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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
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Issue Number: #1462
Date: Sunday 22nd July 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. FISM 2018 Results
3. FISM 2021 Canada - Early Bird Registrations Closing Soon
4. Craig Mitchell Reports On FISM 2018
5. The Magic Word Podcast - Current Events
6. Great Photos Abound In S.A.M.'s August Issue
7. Deal and Decide - John Carey #9
8. YOU Are The Magic... Always - #492 - Kyle Peron
9. The Real Magic Roadshow Is Heading To Germany
10. Magic Magazines Like The Old Days
11. Final McIlhany Magic Auction - Short Sale July 28th!
12. Magic Drawings
13. Masters Of Illusion
14. E-zine Archives
15. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

Michele and I thoroughly enjoyed Mr Tango's (Marcelo Insua) lecture, which was very well received by all who attended his New Zealand lectures this week, and it was really refreshing to see his innovative take on coins and card magic down under.

If you are planning to attend FISM Canada 2021 best register now as Renee-Claude Auclair tells me that over 500 have already registered from all over the world. EARLY BIRD registrations are now open and they CLOSE on 31st July 2018. For more information on registering go to item: 3

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1462-Jul22-2018.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. FISM 2018 Results

Grand Prix Winner FISM 2018 Closeup
Eric Chien (Taiwan)

Grand Prix Winner FISM 2018 Stage
Miquel Muñoz (Spain)

1: Eric Chien (Taiwan)
2: D K (Korea)
3: Starman (Italy)

Card Magic
1. Bill Cheung (China)
2. Pete Rafart (Spain)
3. Alex Tsai (China)
3.(tie) Javi Benítez (Spain)

Stage Illusions
1: not awarded
2: Yunke (Spain)
3: not awarded

General Magic
1: Miquel Munos (Spain)
2: Read Chang (Korea)
3: Han Manho (Korea)

Comedy Magic
1: not awarded
2: Natalie Perov (France)
3: Tutti Li Famili (Spain)

1: Javier Clarias (Spain)
2: Jan Juro (Germany)
2: Anka & Luca (Austria)
3: Kristoffer Castelle (Italy)

1: Marc Meadow (Germany)
2: Axel Hecklau (Germany)
3: Sho Tagashigi (Japan)

1: Florian Sainvet (France) / An Halim (Korea)
2: Nestor Hato (France)
3: Yuki Iwane (Japan)
3. (tie) Yukihiro Katayama (Japan)

D K (Korea) - Most Original Act Close up
Sansung Kim (Korea) - Most Original Act internship

Javier Bottia (Spain) - Invention
Han Manho (Korea) - Invention

FISM Special Awards

Creativity and artistic vision
Derek Del Gaudio

History research and scholarship
Stephen Minch

Theory and Philosophy
Jeff McBride

3. FISM 2021 Canada - Early Bird Registrations Closing Soon
Message from Renee-Claude Auclair (Canada)

Early bird registrations are now open and they close on 31st July 2018.

FISM 2021 Canada will be a sellout the way registrations are going. 500 plus have already registered from all over the world.

You can now get your passport for FISM 2021, which will take place in Québec City, Canada from July 26 to 31, 2021.

Register as soon as possible to get the best seats in the house!

To register go to: www.fismquebec2021.com

Our website is in 4 languages.

4. Craig Mitchell Reports On FISM 2018
Message by Craig Mitchell (South Africa)

Blow by blow reports from FISM 2018 can be found online on the Genii Forum

Day 1 -

Day 2 -

Day 3 -

Day 4 -

Day 5 -

Day 6 -

Final Thoughts -

5. The Magic Word Podcast - Current Events
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

There have been a lot of important activities that have taken place over the past week or so in our magic community. Not the least of which was the World Championships of Magic (FISM) in South Korea. But also, the I.B.M. convention was held in Grand Rapid, Michigan, and though not well attended, there was a stellar line-up that will be hard to parallel. And over the past month, I have been on an extensive road trip which I called my "Rebirth Tour" where, following the recent passing of my wife, Kathy, I went on the road driving over 3,200 miles, 50 hours or "windshield time", eight states, and visits with hundreds of friends and family who were supportive and gave me much needed hugs. It was a great time to think and assess life.

Anyway, this week on The Magic Word Podcast, we talk with Clark B. May, the proprietor of the newest brick and mortar magic shop. He talks about opening a store in this day and age in a small community without any online presence. We also get an update from Stuart MacDonald about his experience competing at FISM 2018. This is quite an insightful chat which encourages us to achieve a higher level of performance if we intend to compete on the world stage.

You can watch a video of Stuart MacDonald, see some photos, read the blog of my road trip, listen to the podcast online and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/436-current-events Of course you can download and listen to the podcast through iTunes, Stitcher, Tunein, and a variety of other podcast platforms. And if you are an Apple user, then please take a couple minutes to write a five-star review in the iTunes Store. That will really help us. Thanks for listening!

6. Great Photos Abound In S.A.M.'s August Issue
Message by Lindsay Smith (US)

There are 26 (count 'em) photos on the cover of the August issue of M-U-M, including 25 of magicians you know or recognize. The 26th photo? That's David Linsell, our featured magician/photographer who composed and photographed the other 25. And there is a dozen more of his photos inside in this three-part cover story. You won't get far into Dan Witkowski's article, "David Linsell: Magic Makes Him Shutter," before you realize this isn't about taking "selfies" or posing for dad's family portrait. This is about magic's go-to professional who "captures the moment" with timing and composition. David adds his commentary on his favorite photos in "Those Photos on the Cover" and "A Few of My Favorites."

Speaking of photos, you'll find more in Kien Meng Wee's article, "Opening the Curtain: North Korea." Yes, this is our columnist Mr. Bottle performing in Pyongyang, North Korea, a country mostly closed to foreigners. His observations on the country, its people, performing magic there (including some definite do's and don'ts) provide fascinating reading.

In "The Dean's Diary," SAM Dean George Schindler reminisces about previous deans and other well-known magicians he has known. "I have never met an old magician," he writes. "John Calvert was 102 and young in spirit." George admits to having a Social Security number with only one digit. As always, you'll enjoy reading his column.

For those magicians who would love to have their own recurring show on a weekly or monthly basis at a specific venue, David Corsaro's "No Smoke, No Mirrors" column is a must-read this month. He interviews The Alans (Jason and Stacy) who have done just that in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Their experiences and solid advice cover everything from start-up to ticket sales and their long-term success.

Antonio Cabral writes about the jokes, folks, in his "Cheats & Deceptions" column. There are no tricks or swindles this month, but some great lines you can add to your gambling routines at appropriate points. Also note: there are no "blue" jokes or politically incorrect humor here. See this month's column by Norman Beck for more about that.

Magic dealers at the various conventions shouldn't get overly excited when Cinde and Dal Sanders approach their table. One reason: Their rule is that they can buy anything they want but only when they know exactly how they're going to use it before they buy it. No matter how clever or how attractive it is, if it's impulse buying, forget it. They explain their reasoning in "TV or Not TV."

Kien Meng Wee, who is bilingual, a.k.a. Mr. Bottle, also bilingual (!), discusses the problems of speaking and performing in different languages. You can resolve the problem by adding silent routines to your shows. Yes, even for kids. In "Magic in a Bottle," he shares one of his kid show routines, now part of his family show, and the magic happens without him speaking. It can work for you too.

Paul Draper writes about relating your message to your audience, explaining, "To make a name for yourself in the world of entertainment, you must determine how you make the lives of the audience better through your work and focus your show around that message." Examples abound in his "On Second Thought…" column. Can mentalism be performed for kids? Check it out here.

"Taking the Stage" columnist Brian Lees writes about setting the environment, describing a nightmare scenario that should never happen: blasting theme music, microphone feedback, apparatus knocked off your table, incorrect lighting and more. Brian explains how you can avoid all these incidents with advance preparation, i.e., setting the environment.

Five well-posted and knowledgeable magicians review the latest offerings from our dealers this month in "Shop Talk." Included are evaluations of one book, three DVDs, three tricks, and one video download. If you buy one or more on their recommendation, please tell them you saw the review in M-U-M.

Bruce Kalver, M-U-M's "Tech Tricks" guru, has found three more apps, props, and tricks to share with you for your consideration. Bruce actually uses what he finds and recommends so you know it's been pre-tested in front of laymen. If they like it, Bruce likes it . . . and hopes you will too.

I'm guessing that few of you are familiar with the name John Henricks, who was billed as the "Wizard of the Atlantic," and even fewer know what a Filoscope is. A what? Exactly. David Goodsell explains both (and caught me twice) in this month's "The S.A.M. History Project" column. You too can be enlightened by David's research.

Norman Beck, in his "Thoughts on Thinking" column, gives us a lot to think about this month as he discusses the use of "blue" humor, offensive language, derogatory attacks on various groups, or political incorrectness. The Magic Castle doesn't allow this from the performers they book. As Norman wisely notes: "You will never get in trouble for what you don't say."

In addition to these regular features and columnists, there's "From the President's Desk" from new National SAM President Ron Ishimaru, "Preshow" from Editor Alan Howard, 21 pages (again, count 'em) of "Assembly Reports" with great information and ideas to adopt for your Assembly, "Broken Wands," with more obituaries than we want to see, "Magic WORDoodles" and "Path Puzzles" under "Diversions," and the long-running and popular "Basil the Baffling & Chloe" cartoon strip. Does Alan Wassilak have a surprise for us this month?

For more information on the Society of American Magicians and M-U-M, please go to www.magicsam.com

7. Deal and Decide - John Carey #9
Message by John Carey (UK)

Deal and Decide

This piece is designed for a more formal performance. I guess it's a do-as-I-do type effect, but at the end I will describe another presentational gambit.

You require two decks of different colours. Ask your helper to pick up either deck and shuffle it. Extend your palm up left hand and ask them to start dealing cards face-up and to stop purely on impulse. Have them deal the next card face-down on top of the face-up packet you are holding. Secure a left little-finger break beneath this card as you ask them to turn the rest of their cards face-up and place them on top of yours.

Grip the deck from above in the right hand, thumb at the inner left corner, index finger at the outer left corner and revolve the deck face down. This automatically secretly steps the deck at the card (the card they stopped at) and gives you a secret peek of their selection, say three of Hearts. Credit to Edward Marlo for this book break glimpse. Table this deck and pick up the other and shuffle it.

Spread this deck face-up as you comment on how well mixed it is. Secretly note the card above the three of Hearts, as this will be your key card. If these two cards are too far down in the deck, simply cut them to around a third of the way down from the top to cut down on dealing time.

Ask the spectator to extend a palm-up hand. You now replicate what they did earlier by dealing cards face-up onto their hand. Continue dealing until you get to your key card. Deal the next card face-down and then turn the remaining cards face-up and place on top. Have them table this deck.

Remind your audience what has taken place and how fair everything has been. Spread both decks across the table and remove the two reversed cards. Then slowly turn both over to reveal a remarkable coincidence!

One deck version: With just one deck available I like to use the dream presentation that I used in the Dream a Li'l Dream effect you saw earlier in this collection.

"Hannah, sometimes people get so engrossed in their work that they actually dream about it! The other night someone remarkably like you was in my dream. We were in a bar and I gave you the deck to shuffle. I then asked you to deal cards face-up one at a time onto my hand until your gut instinct told you to stop. I had you deal the next card face-down and then place the remainder face-up on top.

I then handed you the deck. Suddenly though, you, the cards and indeed everything in that dream just faded away and suddenly I was jolted from that dream by my alarm clock. I got up and went downstairs and made a coffee. As I sat in the lounge and sipped my coffee I thought about that dream and how it may have finished. Then I noticed a playing card on the floor and picked it up. I wondered how it got there. I turned it over and it was the seven of Diamonds. Please spread your cards and remove the one you left face-down and then turn it over. That's the seven of Diamonds too and so I guess dreams really can come true!"

The method here is exactly the same as the two-deck effect. They shuffle the deck and deal face-up cards onto your hand and stop on impulse. The next card is dealt face-down and you secure a little-finger break beneath it. They turn their remaining cards face-up and they are placed on top. Execute the book break glimpse as you turn the deck face-down and then hand it to them. The rest is pure smoke and mirrors...

8. YOU Are The Magic... Always - #492 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

Here is an interesting thought that has crossed my mind lately. It is just something I have always done but I never stopped to think about just how very important I feel it really is. It is a very simple statement and one I will try and define for you. "You are the magic...always!" What do I mean by that and what is my point exactly? Allow me to explain if I may.

First, being a magician is an honor and a privilege and this is something that I feel everyone should embrace and remember. Not everyone can be a magician and not everyone gets the chance to perform magic. To call yourself a magician is something special and not to be taken lightly as some folks do. If I want the art form of magic to be taken seriously, then I first must take it seriously myself.

With this stated, I see so many performers who basically turn it on and turn it off. What I mean is that once the show is over, they stop being a magician. To me if you say you are a magician, then you should be one at all times. Being a magician should not be about turning it on when you want and off when you want.

With this in mind, how do you personally seek opportunities to share your magic even when it is not a paid gig? Some of you may simply choose not to perform unless paid. That is your personal choice. I prefer to take an opposite approach. If I say I am a magician, then I seek opportunities to share my magic with anyone I can share it with.

I always keep on me several things at all times no matter what I am wearing or where I may be going. These are a deck of cards (set up with a few gaffs), rubber bands and my business cards in a business card case. I always have these on me and it has just become habit for me to bring them with me just like it would be putting shoes on in the morning.

I do this because I am a magician and as a magician I should be able to perform anything at any time whether someone asks me or if the opportunity presents itself. How many times have you been somewhere (a non-gig) and someone found out you were a magician? Probably a lot of you. Now how many of you stopped to talk to the person and ask if they would like to see something? Maybe not as many of you as people may think.

Some folks are 1) not prepared to perform anything 2) feel they are not getting paid so why perform or 3) just too tired or busy to give the person the time. I always make the time, I always am prepared and I am never too busy to promote magic. This does not mean you need or should do a full 10-minute show. It simply means showing the person a simple little bit of magic that may only be one minute. But it is that one minute that the person will remember.

There are many chances to be able to perform magic and it does not always have to be when someone asks you. Now this does not mean forcing yourself on someone. It simply means seeking opportunities to show your magic when those opportunities present themselves. Just last week I was standing in line at a store and a child in front started crying. I did a simple 30 second magic trick. The child stopped crying and smiled and the mom thanked me for it. 30 seconds out of my day was nothing compared to the feelings my magic generated for those few people.

It is also a wonderful opportunity to market yourself. The person is going to remember the experience you created for them and giving them a business card at the end helps them to remember you and the experience. Perhaps the person was having a bad day and your bit of generosity really helped. Perhaps you then even get a paid gig from this person somewhere down the road. To me, this little time out of your day is a small price to pay for such great rewards. Besides we are magicians and we should be one always.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So, if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at kylekellymagic@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you.

9. The Real Magic Roadshow Is Heading To Germany
Message by Paul Richards (US)

The Real Magic Roadshow is heading to Germany for its first series of events in Europe!

The Real Magic Roadshow is a retail magic expo that gives attendees the opportunity to see and purchase astonishing magic - from the people who know these effects inside and out. Experience some of the world's best-selling magic performed live by a select group of the industry's leading creators and producers. Perhaps the most incredible part is that it only costs 10 euros to attend! Even more amazing if you pre-register NOW and you receive a 10 Euro gift card for use with any of the dealers on the day of the event. It's like getting in for FREE!

But this special gift is for pre-registered guests only, so you must register as soon as possible.

Our featured guests include: Dirk Losander, Mark Mason Chris Smith, Paul Richards, and Christian Schenk - along with a special guest dealer in each city.

Each featured creator will also be presenting a short "Pro-Tips" session in which they will share techniques and information on how to get the most from their some of their most prized creations. These are ideas and insights gleaned from countless performances and it's all included in your low-cost admission! Dates and locations include:

Berlin - Friday September 21
Leipzig - Saturday September 22
Frankfurt - Sunday September 23
Cologne - Friday September 28
Essen - Saturday September 29
Hamburg - Sunday September 30

Get full details and register now at:

10. Magic Magazines Like The Old Days
Message by Stephen Fernandes (US)

Two years ago, I posted a list of magazines that I am offering for sale. "Like the old days" means there are 27 pages of issues listed one-by-one, as were found in the Lists of the great vendors of yore.

There was a better response than I thought, given the current reticence of most to keeping paper when digital will suffice, so I'm offering it again, sold Titles removed and new Titles entered.

Click the link below, give a peek, and let me know if anything interests you. Thanks.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/y9dgx2qt46zi9 ... 5.pdf?dl=0

Stephen A Fernandes
105 Caswell Street
New Bedford, MA 02745

11. Final McIlhany Magic Auction - Short Sale July 28th!
Message by David Goodman (US)

Final Auction! Auction Results once again makes the McIlhany Magic Collection Disappear at Auction on July 28th, 2018!

On July 28th Auction Results, in conjunction with Owen Magic Supreme, will conduct the final auction of the exquisite magic collection of William H. McIlhany (1951-2017). This auction will be Internet bidding only and is available at https://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/124680_mcilhany-magical-mysteries-the-end-auction/.

There will be no telephone or absentee bidding. While this will be a short sale, new items will be added up until the day of the sale, so please check back frequently. The sale is open now to start bidding and will be clerked for final bids on July 28th.

Bill McIlhany was the consummate collector of all things magical and was considered one of the most knowledgeable magic collectors in the world. His mind-boggling collection ranged from rare pieces of early 19th- and 20th-century masters to spectacular quality modern-day apparatus.

The sale will begin at 9 a.m. Pacific time, Noon Eastern. For further information, please contact:
David Goodman
The Magic Auctioneer
2859 N. Hermitage Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60657

12. Magic Drawings
Message by Nick Nickolas (Australia)

I just got an email from my friends Dad, Barry Ross, who did all the drawings for the book Now you see it No you don't by Bill Tarr, well he is selling off the originals and has asked if I could promote them for him through the magic community.

Your ezine magazine seems the perfect place for this. I think many magicians would be interested in collecting these brilliant drawings.
He has a website up https://magicartbarryross.com

If you could put a note on your magazine that' be great they really are fantastic original drawings

13. Masters Of Illusion
Message by Steve Moyer (US)

Week four of season five on the CW network hosted by Dean Cain, the series returns Friday, July 20 with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back, starting at 8:00 p.m./7:00 p.m. Central.

Hollywood, CA (July 16, 2018) - Masters of Illusion, produced by Associated Television International and hosted by Dean Cain, now celebrating its fifth anniversary on The CW returns for Week Four with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back on Friday, July 20, 2018 at 8:00 p.m./7:00 p.m. Central.

Masters of Illusion features amazing magic performed by 42 cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience.

This week's episodes will include:
"Masters of Illusion" - (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET)
"Fast Hands, Classic Tricks, New Twists" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Musical Magic - Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include Chris Funk (Violin Signature), Tommy Wind (Briefcase Surprise), Shoot Ogawa (Ring and an Old Box), Joel Meyers (Candy Surprise), Bill Cook (Card Balloon), Nathan Burton (Bunnies), Farrell Dillon (Size Changing Cards), Chris Randall (Chinese Tweezers) and Greg Gleason (Stack of Boxes). (#504) Original airdate 7/20/2018.

To view performance highlights of the July 20th episode from 8:00 - 8:30 p.m., please visit: https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/279754397/97a389c1bd

"Masters of Illusion" - (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET)
"A Self-Inflicted Slice, Creepy Crawlies and Passing Glass" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
(Creepy Crawley Magic) - Hosted by Dean Cain, "MASTERS OF ILLUSION" features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include Xavier Mortimer (Fountains), Michael Grandinetti (Standing Self-Sawing), George Iglesias (Charge It), Jeki Yoo (Magic Egg), The Surrealists (Joel Meyers, Spidey and Joseph Réohm) (Fear of the Unknown), Henok Negash (Card in Pocket) and Eric Jones (Walk Thru). (#502) Original airdate 7/6/18.

To view performance highlights of the July 20th episode from 8:30 - 9:00 p.m., please visit: https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/274596206/01cee66873

Please note, the television show, "Masters of Illusion" will be preempted on Friday, July 20, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in several U.S. cities due to sporting events. As a result, "Masters of Illusion" will be broadcast instead in New York, NY on WPIX on Sunday, July 22, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.; in Sacramento, CA on KMAX on Sunday, July 22, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. and in Rochester, NY on WHAM-D2 on Friday, July 20, 2018 from 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Dean Cain, host of Masters of Illusion, is an actor, producer and writer. Cain also appears in the hit CW series, "Supergirl," in which he plays the role of Supergirl's adoptive father, Jeremiah Danvers. Other upcoming projects include the documentary film, "Hate Among Us" (Executive Producer), and as an actor, "Gosnell," "2050" and "Angry Men." Most recently he executive produced, along with Montel Williams, the critically acclaimed documentary film, "Architects of Denial." His breakthrough performance as an actor was in the dual roles of Superman/Clark Kent in the television series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman."

The roster of award-winning magicians from around the world appearing in Season Five of Masters of Illusion is a virtual who's who in the field of magic.
Adam Wilber (New Durham, NH), www.adamwilber.com, .@AdamWilber
Andi Gladwin (Gloucester, UK), www.illusionist.co.uk, .@WhoIsAndi
Bill Cook (Chicago, IL), www.billcookmagic.com, .@billcookmagic
Billy Kidd (London, UK), www.billykiddshow.com, .@billykiddshow
Chipper Lowell (Fullerton, CA), www.chipperlowellexperience.com, .@chipperlowell
Chris Funk (The Wonderist) (Winnipeg, Canada), www.chrisfunkmagic.com, .@chrisfunkmagic, https://plus.google.com/+chrisfunkmagician-thewonderist
Chris Korn (Los Angeles, CA), www.chriskorn.com, .@kornkeezie
Chris Randall (Las Vegas, NV), https://www.facebook.com/ChrisRandallMagician/
Ed Alonzo (The Misfit of Magic) (Toluca Lake, CA), www.edalonzo.com, .@edalonzomagic
Eric Jones (Philadelphia, PA), www.ericjonesmagic.com, https://www.facebook.com/ericjonesprestidigitator
Farrell Dillon (Las Vegas, NV and Boise, ID), www.farrelldillon.com, .@FarrellfarrellX
George Iglesias (Lima, Peru), www.MagoGeorge.com, .@MagoGeorgeOf
Greg Frewin (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada), www.gregfrewintheatre.com, .@GF_Theatre
Greg Gleason (Las Vegas, NV), www.gleasonmagic.com, #GregGleason
Henok Negash (Hollywood, CA), www.bowtiemagician.com, http://www.facebook.com/bowtiemagician/
Jarrett & Raja (Jarrett Parker and Raja Rahman from Las Vegas, NV), www.jarrettandraja.com, .@jarrettandraja
Jason Bird (Las Vegas, NV), www.magicofjasonbird.com, .@jasonbirdmagic
Jason Bishop (Philadelphia, PA), www.thejasonbishopshow.com, .@JasonBishop
Jeki Yoo (South Korea and North Hollywood, CA), www.jekiyoo.com, http://www.instgram.com/jekiyoo, http://www.facebook.com/jekiyoomagic
Jibrizy (West Hollywood, CA), www.jibrizy.com, .@jibrizy
Joel Meyers (Los Angeles, CA), www.meyersmagic.com, .@joelmeyersmagic
Joseph Gabriel (Las Vegas, NV), www.gabrielmagic.com
Joseph Réohm (Los Angeles, CA), www.josephreohm.com, .@josephreohm
Joshua Jay (New York, NY), www.joshuajay.com, .@joshuajaymagic
Keelan Leyser & Matt Daniel-Baker (London, UK), www.keelanleyser.co.uk
Les Arnold & Dazzle (Les Arnold and Alex Arnold, Long Beach, CA), www.lesarnoldanddazzle.com, #LesArnoldAndDazzle
Michael Grandinetti (Los Angeles, CA), www.michaelgrandinetti.com, @GrandinettiMG, #michaelgrandinetti, www.facebook.com/Grandinetti.Michael
Murray SawChuck (Las Vegas, NV), www.murraymagic.com, .@MurraySawChuck, www.facebook.com/MurrayFanPage
Naathan Phan (Las Vegas, NV and Orange, CA), www.magicasianman.com, .@naathanphan
Nathan Burton (Las Vegas, NV), www.nathanburton.com, .@NathanBurtonCM
Noora Karma (Helsinki, Finland), http://www.noorakarma.fi
Rick Smith Jr. (Cleveland, OH), https://www.facebook.com/RickSmithJrpage/, .@RickSmithJr1
R.J. Cantu (Las Vegas, NV), www.rjcantu.com, .@cantumagic, .@rjcan2
Shoot Ogawa (Tokyo, Japan and Simi Valley, CA), http://www.holyshoot.com
Spidey (Montreal, Canada), www.spideymagic.com, .@spideyhypnosis
Titou (Baptiste Molard) (Paris, France and Las Vegas, NV), http://titoumagic.com, https://www.facebook.com/TheMagicOfTitou, .@MagicianTitou, https://www.instgram.com/titoumagician/
Tommy Wind (Las Vegas, NV), www.tommywindmagic.com, .@tommywind
Xavier Mortimer (Las Vegas, NV), http://xaviermortimer.com/blog, .@xaviermortimer
Young-Min Kim (Alchemist) (South Korea)

Masters of Illusion is produced by Associated Television International with returning Executive Producers David McKenzie ("The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards," "Marie"), Gay Blackstone ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009), David Martin ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009, "Marie"), and Al Schwartz ("The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awardsâ," "The Golden Globe Awards" 2013 and 2014), along with Co-Executive Producer Jim Romanovich ("From Rocky To Creed," "The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards").

Associated Television International (ATI) is an Emmy Award-winning company that has been the world's largest producer of magic for both stage and screen for over three decades. ATI's television series, specials and feature films have aired on all U.S. broadcast networks, major cable channels and with television partners all over the world. Current series in production include: "The Hollywood Christmas Parade," "Masters of Illusion," and the Emmy Award-nominated "Laura McKenzie's Traveler."

ATI has also been Emmy Award-nominated for its various television specials and series. For more information, please visit www.associatedtelevision.com

To view a Sizzle Reel of Season Five of Masters of Illusion on The CW, please visit: https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/274173555/0699e86ee2

To learn more about Masters of Illusion, please visit http://www.cwtv.com/shows/masters-of-illusion/
Network with us at https://www.facebook.com/cwmastersofillusion

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© Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2018 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine