SAM Hall of Fame, Milbourne Christopher Awards, DRAGON Award, Chavez, and the list goes on and on.

During all this time in the 1970's he briefly sold his business to another builder and magic shop operator. Because it wasn't well managed, so he bought it back in the mid-1980s when he settled back in the Unites States.

In 1990, he started becoming a magic collector of vintage posters. At that time he still had an active performing career, but opted to take care of his business and the posters.

By now he had three careers: Performing magic; buying, selling and trading vintage magic posters; and manufacturing magic……


3. The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

Joe M. Turner on The Magic Word Podcast

This week we recognize that many magic conventions have been canceled. One of them was Obie's 4F convention in New York. This "invitation only" close-up convention is legendary and would have celebrated its 50 anniversary with Mark Mason as the Guest of Honor. As usual, I always provide daily updates from conventions I attend. This week on The Magic Word Podcast, we visit with Past International President of the I.B.M., Joe M. Turner, who has been an emcee for many years at the F.F.F.F.

We have spoken with Joe in the past about moving from magic to speaking and his advice and suggestions for doing that. But this week we reminisce about past conventions, highlights, and what makes this convention different and special. We conclude our chat by talking about conventions in general and perhaps the future of magic conventions given what we are experiencing now.

You can watch videos of Joe, read the blog, see some photos, listen to the podcast and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/556-joe-m-turner This week we also introduce a new project called, Magicians' Relief Project. This is a program devoted to providing magicians in need at this moment. More information and details are on the website and in the podcast. If you are or you know someone who could use some "magic aid", then please fill in the name and email address on the form on this week's blog.

We also want to congratulate Eoin Smith and Mark Ratekin who won the five eBook bundles authored and given by the author, Michael Breggar.

4. FISM-North America Postponed
Message by Joan Caesar (Canada)

As you know, FISM-North America has been postponed because of COVID-19. The new dates will be confirmed as soon as possible; however they can't be determined until COVID-19 is under control and the organizers finalize the dates with Quebec City. It is likely the convention will take place in the spring of 2021.

Since there is an extra year before the contest takes place, the organizers have decided that we will accept videos from new people from North America who may wish to compete. Also, you are welcome to send a video of a new performance if you weren't accepted in the past. All those who have already been accepted to compete at FISM-North America remain on the list of competitors.

We will have a new deadline for submissions when the convention dates are decided
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.
In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.

5. Magic And Corona Covid 19
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)

Corona virus effects on the magic world.

In this respect, I am pleased to offer you the following link, that will take you to the results of many intensive discussions that Eric Eswin (Honorary FISM President and myself (publisher of Gemany's leading magic magazine Magische Welt) had over the past few weeks:


It is a summary of our considerations and conclusions, based on the few currently known facts.
The overall message is that we should no longer wait for the past to return, but prepare for a rapidly changing future that will continue even after the Corona virus has been controlled.

6. The Ambitious Card: Featuring Penn & Teller & Friends
Message by Teller (US)

While we're staying safe and hope you are too, we got a few of our magic buddies all over the world to pass around a virtual deck of cards and show off a bit. We hope you like it. Stay safe. (And please, feel free to grab a deck, do a trick and edit yourself in!)


7. An Amazing Tribute To Slydini

Message by Ari Phillips

A fun tribute to Slydini involving 1 'toilet' paper ball, 70+ magicians, from 11 countries with over 30 a mazing tricks! This is worth a watch with some of the world's best known magicians, award winners, BGT stars and more! A fun and entertaining video presenting how community and a sense of belonging to one is so important...especially during this lockdown when one can feel isolated or alone. I think this is Magic! Stay safe , stay home and stay healthy and keep busy doing what you love! Enjoy. A big thank you to all my friends / magicians who took part in making this a success! Please do like and share with everyone and spread the magic :)

Produced and edited by Ari Phillips Magician


#AriPhillipsMagician #SareaPhillips #ChrisWood #NeilEdwards #LewisStarnes #Franco #JohnLenahan #TonyAntoniou #CarlCharlesworth #AngeloCarbone #StijnDeman #ilseVermeeren #JamieAllan #LauraLondon #LeoSmetsers #DarrylRose #BrendanRodrigues #NathanEarl #MagicSingh #MandyDavis #JoeBadman #JulieCarpenter #AxelHeclkau #LiamBall #NicEinhorn #Nickleby #Paul Romhany #LanceCorporalRichardJones #DaveAllen #PaulRoffman #AlanWatson #GenoDeVille #PaulDraper #MichaelJFitch #UriGeller #WayneDobson #MeganKnowles-Bacon #DannyPhillips #PaulMartin #SeanHeydon #ChristianLee #GregoryWilson #EtiennePraider #JoshKing #StephenBarry #SummerKruyer #RonBertolla #MichaelGee #MarvinBerglas #BillyKidd #RichardPinner #AndyClockwise #JamesPritchard #RobertPound #GoldiePuricelli #PaulCraven #PaulRegan #KayDyson #GregBritt #SorenHarbo #GeorgeShindler #RobertoForzoni #Jon #LeeWarren #JamesNichols #FayPresto #LeeHathaway #WayneFox #PeterNardi #HarryNardi #AndrewEborn #MaxFulham #DavidPenn and #MarcSpelmann #BGTwinner #BGTmagicians #pennandtellerfoolusmagicians #community #magiccommunity

8. Magic Castle Revisited. Part One By Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)

While our beloved Magic Castle is closed due to this damn COVID-19 outbreak, I thought it might be nice to offer this virtual tour to readers of Magic New Zealand. There is a slightly obscure link with my favorite book Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead Revisited" in the structure of the text. Let me know if you figure it out!

We sat around in front of the turreted Victorian styled building in rows of folding chairs, directly ahead was a makeshift stage underneath a canopy of black and white balloons. The occasion was the 50th Annual Founders Day Party at the world famous Magic Castle on the second of January 2013. There was the hustle and bustle of gossiping guests who were busy catching up with each other, seeing and being seen. The chance of mingling with the famous, not so famous, friends, and foes meant that the seats weren't filled until the formal ceremonies commenced. I realized that I had never seen some of those present in sunlight before, and I'm not sure it improved all of them.

As the speeches commenced I settled back and enjoyed listening to Milt and Princess Irene Larsen share their anniversary Magic Castle memories. The beloved duo talking were the two remaining founders of the world's greatest magic clubhouse. I knew them both well enough, and had known them for long enough, that I was darn sure that there was little they would say that would surprise or profoundly enlighten me. Sitting under the California sunshine on that balmy January afternoon I allowed my mind to drift back to past eras and previous visits to this hallowed magical playground. There had been a decade when it had seemed like my second home.

Most, but not all, of my memories of the Magic Castle were very happy. The prime source of any sadness about the Castle was connected with how many of my favorite people were no longer in their usual places within its red and golden walls. Waiting there in the shadow of the main entrance to the club, I found myself longing for a draft beer and shot of chilled Patron from the ice luge that had been installed in the Inner Circle especially for the event. However, there was still a little time before the formalities of the occasion morphed into the party that was destined to follow. Sitting on that increasingly uncomfortable folding chair, I allowed my thoughts to drift back to the days that were to me the halcyon era of the Castle. Come join me on my nostalgic trip back to the mid-seventies incarnation of this iconic institution.

I first joined the Magic Castle in February 1974, and like every other member before and since that time, I was assured that I had missed the really great years of the club. The Magic Castle has evolved and followed its own strange path over the years, and to call the Castle eccentric back in the '70s would be an understatement of monumental proportions. The Magic Castle was a wonderfully quirky little drinking club that marched to the curious beat of magic. It was filled with a vibrant bunch of magicians, celebrities, nobodies, and somebodies all rubbing shoulders in an awesome mix of incongruent elegance, and a general sense of vague disorder. Back in those days the Castle didn't really follow a blueprint, it just happened, unfolding in a somewhat haphazard manner. This was a huge part of its charm.

On my first visit to the Magic Castle I really wasn't too sure what to expect, although I did know it was considered by many to be the worldwide center of the magical arts. However, exactly what happened after you whispered "Open Sesame" to the golden owl, and walked through the sliding bookcase was a mystery to me. This was the perfect way to experience my induction into the mansion at 7001 Franklin Avenue; for isn't mystery the natural ground zero to any magical experience?

We will continue this tour in a future issue! If you are in quarantine and getting bored, why not learn a new trick for when the gigs start rolling in again. If you visit my website at www.LewinEnterprises.com we have twelve great downloads on sale at a 25% discount. Check them out!

9. Gonna Make You A Star- John Carey #78
Message by John Carey (UK)

Making the spectator the star in a magic or mind-reading context can be so strong and at the same time fun. Empowering them to do something amazing is a very rewarding pursuit. Gonna Make You A Star fits this criteria. Your spectator does an amazing thing and is still none
the wiser!

Ahead of time tell somebody out of earshot of the rest of the group that all they will have to do is remove the third card in a group of five cards after concentrating a few seconds. Suggest a little experiment to the group where one of them will try to be a mind-reader. Pick out the person you
spoke to earlier and ask them to go to one side or even out of the room.

Hand out a deck of cards for shuffling to another member of the group. Then ask them to deal five random cards from the top of the deck into a face down packet. "Raj, I'd like you to spread those cards with the faces towards you like a hand of poker and simply think of one. Cut that card to the face so you can focus on the image in its entirety. Then turn the packet face down and I will turn back to face you. Now I have a friend who reads the playing cards to tell people's fortunes. She has a very random and interesting way of mixing cards that I'd like you to do now." So after your spectator has thought of a card and cut it to the face, you will simply walk
and talk them through the venerable down/under deal which with just five cards, the last card going on top. This will automatically set their thought of card in the middle of the packet or third from the top.

Ask for your trainee mind-reader to come back into the room. Comment on how Raj shuffled the deck, dealt five cards, just thought of one and then mixed those cards some more. Have your mind-reading trainee take the packet and spread through them with the faces towards themselves
and concentrate. A few moments later ask them to remove the card they believe Raj is thinking of. They take the third card out and show it, the crowd erupts and a star is well and truly born!

10. Ongoing Adventures Of Romany! #6
Message by Romany Romany (UK)

Adventures of Romany

Tomorrow will be the end of week 3 full time voluntary gardening in the Buddhist Temple gardens. (If you're new to my column, I'm 'locking-down' with husband in a Buddhist monastery in England. It's a long story… )

Are you working on magic during 'lockdown'?

I'm not. I'm having a complete break. I'm cutting back big old bushes and trees, then hauling them off to compost in the forest. The sun has shone every day. I'm in bed and asleep early, completely zonked, with every muscle sore.

Magic wise I have a box of new tricks sitting untouched in my van. It's good stuff, a brand new Sean Bogunia 'The Extreme Hanky' I have yet to work out, Propdog's The Mystery Box (Lego folded card box), some nifty new gimmicked coins plus The End of My Rope Trick by Chris Philpott. But so far in since lockdown started, I haven't felt like working on them. This feeling feels like a rather childish reaction to the abrupt stop of our showbiz world. If there isn't no spotlights and razzle dazzle, I'm not playing any more. For now. I'll open that box soon, after all, we have time.

But last night, I heard something that made me think. It gave me the idea that I can improve my magic life in other ways. Last night, I listened to the evening Happiness From Within meditation class. I figured since I'm living in a monastery for who knows how long, it would be rude not to.

The monk was teaching about jealousy. That often when we hear of someone's skill or good fortune, our first feeling isn't to feel happy that they are doing so well but to feel insecure instead. As a female entertainer in our precarious showbiz world where work criteria often depends on age and beauty, let alone skill, I'm certainly guilty of that. Like a fork in a road we have a choice to respond with one thought or another. Usually we habitually respond in one way, usually to go the way we know. But since we have the power as humans to train our minds, we can choose to go a different way and perhaps establish that new way as a new habit.

I'm not a follower of any particular religion but I am very interested in any practice that can help me be happier and a nicer person to be around. So what if the following were true? It's doesn't matter whether is it or not! Simply what if?

The monk suggested that when we feel envy about someone else's success, we negatively affect our chance of such success ourselves. Whereas, when we are happy that someone else is doing well, we plant the seeds for our own success and increase the likelihood that that will happen. Plus, he added, feeling envy makes us feel like crap and feeling happy that someone is doing well makes us feel much better! (The monk might have not said 'crap,' lol)

I'll take that.

Which means the next time, I see on Facebook that a really talented young magician such as Nicola Arcane in Northern Ireland is working hard on her magic during lockdown and making great strides, I will whoop and hoorah and do a little Irish jig in my gardens, and be super happy that even if I'm not feeling like figuring out a new rope trick right now, someone is and yippee good for them!

Plus, if that monk is right, I'll soon feel like doing some magic practice myself soon too! Big love to you all, practising magic or not!

You can read more about Romany's magical adventures in her inspiring memoir Spun Into Gold - The Secret Life of a Female Magician, available worldwide and as an audiobook.
Book Depository Free Shipping bit.ly/2ONMFvB
Amazon UK bit.ly/2kqB4G6
Amazon USA amzn.to/2m3XT2J
Audible adbl.co/2qROlu5

11. Free Houdini Mini-Print Give-Away!
Message by Romany Jay Fortune (UK)

Magical artist Jay Fortune is offering magicians a free mini-print of his recent painting of Houdini. Jay writes; 'Houdini's name is legendary. He embodied the spirit of man overcoming obstacles. His struggle to escape from chains symbolised our daily struggle, reminding us that we too will escape from our current reality. With almost supernatural power, Houdini would conquer any challenge and emerge triumphant. At this time of struggle in our own lives, there is no better spirit to embody than that of Houdini.

'If your circumstance allows, you may choose to pay for one of these mini-prints and support my art at this time, however my gift to you is to own this for free. Place it on your wall as a reminder of courage in the face of adversity. To receive this mini-print for free, enter the code STRENGTH in the coupon box at check-out and all you will pay is P&P.'

While stocks last. Only one print per order. Your mini-print will be shipped within 10 days. Open edition A4 size print of 'Houdini - The Unmasking' by Jay. Printed on premium 350gsm silk, full colour, with white border. Hand-signed by the artist. Get your FREE 'Houdini' print here: http://www.jayfortune.co.uk/product/houdini-mini-print/

12. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
Written by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)

- fellow artistes from yesteryear -

ADDENDUM -further to page 41,'Those were the days' I stated that I thought Curly Del Monte (now deceased) was the Secretary of the Variety Artists Commission - he was actually the Secretary of Actors' Equity. Jon Zealando (at my request, sent me an e-mail with this information) says that he doesn't think that the law ever got changed and that variety artists never
gained 'a place in the sun' again - special licenses were issued to allow other types of acts to perform on licensed premises - bands, singers etc.

Jon was right, the law was not changed but I personally, had no problem performing in hotels and licensed premises all over New Zealand until we left for Fiji/Australia in 1976. In fact for some months I was under contract to Lion Breweries, working their hotels. As far as I know, I was the only variety 'sight' Act in New Zealand working more or less permanently on the hotel circuit - from which in those days, the bulk of my income was derived. The other thing that Jon correctly mentioned was that the breweries/hotels realised they could pack patrons in their bars without variety acts - but not Monday to Thursday. That's where I came in - with good publicity the 'ORCHANTE 'show could and did 'pack' a week-night - the pub/hotel would sell lots more booze than they would have done otherwise, their customers were royally entertained, we got paid and everybody was happy!

FELLOW ARTISTES - Here then, in no particular order, is a list of New Zealand entertainers- nearly all were based in Auckland City - I worked with most of them during the early Sixties and Seventies. These names just might blow away a few cobwebs and perhaps bring back some memories of shows/concerts from times past, for those of you who are of my vintage. Although many of these artists are from memory, others, whom I had forgotten about, were derived from various old, yellowing posters and Christmas Carnival souvenir programmes from holiday resorts such as Orewa, Whitianga, Waihi Beach, Tauranga, Mount Maunganui, Whakatane, Rotorua, Taupo, Gisborne, Napier, Waikanae and Oamaru.

Bill and Boyd, Don Linden, Les Andrews, Jimmy Fagg, Byko, Pat McMinn, Rusty Greaves, George Tollerton, Hira Jeram, Greg Mason, The Yeoman, Des Gibson, Lou and Simon, Howard Morrison Quartet, John Daley, Alan and Jazzbo, Jim McNaught, Kim Krueger, Ken Farr, Toni Williams, Peter Posa, Ray Woolfe, Anne and Jimmy Murphie, Max Merrit and the Meteors, Ray Columbus and the Invaders, Ken Lemon, Sivo De Pra, Lani, Pat Dugan, Big Mike Durney, The Sheratons, Fia Chaplin, Ian Saxon, Normonos, Chistine Barnett, Cathy Howe, Chic Littlewood, Ralph Cohen, Rod Derritt, George Tumahai, Keith Bracey, Phil Shone, Selwyn Toogood, John Maybury, Movados -De Monos, Peter and Gaye, Allison Durbin, Freddie Keil and the Kavaliers, Max Roland, Gray (Graham) Bartlett, The Jumping Jacks, Sam Pehi, Rama White, Val Proctor,
Warren Lambert, Jeannie Hartley, Sandy Edmonds, Terry Cosslett, The Clevedonaires, Bob Paris, Lew Pryme, Max Cryer, Peter Sinclair, Tommy Adderley, Robin Ruakere, Robert Gennari, Lyndon Ferris, Dave Cowel, Sonny Day, Marlene Tong, Kini Quartet, Lyn Peoples, Miss Lee Grant, Mr. Lee Grant, The Chicks, Jack Thompson, Ossie Cheeseman, Karina, Sylvia Sevana, Maria Dallas, Dinah Lee, The Convairs, John Hore, Eddie Low, Cecil Morris, The
Keil Isles, Mike Walker Trio, Max Andrews, Tony Wilson, Ross Hill, Watson Raines, DeLarno, Jon Zealando, Andy Loftis, Peter and Margo, Chris Parkinson, Delmere, Brody Brothers, Johnny Bond, Mike Dolan, Brendan Dugan, Kariba, Stan Wineera, Jack and Sylvia Riley, Toni Savage, Pam Seebold, Merv Smith, Bunny Walters, Craig Scott, Angela Ayers, Bobby Davis,
The Great Benyon, The Society Jazzmen, Paul Preston, Barry Knight, Sonia King, Derek Metzger, John Rowles, Kiri Te Kanawa, Alan Horobin, Suzanne Prentice and last but not least, yours truly, The Amazing Orchante.

I realise that very few of these names if any (with the exception of Kiri Te Kanawa) will mean a thing unless you are a New Zealander or an ex pat. Kiwi, but 'down under' many of these people were and some still are, 'big names'. I'm sure that I've said this before but it bears repeating; New Zealand, for the size of the country and a population of only around 3.76 million, produces an amazing array of skills and talent - I'm very proud that I AM a Kiwi, and I'm PART MAORI to boot!

13. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:

Click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2020 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2020 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine