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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
* www.magicnewzealand.com
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Issue Number: #968
Date: Sunday 4th November 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Chin-Chin Appreciation Of Jonathan Pendragon
3. Radar Pictures Plans "Magic Castle" Movie
4. Review - 31st NZ International Magicians Convention
5. Australia's First "Magic Bar"
6. Fun Solution to Common Problem - #279 - Kyle Peron
7. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #7
8. Magic At The Beach 2013 Announces More Great Talent
9. Blackpool Convention - February 2013
10. Magicseen No. 47
11. Special Hurricane Sandy Offer
12. NZ Variety Artists Awards 2012
13. Magi-Fest Youth Scholarship 2013
14. A Money Saving Test
15. Burton's Mom Gets Restraining Order
16. Magic New Zealand App
17. e-zine Archives
18. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message
The highlight for this week for Michele and I was to attend the New Zealand Variety Artists Awards. As always it was a great night out catching up with all our professional friends in the New Zealand entertainment industry. The magicians and clowns nominated and awarded at the Awards go to item 12.

For those who would like to read Magic New Zealand in a HTML format go to:

Remember if you have any magic news drop me a line:

2. Chin-Chin Appreciation Of Jonathan Pendragon
Message by Chin-Chin (US)

Chin-Chin Appreciation Of Jonathan Pendragon For Retrieving Origami

"To Alan Watson and to the readers of Magic New Zealand:

I had intended many months ago to write this note of appreciation for what Jonathan Pendragon did for me last year. However, I was in a near fatal automobile crash on Christmas morning, 2011. I fractured my chest and punctured my lung. Fortunately, I am back on my feet, catching up with things and performing magic shows again.

Once a little kid (me) caught the magic bug by watching magic on TV and by reading a magic book. The kid marveled at watching professional magicians perform grand illusions. He wanted to meet them and to be like them. This was me, and this was my story. Some people say that when you get to know your heroes you become disillusioned by their natural faults of humanity. This has definitely not been my experience with Jonathan Pendragon.

Shortly after learning that Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon had separated, I learned that their Origami illusion was up for sale. Having wanted to perform that illusion since seeing it performed by David Copperfield, I contacted Charlotte to arrange to purchase my dream illusion, to make a down payment, to set up a payment plan, and to arrange for delivery following my final payment, at which time Charlotte promised that she would ship the illusion to me. Somehow I managed to pay Charlotte the agreed upon price, following which I eagerly awaited receiving my illusion.

However, after one month, then two months, then three months had passed without Charlotte sending me the illusion, I tried to call her. No answer. By this time, the story of what was happening had gotten to John Gaughan and to Jim Steinmeyer. Jonathan Pendragon must have found out as well, because he called me. Jonathan explained that many of the Pendragon props were in Trinidad, and were being held there pending the payment of an outstanding storage balance. Without my asking him to do so, Jonathan told me he was putting together a team to go to Trinidad and to do a magic show there for free, in exchange for the props. I also learned at the time that some of the props being stored in Trinidad had been "sold" by Charlotte to Chip Romero.

Jonathan successfully performed his show in Trinidad, and the Pendragon props which were being held there were released to Jonathan. The next thing I heard was that Origami was being shipped to John Gaughan for repairs and for delivery to me. I did in fact take delivery of Origami last December, just a few days prior to my automobile accident.

I have always believed in the good in people. My story here shows that little kids can have their heroes and that good does overcome bad. Believe in heroes, because they do exist. Jonathan Pendragon is certainly a hero of mine.

I would like to Thank Jonathan Pendragon, John Gaughan, Jack Browne, and all others who were involved with helping me retrieve my illusion.

One Love,


3. Radar Pictures Plans "Magic Castle" Movie
Article forwarded on by Richard Stuart (US)

By Garth Franklin

Radar Pictures has announced plans to do a feature film about Hollywood's famed private magic club The Magic Castle.

Residing just above Hollywood and more than a century-old, the impressive building is run by the nonprofit Academy of Magical Arts, Inc. That organization is devoted to the advancement of the ancient art of prestidigitation (magic tricks and illusion).

Balance of article go to:


4. Review - 31st NZ International Magicians Convention
Message by Steve Walker (Aust)

Just back from the 31st New Zealand International Convention, and had a wonderful time. The choice of overseas acts was exceptional as they all proved to be wonderful conventioneers and if you didn't get to talk to them you can only blame yourself as they were available through every waking hour and some not so awake ones.

Mark Mason proved yet again he is the best demonstrator in the world and this not only shows in his lectures it also transmits to his performances. Shawn Farquar besides being a World Champion is Mr Enthusiastic and has limitless energy. Ken Scott was new to me but very impressive with a miscellany of bits and routines to suit kids and adults alike. Felix was manic and multi-talented, whilst the Gillam Family provided a homespun joyous approach to the craft.

The locals were no slouches either with well known Kiwi's Alan Watson, El Gregoe and Sue, Bernard Reid, supported by other 'Locals'. I was particularly impressed with Bernard's talk on Houdini and never lost interest during the 90 mins as Bernard introduction photo's, plus well researched facts and theories I'd never heard before.

Great Trip.

5. Australia's First "Magic Bar"
Message by Adam Milgate (Australia)

Have a magic time at the Greengate

Starting on Thursday 8 November and running through until 13 December, the Greengate Hotel will host a "Magic Bar' where patrons can be seated in a private room and spend half an hour with one of Australia's top magicians and mentalists.

At $10 a head, it's great value for kids and adults alike who are ushered into the exclusive Terrace Room, usually reserved for high-end dining, with only 24 others so they can enjoy their "conversation" with the Magician.

There will be four Magic Bar "sessions" each Thursday night at 6, 7, 8 and 9pm and it is a good idea to book, as seats are predicted to be the hottest ticket on the North Shore. Award-winning magician and mentalist, Adam Milgate who will be hosting the bar, says it's an Australian first. "They really only have Magic Bars in
Japan and mainly only in Tokyo and Kyoto. So it's an Australian first for us-although of course we've had magic shows in hotels, this is a little different."

He says it's a casual affair, with patrons becoming part of a conversation rather than sitting through a formal show and even able to direct the action at points through each session, though of course, the magic and mind reading will be thick and fast!

"It should be a bit like having a drink with a really interesting person," says Milgate. "Who welcomes you into a private, exclusive area of the hotel and then shows you some truly mind-blowing and sometimes very funny things. I think everyone will learn something and we'll all have a great time!"

Rob Alexander, licensee at Greengate is enthusiastic: "There aren't too many places you can go that give you real entertainment anymore," he says. "We have a venture also going at The Exchange at Balmain which is proving hugely successful and we're hoping the Magic Bar will do just as well here."

The Magic Bar at the Greengate Hotel Cnr Greengate Road and Pacific Highway Killara runs from 8 November till 13 of December, every Thursday night with sessions at 6, 7, 8 &9pm. It's advisable to book with the hotel on 9496 7205. The cost to get in is $10 per head.

6. Fun Solution to Common Problem - #279 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

This may very well be the shortest article I have ever written. However, I wanted to share with you all a really great little tip, trick or technique for dealing with a common problem. It is probably a problem many of us are faced with and I am sure everyone has different and various ways of handling it. This is just one I developed and wanted to share with you all.

Have you ever had a situation where something went obviously wrong in a show? sometimes it is a trick that just went wrong or could even be something that fell off a table. Other times you may have a situation where you trip on stage or an audience member signs the back of the card instead of the front.

There are so many times where by situations happen in a show that are not planned and that the audience knows is a problem or mistake. They are looking for you to see how you act and react to it.

Here is a fun thing to do when something goes wrong in your show much like what I described above. It just requires having a cell phone with a camera app set to flash on and a pair of sunglasses. I always keep both nearby at every show I do.

When a situation happens that goes on or you have an awkward moment happen,
do not panic but do this instead.

Grab a pair of dark sunglasses and grab your cell phone set to camera and flash on. Stare at the audience and say, "Folks I am actually from MIB. Men in Black. What you just saw did NOT happen and you will remember none of it."

Then take a photo with the camera with the flash going off. Gets a huge laugh, you get out of the problem AND can post it to your Facebook fan page.

It is a really funny way to solve a problem and look like a pro that planned it all along. It makes the audience laugh and they get right back into the show without you skipping a beat.

Have fun with this and adapt it or use it however you would like.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at magic4u02@aol.com. I would love to hear from you.

Entertainers, please visit:

7. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #7
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA


AD: Cool! But before you do, let me say that all the points you just made are extremely valid and perhaps even more relevant today than before . I don't wish to labor the point but bad Entertainment is exactly that - bad Entertainment . but please share your other thoughts .

PF: Sure. The Things I like most about magic is performing. Despite the fact I have been involved now for more than thirty years and a professional for the last twenty five of those years I still love performing. Yes there are times when I am tired and the thoughts of having to get ready to do a show seems daunting, but I find it easy enough to kick myself into action.

I don't do a lot of children's magic these days as it is mostly close-up, stand-up, stage and cabaret magic I perform, but I still enjoy working for children and I can pull out the kids show at the drop of a hat when the need arises. I absolutely adore Magic Conventions both as an attendee and as a performer. I try to get to as many as is physically possible every year.

The best conventions I have ever attended were both in the UK and they were the Davenports Centenary which was held in Brighton and The Magic Circle Centenary which was in London. They were what I classed as professional magicians conventions as they were attended by some of the greats of magic and were just brilliant in every way, but you would have to have been there to know what I mean. The Magic Circle event was marred somewhat by the terrorist bombings in London around that time which resulted in a number of overseas delegates deciding not to travel.

I have appeared at a number of conventions abroad both performing and lecturing, but my only experience of a convention in the USA was the Innovention Convention in 2010 run by Paul Stone in Las Vegas, which would probably be third on my list. It was a really good event with some very great act and lectures, but I did not feel it lived up to its name. It may have been innovated to some people, but to me it was just like an Irish Convention only with a budget.

AD: Well.yes . there's a lot of that in Vegas and elsewhere, but you yourself have organized a Convention or two .

PF: Yes indeed I have Tony. I have been involved in running conventions in Ireland without a budget for most of my career. I have worked very closely for about the last ten years with a great guy, Brendan Byrne who runs the Irish magic news website as well as being a top class professional magician. He was a student of Quentin Reynolds so need I say more. We have a policy in the Society of Irish magicians to get our new members involved in running things and we now have a great team of professional people including Nevin Cody, Joe Fortune, Steven Thompson and Ciaran McCormac. How we manage to attract such great magicians for around the world to lecture and perform I will never know.

They are only a two and a half days event with a maximum of one hundred and twenty attendees which includes the performers and dealers, but we have a ball. A lot of performers just want to come to Ireland and for that reason money is not their priority. Most Magicians who do lecture tours in the UK can be enticed across the sea to Ireland, so we have just about managed to grab every big name around.

End of Part 7

8. Magic At The Beach 2013 Announces More Great Talent
Message by Mike Heidtman
Event Coordinator - MATB2013
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA

Dangerously Dexterous - Farrell Dillon

Another Great Act at Magic at the Beach 2013

Farrell Dillon is quickly becoming one of the most sought after magical entertainers in the world. Over the past decade Farrell has performed for hundreds of thousands of people. He has been seen performing for clients like; The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Harrah's Entertainment Properties and Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, just to name a few. You may also have seen him on television, on the show Masters of Illusion or in guest appearances in music videos on MTV. He is currently the headline comedy act for The Masters of Illusion LIVE! World Tour. Farrell will be our opening night one-man show for our Magic at the Beach - Beach Party! So bring your beach clothes and flip flops and get ready for an incredible night of magic!

In addition to his one-man show, Farrell will be performing in the Champions of Magic Show along with Rudy Coby, David and Dania, Juliana Chen, Les Arnold and Dazzle, Losander and Michael Trixx!

Did you know?

Spirit Air offers several direct flights into Myrtle Beach. Round trip tickets from Ft Lauderdale, Atlantic City, New York and Boston start at only $120.00!

Magic at the Beach is being held the 17th - 19th of January 2013 in Myrtle Beach, SC, USA. Ocean Dunes Resort & Conference Center

All rooms are ocean-front and are $59/night USD.

Information for the Ocean Dunes Resort & Conference Center is available on our website or call 1-800-599-9872 to book your room today. Be sure to mention Magic at the Beach to get the special rate.

Registration is limited. Register before December 1, 2012 and save!
Register Today - www.MagicAtTheBeach.org
or call Broadway Magic at 843-626-8191

9. Blackpool Convention - February 2013
Message by Derek Lever (UK)

Blackpool Convention on 22nd, 23rd, 24th. February 2013 looks like being one
of the "best ever".

Already booked are: F.I.S.M. Grand Prix winner Yu Ho Jin from Korea. Marko Karvo from Finland, First Prize in F.I.S.M. General Magic, Haon Gun from Korea, Second Prize in F.I.S.M. General Magic, Les Chapeaux Blancs from France, joint Second Prize in F.I.S.M. General magic, Simon Lovell from U.S.A., David Williamson from U.S.A., Matthew Wright from U.K. joint Second in F.I.S.M. Parlour Magic, Yuji Yasuda from Korea, Zeki Yoo from Korea, Third Prize in F.I.S.M. Card Magic, Haon Gun from Korea, Special Award F.I.S.M. Invention, Lukas from Korea, Second Prize F.I.S.M. Manipulation, Ted Kim from Korea Special Prize F.I.S.M. Most Original Stage Act, Kim Hyun Joon from Korea Third Prize F.I.S.M. Manipulation, Mel Mellers from U.K., Vittorio Marino from Italy, Jan Logemann from Germany First Prize F.I.S.M. Card Magic, Johan Stahl from Germany Second Place F.I.S.M. joint Second Prize F.I.S.M. Parlour Magic, David Merry from Canada, Dirk Losander from U.S.A. and many more being added every day.

Friday night will be The Korean Magic Gala Show and Saturday night and Sunday night will feature International Gala Shows. Nearly 1,500 registrations have been sold

Visit www.blackpoolmagic.com to download a Registration Form or e-mail:

10. Magicseen No. 47
Message by Chris Wasshuber (US)

by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 8, No. 5, November 2012; 64 pages
Cover: Paul Stockman

Welcome - editor's letter
Readers' Letters
In The News
Tre Cool - mini interview
In The News
Dealer's Booth - Warped Magic - Mark Leveridge
I'll Never Forget - Top Actress & Magic Fan Helen Baxendale
Mickael Chatelain - Magic's Mad Scientist!! - interview
Angelo Carbone - Thinking Loud & Clear! - interview
It's All In Your Approach - Part 2 - Mark Leveridge
Paul Stockman - Around the World, Around the House! - cover
article/interview by Graham Hey
Competition Time!
The Chop Cup - The Poor Man's Cups and Balls? - Mark Leveridge
Chop Cup Product Reviews
Brad Burt's Private Lesson Video Series - The Chop Cup DVD
Morrissey Aluminum Small Pocket Chop Cup
The Uday Combo Cups and Balls
Greater Magic Teach In Sessions - The Classic Chop Cup DVD
The Uday Copper Chop Cup
The Uday Aluminum Chop Cup
The Uday Brass Chop Cup
World's Greatest Magic - The Chop Cup
Morrissey Copper Pocket Chop Cup
The Complete Don Alan Chop Cup Book
The Chalice Chop Cup
The Bazar de Magia Cups and Balls/Chop Cup Combo Set
Mindful Coins - Gary Jones
Order Order - Gary Jones
Cryptical Envelopment - ebook - John Hostler
Essentials in Magic - The Svengali Deck - DVD - Daryl
Grab That Pinhead - DVD - Dan Garrett & Bob Sheets
Heritage - mentalism effect DVD - Martin Adams


11. Special Hurricane Sandy Offer
Message by Paul Romhany (New Zealand)

I am writing this e-mail after having spent the last two nights watching on television the terrible destruction of hurricane Sandy that swept through the Eastern side of the USA and in to Canada and continues to cause devastation as it tears through America. I had a lot of friends in magic affected by this; ranging from loss of gigs to loss of props and in some cases cars and homes destroyed. As I sit down here in New Zealand I ask myself what can I do? Being so far away it is very hard to know what you can do to help, other than offer support.

There is ONE thing I knew I could do and that is to offer any magician who is living in the Eastern side of the USA or Canada who was affected by the storms a FREE e-book of ANY CHOICE that I have written, and is up on the site www.revizzit.com. All you need to do is go to Revizzit.com (http://www.revizzit.com) and check out my range of books that I offer - choose one and send me an email. I will then send you a gift code and you will be able to get the book as a gift from me. It's a small way of me saying my family and I are thinking of you and hopefully this will bring a little smile to your face.

The great thing about a lot of the books and the way I have set them up with Revizzit.com (http://www.revizzit.com) is that I now offer VIDEO with some of them. For example the Cruise Book comes with a 25 minute DVD I shot a few years back on a ship. It takes you on a tour of a ship and looks at the theatre and rooms, etc. Drop me an email at info@paulromhany.com - download the Revizzit e-reader (it's free for everybody to download the e-reader) and I'll send you a gift of the ebook of your choice.

For everybody else who lives elsewhere in the world, be sure to check out revizzit.com and see the books I have up there. It's an incredible site, and the books are all discounted as they are e-books.

You can also check out my e-books at www.paulromhanymagic.com to see the range of Instant Download books.

Wishing everybody the best and safe times ahead.

I am currently working on the next edition of VANISH and will drop you a line once it's completed for early December release.

Warmest wishes
Paul Romhany

12. NZ Variety Artists Awards 2012
Message by Mick Peck (NZ)

The magicians and clowns nominated and awarded at the VAC Awards Night:

Agnew Award for Excellence - Nominees: John McGough, Lionel Reekie, Bernard Reid, Mike Walker, Jon Zealando. Winner: John McGough.

Top Variety Artist - Nominees: Jarred Fell, Mick Peck, Paul Romhany.
Winner: Paul Romhany.

Top Children's Entertainer - Nominees: BJ The Clown (Bruce Allan), Trixie the Fairy (Paula Wray), Walnut the Clown (Michael Colonna).
Winner: Walnut the Clown (Michael Colonna).

Certificates of Achievement
Jon Zealando

13. Magi-Fest Youth Scholarship 2013
Message by Ellise Ramos

I am writing on behalf of Magicana and its youth program, the Tony Eng Youth Fund. We have been contacted by Josh Jay and Andi Gladwin about having Magicana participate in the youth scholarship they are organizing for the 2013 MagiFest.

The next step for us now is to spread the news so that we can have applicants to take advantage of the program.

As a result, I am reaching out to you to see if you could circulate our blog announcement to your young magicians through the Magic New Zealand in case any of them can take advantage of the offer of free registration, hotel and per diem.

More information can be found in our blog entry below:

Magi-Fest Youth Scholarship

We thank you in advance for your support and we hope you have a good day!

Best regards,
Ellise Ramos | program coordinator | magicana.com
t. (416) 913-9034 f. (866) 528-9064

14. A Money Saving Test
Message by Docc Hilford (US)

I'm setting up for the Honeymoon in Vegas Lecture sale.

It's for those of you who can't get to the lecture or workshop in Las Vegas.

It will be for 48 hours only and will begin after the lecture on November 9.

All e-books and Doccinars (not Corvus Slates or hard copy products) will be 25% OFF retail price.

If you can, I need you to help me test the new shopping cart.

I've asked Dan to discount DEAD VELVET 2 right now.

This is a great double Doccinar, over 2 hours long!

It has some wild seance material.

The ecotplasm effect is worth $100 to anyone who uses it!

PLUS trumpet routines and a Q&A for spirits!

The business of seance will show you how to make money ALL YEAR LONG!

Check it out.

It's 25% OFF right now.
To test the cart enter the discount code:

Thanks for your help and get ready for the BIG SALE November 9.


15. Burton's Mom Gets Restraining Order
Article forwarded on by Peter Belmont

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Burton's mom gets restraining order

Hell hath no fury like a legal battle between the camps of two comedy magician headliners.

A 30-day temporary restraining order has been granted on behalf of the mother of Planet Hollywood comedy magician Nathan Burton.

Nancy Burton filed for the TRO on Oct. 1 against Bill Voelkner, producer and business partner for Harrah's headliner Mac King.

Reached Thursday, Nancy Burton said Voelkner became enraged during a discussion in her son's dressing room at the Flamingo in July 2009.

Balance of article go to:


16. Magic New Zealand App
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched on any tablet.

Go to: www.app.cat/magicnewzealand on your tablet to download the FREE Magic
New Zealand app.

17. e-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button center right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e-zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at:

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2012 Alan Watson


Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2012 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine