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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
* www.magicnewzealand.com
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Issue Number: #1180
Date: Sunday 8th March 2015
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. It's Magic! 2015
3. FISM - The Surgeon's House
4. March Issue Of The Linking Ring
5. The Magic Word Podcast - Chicago Magic Bars & Lounges
6. SAM Lectures And Sessions
7. Remarkable Magic #382 - Nick Lewin
8. Chair Suspension - Safety Tips - #353 - Kyle Peron
9. Non-Animal Endings
10. Daytona Beach Festival Of Magic
11. Information Required On Ottoman & Byzantine Magicians
12. 2015 McMechan Magic Auction Change
13. Potter & Potter Auctions Featuring The Collection
Of Rich Bloch
14. Montreal's McCord Museum Magic Acquisition
15. Magic Returns To Cape Cod - April 9-12, 2015
16. Wellington Convention - Win Back Your Registration Fee!
17. 63rd Blackpool Bonanza
18. e-zine Archives
19. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
New Zealand, Wellington Magic Convention - October 24th
- 26th, 2015 registrations are now open.
online at www.wellingtonmagic.co.nz to download the registration
already confirmed include:
- Charlie Frye and his partner Sherry
- Phil Cass and Philippa
- Nick Nickolas
- David Merry
- Paul Romhany
all those who would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine
in a HTML format go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2015-Jan-to-Dec-2015/1180-Mar08-2015.html
if you have any magic news drop me a line:
2. It's Magic! 2015
Message by Milt Larsen
On Sale Now!
March 15 2015
Center for Performing Arts
tickets and information visit: cerritooscenter.com
and Jinger
Danny Cole
Dan Raspyni
David Zirbel
Matt Marcy
3. FISM - The Surgeon's House
Message by Joan Caesar (Canada)
boasts architecture dating back to 25 BC. Some excavations
are fairly recent, and all are worth a visit. You might
look at the self-guided walks mentioned on the internet.
The Surgeon's House is one of several spectacular things
to see in the old part of Rimini.
of the following I found on the tourist information site.
If you want to read more, go to their site on the internet.
archaeological discovery of the surgeon's house was extremely
important as the surgical and pharmaceutical equipment found
there gives an insight into what was used by doctors in
Roman times.
archaeological area is 700 square meters and contains the
remains of the house of the surgeon who worked there during
the 3rd century. The surgeon's equipment was unearthed and
now is kept in the nearby museum known the world over for
its modern display of 2000 years of history.
excavation is protected by an architectural walkway offering
an interesting view to visitors. The structure is integrated
into the Piazza Ferrari's garden. A transparent system of
suspended walkways over the ancient structures allows visitors
an easy understanding of the excavation. Situated next to
the city museum, a visit to the site becomes an integral
part of the visit.
archaeological site of the Surgeon's House was opened to
the public in December 2007.
4. March Issue Of The Linking Ring
Message from Dennis Schick (US)
spent much of his career breaking OUT of prisons. The cover
story of the March issue of The Linking Ring tells how Ohio
magician Herman Carr has been breaking INTO prisons for
the past 25 years. He discovered a new performing venue
and may be the only magician anywhere regularly performing
in prisons. He gives enough advice for magicians to approach
prisons in their own areas about this new performing opportunity.
major features in this issue include previews of the 2015
IBM Convention July 15-18 in Jacksonville, Florida; a unique
(magic for the visually impaired) one-man Parade by Finland's
Martti Siren; a timely article on "Tax Tips for the
Part-time Performer," by CPA Dane Dover; a Special
Tribute to long-time columnist storyteller Ed Solomon, who
died in January; and a discussion about whether a magician
should use an agent.
are 10 columns in this issue, perhaps a record, including
a brand new one on the subject of "Situation Magic,"
by Chris Benson. This new column will include magic effects
to be performed on the spur of the moment when someone ask
you to "Show me a trick."
course there are reviews of new magic products, over two
dozen advertisements by magic vendors, and reports from
nearly one hundred individual IBM Rings throughout the world.
members can read the digital edition online, can download
a PDF version, or wait until their hard copy arrives in
the mail.
5. The Magic Word Podcast - Chicago Magic Bars & Lounges
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
has a rich history of magic bars within the city. The real
"hay day" was in their waning years of the 1970's
until their eventual demise in 1998. Bill Weimer was an
integral part of this era as he performed at seven of the
nine or so bars/lounges where magic was served along with
the drinks. But magic is returning to Chicago in a "big
time" way with the opening of the Chicago Magic Lounge
on the uptown underground part of the city.
week's podcast features a "two-fer". First up
is a chat with Joey Cranford and John Sturk who are producing
an experience every Thursday night at a new club they call
Chicago Magic Lounge. This will be a theater that will open
at 8:00 p.m. and feature close-up and stage performers in
a "turn of the 20th century" style that harkens
back to the prohibition days.
up is a chat with Bill Weimer who is a well-known Chicago
magician who has literally written the book on the Chicago
magic bar scene. He recounts some of the stories in this
podcast from his book, "Now You See Them, Now You Don't".
can read the blog, see some photos, listen to the podcast
online or download the MP3 at: http://themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/chicago-magic-bars-lounges
You can also download the podcast from iTunes, Stitcher
or Tunein. Be sure to subscribe to The Magic Word so you
don't miss an episode. You can find all the details at:
6. SAM Lectures And Sessions
Message by Mark Weidhaas
S.A.M. National Conference Executive Director
And Special Sessions Flavor Convention
Lectures, Special Sessions and underground events will add
more magical flavor to the Society of American Magicians'
Convention in Philadelphia, (July 1-4). Super lectures will
be provided by Hector Mancha, Woody Aragon, Miguel Puga,
Joe Romano, Eric Anderson, Tom Ewing, Ran'd Shine and Don
lectures will be supplemented with daily special audience
participation hands-on sessions on a variety of topics featuring
Scott Alexander, Joe Curcillo, Chad Wonder, Joe Romano,
Bruce Kalver, Vinny Grosso, Sara Crasson, and our guest
of honor, Ray Goulet.
out the complete schedule at www.magicsam.com
7. Remarkable Magic #382 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)
34th World Famous Magic Auction.
28th was the date of the occasion of the most recent Austin
Magic Auction. It was a cold and even somewhat icy day by
Texas standards, not that the East Coast of the USA would
have thought so. Folks might even have been breaking out
the spring clothing. It was a wonderful day for magic buffs
attending the event. Susan and I thoroughly enjoyed the
opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones
over three decades our local magicians have been perfecting
this event and have got it running as smoothly as a freshly
tuned BMW. The Society of American Magicians Assembly #206
sponsor and produce the event, which is executed by a friendly
and incredibly efficient team of volunteer staff and auctioneers.
The charming Trixie Bond was here, there and everywhere
in her position of Auction Chair, directing the action and
putting out any potential bonfires before they began to
a $10 admission fee attendees are given a chance to bid
on an amazing collection of magic props and a gigantic selection
of silent auction items. From posters and rare books to
comedy props and illusions everything was available. It
was a magician's dream to wander amongst the items and look
for a special bargain on that prop that you just had to
add to your collection.
auction is only as effective as its auctioneers and there
was a fine team in attendance on Saturday who were entertaining
the crowd and doing their bit to keep those items moving
quickly from their old owners into their new homes. This
year the auctioneers were C.J. Johnson, Scott Wells, Grant
Walsh, Kent Cummins, Jim Gentil, Oscar Munoz, Brad Henderson
and Matt Dillahunty. Veteran stalwart of the event David
Hira was unable to attend this year and his absence was
duly noted and his boundless energy missed.
well as a healthy quantity of Genii Tubes, Botanias and
Sliding Die Boxes there were some nifty oddities available.
A tin of Pea Soup, personally signed by Linda Blair (of
Exorcist fame) was snapped up by for a $200 donation to
the Heroes Night Out charity. It was the perfect unique
and quirky memorabilia item for the man who has everything
but recognizes a great charity when he sees it!
small percentage of profits from each item (starting at
a 12% rate) went towards the funds needed to mount this
year's TAOM Magic Convention that will be held in Austin
from September 4th-7th. The convention has a wonderful line-up
this year and promises to be a highlight on the magic circuit.
The sub-heading of the convention is "Magic, Music,
Weirdness & Women" which certainly has the Austin
spirit way in view! A very special evening at the incomparable
Esther's Follies starring Ray Anderson is just one of the
many treats being offered
am excited to be participating myself at TAOM this year
with a special show and a lecture. I have a special fondness
for the TAOM convention, as it was an appearance at one
in San Antonio that began my deliriously happy migration
to the Lone Star State. I recommend you visit their website
and check out all the wonderful events they have planned
by clicking on http://taom.org/2015/ If you are looking
for an unusual and uniquely friendly magic convention to
attend this fall---add this one to your calendar.
the boundless energy of these Texan magicians I suspect
they already have a little part of their attention looking
beyond the convention, and are planning ways to keep the
standard of the 35th World Famous Magic Auction as high
as this last one. You can keep track of the dates and details
on their website http://austinmagicauction.com It is almost
a mini magic convention all on its own. You can hear more
about it on Scott Wells' excellent Magic Word Podcast at
I am off on the road for a few weeks and will be in Chicago,
Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,
Tokyo and Los Angeles! With luck and a good broadband connection
I will be sending out a couple of columns along the route.
I must say that being a professional magician can certainly
help you see the world! If you are crazy enough to want
to participate in this kind of schedule check out my book
"Cruise Magic 101, How to make a great living working
on cruise ships".
gratifying number of people who have read my book are now
enjoying careers as shipboard entertainers and making good
salaries. The book is available through my online store!
can visit my online store at www.lewinenterprises.com
You can subscribe to my blog at www.remarkablemagic.com
You can also sign up for our special mailer that will give
you first notice of our upcoming Gypsy Yarn release at lewinenterprises@gmail.com
8. Chair Suspension - Safety Tips - #353 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)
Although you may really fall in love with this illusion,
be sure you really adhere to some very common safety tips
when performing it.
- Make sure even though the illusion can handle 150-160
lbs., I never ever go over 90lbs. This is just a safety
measure I do and keeps the board from sagging at all.
- Make sure that you do a triple check of the alignment
before placing the child on it. Once when you set it up,
secondly right before the show starts and one last time
as the child is coming up on stage. Make sure everything
is aligned right on the anchor chair.
- Be careful when the child is sitting and then going into
the laying down position. I always have my wife help hold
the non-anchored chair where the board rests on. This is
done for a reason. If the child moves forward or backwards
on the board, it can cause the board and anchor point to
pivot like a lever and it can cause the weld to snap right
off. Be careful of this and have someone or yourself hold
that board top the non-anchor chair when the child is sitting
and lying down.
- Make sure the child is in the right position. That is
that their shoulders are aligned with the top of the anchor
board. This distributes the weight evenly and adds to the
illusion of the person being suspended just by their neck
area alone.
Do NOT ever perform the trick just because you feel like
you have to or because you want to. That is never a good
enough reason. Your most critical and first notion when
performing this is to make sure that you have every safety
precaution met before you perform it. If any of the safety
steps are not met or cannot be met, then you must be willing
to not perform it and move on to something else. I have
done this several times and it is out of safety first. The
client never had a problem with it, because I make it clear
to them that safety comes first.
- If you feel or sense a child becoming scared or uneasy
with the illusion, do not continue with it. Let the child
sit back down and applaud them for being so brave. Give
them a certificate and make them feel special. Getting on
the board can sometimes scare children and even if you feel
you are taking all the right steps, it can still happen.
You must be willing to send the child back (happy) and not
risk doing it with them.
- Make sure to have the child lay down flat on their back
and in the middle of the board. Fold their hands on the
lap in front of them and place their legs close together.
This makes them feel comfortable but also limits them from
wanting to move during the illusion.
- Do NOT rush right into the illusion. I always do this
as an ending to my show. By this point the children know
me and have fun with me and I have built up trust within
them. Even then, I take my time and structure my routine
so that I build confidence in the child before we place
them on it.
- Never ever touch a child unless you ask their permission
first. When I perform this, I take steps in getting them
into position on the board. We take steps so that each part
is understood by them and they know what to expect. I ask
them if it is OK if I can lift them up to sit on the board.
I ask them if I can move them forward. This builds trust
between you and the helper and is very critical.
I am clearly saying here and right now, even with my safety
first precautions, there is no certainty that nothing will
ever go wrong, Things do happen and that goes for a lot
of various effects. But, you really can minimize your chances
of anything happening by following some simple tips.
- Always do a triple check of the area in which you are
performing this illusion. If indoors, make sure the floor
is level and the anchor chair is level as well. It must
not rock or tip in any form. Also check to make sure that
the chair is sitting right so that it is not leaning or
wanting to lean backwards.
- If outdoors, be even more careful the ground you are setting
the chairs on. Make sure you have a nice level area and
that the chairs are sitting properly.
- Place the board and anchor points right aligned with each
other. Check these points and make sure they are sitting
and anchored properly. Check this and triple check it. 1)
check it at first set-up, 2) check it before the show starts
and 3) check it right before you are about to place the
child on. They must be aligned correctly.
- Use a step stool to help the child up onto the board.
This makes it easy for them and for you without them jumping
up on it and possibly hurting themselves or shifting the
board in the process. They can simply stand up on the stool
and sit down easily.
Make sure that the child is positioned right on the chairs.
This is one area of which I constantly see people doing
wrong. If not properly placed on the board, it can cause
the board to sag or lean. Make sure to 1) Have the child
centered on the board 2) fold their hands on top of each
other on their laps (centralizes the weight more) 3) Make
sure their shoulders are even with the edge of the anchor
chair. These are just some of the safety tips I do every
time out. It seems like a lot, but it is so important to
the success of this illusion. And, if you do them as often
as I do them, then it becomes habit and you just do it every
time naturally.
works great if you know how to not only set it up right,
but how to routine it so that the child feels safe, trusts
you, and wants to take part in the FUN of the effect. If
you also follow the simple safety measures I discussed,
you should never have a problem with it at all. Just remember
that safety on this ALWAYS comes first over anything else.
You must not get carried away with the magic, that you forget
the safety of the child involved. When getting them to lie
down on the board, do it in two steps. Have them sit first
(then pause), and then have them lay down on their backs.
By breaking it down in this fashion, it makes it easier
on you, easier on them and the move does not cause the board
to get off kilter.
have a new book out I would like you to know about all about
working the Festival market. If you would like additional
and detailed information on this topic, please see my book/eBook
at: http://www.kpmagicproducts.com/Festival_Magic.html
always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your
thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or
suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly
at magic4u02@aol.com
love to hear from you.
Kyle Peron
9. Non-Animal Endings
Message by Mandy Davis (UK)
the article in this week's E-Zine sparked me to wonder what
other endings magicians use for their shows.
my children's show I find the greatest fun with Kovari's
Passing Water. This apparatus fits in a bag, light to carry
and leaves everyone laughing and applauding, isn't that
those who don't know it, two small blocks of wood, each
with a hole through, are tied with bright ropes around a
person's waist. A thin rod fails to penetrate the body on
each side, through the holes, so a hole is drilled in the
torso with an electric drill! This time you see the rod
get deeper inside. To prove there is a hole straight through
water is poured through a funnel at the back and pours out
through the rod in front, into a bowl held by the 'victim'.
is a great film and photo opportunity and everyone loves
it! I am seriously thinking of buying the adult size set
10. Daytona Beach Festival Of Magic
Message by Harry Allen (US)
added........to an already star studded line-up:
Louie Foxx (Americas Got Talent)
you were not at last year's Daytona Beach Festival of Magic
you missed a GREAT one!
who is booked so far for 2015. (Detail: www.daytona magic.com
on "convention") November 6-7-8 2015 Phone 386-252-6767
Murray (Las Vegas)
Tom Burgoon
Shin Lim
T.C. Tahoe
Scott Pepper (Illusionist)
The Reed Sisiers
Doc Swan
Jim Vines
Tom Yurasits
Erik Olson
Scott Humston
Harry Allen
11. Information Required On Ottoman & Byzantine Magicians
Message by Boris Buchner <borisbuchner@me.com>
am living in Istanbul and together with my colleague Lee
Alex, who also lives in Istanbul we want to support the
Illusionists Association here by learning more about the
past. We all know Zati Sungur, but not much earlier in history...
any of your subscribers have any insights about conjurers,
prestidigitator or entertainer from the Ottoman and Byzantine
anyone have an idea who could be of help and how to find
out more?
12. 2015 McMechan Magic Auction Change
Message by Larry McMechan
year the Magic Auction Will be held on May 30-31st, NOT
on Memorial Day weekend. For more information look us up
on AuctionZip. I will send out more information closer to
the time. I look forward to seeing you all there.
13. Potter & Potter Auctions Featuring The Collection
Of Rich Bloch
catalog for our April 4th magic auction, featuring the collection
of Rich Bloch, is now online and available for download
(or purchase). Go to: http://www.potterauctions.com/auctions/upcoming
sale features several choice books (including a third edition
of Scot's Discovery of Witchcraft and a first edition of
Erdnase), vintage posters, ephemera, and apparatus.
until auction day to place your bids? Well, the catalog
has been posted on our partner website, Liveauctioneers.com.
Register to bid, browse lot-by-lot, and even leave absentee
bids. Go to: http://www.liveauctioneers.com/catalog/68406_the-magic-collection-of-rich-bloch/page1
note: many additional photographs are posted on live auctioneers
that are not in the printed/PDF catalog.
14. Montreal's McCord Museum Magic Acquisition
Message by Julie Eng (Canada)
McCord Museum in Montreal, Canada has just announced the
extraordinary acquisition of one of the world's foremost
private collections of stone lithographs from magic's Golden
Age. And, just as significant, the acquisition of a superb
Houdiniana collection of posters, playbills, correspondence,
photographs, scrapbooks and ephemera of Houdini.
Gattuso, through her philanthropic foundation - La Fondation
Emmanuelle Gattuso - donated the funds to acquire the collection
which she placed in her husband's name, media mogul Allan
Slaight, with the McCord Museum.
Slaight name is synonymous with philanthropy. In addition
to their landmark donations to (among other things) cancer
research, the Slaights are also major supporters of the
arts in Canada. One of those arts is magic. Their support
for it, through Magicana and all of our programs, has been
magic interest, of course, stems from Allan Slaight's lifelong
love of magic. He started performing magic as a youth, toured
across Western Canada as a mentalist, and moonlighted as
a magician while he was in the formative stages of building
an empire, based initially on rock'n'roll radio. Somehow,
while assembling this billion dollar business, Allan found
the time to host magic conferences, and to write and produce
3,000 pages on his magical mentor, the great Canadian inventor,
Stewart James.
magic has been a big part of Allan's life for well over
seventy years, and the Slaight-Gatusso household for over
see the press release visit here:
15. Magic Returns To Cape Cod - April 9-12, 2015
Message by Angelique Steelgrave
Convention Co-Producer
a reminder that the 2nd Annual Oceanside Magic Invitational
convention is only 10 weeks away! Magicians of all levels,
magic lovers, hobbyists, collectors, students of magic...all
are invited. There's still time to register for this year's
event, which takes place
literally "Oceanside" at the beautiful Red Jacket
Beach Resort in South Yarmouth, MA, USA.
is a friendly, welcoming weekend of magic and fellowship,
featuring some of the brightest stars in the magic community.
Following the 1st Annual OMI last April, this new convention
was praised by virtually all of 2014's headliners and attendees,
and word has been spreading. Jay Scott Berry proclaimed
it "...quite simply one of the finest boutique conventions
in the world."
President Ice McDonald stated, "I had the best time
at OMI. Markus and Angelique, the organizers, gave everyone
who attended a wonderful experience. Go witness the Fun."
Dickson of Wizard Craft Magic had this to say: "When
I was SAM National President, I wrote a column entitled
'Straight from the Heart'. This testimonial certainly is.
We have been to just about every convention in the world
over the past 30+ years, and bigger is seldom better. What
we seek is a place to meet new people, see some great magic,
learn, share, laugh, meet up with old friends, relax, and
be in a place we would like to go on a vacation, and is
offered at a price a family can afford. This has it all
and so much more. It is now in our top three, and I truly
mean that. You can tell when things are done for the money,
or done from the heart, with passion. OMI is one that is
truly from the heart and by those with a true passion for
magic. Do yourself a favor; make this a must attend, April
2015. Come home, and join the family. See you there...."
SAM President Bruce Kalver described OMI as "an intimate
convention that is loaded with magic all the time. Something
for everyone. One of my favorites this year!"
2015 features Lectures from:
Harry Allen, Losander, Ariann Black, Oscar Munoz, Andrew
Pinard, Becky Blaney, and Kevin Heller, with a special presentation/discussion
with Alan Wassilak, creator of the "Basil the Baffling
and Chloe" cartoon in M-U-M.
are also Stage and Cabaret Shows, all-you-can-eat buffet
lunch on Friday and Saturday, an Auction, raffles, and more.
2015 Dealers include:
Magic, Kozmo Magic/Reel Magic Magazine, Losander, Wizard
Craft Magic, Diamond's Magic, Tailored Magic, Custom Magic
Cards, and John Henry's World of Magic.
activities (except for the Saturday show) are right at the
Resort; the Saturday show is at the nearby Dennis-Yarmouth
High School auditorium. This show is also open to the public-for
those unable to make it to the whole convention, try to
catch the show!
www.oceansidemagic.com for Schedule, Performers/Shows, Dealers,
and Registration info ($190 Magician, $135 Companion; daily
rates also available). To reserve your room at the Resort,
call 1-800-CAPE-COD and mention OMI for the special rate
of $115 plus tax per night.
President Shawn Farquhar also praised OMI after his appearance
there: "I attend many conventions, and few really understand
that the number one thing we want from the convention is
community. We spend enough time alone in our rooms practicing
and many spend plenty of time performing. It is rare to
find a place where we can share and learn from each other
in a comfortable and friendly environment. The Steelgraves
really understand this fundamental need, and have created
a special place in the world of magic."
is indeed a special place! For all who missed it, here's
a short glimpse of last year's OMI: http://youtu.be/7gtSjS2Epck
miss this extraordinary event. Hope to see you on Cape Cod
in April.
16. Wellington Convention - Win Back Your Registration Fee!
Message by Nopera Whitley (NZ)
Magic Convention - October 24th - 26th, 2015
back your Registration Fee!
lucky person will win back the cost of their registration
fee within the first hour of the Convention!
To Enter:
All you have to do is register before October 24th, 2015.
Register before 10th of November, 2014 and get 3 entries
into the draw
Register before 1st of May, 2015 and get 2 entries into
the draw
Register before 24th of October, 2015 and get 1 entry into
the draw
The earlier you register, the more entries you get!
A Friend For Extra Entries:
If you have registered and refer a friend, you can gain
an extra two entries per person that you refer.
every person that writes down your name as the referee,
during registration, you will get an additional 2 entries!
conditions and more information, go towww.wellingtonmagic.co.nz/raffle
is Open!
have an "Early-Bird" rate for those who register
before the 1st of
May, 2015.
- Seniors: $290
- Juniors, Parents & Partners: $190
Register online at www.wellingtonmagic.co.nz to download
the registration form.
already confirmed include:
- Charlie Frye and his partner Sherry
- Phil Cass and Philippa
- Nick Nickolas
- David Merry
- Paul Romhany
Us on Facebook:
To stay up to date, make sure to like our Facebook Page:
more information, or to get in touch, visit us at
17. 63rd Blackpool Bonanza
Message by Walt Lees (UK)
a time when many conventions struggle to attract sufficient
numbers to remain viable, Blackpool appears to have found
the secret. In its 63rd year, it is still drawing vast crowds.
There is nothing else like it, for sheer size, quantity
and excellence. Not everything is perfect, by any means.
On an event of such a scale, with regular attendances exceeding
3,500, it would be impossible to get it all spot on. But
there is more than enough to satisfy everyone, no matter
what their particular taste or specialty.
events kicked off on the Thursday afternoon with a mammoth
auction conducted mainly by Mike Shepherd. Derek Lever,
who should have been joint auctioneer, had to retire early
with a viral infection, against which he struggled throughout
the entire convention, while still managing to fulfil his
role as principal organiser. The auction went on for some
eight hours, before everything was sold and bidding stopped.
from the evening gala shows, held in the vast Blackpool
Opera House, events run concurrently, making it impossible
for any one person to attend everything. This is deliberate,
as none of the rooms in the Winter Gardens complex, despite
their size, would be capable of holding all the delegates.
So it is necessary to entice different groups to different
locations. Plus, there are the two dealers' halls (where
some 120 exhibitors from all over the world display their
wares) which are open all the time, bars, restaurants and
the main concourse itself to serve as places to meet, chat
or just sit and watch the world go by.
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. belonged to the dealers, with demonstrations
being given in the Pavilion Theatre and the trading halls
open for business. Then from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. there were
star lectures by Mike Chao, Vittorio Belloni, Charlie Frye
and Mel Mellers.
first International Close-up Magic show, followed. It could
either be watched live in the Pavilion Theatre, with overhead
screen projection for those unable to see, or you could
sit outside and view it on one of the half dozen giant monitors
dotted around, although, you had to be prepared for people
walking in front of the picture, if you chose this option.
It is surprising how many seem oblivious to either the screen
or those trying to watch it.
introduced by President David Plant, included: Christian
Schenk, Mike Chao, Vittorio Belloni, Diamond Jim Tyler,
Matthew McGurk, Andi Gladwin, Joseph Barry and Chris Hannibal.
p.m. brought the first of three International Gala Shows.
With Dave Windle at the organ (as he was for all the events
requiring live music), this one was emceed by well-known
ventriloquist Jimmy Tamley, who without a puppet, is rather
low-key, but once he has a character on his hand, ups the
octane level.
opening act was Alpha, with a pirate theme and the production
of exotic birds from budgerigars to huge parrots. Following,
came 2 Minds Combined, which sounds as if it should be a
telepathy act, but is, in fact, a couple making hand shadows.
Apart from all the usual rabbits, birds and elephants, which
are the standard fare of this sort of act, they also formed
bare-hand silhouettes of well-known magicians, several of
whom were in the audience. For the benefit of anyone unfamiliar
with those being portrayed, photos were projected onto the
screen alongside the shadows.
with his Optical Circles, who followed, is one of those
novelty acts that are difficult to describe. Using large
rings, he combines mime with contact juggling and precision
of movement, to produce an effect that was the subject of
much favourable comment in the bars afterwards. To close
the first half, Kenris Murat and partner, combined skilled
card manipulation with Latin-American ballroom dance - a
sort of Strictly Come Fanning.
(Danny Hunt and new partner Steff) concentrated on escapology,
performing some of the items Danny has worked up over the
years and finishing with his well-known lock-picking to
free his head from a tank of water in which it is submerged.
Frye and Sherry stole the show with an act that seems to
improve at every viewing. Charlie's knockabout comedy, juggling
and magical skills are awe-inspiring, while Sherry's bored
indifference to all it all as she files her nails and refreshes
her make-up, enhances the fun.
bubble-blowing act of Marco Zoppi began with all the usual
stunts (blowing smoke into bubbles etc.) but then took a
novel turn when he introduced a device which enabled a flat
sheet/film of bubble mix to be formed, through which he
could push his hand, pass bubbles and, incredibly, insert
a plastic bangle to create a movable hole. Jimmy Tamley
then did his own hilarious spot, the highlight of which
was the antics of his hopeless boxer puppet.
close the show, came Matthew McGurk and his company of five
girls, who made an unusual start when two of them descended
from the top of the stage, in acrobatic style on lengths
of white cloth. Then followed a fast-moving series of illusions,
many involving fire. Matthew is not a man to push a sword
through a woman, when a flaming spear will do.
the show, for the diehards, Andi Gladwin's lecture took
place in the Pavilion Theatre.
kicked off early, with a 9:00 a.m. lecture by quick-change
performers Natalie & Ellie in the Pavilion Theatre.
Diamond Jim Tyler started an hour later in the Spanish Hall.
However, for many, the two main events were the British
Children's Entertainers National Championship in the Opera
House, which ran alongside the British Magic Close-up Championships
in the Pavilion.
children's competition was compered by Terry Herbert, who,
having expertly performed the warm-up introduced the five
competitors. Many agreed that the overall standard was higher
than usual, perhaps because there was a greater variety
of approaches, getting away from the standard formula of:
do a warm-up; get a kid up for a feature effect; make kid
a balloon model; finish with a puppet.
Dymond, whose specialty is vent, used mainly puppets; Gemma
Raymond (2nd prize) was outstanding at handling children
and finished with a dress change; Frank Kearns mostly juggled
and unicycled; Hannah (3rd prize) came from Japan and did
a slick silent act with cards and floating canes, which
appeared to be primarily designed for adult shows and competitions;
Simon Sparkles got a father and son to participate, suggesting
an act designed for family audiences rather than one specifically
aimed at children.
winner, billed as Mr Styx, was outstanding. Actually, it
was a double act assisted by his father in clown attire.
Mr Styx, himself, is a young man with mobility issues, which
necessitate walking with a long stick, so only ever having
one free hand, hence the need for a partner to handle some
of the props. But what he lacks in mobility, he more than
makes up for in personality, charisma, energy and the ability
to punch home a funny line. The winners were decided by
audience vote.
all this was going in the Opera House, the British Magic
Close-up Championships were taking place in the Pavilion
Theatre. Somewhat unusually for a major national competition,
two of the contestants were a father and son: Phil and Douglas
Tilston. Douglas (the junior Tilston) took the 3rd prize.
Wayne Goodman came 2nd, whilst the winner (by a long way,
if my informants are to be believed) was Matthew Wright.
Other competitors included: Carlos Vinuesa and Chris Stickland.
The judges, who were able to reach a decision which allowed
the results to be announced immediately after the competition,
were: Obie O'Brien, Joan Caesar, Gerritt Brengman, Peter
Din and Andrea Baioni.
with both competitions was Kenris Murat's lecture in the
Spanish Hall.
Dobson & Friends is always a popular fun-filled event,
with Michael J Fitch fronting and Wayne interjecting throughout.
This year's crop of friends included: Mel Mellers, Amethyst
and Jon Allen, but the highlight was a spot by comedian/impressionist
Hilary O'Neil.
afterwards, Luke Jermay's lecture began in the Spanish Hall,
while Martin Braessas fired up (quite literally) in the
Pavilion Theatre, demonstrating the truth of Eugene Burger's
famous dictum that there are few close-up effects that cannot
be enhanced by the judicious use of flash paper.
4:00 p.m. in the Spanish Hall came the Magical Speed Dating,
under the auspices of Quentin Reynolds. For 90 minutes,
a number of performers circulated around the tables, spending
about 10 minutes at each, demonstrating/talking/explaining
their own specialties. Taking part were: Christian Schenk,
Joseph Barry, Chris Hannibal, Alex Pandrea, Vittorio Belloni,
Diamond Jim Tyler and Peter Roberts. Meanwhile Alpha was
lecturing in the Pavilion Theatre.
Mellers emceed that evening's Gala Show, as only he can,
taking complete command of the audience from the word go.
Opening were Natalie & Ellie who combine an extraordinary
number of high-speed dress changes with stage-filling productions
of flowers. Kenris Murat (unusual to see the same performer
on two separate Galas) followed with a completely different
act to the previous night. Here the theme was slightly voodooesque,
where changes he made to a cut-out paper figure replicated
on his female partner.
was a show where the women produced all the most popular
acts. Katrin Weissensee's rapid-art sand pictures were a
novelty that had everyone talking. She pours coloured sand
onto a table and using only her fingers, forms pictures,
which continue to change and evolve. These are projected
onto screen, so that the audience can watch the process
and results.
"Mr Weird" himself, Rob Zabrecky, sidled up from
the auditorium to deliver his own unique brand of edgy comedy.
To close the first half, was the act which got everyone
talking, Lara Jacobs Rigolo with her feather balancing spectacular.
We all wondered what the finish would be, and when it came,
it was an applause-pulling, roof-raising surprise.
illusion team Cubic, who emerged from the last FISM, opened
the second half with their "act as known": mysterious
floating box, costume changes etc. Mike Chao manipulated
balls and cards with a green theme; Mel Mellers, in his
own spot had some fun with a couple of audience members,
while Sean Alexander's Illusion Spectacular closed the bill,
repeating many of the same effects that Matthew McGurk's
company had presented the previous night, but working even
faster. There were some spectacular additions, too, including
the production of two girls in a small boat and a heart-stopping
levitation, where he rises to the flies along with the assistant
who is being floated.
for those still hungry for yet more magic, Andrew James
and Magic Sam's anarchic Beat the Wand competition took
place in the main bar. This is a gong show, where the acts
which fail to please are ruthlessly removed and the winners
chosen by popular acclaim from those that remain - usually
the craziest ones. Tom Crosbie won with his Upside-down
Underwater, Rubik's Cube Death Tank Escape. In 2nd place
was Aaron Cummings and his invisible assistant Wez Evans
(dressed in black in the hope that the audience would not
see him being the force which caused things to levitate).
3rd prize went to Luke Oseland producing sponge bananas
while wearing a horse's head.
first programmed event was the 10:00 a.m. Master Class of
close-up magic in the Pavilion Theatre, where: Vittorio
Belloni, Christian Schenk, Mario Morris, Diamond Jim Tyler,
Joseph Barry, Chris Hannibal and Alex Pandrea were each
allotted about 15 minutes to demonstrate, teach and/or talk
about their various specialties. Card magic tended to predominate,
but coin work and street theatre were also given more than
a passing glance.
for children's entertainers, Terry Herbert and Shane West
delivered talks and demonstrations in the Ice Room, while
Michael Webber lectured in the Spanish Hall.
1:00 p.m. Christian Schenk delivered his talk on the Phoenix
Deck in the Pavilion Theatre, also distributing complimentary
decks to the 300 or so people assembled there. While this
was happening, Joseph Barry was also lecturing on card magic
in the Spanish Hall.
International Stars of Close-up show was introduced by Quentin
Reynolds in the Pavilion Theatre. Those appearing were Martin
Braessas, Charlie Frye, Alex Pandrea, Luke Jermay, Michael
Webber, Viktor Renner and Mario Morris. Meanwhile Chris
Hannibal was lecturing in the Spanish Hall.
two final lectures of the day (and the convention) were
by Alex Pandrea in the Spanish Hall and Rob Zabrecky in
the Pavilion Theatre.
evening's International Gala Show was a mostly South Korean
affair, hosted by Mick Miller, whose comedy and use of written
boards to cope with his alleged inability to pronounce the
performers' names, added considerably to the success of
the evening. First he introduced Do Ki Moon, an energetic
young comedy performer, whose antics as a hapless orchestra
conductor plagued by the vagaries of a wilful magical baton
were both skilful and amusing.
quickly became apparent that most of the acts had been designed
primarily with competitions in mind. All were silent, ran
for around 8 minutes, and opened on a darkened stage. The
second performer was billed and announced as E.K. Diamonds.
It turned out to be a young woman, whom I recall seeing
previously as Park Eun-Kyoung. Dressed in a Spanish style,
she performs much of her manipulative magic while seated.
Zhao Jun featured mainly silks, fans and flowers in an act
with an artist/painting theme, while Hyun Cheal Yong brought
some highly original touches to dove productions which took
the audience by a storm, and despite a mishap at the end,
drew tremendous applause. To close the first half, 13 year-old
Red Star Sun did a fast-paced act featuring the manipulation
of eggs and cards.
David Plant appeared immediately after the interval to present
the Murray Award, for distinguished dedication to the art
of magic, to Michael Weber, before bringing on octogenarian
superstar and national treasure Ken Dodd to present his
own Comedy Award to Charlie Frye & Sherry, and the Neville
King Trophy to Mick Miller. Doddy then did a short spot,
with many gags about getting old.
was the theme of Nicky Yang, who manipulated balls and cues
with equal dexterity. While Liao Xiao Run, the second female
performer, appeared in traditional dress and featured costume
changes, masks and card spinning.
Joon Kim drew considerable applause for his slow, elegant
manipulation of balls and cards. While Duo Magic, both of
whom had been seen previously in the show with their own
acts, shot through some of the fastest costume changes imaginable.
close the show, and as a complete contrast, came illusionist
Marcel Kalisvaart billed in the programme as Prince of Illusions.
This was the act that won the illusion category at FISM
2012, but with additions and improvements. Unlike most such
acts, it was not just a succession of tricks, but rather
a themed scenario of a nerdy young man's nightmare as his
sleep is disrupted by cavorting demons and hellish creatures,
who subject him to numerous torments. Many people, afterwards,
said that it was the best presentation of big-stage magic
they had ever seen, and got a well-earned standing ovation.
for those still not satiated, there was the After Gala Show
in the Spanish Hall, where Karl K introduced Alpha, Chris
North and Matthew Wright to perform, while close-up magic
was presented in the Theatre Bar.
should also be mentioned that, throughout the entire convention,
Robert Ormesher was on hand to sketch caricatures on demand,
and Ken Bowe's copious exhibition of theatre posters was
open daily in the Link Room.
Blackpool chalked up another success, of which the club
can be proud. It has its detractors, but the 3,600+ people
who voted with their wallets, know better. The next one
will be 19th - 21st February 2016 and it has already been
announced that Jeff McBride will be bringing his complete
Mystery School.
principal people who did all the hard work were: Derek Lever
(Executive Event Chairman), Ann Lever (Executive Event Chairman's
PA), Arthur Casson (Executive Registration Officer), June
Casson (Assistant Registration Officer), Les Pybus (Chief
Security Officer), Karl K (Assistant Security Officer),
Russell Brown (Stage Director for Blackpool Magicians' Club),
Duncan Jump (Stage Manager), David Plant (President and
Chief Steward), Mike Shepherd (Executive Treasurer), Christine
Shepherd (Executive Treasurer's PA), Harry Robson (Executive
Dealers Officer), Russ Lowe (Lecture Note Sales), Dave Wilson
(Website and Programme) and Diane Halliwell (Assistant).
there must have been numerous others too: stage crew, registration
desk, stewards, fetchers & carriers, casual volunteers
etc. all helping in their various ways to oil the wheels.
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