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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
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Issue Number: #1456
Date: Sunday 1st June 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Vanish July Edition 48
3. Magic Live Is Sold Out For The Fifth Time In A Row
4. Monday Night Magic Schedule (August)
5. The Magic Word Podcast - Jason Ladanye
6. C.T.B - John Carey #6
7. The Art Of The Business Card
8. The Melbourne Magic Festival Starts Monday!
9. July AMA Performers
10. KIDabra News And Updates
11. World's Highest-Paid Magicians
12. E-zine Archives
13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

As of this issue of Magic New Zealand is emailed weekly to 17,832 subscribers worldwide.

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1456-Jul01-2018.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Vanish July Edition 48
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor Vanish Magazine

Feature Story - Romany - Diva of magic.
Hot on the heels of her newly published book Vanish gets an exclusive from one of the top magicians in the UK. From a young girl dreaming of performing on the world stage Romany shares her journey and discusses why she published her story for everybody to read. A very inspirational journey and one you won't want to miss.

Magic Tricks - include thimbles and cards and a comedy mind reading routine.

Essays -
- Street Performing - hints and tips
Bringing Magic to Cuba - the first major convention and why Cuba.
Melbourne Magic Festival - Carisa Hendrix shares why she is going back a second time.
Magic in Education - Jeff Christensen's series continues on educating with magic.
Tribute to the late Leeman Parker by Chris Philpot.
Jeff Hobson interviews Colin Cloud from The Illusionists in this video interview.
Magic Clubs - are they relevant - this edition we share a story by Lee Alex.
Transition in Magic - Charles Bach looks at the transition by Jody Baron.

Reviews - the latest in magic tricks, books, Downloads and more.

Over 120 pages of FREE magic in the world's most popular magic magazine - read by over 100,000 people across the globe.


3. Magic Live Is Sold Out For The Fifth Time In A Row
Message by Stan Allen (US)

Dear Friends…

Just a quick note to let you know that, for the fifth time in a row, Magic Live is now sold out!
Over the coming weeks, we anticipate a small number of cancellations, and we will do our best to make these registrations available to those on our wait list.

The sooner you sign up, the better your chance of getting in.

Please note that, unfortunately, we will not be able to offer registrations, day passes, or show tickets for sale at the convention.

Hope to see you there,


4. Monday Night Magic Schedule (August)
Message by Peter Samelson (US)

Monday Night Magic August Schedule (All performers subject to change)

August 6th: Noah Levine, Jeff Moche, Eric Dittelman; MC David Corsaro
Close-up: Mike Patrick, Patrick Davis

August 13th: Alexander Boyce, Marcus Monroe, Eran Raven; MC Todd Robbins
Close-up: Matias Letelier, TJ Tana

August 20th: R.J. Lewis, Ben Nemzer, Michael Chaut; MC David Corsaro
Close-up: Jason Suran, Alexander Boyce

August 27th: Michael Karas, David Corsaro, Chris Capehart; MC Ben Nemzer
Close-up: Eli Bosnick, Eric Brown

5. The Magic Word Podcast - Jason Ladanye
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

Jason Ladanye is, in my estimation, one of America's premier "Experts at the Card Table". And he learned his skills through the influence and tutelage of Darwin Ortiz. But he transitioned from a musician to a magician while traveling on the tour bus with blues legends like Buddy Guy and B.B. King. In this week's podcast, Jason talks about his experiences, philosophy and musical/magical education and how he came to be the knuckle-bester he is today.

You can watch a video, see some photos, read the blog, listen to the podcast online, and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/430-jason-ladanye And of course you can also listen on any of a number of podcatchers like iTunes, Stitcher, Tunein and more. Be sure to "Like" us on Facebook to keep up with what happening each week but to get the "real" inside information, subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Brief and to the point, this won't take up much of your time to quickly scan it in your weekly inbox. Be sure to subscribe by filling in the form at the bottom of the page at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/subscribe-to-the-magic-word/

6. C.T.B - John Carey #6
Message by John Carey (UK)

There are many versions of card to box in print. Some excellent and others not so. I wanted a really clean version where there was hardly any physical work and one could really sell the effect. There is a price to pay in that we will be using a duplicate card. But there's a really nice clean up at the end which takes care of that.

Let's say your duplicate cards are the Jack of Clubs. They have to be picture cards. Place one of them on the face of the deck and the other on top. Put the cards away in the box and tuck the half-moon flap underneath the top card.

Take out the cards from the box, secretly holding back your duplicate Jack of Clubs with the index finger. Close the flap of the box and toss it aside on the table casually.

Slip shuffle the deck, retaining the other Jack of Clubs on the bottom by pressure of the fingertips. Cut the deck in half and complete the cut, keeping a little-finger break beneath your force card. Bring the right hand over the deck and execute a dribble force to your break. Raise the right-hand section to show them their card and then assemble the deck and shuffle. Then ask your helper to shuffle and then return the cards to you.

Mention that in a deck of cards there are two types of cards. Number cards and picture cards. Ask your spectator what type of card is she thinking of? They will say picture cards of course. Say that you will remove the picture cards. With the faces of the cards towards you spread through the deck and outjog all of the picture cards except for the Jack of Clubs. Strip them out of the deck and place the remainder of the deck in your left side pocket.

You are now a mile ahead of the audience. Casually and very briefly spread the picture cards face-up in the hands and then hand them out for shuffling. Take them back and hold them face-down at the right long edge, thumb on top. Count off four cards out loud into the left hand and table them. Then count off four more cards and table them next to the first packet. Finally execute an Elmsley count, false counting three cards as four and table them to the right of the other two packets.

Ask your helper to cover any of the packets with their hand. Two scenarios can arise here: if they cover the three card packet you are golden and simply turn the other packets face-up and ask if they see the card they are thinking of? Of course, they will say no. You then make a magical gesture over their hand and then pick up the card box and shake it. They turn over the cards under their hand and their Jack of Clubs has vanished. Have them pick up the card box and reveal their selection inside to conclude.

However, if they put their hand on one of the four card packets you say to them that you sense their card is not in that packet. They turn it over and you are proven correct. Follow up by having them cover the other four card packet and repeat as above. Then conclude by making their card 'vanish' from the remaining packet and get them to remove it from the card box.

Clean up: it's a simple matter to gather up the picture cards on the offbeat and palm off the duplicate into the right hand. Pick up the card box and put it away in your right-side pocket and ditch the palmed card. Remove the balance of the deck from your left pocket and you are clean to continue with further mysteries.

7. The Art Of The Business Card
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

As I have just started back up my freelance graphic design business, I through it would be logical to post about a topic that has been coming up a lot of late. Whenever I am working with a client on brand identity, it never fails that the subject of business cards vs calling cards always comes up.

There are really 2 approaches to take with a business card. There is a branded calling card approach, and there is also a "business" card approach. I have done both for myself, as well as designed both for magic clients of mine. Both are different and do different things for you. The choice is really up to the individual and what he or she wants to get out of the card.

So, one thing you have to determine is if you want your card to be a true "calling card" or more "business" card. There is a difference between the two, and they both can work for you. It really is a matter of personal preference and what you want your card to do for you.

A calling card is mainly a continuation of your brand message and brand identity as carried across all forms of your marketing. It may have your logo identity on it, as well as your various contact information, website, phone number, etc.

A business style card is one that will have this information on it but will actually work as a way to generate business for you. It becomes more of a marketing vehicle and might include using the back of the card in some sort of way to give the person an incentive to take action to call you, go to your website, etc.

Also, business cards do more than convey the information that's printed on the card. A card that's ugly, dirty, printed on perforated paper, or full of corrections screams loud and clear
that you're an amateur. No matter how many wonderful services you offer, if your card brands you as unprofessional, you lose business. A clean, creative, professionally printed, and visually attractive card on the other hand, conveys a positive first impression that lingers long after your initial meeting.

Still, a savvy business person knows that adding your unique marketing-oriented text to a business card, in addition to contact information, pays off. One strategy is to add text that gives your unique, specific customer benefits.

For example:

1) Easy to PAY "Credit Cards Accepted"

2) Easy to get AHOLD of "Requests handled within 24hrs."

3) Easy to get ADVICE or INFO "Use our simple Information form."

4) "Present or mention this card for a free magic trick."

5) "Receive your first show at 25% off by requesting a promo kit."

6) "Log onto kyleandkellymagic.com for current discount coupons!"

7) "Free upgrade to our deluxe package by mentioning the number on this card."

8) The back of the card can be a useful calendar.

9) Survey, redeemable for a free gift - could direct them to a web page survey, where they fill it out and get a free gift or discount.

10) Punch card for frequent clients - acts as a referral rewards system.

11) A fun optical illusion, magic trick, or question where they can be directed to your website for more like it or for the answers.

12) A calendar of your upcoming public performances.

13) The card could be a magnet to be used and seen on the fridge by the prospect.

14) Could have a listing of most common measurement conversion chart - gives them a reason to hold onto it for their use.

15) A list of your top 5 tips for a successful event.

Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with having your card be just a "calling card". If you have other marketing materials that have a call to action that you use, then a calling card may not be a bad way to go as it is a continuation of your brand identity. However, you could have your business card doing double duty by not only listing your contact information, but by having an effective call to action as well.

No matter which direction you go in, always remember that your business card is a direct representation of what you do, what you are about, and the services you provide. Do not settle for second best or for a card that looks "cheap". A professional and high-quality card will say a lot about your services long before they even begin to read it. Make your card work for you.

It is hard this day and age to get folks to understand that the first impression you often ever make on a prospect is in the materials you send out to them. If this is the case, why wouldn't you want these materials to be designed in the best way possible?

Too many folks have PCs and desktop publishing software. It is too easy to create artwork and get them done up that everyone thinks they can do it. What they forget to realize is that
graphic design and communications through graphical means is a learned skill, and one that takes a long time to understand and to do well.

Peron Design is my freelance design company that specializes in providing graphic design and marketing services for entertainers and small businesses. If you would like to see samples of my work, please find me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/perondesign. You may also send me an email and I would be happy to send out samples to you or answer any questions you may have. As always, I can be reached at magic4u02@aol.com

8. The Melbourne Magic Festival Starts Monday!
Message by Tim Ellis (Australia)

Magic Festival At The Laneway Theatre
The world-famous Melbourne Magic Festival starts this Monday, July 2, and runs until Saturday July 14. With over 300 performances in 17 venues all throughout Victoria it's like Christmas for magicians!

The Laneway Theatre is kicking off early with three sensational shows:

1 - Tim Ellis: Spellbinder (SOLD OUT). The next performance of this show isn't until August, but bookings are now open. (Use the secret code LWT for a special discount.)

2 - Juan Esteban Varelas: To Be Honest. Juan is Chile's 'Magician of the Year' and one of the Magic Festival's special international guests. His show is 7.30pm Sunday July 1 and is just $25.

3 - Carisa Hendrix: Up Close & Personal. Carisa is from Canada and known as one of the world's best female magicians. Her show is 7.30pm Thursday July 12 but hurry - both her and Juan's shows are selling fast!

You can book for all Laneway Theatre shows (including Sleight Night on July 18) by
Going here: http://www.magicunlimited.com.au/the-laneway-theatre/

9. July AMA Performers
July 2 - July 8

Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Paul Draper
Early Performer
Late Performer
Diamond Jim Tyler

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Ben Robinson
Late Performer
Johnny Ace Palmer

Palace Of Mystery
Ted Outerbridge
Chris Mitchell

W.C. Fields Bar
Jack Medlevine
Thursday - Saturday

Peller Theatre
Brent Geris
Tony Clark
Thursday - Saturday

Friday Lunch

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Gerald Schiller

July 9 - July 15
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Benjamin Barnes
Early Performer
Johnny Thompson
Late Performer
Paul Vigil

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Alan Hudson
Late Performer
Justin Willman

Palace Of Mystery
John & Mari Lyn Shryock
Charles Bach

W.C. Fields Bar
Jonathan Levit
Thursday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Arthur Trace
Handsome Jack
Thursday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Johnny Thompson

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Al James

July 16 - July 22
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Siegfried Tieber
Early Performer
Jeff McBride
Late Performer
John Guastaferro

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
David Gerard
Late Performer
Colin Cloud

Palace Of Mystery
Andrew Evans
Lindsay Benner

W.C. Fields Bar
Pop Haydn
Friday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Chuck Jones
Kerry Ross
Friday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Jeff McBride

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Chuck Jones

July 23 - July 29
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Clark Brown
Early Performer
Zachary Johnston, Dylan Wilson, Griffin Barry
Late Performer
Kevin Li, David Valdes, Gabe Krut

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Austin Janik
Late Performer
Aaron O'Brien

Palace Of Mystery
Elliott Hunter, Zac Swan, Rabby Yang
Josiah Bunde, Josh Carlin, Chase Hasty, Dorian M.C.

W.C. Fields Bar
Paul Robaia
Thursday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Zach Davidson
Zach Davidson
Thursday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Griffin Barry

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Nancy Jean Gray

July 30 - August 5
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Jeff Bornstein
Early Performer
Michael Kaminska
Late Performer
Adrian Vega

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Shawn McMaster
Late Performer
Simon Si

Palace Of Mystery
Mike Caveney
Tina Lenert
Jorge Blass

W.C. Fields Bar
Tim Wise
Thursday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Felix Jones
Thursday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Adrian Vega

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Tim Wise

10. KIDabra News And Updates
Message by Mark Daniel (US)

KIDabra News and Updates
Message by Mark Daniel (US)

August 22-25

The KIDabra KIDshow Auction Wednesday August 22

Comb your closets and magic rooms to prepare for The 24th Incredible KIDabra KIDshow Auction with Auctioneer Extraordinare, Gary Shelton, Wednesday Evening August 22nd at KIDabra. Hundreds of KIDshow props, tricks, books, and more will change hands to inspire new owners! This year the evening features the Conference opening ceremonies, a Very
Special New KIDabra Welcome Show produced by Christopher T. Magician and the Auction, which all make for a jam-packed kick off to KIDabra!

KIDabra Dealers
For one week a year the KIDabra Vendors Room is the heart and focus of the KIDshow industry with World Premieres, debuts, and the tools to build great shows! In the dealer's room, confirmed so far, Tommy James Magic, Axtell Expressions, Barry Mitchell Products, Smoky Mountain Magic, Scott Green Magic Products, Dave Hill's Magic Dollar Store,
magicbackdrops.com with Jeff Jones, Jim Austin's Creative Connections, Michael Messing Photography, Jay Rumple Designs, and the Guest lecturer's booth.

Plus, more to come!

Also, the Very Popular Tommy James lectures for the first time on Planet Earth!

The Terrific Carisa Hendrix with the high interest - Performing with Bubbles, and Annie Banannie shares her incredible approach to Storytelling with Balloons!

Steve Axtell joins us for a look at the largest project in the history of Axtell Expressions, The Frazzle Chickens in Pigeon Forge (just down the street from the conference!).

Barry Mitchell with his 27th Consecutive Brand-New Lectures designed Just for KIDabra!

A Very Rare appearance and New lecture from the incredible genius of Steve Petra! Plus, Gene Cordova joins Steve during the Optional ShowSkills for a Super Duo Puppet Workshop!

First Time Appearances by Yasu Ishida, from Japan, and Tom Hughes, from England!
The Saturday Night Gala produced and directed by Christopher T. Magician.

The Jams: Late Night Balloons with Clark Sides, Breakfast with the Santas, the Wow Early Morning Senior Show Jam with Jim Austin and Gary Shelton and more!

Plus, KIDabra KIDTalks, more lectures, and surprises to come!

You're invited to spend time with Tommy James, Christopher T Magician, Steve Axtell, Buster Balloon, Steve Petra, Carisa Hendrix, Scott Green, Tom Hughes, Yasu Ishida, Barry Mitchell, Gene Cordova, Annie Banannie, Joe Selph, Gary Shelton, Andrew Remnet, John Bobik, Jim Austin, Clark Sides, Tim Gaines, Tate Elliott, your hosts Mark and Tami Daniel and a who's who of the KIDshow World, August 22-25 in the Resort Town of Pigeon Forge.

This year KIDabra is in late August, and with lower hotel rates! KIDabra Conference is the go to gathering, and resource center for the KIDshow and Family Entertainment World, who are- You and Me!

Performers arrive from all over the world to share in this important week of the KIDshow community/industry!

KIDabra happens in one of the World's Top Family Entertainment destinations: Pigeon Forge, home of Dollywood, Terry Evanswood, and Barry Mitchell. You'll find Darren Romeo, Niels Duinker, and Jessica Jane Peterson there too!

A popular show/tourist area, Pigeon Forge/Sevierville, Gatlinburg, and The Great Smoky Mountain National Park are a family performers study arena that's "magic" settles on you like a favorite comforter.

The KIDshow Stars will Shine! Make your plans today, and we're never complete until you're there!

Register http://www.kidabra.org/register-kidabra-tn-b Hotel/Travel http://www.kidabra.org/hoteltravel Schedule: www.kidabra.org/2018-schedule

Full info www.kidabra.org

11. World's Highest-Paid Magicians
Article forwarded by Peter Phillips (US)

Here's a look at the world's highest-paid magician and magic acts from across the world as of 2017.

Moneycontrol News@moneycontrolcom

Here's a list of the world's highest-paid magicians and illusionists from across the world as of 2017. The report has been compiled by Statista. (Image: Reuters)

David Blaine | The American endurance artist, magician and illusionist has performed famous acts such as 'Buried Alive', 'Vertigo' and 'Drowned Alive'. Blaine has made $6 million to make him the eight highest-paid magicians. (Image: Reuters)

Michael Carbonaro | The American actor, improv artist and magician is famous for his hidden camera 'Magic Clerk' segment on The Tonight Show. Carbonaro has raked in $7 million, making him the seventh highest-paid magician worldwide. (Representational image: Reuters)

Derren Brown | The English illusionist and mentalist has produced multiple television and stage shows including the famous "Derren Brown: Mind Control". He has earned over $7 million and has been ranked sixth on the list. (Representational image: Reuters)

Dynamo | Steven Frayne is an English magician who stars in the television show Dynamo: Magician Impossible. Frayne has made $9 million according to the report, making him the fifth richest magician. (Image: By Walterlan Papetti from Wikimedia Common

The Illusionists | This is a touring magic production that features a rotating cast of five to eight magicians. All of them specialise in specific streams of magic. The production has made $11.5 million so far, putting them fourth on the list of richest magicians. (Representational image: Reuters)

Criss Angel | Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos is an illusionist and musician. The 50-year-old is known for starring in television and stage show "Criss Angel Mindfreak". He is the third-most successful magician in history having earned $14.5 million. (Image: Reuters)

Penn & Teller | The American magician and entertainer duo were famous for their acts that included comedy with magic. Together, the duo has made $30.5 million, making them the second-most commercially successful magic act. (Image: Reuters)

David Copperfield | The American illusionist has been called the most commercially successful magician in history by Forbes. Copperfield's career spanning over 40 years has earned him 11 Guinness World Records. The Las Vegas resident has made $61.5 million until 2017. (Image: Reuters)

E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2018 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine