* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
* www.magicnewzealand.com
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #960
Date: Sunday 30th September 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Not All Chinese Are "Crooks"
3. Vanish Magazine Update - Free Magic Magazine
4. David Copperfield: Exclusive Interview
5. Remarkable Magic #52 - Nick Lewin
6. Active vs Passive Marketing - #275 - Kyle Peron
7. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #3
8. Carney Lectures-Minnesota, NYC, Connecticut
9. Latest Update On Joe Lefler
10. Eric Decamps Talks About "Pure Magic" On A Podcast
11. Dan Garrett's Lecture Tour & Podcast
12. Star On Magician's Walk Of Fame In Colon
13. Magic Week Proclaimed- Oct 25-31- 2012
14. David Blaine Plans Electrifying Stunt In New York
15. "Magicana" #357 For October/November
16. Update - 31st NZ International Magicians Convention
17. Magic New Zealand App
18. e-zine Archives
19. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message
For those who would like to read Magic New Zealand in a HTML format go to:

The 31st New Zealand International Convention registrations will be closing off at the end of this month on Sunday 30th September.

We will not be taking any walk-in convention registrations.

To download the Convention registration form go to:

Credit card payment form for convention registration go to:

Remember if you have any magic news drop me a line:

2. Not All Chinese Are "Crooks"
Message by Edmund Khong
Project Manager

I just want to highlight my view regarding Carl Williams' comments in last week's issue of Magic New Zealand; I believe we, as a global community, can move towards a more even tolerant and peaceful population.

I find Carl's comments to be a tad too strong and nationalistic. Basically, not all Chinese are "crooks" of course; neither are all American made magic products always superior as compared to products made in other countries. I am also a fan of Joe's work, but this is strictly a business ethnics issue and Carl has unfortunately added the unnecessary political and culture flavor into the issue.

While I also perfectly understand that Carl's view is not representative of your view or your team's; it nonetheless has an impact on the readers.

Thank you once again for putting out such a great newsletter! Love it!

3. Vanish Magazine Update - Free Magic Magazine
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor of Vanish International Magic Magazine

Here is a Sneak Look at the contents of the magic magazine that is taking the magic world by storm. We are well on target to reach the 100,000 download mark.

Issue 4 will be released next week - be sure to read Alan Watson's e-zine to get the news of when the magazine goes live. You can download all other issues for free from www.vanishmagazine.com

Feature Artist - Mentalist and television super star Keith Barry

The Magic Of Hypnosis - Matthew Fallon shares how he went from illusionist to a solo act and working non-stop.

iPad Solo Cam - Wayne Rogers shares an ingenious method for turning your iPad in to a movie camera that you can rehearse with.

What's In A Name - Bizzaro talks about choosing the right stage name.

The Malaysia Experience - JC Sum and Ning share their recent experiences working in Malaysia on top of a mountain!

Bamboozlers - A great impromptu coin routine by Diamond Jim Tyler

Stapled To The Max - Tony Binarelli gives up the method on a stapled business card routine

The Magic Civil War - Joe Given looks at the war all magicians face inside ourselves.

Last One Standing - A mentalism routine by the legendary Neal Scryer from his out of print book "The Little Black Book".

Child's Play - Tony Chris on performing for Children and his Halloween routine

Character And Timing - Illusionist Charles Bach starts his series on Routining an Illusion

Sure Fire Prediction - Charles Gauci explains a great close-up effect with unlimited possibilities

Agt - Playing The Game - Illusion Designer Mark Parker looks at his work with Jarret & Raj who recently appeared on AGT and did very well

How To Succed On Agt - Tim Ellis shares his winning thoughts on how to win AGT

Magicopolis - Where Magic Meets Business - Adam de la Pena lets us in on the secret of running a Magic Theatre

About Magicopolis - Steve Spill opens up about his experiences in owning a Magic Theatre

Vampire Slayer - Richard Webster's routine is perfect for Halloween

The Success Series - Using Rep Systems in Sales by Cris Johnson

Spit In A Bag - A very off beat routine by Banachek

Magic Reviews - we have exclusive reviews on tricks, books that are being
released in October

Nick Lewin Presents - Magicians, Mind Readers & Other Exotic Beings

In The Trenches - Floyd Collins interviews Murray and a behind the scenes look of his success on AGT and his new show in Las Vegas

Think Big, Play Big, Win Big! - Lee Alex looks at transforming and performing close-up on stage

Greatest Gig - Danny Archer and the greatest gig of his career

Income Marketing System For Magicians - Part 4 - Offer Various From of your show to clients by the Millionaire Magician Randy Charach

7 Days A Week - TC Tahoe's routine using a business card and pencil

From The Desk Of Keith Fields - Keith heads back to the streets to perform and shares it with Vanish

Sharing Your Magic - Kyle Ravin on teaching magic to beginners

Increasing Your Business - Something we can all learn from by Kyle Peron

PLUS a new series by a very well known group of magicians.

4. David Copperfield: Exclusive Interview
Message by Stan Allen, Editor of MAGIC Magazine

Over the years, I've probably interviewed close to a hundred magicians for this magazine or one of its preceding newsletters. In all that time, I never sat down for a Q&A with David Copperfield. Sure, we've done a number of stories on the man, but never a one-on-one interview.

That changed on the morning of July 23, when I had the pleasure of interviewing David live in front of the attendees of the Society of American Magicians national convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. And I have to admit, I was a little nervous. It's an interview with David Copperfield, the leader in our field for an entire generation. You don't get this opportunity every day, so you want to make it meaningful. Also, the interview would take place in a ballroom full of magicians, with seven video cameras capturing it for posterity. And a few weeks before, someone else had interviewed him on television. What was her name? Oh, yeah - Oprah. No pressure!

All my nervousness disappeared the minute David walked onstage. He was so relaxed, charming, funny, and candid, talking openly about his strengths and weaknesses, why he works so hard, what it takes to be successful in magic, and so much more. I enjoyed every minute of it.

I hope you enjoy it, too. It's all in the October 2012 issue of MAGIC Magazine, available both in print and on the iPad. In addition, we've posted a number of video excerpts from the interview both on the tablet and online at MAGIC Plus.

And if that's not enough, the October issue has feature stories on Kyle & Mistie Knight, the new theatrical show "Fantastique" in Germany, Marvin Berglas and the 25th Anniversary of Marvin's Magic, and a recently discovered 1955 episode of "The Dunninger Show." And we have bonus digital material on ALL of these in the tablet edition and available online at MAGIC Plus.

Visit www.MAGICmagazine.com.

5. Remarkable Magic #52 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)

Buying your tickets!

I very recently experienced a situation that made me hopping mad! A total stranger emailed a major Las Vegas magician and told him that I suggested he would give him comp. tickets for his show. It was untrue and dishonest in every way, and he has since apologized for his actions. It was a really incorrect thing to do and put a lot of people in an unpleasant position. It also really pissed me off!

Let me make one thing very clear. I NEVER suggest that anyone try and get free tickets for shows that rely on revenue to continue running. End of story. I had a show in Vegas for 5 years and I was as generous as I possibly could be in giving comp tickets to magicians to catch the show. It was amazed how often I never even got a "Thank you." On quite a few occasions I was astonished to discover that my guests had behaved in a rude or high-handed manner with the staff in the showroom.

Being a magician does NOT give you the right to expect free tickets or special treatment. It gives you a reason to want to attend a magic show but no special rights. In fact, you should be the very first person to want to support a show, and you do this by being a customer not a freeloader. Unless you are a true celebrity (i.e. your presence adds prestige to the showroom) or a close friend of the performer your attendance is of little advantage or interest to someone who is trying to keep a show running.

These are tough times for anyone attempting to make a profit or even break even with a show, and you are not doing them a favor by attending their performance. They are doing you a kindness if they extend the courtesy of allowing you free admission. You might be amazed at what a tight margin, of paying guests, can make or break the economic feasibility of a commercial show.

If you know a performer and feel they would like to have you as a guest in their showroom, follow a couple of simple rules.

1 Contact them in advance and ask if it is convenient or possible to be included on their guest list. Often performers have very limited amounts of complimentary tickets available and need to plan in advance for their guests. Offer to purchase tickets if it is not possible.

2 If you are extended the courtesy of free tickets, make sure you give substantial gratuities to the staff at the venue that look after you during your visit. Tip the maitre d' and service staff, you are taking up a seat that creates cash for them, income that they probably need.

3 Don't sit in the audience during the show with a 'stone face' and an, 'I'm too hip to magic to react' attitude. Be the first to smile or lead the applause, be an asset to the show.

These sound like very basic rules, and they are. I am happy to say a great many magicians get these points instinctively, and follow them. I also know from experience how often they are not observed. If you buy your own tickets then you can behave however you like - at risk of looking like a jerk! However, if you want to get a free ticket then you should behave in a manner that is becoming of a gentleman and a colleague.

Just because you are a magician doesn't mean that you are deserving of a free ride at the box office. Do you get any breaks at the magic store when you tell the owner you are a magician? No, of course not, he assumes that is the reason you are there in the first place. At a commercial magic show, you should be the first person wanting to support a fellow performer. If you want to see free magic then go to your local magic club or catch some 90 second spots on America's Got Talent.

If this week's column sounds more like a rant than usual, it is due to the cheapskate who tried to use my name to score free tickets for that Vegas show. If I had been attending that particular show myself, I wouldn't have dreamed of asking for comp tickets. Of course, if you feel a performer is a close personal friend then by all means ask him for tickets. However, never forget that he is doing you a favor by saying yes - so behave well and don't get carried away into believing it is his 'fraternal' duty to say yes!

Email me at nicklewin1@mac.com
My website is www.nicklewin.com

6. Active vs Passive Marketing - #275 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

A lot of folks think of marketing for their shows only through the process of word of mouth advertising. Word of mouth is certainly something you want to have working for you and it is an intrical part of seeking success. However most folks stop there when it comes to their own marketing endeavors.

Now it is great that you may be getting the work and that the gigs you have gets you word of mouth. However, there is so much more that you could be doing to make things work more effectively for you and even get you more work or even to climb up to a different and better paying market should you decide to do so.

The great part about effective marketing is that the principles cost you nothing and you really can apply them without breaking your budget. In a lot of ways it is just a change in your overall way of thinking from a passive form that many take, to a more active form where you are going out there and actively taking part in the sales process and actively involved in not just being the magic product to your client, but getting them to see you as a solutions provider for them. You are the one they go to, to have their problems solved.

As soon as you change your way of thinking (from perhaps a passive form to an active one), your perceived value to your clients change and this is a very powerful tool that can mean the client coming back to you year after year because to them you are worth more than any other magician they could hire. They do not care so much about your price or fee because they now know your worth to them.

So how do you get your prospects to notice you more effectively? How do you change your marketing approach from a passive form to a more active style? Good question and I would like to dive a bit further into it if I can.

The first step is realizing there is a difference between a passive form of marketing and an active one. In the passive approach, a marketer might do things such as hand out a business card, post up a flyer or place an ad in a magazine or newspaper. Now there is nothing wrong with doing any of these and a good marketer is one who will realize that a healthy combination of both active and passive can yield great results.

One thing to point out here is that posting a flyer or cards at any place is a very "passive" form of marketing. This is fine to do, but it means that you place something (ad, card, flyer) in the hopes that others will act upon it and take initiative to contact you. You lose control after the initial posting of the ad or handing out of the flyer. Your intentions are that a prospect will react positively to your ad etc. and then take action to seek you out.

Passive forms of marketing can be done successfully and should be used. However I find that "active" forms of marketing get me much better results and a bigger return on my investment of money and time.

In an active style, the marketer is always in control of the sales process. Instead of waiting for people to call, he or she goes out there and makes the calls and gets people to know who he or she is and the services they can provide. They take an active role in their marketing and getting the shows THEY want. They are always in control of the sales process every step of the way.

An analogy here would be a person going to a civic luncheon to network.

- A passive marketer would network, talk to folks and offer or give a
business card to someone or as many as he or she can. They might even place
an ad in the program or post a flyer at a table. They then go home and hope
the person acts upon this action that they took.

- An active marketer is one who goes to the same meeting and also passes out a card to someone. However, they in return ask for a card back. This immediately puts them back in direct control of the sales process. An active marketer might even have a raffle to raffle off their free product to someone or something of value. This active marketer now can enter the data they receive from the business cards or the raffle forms into a database. They then would send the person an e-mail or letter thanking them for their time in talking with them at the event and offering to send them additional information.

This is only one small example, but I hope it shows the difference between the two ways of thinking. Passive and active forms of marketing are very different in their approach. Many do know about only passive forms as passive forms are the easiest and most common to do. There is nothing wrong with passive marketing.

However, it is my intentions to let people know that there exists an even powerful form called active style marketing. Use this active approach in your marketing and your thinking. There is great power in active style marketing because you take a much greater control and responsibility over the control of the sales process. You are much more in control of your business and its success.

It is a way of thinking that takes some time to get used to. But like any good habit, the more you do it, the better you get at it and soon you are doing it naturally. It is sometimes hard to think in active terms. I know it took me a while to remember to ask for business cards from people or to think of active forms when I am doing my theater shows or public performances. It takes time, but you can achieve a greater control over your marketing that you may not have had before.

So use a combination of both passive and active forms of marketing and use them to your best advantage. This gives you more control over your own success that you are seeking.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if
you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel
free to e-mail me directly at magic4u02@aol.com. I would love to hear from

- "Blue and Gold! The Complete Guide to Working The Scout Market!" is now
available as a soft cover printed book as well as an ebook download.
- "Encore! Creativity in the Art of Magic" Ebook. Order online now at:
- "Tips and Techniques on the Chair Suspension" Ebook. Order online now at:

7. In Conversation with Pat Fallon - #3
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA


Anthony Darkstone In Conversation With Pat Fallon

AD: No doubts? No reflections? No second thoughts or pondering it over?

PF: Truthfully no. none . However, looking back on it now it was a ridiculous notion as I had almost zero knowledge of the art of magic and even worse, no idea where to begin the search for that knowledge.

As I was now living on one the Guinness estates in Mullingar County Westmeath, a shopping trip to Dublin was to prove very important turning point in my life. In Eason's bookshop I discovered 'The Big Book of Magic' by Scottish magician Pat Page. It was a book full of wonderful secrets of magic which enabled me to put together my first ever stage act.

AD: Ah yes, 'The Big Book of Magic´. And dear Pat, loved him greatly, he was one of my Mentors, we became good friends and I even got to perform on the same bill with him a few times. Truly a great man. RIP dear Pat. But please go ahead.

PF: Yes Tony, I totally agree. A legend, only unlike you I was never lucky enough to perform with him, but we did spend many a long night putting the world of magic to rights. Well, having an act was one thing but a place to perform it was a different matter. My father Harry, having retired from business was at the time organizing fund raising concerts for some old folks societies so we got booked! Along with my wife Janet, we made our first ever stage appearance in the club house beside the church in his my old home town.

AD: So that was it! Fame & vast fortunes followed .

PF: Right! Ha! ha! I wish, as you know yourself Tony, the stark realities of show-business are always present.

AD: Indeed they are, but please continue with a synopsis .

PF: Sure. In common with many others, my introduction to magic came via a Svengali deck, the Paul Daniels range of magic tricks and, as I mentioned previously, Pat Page's Big Book of Magic. I came into the Art when I was 30. Having been totally bitten by the magic bug the following five years were devoted to reading, learning, practicing and performing magic which eventually led me to turning professional in 1987.

AD: A type of quantum leap of faith?

PF: Well, yes Tony . a quantum leap indeed. I resigned my position as an estate manager for the Guinness family and moved from the midlands of Ireland back to my native Dublin where professional work in the entertainment business was far more plentiful. About this time, my marriage to Janet broke up and although these things are never easy, it was in some strange ways a blessing in disguise as it helped with the transition from a day job to professional magician.

End of Part 3

8. Carney Lectures-Minnesota, NYC, Connecticut
Message by John Carney


13134 Valleyheart Dr. #3
Studio City, CA 91604

(818) 789 5646

Skype: Carneymagic

Carney Lectures in Minnesota and New York Area

St. Paul, MN
Lecture & Public Show

Oct 20, 2012
1:00 pm
Lecture (magicians only)
$25 at the door

Oct 20, 2012
7:00 pm
Stage show (Open to the public)
$20- adults $15 students and seniors

Twin Cities Magic
250 7th Street East
Saint Paul, MN 55101
(651) 227-7888

Hartford, CT
Nov. 1, 2012
6:00 pm (Optional) Turkey dinner at Angelo's - $19
7:30 pm Lecture
$25 at the door

Angelo's on Main Rockledge
289 South Main St.
West Hartford, CT 06107

New York City
Nov. 5, 2012
7:00 pm
$30 at the door
Advance sign up

Tannen's Magic, Inc.
45 West 34th Street, Suite 608
New York, NY 10001

John Carney is acclaimed as one of the finest magicians in the world.

His books, Carneycopia and The Book of Secrets, are considered by many to be modern classics.

John's seminars include stage and close-up magic using cards, coins, cigars and a variety of everyday objects. Each routine is a lesson in itself, containing the insights and ingenuities that have made John one of the premier teachers of magic today. Topics include presentation, routining, misdirection and creativity.

Testimonials at http://www.carneymagic.com/instruction_seminars_info.html
More about John at http://www.carneymagic.com/

9. Latest Update On Joe Lefler
Message by Joan Caesar (Canada)

It is with a very heavy heart that I share the latest update on Joe Lefler. His doctors believe that they have done all that can be done. His body is no longer helping to fight the cancer and they have estimated that Joe has 2 weeks, 3 at most to live. Please keep he and Sue, his wife of almost 50 years, in your thoughts as they go through this incredibly difficult journey together.

If you'd like to contact Joe or Sue below is their home and e-mail address

Joe & Sue Lefler
603 Christmas Tree rd.
Dunn, N.C. 28334
E-mail: joe@wearefun.com

Joe has thousands of friends in the magic, clown, balloon & entertainment industries, not to mention all his past show and talent agency clients and customers he serviced with sound equipment and advice and those that bought his wonderful suitcase tables over the past 30+ years that I've know him. Sue will continue to sell his tables.

10. Eric Decamps Talks About "Pure Magic" On A Podcast
Message by Scott Wells (US)

Eric DeCamps chatted with me via Skype about his upcoming performance at Potter Auction Gallery. If you are interested in the evolution of his show or if you are thinking about putting together your own one man show, then you owe it to yourself to listen to this podcast on The Magic Word.

I apologize for the rather poor sound quality of this podcast, but we had a poor Skype connection. The half hour you hear was extracted from nearly two hours of the two of us on Skype and my additional five hours of editing the podcast to give it the best quality without sacrificing the content.

Visit http://scottwellsmagic.posterous.com/ to listen online and view pictures and more. Or you can download it through iTunes with a little search in the Podcast store for "The Magic Word"

11. Dan Garrett's Lecture Tour & Podcast
Message by Scott Wells (US)

Dan Garrett wrapped up an extensive lecture tour of nearly 20 cities across the U.S. Entitled "Forward Into The Past" (with a tip of the hat to Firesign Theater ), Dan's lecture covered close up, parlor and stage effects that he had published in the past but never presented in his previous lectures.

Dan sat down with Scott Wells to record a podcast where Dan discussed his relationship with the late Martin Gardner and the "Gathering for Gardner", science fiction, Warcraft online gaming, the future of magic, and well...a whole gamut of interesting topics. To listen to the commercial free podcast, see pictures and read more, then visit http://scottwellsmagic.posterous.com

12. Star On Magician's Walk Of Fame In Colon
Message by Dennis Reed (US)

Carl Karl receives Star on Magician's Walk of Fame in Colon, MIColon, Michigan, the Magic Capital of the World, now has a Magician's Walk of Fame. One of the first persons to be honored with a Star is long-time magician Carl Karl (Carl Veith) of Laingsburg, MI. He is in good company, only two other Stars have been placed so far, one for Monk Watson and one for Neil Foster.

During the 75th Abbott's Magic Get-Together Carl Karl was honored and surprised at the unveiling of the Star in front of the Five Star Pizza restaurant. The Star was sponsored by Carl's long time friend and owner of the Pizza restaurant, Carl Thornton. At the unveiling, Thornton gave a short speech detailing his friendship with Carl Karl over the years and why Carl Karl was deserving of one of the first Stars put down.

"There are many more talented and deserving magicians than myself," Karl said. "It was very overwhelming." Karl said receiving a star was very emotional for him. "All week long I was a celebrity."Although now retired from magic, Karl always carries some magic with him and he still attends magic conventions.

13. Magic Week Proclaimed- Oct 25-31- 2012
Message by George Schindler (US)

J. Christopher Bontjes, National President of the Society of American Magicians, proclaimed the week of October 25 to October 31 2012 as National Magic Week throughout the United States and Canada.

For more than forty years the Society has recognized the anniversary of the death of Harry Houdini with a special "week" of events to highlight the charitable work of the Society throughout the year. During the year the members of the Society donate performances for senior citizens in nursing homes, in VA Hospitals, for schools and libraries, and for children who cannot afford the luxury of live entertainment. The free shows are part of service programs sponsored by the S.A.M. and follow the example set by Harry Houdini, a past National President of the Society. Magic Week is when the magicians celebrate this service. Public magic events and exhibits will be taking place all over the country.

Each year governors, mayors and other governing bodies throughout North America are requested to issue proclamations declaring the last week in October as National Magic Week, encouraging magicians to participate in the activities. For more details and a history of this event


14. David Blaine Plans Electrifying Stunt In New York
Message by Brad Zinn (US)

Magician David Blaine plans new electrifying stunt in New York | Fox News

Well, it has been a while since we have heard from David Blaine!

15. "Magicana" #357 For October/November
Message by Michael Woolf - Editor Magicana Magazine

"Magicana" #357 for October/November will be mailed this week. Here's a partial list of contents.

This issue features an extended profile of star New Zealand magician and "Magicana" contributor Bernard Reid who continues his epic History of Magic in New Zealand. Arun Bonerjee writes with coverage of magic in India. There's a novel effect from Ken Ring, and regular columns from David Ginn, Ian Adair, Richard Webster and Roderick Mulgan. Editor Michael Woolf presents a fond remembrance of Rovi, Andrew Wilson reports from FISM, and the new book "Basic Training" is reviewed by Joel Moskowitz.

A report on this year's S.A.M. Convention by Russell Hendry, the Editor reports on the first meeting of a new magic group in Wellington, and we have the final part of the Cliff Thomas memoirs. There's also a historical piece on Edwardian Trick Photography and up-to-date information on the upcoming Christchurch Convention.

All this plus latest news in The Grapevine and new information from Andre Vegas and Clive Court.

Magicana subscription is $NZ60 a year. Contact the Editor for details.

16. Update - 31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention
Christchurch New Zealand

2012 (19/10/2012 to 22/10/2012)

Convention will start on Friday 2.30pm 19th October and finishes on Monday 22nd October at 2.30pm.


Convention registrations closing off at the end of this month on the 30th September.

We will not be taking any walk in Convention registrations.

To download the Convention registration form go to:

Credit card payment form for convention registration go to:

Six headliners confirmed
Shawn Farquhar (Canada), Mark Mason (England), Ken Scott (US), Felix (Spain), The Gillam Family (USA) and Bernard Reid (NZ)

Schedule of Events - Subject to change

Friday 19th October
2.30 pm Registration desk open
4.00 pm - 6.00 pm Dealers open
Get own dinner at hotel or away from hotel
6.45 pm Official welcome, and introduction of the committee and special guests
7.00 pm - 8.15 pm Stars of Magic - Top acts International and from New Zealand
8.30 pm Dealers demo in dealers room, dealers open till 9.45 pm
10.00 pm Late night lecture - Felix

Saturday 20th October
8.00 am Stage contest - Juniors and Adults (judged separately)
10.15 am Morning tea - Dealers room
10.45 am to 12.15 am Lecture one - Ken Scott
12.30 am Lunch provided - Dealers room
1.30 pm - Lecture two - Mark Mason
3.15 pm Afternoon tea
3.45pm - Bernard Reid lecture on Houdini
4.00 pm Public show - Non registrants
5.30 pm Cash Bar open - Pizza party
7.00 pm to 8.30 pm Public Show - Registrants attend
9.30 pm Supper with the stars. Dealers open until late

Sunday 21st October
8.45 am Children's Magic Act Contest
10.30 am Morning tea - Dealers room
11.00 am Official Photo
11.15 am Close up Contest - Senior and Junior Mixed (but judged separately)
12.45 am Lunch - Dealers room open
2.00 pm Lecture Three - Shawn Farquhar
3.45 pm Afternoon Tea - Dealers room
4.15 pm to 5.45 pm Lecture The Gillams (Family Shows)
6.15 pm Pre Dinner Drinks - Cash bar
7.00 pm Banquet and Entertainment/Jazz band (Semi formal and formal dress) Awards and special guests

Monday 22nd October
8.00 am Dealers open
8.30 am Trading tables for registrants second hand magic - In dealers room. Closes at 10.00 am
10.15 am Morning Tea - Dealers room
10.45 am Workshop. Listen, and learn and interviews with our guests. Question and answer session with each of our three overseas lecturers, Mark Mason, Ken Scott and Shawn Farquhar. Registrants choose which session they want to attend at 10.45 am - We will be asking registrants to write questions for each speaker during the Convention and if time permits, other questions will be taken from the floor by the facilitator in each session. This will be the last chance to learn from our Stars.
11.30 am Close up show - Mark Mason
12.30 am to 1.30 pm - Lunch - final sales for dealers before packing up
1.45 pm Final surprise??
2.45 pm Convention over

17. Magic New Zealand App
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched on any tablet.

Go to: www.app.cat/magicnewzealand on your tablet to download the FREE Magic
New Zealand app.

18. e-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button center right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e-zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

19. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at:

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2012 Alan Watson


Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

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Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2012 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine