* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
* www.magicnewzealand.com
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #966
Date: Sunday 28th October 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. No More Pirating Of DVDS Or Books!!!!!!!
3. What's Going On In Korea?
4. Burton Is Suing King And Voelkner
5. No Losers In Washington
6. Remarkable Magic #55 - Nick Lewin
7. Your Name or The Shows Name - #278 - Kyle Peron
8. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #6
9. Las Vegas Magic - November, 2012
10. The Tri-City Three Of Clubs Convention
11. NZ World Festival of Magic 2012 Tour Route
12. Australian World Festival of Magic 2012 Tour Route
13. After "Magic Week" In New York
14. Renewal In Your S.A.M. Membership
15. Magic New Zealand App
16. e-zine Archives
17. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message
Brilliant creative photographer Birgit Krippner has put a CDR together, with 150+ of the best photographs from the recent International Magic Convention in Christchurch, New Zealand. She is selling this disc for a great price of $40.00 (plus 10.00 for international shipping).

You can order this disc by emailing Birgit Krippner at birgitkrippner@me.com and you can see some of the photos in low resolution on her website. Go to:

I'm a very proud granddad letting everyone know that his 13 year old granddaughter Aleshia Spiers was awarded 1st Place in the Under 17 Junior Close-up competition and she was also awarded the Funniest Routine seen at the 31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention in Christchurch.

Aleshia was on the front page of the Oamaru Times. Go to:

For those who would like to read Magic New Zealand in a HTML format go to:

Remember if you have any magic news drop me a line:

2. No More Pirating Of DVDS Or Books!!!!!!!
Message by Paul Romhany Editor Vanish Magazine

Here is something that every person who has written a book or created a DVD to sell to the magic community should read!!! It is also something very special for every magician who wants instant books and DVDs.

For the past several years I have been asked if I would ever put my books out as PDFs or e-books. The answer has always been NO because they are too easy for people to share, copy and STEAL!!!

For years I have been waiting for software to become available that answers ALL of my concerns. Would you believe it took a magician to create the ultimate programme?

Nicholas Night retired his act years ago, at the height of his career. He had one of the most memorable acts I had ever seen. He left magic to pursue his interest in animation which lead to software development. Recently Nick contacted me through VANISH magazine, to let me know about something incredibly exciting. After spending days going over it with a fine tooth comb I realised he had created EXACTLY what I had been looking for. A secure place where people can download my books read them offline but NOT copy them. You can't share passwords and you can't even take a screen grab. If a screen grab is taken I am notified and can then take the book back!

This is like an e-reader. You buy the book or DVD and open up your e-reader that Nick created, and can read and watch online or offline anytime.

Here's what makes it so incredible. I recently put up my Multiplying Bottles book. It sells for $20 and the DVD with audio sell for about $45. Now, I was able to offer BOTH to those who want it instantly, and at a cheaper rate. I gave access for people to download the audio track, but the DVD and book are protected. You can watch and read when you like but you can't record and share it. From a creators point of view this is a major breakthrough in selling and buying magic books and DVDs in the modern world.

UPDATES - here's a feature I LOVE. I have also put up my CRUISE SHIP book - and had a dozen purchases in the first few days. I decided to add a video file to the product. Everybody who had purchased it instantly got the update for FREE. So at anytime when I update a product, the purchaser will get the update.

It's easy to use. You just download the e-reader and then purchase the books you want. The e-reader is FREE so you only pay for the products you want. Because Nick was a magician and knows how people pirate books and DVDs, he thought magicians would appreciate having something that protects their creations.

By the end of next month Nick tells me he will have the App version working so you can read and download on your Iproducts and Androids. At the moment it is computer read and watch only.

I will also end up putting VANISH magazine on there with a lot of bonus features including Chat forum, links to interviews etc. There is so much more to this than I can write about. I suggest you check it out at:

3. What's Going On In Korea?
Message by Stan Allen, Editor of MAGIC Magazine

Korean magicians were certainly the buzz at the Blackpool FISM this year. They walked off with 8 of the 32 trophies presented (exactly 25%), prompting many of us to ask, "What's going on in Korea?" In the November issue of MAGIC Magazine, Gregory Bracco, who has been living and working in South Korea for the past decade, answers that question and introduces us to a new, exciting community of magic.

This month also features stories on Las Vegas' newest magic headliner, the return of the SAM Hall of Fame, David Blaine's Electrified, Bruce Bernstein's mental miracles, and Steve Cohen's two-hour special on the History Channel. Of course, all our regular departments are included: Mark Kornhauser's "For What It's Worth," Joshua Jay's "Talk About Tricks," Gregory Wilson's "The Almighty Buck," Joanie Spina's "Directions," Ian Rowland "Loving Mentalism," Payne's "Paynefully Obvious," Mike Bent's "Bent on Deception," and a filled-to-the-brim "Marketplace."

And each month, all of the digital extras (exclusive videos, podcasts, slideshows, and more) are waiting for readers at MAGIC Plus on our website.

Visit www.MAGICmagazine.com.

4. Burton Is Suing King And Voelkner
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Norm Clarke

Prominent lawyer pulled out of a hat
Comedy magician Mac King and his producer Bill Voelkner have retained a Las Vegas attorney who is no stranger to defending prominent entertainment figures.

Mark Tratos confirmed Tuesday that he has been hired by King and Voelkner to
represent them in their legal tiff with fellow comedy magician Nathan Burton.

Balance of Story go to:


5. No Losers In Washington
Message by George Schindler (US)

Washington, D.C. has its share of political winners and losers, but there are NO losers at the Society of American Magicians Convention! Dr, Paul Critelli announces that you will be able to see and experience and learn Magic from all over the world at the S.A.M. 2013 Convention- July 3, 4, 5, 6, 2013. Washington, DC.

Some of you may be on that select committee known as The S.A.M. Contest of
Magic Performers! There are two contests: The Dr. Paul Critelli Close-Up Magic Contest and The Father Cyprian Murray Stage Magic Contest. You may apply for either or both. If you would like to be considered for this event, your first step is to obtain an application packet.

To do this, email Paul : MagicPaul@aol.com with S.A.M. - Contest in the Subject line. Please make sure to include your email and your full name, regular postal address, and your phone number. If you do not have access to email, send your request to:Paul Critelli 858 Iroquois SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506

All application packets will be made available electronically or sent out on or after January 7, 2013. Please note the following deadlines: All requests for an application packet must be in our possession by or sent on or before May 20, 2013. All applications and DVDs must be on line as instructed in the Application Packet by June 3, 2013. See
http://magicsam.com/annual-convention/contest/ or full details.

I am not a politician, but I have approved this message! Thank you and Good
Paul Critelli Chairperson - Contest of Magic-- Society of American Magicians

6. Remarkable Magic #55 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)

A few notes from the magic front!

I have received some great feedback on my two columns on the use of video in magic. I am always delighted to get your comments and ideas for useful future columns.

One topic that I didn't cover was the use of a pre-show video presentation to set up the opening of a live show. These were very popular for many years and indeed rather effective. They were usually referred to as 'credibility builders' and contained a bunch of short clips from ones various TV appearances.

I certainly used one for many years and it was a rather fun video that combined television footage with archival promotional footage and clips of some of my friends/heroes/mentors. If you would like to view it (it is actually rather fun for magicians!) you can find it on my website at http://www.nicklewin.com/my-magical-mystery-tour.html

I very seldom use this video now as things have got much tighter in regard to copyright restrictions. Clients can be very nervous about potential lawsuits due to infringements. They were always fun though and I do miss the way they managed to let your audience know about your credits without having an MC mangle them!

More to the point now is a brief Keynote/PowerPoint clip that can run after your show to let audiences know about your website information. I generally also have a very simple graphic with my name and photo that is shown on any screens prior to the show. These can both be burned onto CDs with a back up on a thumb drive.

It was a lovely surprise to have Harry Anderson performing at the Magic Castle last week to celebrate his 60th birthday! It was his first performance there in 20 years. I celebrated my 60th birthday in a similar way earlier in the year. In my case 28 years since my last engagement!

It is rather a nice trend! However, it does remind me of how many of us 'young' Castle performers aren't quite as young as I remember! With the Castle celebrating its 50th birthday this year, it is amazing the amount of us performers who grew up perfecting our craft there.

I really do miss the wonderful old cartoons by Ted Salter, which used to adorn the walls of our clubhouse. They were a very classy roll call of the performers associated with the Castle. They were recently removed, for the most part, and I really do regret their absence. Nowadays, if you get a fancy frame of a colored photo and get it into someone's hands - then it arrives on the wall maybe!

The Castle is looking good though as it enters the second half of its first century! While there are many changes being made (and predictably, many are not popular) it seems to be gracefully and profitably entering its middle age era! Having Jack Goldfinger at the booking helm is a true blessing for the club.

On one final note, I want to mention what fun I am having writing my column every month for Paul Romhany's Vanish magazine. I am really impressed by the ever improving quality, content and style, in his free downloadable magazine. Not many things in life are free anymore, Magic New Zealand and Vanish are two wonderful additions to the magic world and I am proud to be a part of them. I truly don't understand any magician who doesn't subscribe to them both!

I have some really great magical items in my online store and more being released all the time! There is also some great video there that is unavailable anywhere else!

Check out my website, at www.nicklewin.com

7. Your Name or The Shows Name - #278 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

I was talking with a friend the other day when this topic and question came up. I felt it was a great discussion as I am sure a lot of you may have faced this same problem before.

When you design or have designed a piece of marketing material (such as a poster or biz card or other type of hand out) do you put the name of your show or your stage name as the primary focus of the piece?

Unless you are Copperfield or David Blaine, chances are your name does not carry with it much weight to lay people in the community. I do not say this to folks to be mean but just to be honest. Even if we have a strong following, most folks have no idea who we are.

Now I think it is important to brand YOU and who YOU are to the markets you work. However, the most prominent part of the poster or marketing material would be the name of the show. The reason is usually that is descriptive enough to grab attention. Folks simply want to know fast and easily, what it is you are offering to them. They may look at it and go "What is this? oh a magic show? cool."

In all honesty the importance is getting folks to know what your product or service is. THEN I brand my name so they know it is ME that is offering said product or service. So if you have a formula, it would have to be 1) what is the product or service you offer and then who is offering this said product or service and then follow that up with supporting information that gives them more details.

Now some may say they disagree with this statement. Usually they state this disagreement because they know of someone that is doing amazingly well and all they do is state their name only with less importance on a show title.

This is true and I have seen this as well. However, this usually is the case when a certain performer has established his/her brand so well in their local markets that they work, that they can and should market their name first. Over many years, a performer may have gotten their brand recognition so up there that their brand name alone carries with it weight and power.

However, it takes time to do this effectively and it takes time to get any brand recognized at a higher level. In most cases most entertainers are not there yet. If a consumer sees a name only, chances are they have no clue who you are or what you do.

So in this case you need to use a combination of show name and then your stage name. You must use both because you want to start growing brand recognition. However, first they need to know what your product or service is and then associate that product or service with the name they see. That is (in part) how brand recognition is built up and created over time.

So once again, you have to build brand recognition. That does not happen overnight but comes with doing a great show and great offerings and having your marketing slowly build it to a successful level.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at magic4u02@aol.com. I would love to hear from you.

Entertainers, please visit:

8. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #6
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA


Part 6

AD: Share with us a bit about your Bio.

PF: Wow! That has put me on the spot . well, let me see I am, in a nice way and as you know Tony, quite proud to state that I am in the vanguard of Irish Magicians with an international reputation. And may I add that I am Ireland's only resident Gold Star member of the Inner Magic Circle and also a recipient of The Merlin Award from the International Magicians Society. I've won several awards and competitions including both the Irish IBM close-up and stage competitions and in 1995, I was the first non-British act ever to win at the British Magical Championships.

I am happy to say that I am booked regularly to appear at magic conventions presenting my Close-up act, classical stage act and also lecturing on my particular style of magic. In association with Practical Magic I released my first DVD entitled, 'Magic for Older Children' and I'm pleased that it has proved very popular with children's entertainers.

AD: As many who have followed my work over the last two decades know, I am quite vocal on certain aspects of the Performance and Presentation of Magic. Therefore, I must publicly state that I am a great supporter of your views . care to share some of them?

PF: I would be delighted Tony. Thank you. As a person I am very outspoken and have strong views about almost everything. It was Quentin Reynolds when secretary of the Society of Irish Magicians who coined the phrase "There is not much happening at this meeting tonight so let's get Pat Fallon up on one of his soap boxes". Never been one to resist a challenge I would duly oblige, because I was sure to have something bugging me that I needed to get off my chest.

Even nowadays someone will say "What's that creaking sound, oh it's Pat Fallon saddling up one of his hobby horses, so look out everyone because someone is in for a verbal bashing? So while we are on the subject here are just some of my dislikes about magic in general.

Young magicians who think they know everything and that practice and rehearsal are dirty words.

Magicians of any age who simply take the trick from the packet or DVD and perform it as described without trying to add anything of them self to it.

Magicians who steal other performer's material or lines which really should be on top of my list as I feel so strongly about this problem.

Illusionists who dance around too much, because they can't be bothered to have the music edited to fit the presentation.

Magazine reviewers who do not have the backbone to be honest about the material they review, because the people in question are friends.

Magicians who have loads of excuses for why they will not perform in front of other magicians, while ultimately the real reason is the fear of discovering how bad they really are.

People who only believe positive reviews or comments, but can't take criticism, constructive or otherwise.

Magicians who use false or misleading publicity material.

Magic dealers who edit video footage to make tricks look brilliant when in reality they are never going to work in the real world.

Most modern Television magic programmes because of the use of stooges and clever editing.

I could go on, but I think I have said enough negative stuff about our business and the people in it otherwise I will just be seen as another grumpy old man, so I will follow this up with things I do like and enjoy.

End of Part 6

9. Las Vegas Magic - November, 2012
Message by David Neubauer - www.dnmagic.com

Adam London
Through The End Of October
9:03 pm (Dark Mon. - Wed.) - The D.

Amazing Johnathan
10 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Bally's.

Criss Angel - Believe
7 (except Wed. & Thurs.) & 9:30 pm (Dark Sun. - Mon.) - Luxor.

David Copperfield - An Intimate Evening of Grand Illusion
Nov. 1-Dec. 4, Dec. 16-31
7 & 9:30 pm & also 4 pm Sat. - MGM Grand.

Gerry McCambridge - The Mentalist
7:30 pm (Dark Wed.) - Planet Hollywood.
Comp Tickets and info: www.mentalist.com

Illusions - Jan Rouven
7 pm (Dark Wed.) - Riviera.

Impact - An Explosion of Magic & Music - Tommy Wind
Open November 1st
5 pm & 7 pm - The Boulevard Theatre
(Vegas Blvd between the MGM and Planet Hollywood).

It's Tricky - the Original Nerd of Magic Kyle Marlett
5 pm, (Dark Wed. - Thurs.) - Royal House Resort.

3rd Thurs. each month 7:30 to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.)
Non-stop Magic & Variety Performance Art. A whole new show each month. Free
with 2 drink minimum.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.streetofcards.tv

Kevin Burke: Comedy. Mindreading. Mayhem.
8:57 pm (Dark Mon. - Wed.) - Hooters.

Kevin Burke: Mind Blowing Comedy
Through The End Of October
9:03 pm (Dark Thur. - Sun.) The D.
Two for One: www.vegas4locals.com/couponfitzoflaughterlasvegas.html
Dinner & Tix: www.vegas4locals.com/couponfeastoflaughterlasvegas.html

Mac King Comedy Magic Show
1 & 3 pm, (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Harrah's.
Free tickets (buy 1 drink) usually available at the concierge desk or handed out by showgirls.

Magic, Mind Reading & Mystery - Paul Vigil
7 pm (Wed.) - King Ink, Mirage.

Magical Mix - Christopher Karpiak
7-10 pm (Dark Tues. - Wed.) - Mix Lounge, Mandalay Bay.
Free to locals until 10 pm.

Mike Hammer Comedy Magic Show
7 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Four Queens.
$14.95 discounted tix + free drink:

Murray - Celebrity Magician with Douglas "Lefty" Leferovich.
7 pm - Laugh Factory at the Tropicana.

Nathan Burton Comedy Magic Show
4 pm, (Dark Mon.) - Saxe Theater - Planet Hollywood.
Current Guest Stars: Jeff Civillico and Russ Merlin
Armando Vera's Up-Close "VIP Experience" is performed post-show @ 5:30 pm
FREE Back row tickets:

Penn & Teller
9 pm, (Dark Thurs. - Fri.) - Rio.

Seth Grabel - Variety Magic
6 pm, (Dark Sun. - Wed.) - Clarion.

Bram Charles
2 sets between 10 pm - 2 am (Dark Mon. - Thurs.)
The Can Can Room on Industrial.

Crazy Girls
Tony Douglas - 9:30 pm (Dark Tues.) - Riviera.

Haunted Vegas Show and Tour - Jac Hayden, Robert Allen.
9:30 pm, picks up at the Royal Resort.

V The Ultimate Variety Show
Featuring Melinda - First Lady of Magic
7 & 8:30, V Theater, Planet Hollywood

Vegas Close-Up Magic
Shimshi - Resident Magician - Wynn/Encore.
Seth Grabel - Fri. & Sat. 9-11 pm - Foundation Room, Mandalay Bay.
Ben Seidman - Resident Magician - Mandalay Bay.
Cameron Shadow - Resident Magician - Pure Nightclub, Caesars Palace.
Craig Keith performs bar magic, various times - Dick's Last Resort, Excalibur.
JungleJosh - House Magician - Señor Frogs at Treasure Island (Dark Mon.), 5 pm to 1 am. Table-hopping and Comedy Magic on the stages. No Cover, No Min. Smoothini - Wed. to Sun. 8 pm-10:30 at Hard Rock Café (2nd Floor Bar); 11 pm
to 2 am at Zingers, 3743 Las Vegas Blvd. and after 2 am at New York New York's
Pour 24.

Jamie Porter's Radio Side Show Sat @ 5 am, KLAV FM 1230.

Las Vegas Magic Organizations
Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257, 7 pm - 8:45, 1st Monday each month at Denny & Lee's
Magic Shop, 5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102. Free Children's Classes at 5:45. No meeting if the 1st Monday is a major Holiday. ($24 a year to be a member). Current President and contact: John McClenahan, doctormagiclv@embarqmail.com
or 702-395-3856. www.ibm257.com

Darwin's Magic Club 9 pm each Wed. at Boomers, 3200 Sirius Ave.

Upcoming Special Events
October, 2012
October 23: Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257 Lecture: Diamond Jim Tyler will lecture at Denny and Lee's Magic Studio, 5115 Dean Martin Dr., #102 at 7 PM. Free to Ring members. $20 for non-Ring members, children free with paid or Ring adult admission.

November, 2012
November 8-11: Magic & Mystery School presents Magic & Medicine (now with CME Credit) Eugene Burger, Jeff McBride, Ricardo Rosenkranz, M. D., and
Lawrence Hass, Ph.D.

Nov. 11-13: MINDvention - Kenton Knepper, Max Krause, Patrick Redford/George
Tait, Roy Zaltsman, Colin McLeod, Larry Haas, Satori, Ross Johnson, Tony
Chris, Christopher Taylor, Paul Draper. (more details on the website) - Palace Station.

November 14-16: Magic & Mystery School: Master Class for Mentalism - Ross Johnson, Eugene Burger, Jeff McBride.

November 18: Jeff McBride's Wonderground 7:30 to midnight at The Olive -
Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger and an ever changing cast.

December, 2012
December 10: The Fantasma Ring 257 Gala honoring Magician of the Year Jeff Hobson - Texas Station.

December 18: Jeff McBride's Wonderground 7:30 to midnight at The Olive -
Jeff McBride and an ever changing cast.

10. The Tri-City Three Of Clubs Convention
Message by Murray Hatfield (Canada)

What: The Tri-City Three of Clubs Convention

When: November 2-4, 2012

Where: Victoria, British Columbia Canada

Why: To see 6 Lectures, 3 Stage Shows, 1 Close-up Show and more!
Performers and Lecturers Include;
Jon Armstrong, Andrew Goldenhersh, Nick Lewin, Murray Hatfield & Teresa, Eric Bedard, Lance Pierce, Tony Chris, Ryan Pilling, Steve Dickson, David Morris and more.

Details at www.victoriamagiccircle.com/convention

11. NZ World Festival of Magic 2012 Tour Route
Message by Rose McCarthy

Monday 19th November
Hamilton Boys High School Auditorium
5:00pm and 7.30pm

Tuesday 20th November
Bethlehem College Performing Arts Centre
4:30pm and 7:00pm

Wednesday 21st November
House of Breakthrough

Friday 23rd November
Hawkes Bay Opera House

Saturday 24th November
Massey University College of Education Auditorium
4:00pm and 6:30pm

Wednesday 28th November
Civic Theatre
4:00pm and 7:00pm

Thursday 29th November
Regent Theatre
2:30pm and 7:00pm

Friday 30th November
Theatre Royal

Sunday 2nd December
Christchurch South Intermediate School Hall
4:30pm and 7:00pm

Saturday 8th December
Wellington High School - Riley Centre
11:00am, 2:00pm and 5:00pm

Sunday 9th December
Wanganui Collegiate High School - Prince Edward Auditorium

Tuesday 11th December
TSB Showplace

Thursday 13th December
Great Lake Centre
4:30pm and 7:00pm

Saturday 15th December
ASB Showgrounds - Logan Campbell Centre
11:00am, 2:00pm and 5:00pm

Sunday 16th December
ASB Showgrounds - Logan Campbell Centre
11:00am, 2:00pm and 5:00pm

Monday 17th December
Forum North, Whangarei
4:30pm and 7:00pm

12. Australian World Festival of Magic 2012 Tour Route
Message by Bruce West

Thu 25/10/2012
Cairns Civic Theatre
1100 1300 1800

Sat 27/10/2012
Townsville RSL Stadium

Sun 28/10/2012
Mackay Entertainment Centre Plenary Halls A & B

Mon 29/10/2012
Moncrieff Theatre

Fri 02/11/2012
Gold Coast
RSL Southport Pacific Auditorium
1730 1930

Sat 03/11/2012
Empire Theatre

Sun 04/11/2012

Mon 05/11/2012
Nambour Civic Centre
1230 1800

Wed 07/11/2012
Ballina RSL
1600 1900

Fri 09/11/2012
Newcastle Panthers
1100 1300 1800

Sun 11/11/2012
SCEC Bayside
1100 1330 1600

Mon 12/11/2012
Central Coast Youth Club
1230 1800

Tue 13/11/2012
Sutherland Entertainment Centre
1230 1800

Wed 14/11/2012
1200 1600

Thu 15/11/2012
Woonona Bulli
1230 1630 1930

Sun 18/11/2012
1100 1330 1600

Mon 19/11/2012
Wagga Joyes Hall CSU

Thu 22/11/2012
Albury Entertainment Centre
1230 1630

Sat 24/11/2012
1100 1400

Sun 25/11/2012
Founders Theatre
1100 1400

Mon 26/11/2012
1230 1800

Tue 27/11/2012
The Arena

Sat 01/12/2012
Door of Hope
1030 1400

Sun 02/12/2012
HGC Federation Concert Hall
1400 1630

Tue 04/12/2012
Burnie Arts & Function Centre
1300 1730

Wed 05/12/2012
Devonport Entertainment & Convention Centre
1100 1330

Fri 07/12/2012
St Josephs College,
Mercy Theatre
1100 1300 1800

Sun 09/12/2012
1100 1330 1600

Fri 14/12/2012
1000 1300 1800

Sun 16/12/2012
Kalgoorlie Town Hall
1330 1600

13. After "Magic Week" In New York
Message by George Schindler (US)

November 1 (Thursday)- Society of American Magicians, Parent Assembly #1 in New York invites you to join us after our meeting, for a special magic show featuring Devlin, Imam, Rene Clement, Vinny Grosso, Bob Friedhoffer , Jordan Linker and Nina and George Schindler . The show begins at 8:15 PM in the Goldwurm Auditorium of Mt. Sinai Hospital on Madison Avenue at 99 Street in Manhattan. Guests are invited. There is no charge for this event.

14. Renewal In Your S.A.M. Membership
Message by Kelly Peron
Membership Chair

Dear Member/s

It is that time again where renewal in your S.A.M. membership is coming due for the months of November,December & January. You can find your renewal date on your membership cards.

Should the member need their membership number or have questions regarding the renewal process, please just have them send me an email at poofersgrl@aol.com and I will assist them the best that I can.

If you need to renew, there are several ways you can do this.

Online: http://magicsam.com/presidents-welcome/renew-your-membership/
Phone: 303-362-0575
FAX: 303-362-0424
or Mail to:
Manon Rodriguez
PO Box 505
Parker CO 80134

Thank you for your time.

Kelly Peron
Membership Chair

15. Magic New Zealand App
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched on any tablet.

Go to: www.app.cat/magicnewzealand on your tablet to download the FREE Magic
New Zealand app.

16. e-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button center right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e-zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

17. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at:

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2012 Alan Watson


Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2012 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine