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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
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Issue Number: #1444
Date: Sunday 29th April 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Academy of Magical Arts Award Winners 2017
3. "Night Court" Star Harry Anderson Was Non-Responsive
4. The Magic Word Podcast - OBIE's 4F Convention Daily Updates
5. M-U-M's May Issue Springs Forth
6. Be Yourself - #485 - Kyle Peron
7. Richard Turner's Life Story Being Made Into Feature Film
8. FISM Korea 2018
9. Book Review, "Game Of Thoughts"
10. Magic At The Tivoli - Sydney, Australia
11. Registrations For Geniicon Sydney Australia
12. E-zine Archives
13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1444-Apr29-2018.txt

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Academy of Magical Arts Award Winners 2017
Congratulation to all award winners

David Copperfield - Masters Fellowship, Magician of the Decade
Shimada - Lifetime Achievement Fellowship
David Williamson - Magician of the Year
Chris Kenner - Creative Fellowship
David Ginn - Literary/Media Fellowship
Ray Anderson - Performing Fellowship
Eric Mead - Performing Fellowship
Ken Klosterman - Special Fellowship
Tony Delap - Special Fellowship
Peter Lane - Special Fellowship
Shoot Agawa - Stage Magician of the Year
Richard Turner - Closeup Magician of the Year
Johnny Ace Palmer - Parlour Magician of the Year
John Carney - Lecturer of the Year

3. "Night Court" Star Harry Anderson Was Non-Responsive
Article forwarded on by Rob Thomas


Transcript reveals actor Harry Anderson was non-responsive when his wife called 911, TMZ reports.

"Night Court" star Harry Anderson was non-responsive when his wife called an ambulance, according to 911 audio first published by TMZ.

Anderson, 65, was found in his Asheville home Monday morning. TMZ says it has obtained a copy of the 911 call made by his wife, Elizabeth Morgan.

In the recording, she tells the Buncombe County 911 operator: "His hand -- he's cold. He's not ice cold, but he's definitely cold. His eyes are partially open, uh, but he's not looking at anything, he's not responding."

Morgan told the operator that she believed her husband died during the night and was "too far gone" to be revived with CPR, reported London's Daily Mail.

"I mean I - I'm in disbelief. I look at him and I feel like (should) I see him breathing," the Daily Mail reported her saying. Later, she said his fingers were "purplish" and she could not move his head or face.

They had gone to bed at 9 or 10 p.m. and that was the last time she had heard him speak, the Daily Mail quotes her as saying.

Morgan also told the operator that Anderson had suffered strokes in January after a bout of the flu, reported the Daily Mail and TMZ.

TMZ reported previously that the 911 dispatcher was responding to a cardiac arrest at the address. Asheville Police told the Hollywood Reporter the call came at 6:41 a.m. Monday. Foul play is not suspected, media outlets report.

"Night Court" ended its eight-year run in 1992. Anderson eventually sold his home in Pasadena, California, and moved back to New Orleans, where he had lived in the 1970s.
Following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, he moved to Asheville. He had two children from his first marriage to Leslie Pollack. Elizabeth Morgan is his second wife.


4. The Magic Word Podcast - OBIE's 4F Convention Daily Updates
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

This week on The Magic Word Podcast we give you not one, but four podcasts as we attend the 48th annual Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic (now called "Obie's 4F Convention") in Batavia, New York, located just a short drive west from Buffalo. Each of the next four days you can listen to daily updates from the convention including chats with attendees, talent, dealers, and organizers. Hear stories, listen to magicians party, and give reflections on the convention almost as they happen. It's the next best thing to being there.

Subscribe today so you don't miss a single episode. Details on how to subscribe are on the website. Also available through iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, TuneIn, and more. Check your favorite podcatcher to see how you can subscribe and listen. Soon to be on Spotify!

Visit the website to see photos, listen to the podcast and maybe even watch a video or two from the convention. Visit https://themagicwordpodcast.com

Also, we are extending the contest for an additional week for a chance to win one of two "Peek Packs" by Brian Gillis compliments of Gregory Wilson and The Secret Source. Visit The Magic Word Podcast website for more details on how to enter.

5. M-U-M's May Issue Springs Forth
Message by Lindsay Smith (US)

Chris Randall is on the cover of the May issue of M-U-M, the Society of American Magicians' international magazine, and is featured inside in an article by Marc DeSouza. Marc notes that what's coming up for Chris is a lifelong dream come true: competing at FISM this year. It has been a focused journey for more than 25 years but, as Marc explains, it has not always been a smooth road. How Chris overcame missteps and setbacks - often with the help of friends and mentors - and learned from them makes fascinating reading. Two of his tricks round out the article.

SAM President Dick Bowman, writing his penultimate "From the President's Desk" column, looks at the beginnings of our Society and the changes we've gone through over the years. He explains how, by looking back, we have moved forward. "The 21st century has been good for magic as we keep up with the technology of the times."

Dean of the SAM, George Schindler, who seemingly knows all magicians - present and recent past - shares information about "Trumpet Seances" and spirit voices (?) from beyond. As a teenager in high school (this was a long time ago), George heard that Houdini's brother Hardeen had a few of Houdini's spirit trumpets for sale and sent him a postcard. Hardeen's response to our Dean is reproduced here. Note to collectors: You may not want to read Hardeen's memo because he quotes a price for the two trumpets he had remaining that will make you wince. It's all in "The Dean's Diary" this month.

David Corsaro's "No Smoke, No Mirrors" column takes a look at brick and mortar magic shops. They're not all going away, and David interviews Scott Morley who owns Morley's Magic Shop in Butler, New Jersey, and explains how marketing and face-to-face interactions applies to his shop.

Remember those little green toy soldiers that you used to play with as a kid? Could they be incorporated into a mentalism effect? How about a blindfold routine? Or both? Mentalist Paul Draper turns his "On Second Thought…" column over to friend and mentalist Joe Diamond who explains his routine. Requirements: four toy soldiers, a bandana, and a table.
Preparation: easy. Benefits: visual, fun, different, and short.

"Cheats & Deceptions" guru Antonio Cabral credits Darwin Ortiz with a concept Darwin calls the "critical interval," described in his book Designing Miracles. Cabral puts his audience on a "need-to-know basis," which he integrates into his fully explained Castle Triumph routine in a very specific manner. This will give the card guys among us more to think about.

Brian Lees checks in with a new column this month, "Taking the Stage." His focus is on "projection," i.e., making sure your audience can clearly hear and understand what you are saying - whether you're working for eight kids at a birthday party, or onstage for a large crowd. Unless you perform a silent act, you'll learn a lot from Brian that will make a noticeable difference next time you entertain. Take a deep breath…and a bow.

David Seebach, in his typically detailed manner, explains the pros and cons of a seldom seen illusion, Alice Thru the Looking Glass, in his "Illusions of Grandeur" column. Although rarely seen, David added the Owen Magic version of this illusion to his repertoire almost forty years ago. Should you add this attractive prop to your illusion show? David offers reasons why or why not.

Singapore-based Kien Meng Wee, a.k.a. Mr. Bottle, is back with his "Magic in a Bottle" column, discussing character building. He explains Mr. Bottle's character and characteristics, and how his style changes depending on different age groups. He concludes with an example of his presentation of an Ambitious Card routine for children. Really? Yes. And it works. Mr. Bottle creates a plot that makes him the victim.

Cinde and Dal Sanders continue their "TV or Not TV" column, focusing this month on writing material for television. They offer many good reasons that will enable you to be successful on your kids' TV show. They also recommend a dozen-plus books that provided inspiration for them since they launched their show. Serious kid show performers will have many of these titles, enabling you to invest your time, rather than your money, in gathering ideas.

Bruce Kalver, in his never-ending search for apps and gadgets for various applications you can use, offers three more in this month's "Tech Tricks." Want to animate any still photo to say whatever you want? Check out Mug Life. Need a social media manager? It's here under the name Hootsuite. At The Magic Castle, Bruce uses Show Cues with his iPhone to control his music with a simple remote control.

Past National President and Editor Emeritus of M-U-M David Goodsell continues his research into "The S.A.M. History Project" and shares more of his findings in his column of the same name. This month he recounts the unlucky career of Henry Andre, known professionally as Zancic. None of his attempts at a career as an actor, as a 35-year-old "prestidigitateur," and as a self-proclaimed spiritualist worked out for him. As David explains, Zancic's trio of downfalls wasn't as simple as forgetting his lines, exposing a trick, or turning a spirit slate the wrong way. As you'll learn, it was much more than that.

Norman Beck's column last year was titled "Inside Straight." This year it's titled "Thoughts on Thinking." Same Norman, different approach - which is to say, you're never sure what he will be writing about. The title isn't important, the text is. Regular readers always look forward to Norman's spin on whatever he chooses to write (or think) about.

There are 39 Assembly Reports from around the country and the world, including the online Virtual V1.1 Assembly from somewhere in the ozone. Stated another way, that's 39 opportunities to see what other assemblies are doing that might ignite an idea for your club.
Other regular go-to features include "Preshow," Editor Alan Howard's column; "Shop Talk," the monthly review of what's new on the shelves (this month: one book, two DVDs, six tricks, one video download and one gimmick under Miscellaneous); "Correspondence," where the readers always write; and "Basil the Baffling and Chloe," the long-running and always anticipated cartoon strip by Alan Wassilak. You'll also find New and Reinstated Members and Anniversaries, "Broken Wands," "Magic WORDoodles," and "Path Puzzles" under "Diversions" and our all-important advertisers. Tell them you saw it in M-U-M.

For more information on the Society of American Magicians and M-U-M magazine, please go to www.magicsam.com

6. Be Yourself - #485 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

Be Yourself. I am sure we have all heard it growing up and from others in our life from time to time. Be yourself and not someone else. Act the way you would act and do what you know is right for you. Seems a pretty simple and straightforward concept. These are the lessons of life and we learn from them.

However, why does his simple phrase become forgotten in the magical arts? Why is it that we feel this phrase is no longer important or simply does not apply to us when performing magic? Perhaps we hear the phrase but pay it no attention. Perhaps we do not want to hear it at all.

Why is this so important? It's important because too often the magical arts is filled with "clones." These are the same people doing the same thing the same way and for the same audiences. If you do not believe me, just talk to a layperson. The attitude an opinion of lay folks is such that every magician is the same and we all look and act alike. You know what? They are right. We are and we do.

So why does this happen? There are many reasons but the biggest one is a simple word…LAZY. We are simply flat out lazy. If success were based upon taking action, then more people would be successful. The problem is most folks do not want to take the action because they see a simpler path to follow. Why take the hard road when the paved road is easier to travel?

The same applies to magic. Why try and create something that is unique to us if we can "borrow" something from someone else? It is just easier to buy a "routine in a box" and add it to your show.

I say routine in a box because that is the way things are sold these days. Now do not get me wrong here. I like magic dealers and inventors as much as the other guy. However, the fact of the matter is that things are created and sold to you so you do not have to think for yourself. The trick you buy comes with instructions, tells you what to say, how to move, gives you comedy lines, alternative patter and a DVD showing you exactly how to do it the way the other magician does. Dose this make us unique? NO! It simply makes us a lesser copy of someone else.

How many of us have also seen a magic show and flat out stole the routine and patter of the person we saw? Be honest with yourself. The answer is a LOT of us. We get caught up in the power of the effect and the reactions we saw. The problem is that we forget that THAT magician caused the reactions. It was not simply the effect itself. If the effect or prop was getting the reactions, then why not just place the prop on a table and walk off stage. The point is that the magician makes the entertainment experience.

Therein may lay the problem. Can anyone be like this magician? No, they can't. Would you want to be this magician? No, I would think you would want to be yourself. Would someone else garner the same exact reactions as this magician? Probably not.

They would still get laughs and reactions but not the same way. The reason is simple. They are not that magician. They cannot possibly know or perform the nuances that the magician brought to the performance. They may replicate what they saw. However, replication with some minor updating is NOT being creative or true to you.

We need to get over this idea that stealing others acts or routines will make us a better performer. That simply does not happen. It makes for more magicians performing more bad magic.

What we need to remember is that simple phrase…"Be Yourself." Learn to find out who you are as a performer. Find your own unique style and define your character on stage. Know what that character would and would not do. Remember to script your routines so it fits who you are.

Is this tough, well yeah it requires you taking some action. But remember that any success requires you taking that first step.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at KyleKellyMagic@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you.

7. Richard Turner's Life Story Being Made Into Feature Film
Article forwarded on by Brent Peoples

Blind Card Magician Richard Turner's Life Story Being Made Into Feature Film

Close-up card magician legend Richard Turner will be the subject of a new feature film.
Court Five producers Jane Fleming and Mark Ordesky have struck a deal with Keep On Running Pictures and Ralph Smyth Entertainment to develop and produce a feature film based on Turner's life story, Variety has learned. And what a life it is - Turner became a slight-of-hand master despite the fact that he is completely blind.

Turner was the subject of "Dealt," an acclaimed Sundance Selects documentary about his life that debuted in 2017. The film went on to win the audience award for documentary at SXSW and became the most watched documentary on iTunes.

The filmmakers behind "Dealt" - director, writer and producer Luke Korem, producer Russell Groves, and writer Bradley Jackson - are all on board to produce the feature film with Court Five. To make the movie, Korem spent months with Turner and his family, capturing them in rare, unguarded moments, and getting the magician to open up about his difficulty coming to terms with his disability.

Turner prefers to call what he does "card mechanics," but whatever the name for his particular set of skills, they have entertained millions of people around the world. Just check out this appearance on Penn & Teller, where he leaves the duo astonished and at a loss for words. Because he cannot see the cards, he uses his heightened sense of touch to determine what's being shuffled.

8. FISM Korea 2018
For the latest news on FISM Korea go to:


9. Book Review, "Game Of Thoughts"
Message by Joyce Basch (US)

Book Review, "Game Of Thoughts" by John Teo and Ning Cai. (Reviewed by Joyce Basch.)

"Game of Thoughts" is an introduction to understanding creativity. As a magician, myself, I realize that magic tricks are the result of creative thinking. I have always admired Magicians who consistently create new ideas. These two authors, explain the entire process of Creative Thinking.

Authors, John Teo, currently the President of International Brotherhood of Magicians, Singapore Ring 115, is an award winner many times for performance and original, creative Magic. He, also, creates new ways of presenting classical effects. Co-author, Ning Cai, is a celebrity professional Magician. The forward was written by Asian Master Magician, Lu Chen.

True to the subject matter, this book explains and demonstrates creativity and critical thinking. It has two covers with similar designs. When opening the book from one direction, you'll find 78 pages of creative activities and diversions printed in full color. If you flip over and turn the entire book upside down, you'll see the other cover and read 208 pages describing creative thinking and how to develop this. Each chapter of the book is introduced by a relevant magic trick or a puzzle.

"Game of Thoughts" covers the subject adequately. Section 1 explains the importance of thinking creatively in this present highly competitive world. Section 2 describes what are creativity and innovation, how to be creative, and how to overcome mental blockage to creative thinking. Section 3 shows the use of creative thinking in problem solving. Section 4 explains techniques to generate new ideas and think 'out of the box.' Application of creative thinking is the feature of Section 5. Here, the two Authors describe how each of them has successfully used creativity in their careers. This chapter shows how we can reframe our minds and turn problems into opportunities. Finally, Section 6 discloses how to nurture our creativity and develop a creative culture in our workplaces.

It is a fun book to read. There are many examples on using one's creativity and developing new ideas for Magic and new presentations for existing effects. "It has helped me to look at things with a 'new pair of eyes!'".

"Game of Thoughts" is highly recommended reading for all Magicians! It can be purchased from:

Hocus Pocus Magic (Hocus Pocus Magicshop)

10. Magic At The Tivoli - Sydney, Australia
Article forwarded by Bernard Reid (New Zealand)

For all event enquires call the Box Office on (02) 9677 4916

Saturday, June 9th, 2018 | 8:00 pm | Adults $25 | Children $15 | Tivoli Showroom

Buy tickets online:

A full evening of magic and grand Illusion for the whole family featuring, not one, but seven International magic stars!

For the first time ever at Rooty Hill, GeniiCon International Magician's Conference Sydney Australia presents a full evening of Magic and Grand Illusion.

We've gathered together not one, but seven International magic stars hailing from the USA, UK and across Australia and together they will present a hilarious and mind-blowing night of visually spectacular magic.

Never seen a lady sawn in half? Or classic magic where cards, balls and even doves seem to just materialise at the magician's fingertips?

We have all that and more besides; we even have Australia's top lady magician who channels Jeannie herself. We've got comedy magic too, from the funniest guys in the business.

You'll be super close to the action, these seven, multi-award-winning magicians have performed in the world's greatest showrooms from the six-star cruise lines of the Caribbean to the biggest stages in Las Vegas. This is your one and only opportunity to see them right here in Sydney.

Magic at the Tivoli is a fast and funny 2-hour show which is suitable for the whole family from the young to the young at heart! Don't delay, book today for Sydney's only grand magic spectacular.

The Magicians:

Levent hails from the United States and starred in the Hollywood TV series Masters of Illusion. His hilariously skillful act would normally be seen only on the five and six-star cruise ships of the Caribbean!

Jeannie - Sue Anne Webster is not only channeling Barbara Eden, she is authorised by the owners of the original show to perform her charming and amazing Jeannie magic act.

For something completely different, Silly Billy is New York's finest family magician. It might be icky and sicky, but he's a seriously silly guy.

Joel Howlett has won every magic competition across Australasia and this lead to him performing with his heroes on the grand stages of Las Vegas. His breathtaking skills will attack your senses.

Paul Richards is a major creative force in magic, not only does he invent some of the coolest tricks you've seen, he performs them for major corporations right across the United States.

Sean Taylor comes to us from the United Kingdom, (via Castle Hill). A witty and clever corporate performer who has been described as the best in his price range.

Brendan Montanner and his grand Illusion show Magic to the Max has been a firm Aussie favourite for more than 15 years. If you've seen a lady sawn in half before, wait until you see this guy and his glamorous assistants.


11. Registrations For Geniicon Sydney Australia
Message by Kent Blackmore (Australia)

Registrations for GeniiCon are reflecting the excitement for our four days of events, shows and lectures! The early-bird period has now passed, but you can still register at www. geniicon18.com for a great weekend of magic.

If you're interested in the marketing and client-relations side of magic, we have two fabulous talks to inspire you. Magic from the amazing card work of Joseph Barry, to the best of Children's entertainment, manipulation, comedy and 'workers' magic.

More than ten dealers have booked in with us, so bring your money; and extra tickets for the "Magic at the Tivoli" public show is now on sale at https://rootyhillrsl.com.au/entertainment/magicshow/

12. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2018 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine