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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
* www.magicnewzealand.com
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Issue Number: #954
Date: Sunday 9th September 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. Hank Lee Sentenced To Two Years In Prison
3. Al Cohen To Be Honored At S.A.M 2013 Convention
4. Remarkable Magic #49 - Nick Lewin
5. Effective Marketing - The Logo - #272 - Kyle Peron
6. In Conversation with George Schindler - #9
7. IBM British Ring Convention In Great Yarmouth
8. David Stone lecture at Fantasma 9/12/12
9. Magic At The Beach 2013
10. Magicseen 46
11. Innovention 2012
12. Genii Convention Schedule
13. September Genii Magazine
14. Family Comedy Magic Show
15. Gregory Wilson's Exclusive Seminar, October 7-8, Israel
16. Magic New Zealand App
17. e-zine Archives
18. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
For those who would like to read Magic New Zealand in a HTML
format go to:
you are planning to attend the 31st New Zealand International
Magicians Convention and want to stay at the convention hotel
there is only 7 rooms left!
for the 31st New Zealand International convention are being
closed off at the end of this month. WARNING - please note
we will not be taking any walk in registrations.
register go to:
card payment form for convention registration go to:
if you have any magic news drop me a line:
2. Hank Lee Sentenced To Two Years In Prison
Article forward on by Steve Pearson
Factory Owner Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Credit
Card Fraud Harry Levy was sentenced Thursday.
Levy, the owner of Hank Lee's Magic Factory in Medford, was
sentenced to two years in prison on Thursday for committing
credit card fraud and misleading investigators, according
to a court official.
Patti Saris handed down the sentence in a hearing Thursday
morning at U.S. District in Boston. Levy's attorney unsuccessfully
argued for him to avoid prison time and serve six months in
a halfway house, six months house arrest and three years'
probation instead, according to court filings......
of the story:
3. Al Cohen To Be Honored At S.A.M 2013 Convention
Message by George Schindler (US)
John Apperson announced today that former magic dealer Al
Cohen will be the 2013 honoree at the Society of American
Magicians Annual Convention July 3-4-5-6- . Al has the reputation
of having been the best and most honest magic demonstrator
in the country. He closed Al's Magic Shop in 2004. The Washington,
DC convention will be held at the Marriott Hotel Crystal Gateway
in Arlington, Virginia. For further information go to www.magicsam.com
4. Remarkable Magic #49 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)
get 90 seconds of Talent.
started to write a column in response to the recent article
by Wayne Kawamoto about the phenomena of 'America (and almost
every other country's) Got Talent' as a showcase for magicians
and their talents. It was a well-written article and raised
some good points. Before I got to add my thoughts on the topic
Michael Finney wrote an excellent response that covered many
of the topics that were in my mind. It hasn't stopped me from
adding my 2 cents worth though!
commented that he thought the judges were particularly harsh
towards the magicians and wondered if perhaps the format of
the show was a great deal of the problem. 'No shit, Sherlock!'
We have seen a great many pros treated harshly by these judges
and I think the basic nature of the show has a huge amount
to do with it. I can't help feeling that the 90 second time
limit has a great deal to do with the problems, plus the style
and role of the judges.
used to be customary to talk about how the 20-minute playing
time of a sitcom had reduced the attention span of TV viewers.
Then we grew accustomed tohearing about the MTV impact on
the attention span of an audience. If it waslonger than a
music video or had less kinetic esthetics than the latest
MTV offering, it was too long.
things are really crazy now, with 90 seconds considered a
suitable way to judge who does or does not have talent!
not even going to get into the question of whether these judges
would recognize magic talent if it jumped up and bit them
in the rear! What they are doing is constructing a 'reality'
show using performers as their fodder. As we are becoming
sadly aware from the world of politics, judging the net worth
of a person through tiny sound/video bites is a very different
thing from accurately assessing their actual worth or potential
judges need to be entertaining and act according to their
'scripted' character, as the producers want them to. Their
comments are part of the scripted direction of the shows;
their decisions are designed to move the series along as a
commercial success. The performers involved fill in 90-second
units of time, and magicians have a particularly tough time
achieving any kind of representation of their true talents
in the process.
promotional video that a magician used to send to potential
clients used to be his act. How quaint that now seems! Nowadays,
if you send a video that runs over three and a half minutes,
not only will it not get watched but you run the risk of appearing
to be a dinosaur for distributing it! The only thing you can
do is construct a series of 'reveals' from your show, interspersed
with audience response shots to show that the actual show
is funny. AGT just wants one easily digestible 'wow' moment
and then they will decide how they want to present/handle
it. Maybe they should rename the show 'America's Got Wow'.
is a whole new breed of performers in Las Vegas who want to
be Terry Fator, and why not, Terry is talented and has a highly
successful showroom career. There is now a bunch of Vegas
shows by people who simply don't have a 60-minute show to
save their lives. They got them by creating a series of 90
second video bites that are as representative of their talents
as chalk is to cheese. That is why there are so many empty
(and complimentary) seats in their showrooms.
Sawchuck is an immensely likable and recognizable personality,
but if you watch his actual stage show in Vegas, compared
to those big illusion effects from AGT---hmmmmm, it just ain't
the same. What is needed in a live magic show is pacing, personality,
continuity, linkage and the development of an arc in the show.
These are certainly not factors in the 'Wham, Bang, Thank
You Man' world of AGT. You need a little more time to assess
the talents of a magician. It is easier to judge a singer
with half a song, but only just!
really wish well to current semi- finalist Puck and everyone
who tries to 'Reach the Stars' via a 90 second AGT spot, however
there is one dirty little secret that needs to be fully understood.
This new breed of talent shows are only interested in discovering
talent. As enticing as it might be for name performers like
Rudy Coby to appear on a show like AGT, their chances of becoming
an ultimate winner are astronomically low. The key to Terry
Fator's success was that no one knew who the hell he was prior
to his appearance on the show. That's just good TV.
I would be a little better disposed towards reality TV if
it was more based on reality, and talent shows if they had
a little more respect/regard for talent. Most of these shows
started to air when a writers strike threatened to decimate
the upcoming season. The lack of substantial talent fees didn't
harm things either. I guess I'm just a bit of a grouch who
hankers back to the days of 'real' (I guess I should say,
old fashioned) variety shows.
out my website and product line of commercial magic at
I just added a great video clip of Ron Wilson telling me a
very funny story
about Sen. Crandall and Johnny Paul!
5. Effective Marketing - The Logo - #272 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)
would like to take this time to talk to you about the most
misunderstood promotional piece we magician's can have and
should be using. That is the Logo.
often we either do not have a logo at all or what we are calling
a logo for ourselves, is simply a piece of clip art with top
hat, that is the same as numerous other magicians are using.
in mind that a logo should be a representation of you, your
style and what your shows are all about. It should brand you
as much as your outfit and your act does. It should also help
you stand out from the crowd and show that you are different
and unique.
here are a few of tidbits and help in regards to logo design
and creation. I hope these may be of help to you in your own
promotional and logo needs.
a buck: On a web site, color is "free", but at your
local printer, be prepared for "sticker shock."
If you will be doing a lot of printing, your costs can be
contained by minimizing the number of colors in your logo.
Many customers request two-color logos for just this reason.
Now in this age of digital printing, multiple colored logos
is not so much the issue as cost is way down due to the sheer
number of digital printers competing against each other for
your money. If you are going to be creating a logo with a
designer, make sure you know which direction you will take
when it comes to printing so you can keep your cost down and
know the proper direction to take.
Logos fall into three main categories. A strictly graphical
symbol may be very elegant in its simplicity, such as the
Nike "swoosh." These symbols can be very effective
and powerful - most people recognize them at a glance. However,
unless you have a huge advertising budget and plan to market
nationally or internationally, it will be nearly impossible
for such a simple logo to become identified with your business
by mere symbol alone.
second type is the stylized typeface, or font-based logo.
A good example is the design used by IBM or Coca-Cola. The
treatment is unique and memorable, and many consumers can
identify the owner by viewing just part of it.
companies, however, opt for the third type - the combination
approach. AT&T, for example, uses a wonderful design featuring
a stylized globe, and the company name. You don't have to
look at one of their ads to visualize it, do you?
say "no" to LONG slogans. Your logo is part of your
marketing strategy, not a full ad campaign. Adding a long
slogan or tag line clutters the design and reduces the impact
of your logo. A small and effective one can work if really
helps highlight what you do in a very minimal way.
at some logos in magazines. Dell doesn't say "We're big"
or "We make computers" in their logo. Are you really
sure that you want say, "We sellstuff" in yours?
That makes you look like a small company trying to act like
a big company. Why not fool 'em from the start and leave the
LONG slogan at home?
slogan can be used once the logo is created. Save the long
slogan for use on flyers and posters where you have more room.
you don't want your product in the logo. Remember that your
logo is meant to differentiate you. If all companies in an
industry use similar symbols or clip art imagery, that differentiation
is lost. You want to stand out from your competition, not
become confused with them. Consider some real-life examples.
doesn't own the Rock of Gibraltar, but this is a powerful
image for a company that needs to project an image of strength.
It also sets them apart from the rest because there logo is
different. In regards to magic, this means stay away from
the classical top hat and tails logo that is too often used
when people go to the printers. A top hat can surely be used,
but it needs to be handled differently so that you stand out
from your competition.
or "American Broadcasting Company"? The length of
your company name will have a pronounced influence on our
efforts. Long names or those with multiple words are often
better expressed with initials, accompanied by the spelled-out
name elsewhere, often in smaller characters. "ACINA"
is a lot easier to include in a logo than "Amalgamated
Consolidated Industries of North America." It is a good
rule of thumb to keep your logo name small and to the point.
Make it something that can be remembered and that flows off
the tongue.
Wyeth Doesn't Work Here. Remember, too, that a logo that has
too many visual elements can distract the viewer. A logo that
is too complex is ineffective. You want customers to remember
your company's name, not the pretty picture they once saw
with a barn and a cow and a field of wheat and a windmill
and an airplane and a road and a sports car and a pretty girl.
logo is part of your advertising and a part of your style.
Make it effective!
always, I look forward to anyone's comments, suggestions or
replies based on the above posted information. I can be reached
directly at: magic4u02@aol.com. If anyone has any questions.
and I look forward to your reply.
6. In Conversation with George Schindler - #9
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA
Darkstone In Conversation With George Schindler - Part 10
AD: And the rest as they say is history...and we have to await
the rest of that story another time .. You have been in the
business a goodly while and you've been there, done that .
and then some! . You have seen it all . care to say a few
words that may help someone starting out .
Magic is a wonderful tool to use to entertain people. You
need not be a professional entertainer, but just be careful
not to bore your audiences. Best piece of advice is to be
yourself. Don't try to be a comedian if that's not your style.
You can do funny tricks without the gags. Sometimes we forget
that magic should look like magic and doesn't need to have
a gag.
Thank you George. It has, as always, been a joy spending time
with you.
GS: My pleasure Tony, come back soon. we have brown sugar,
pastrami, rye-bread and bagels. Nathan's and Coney Island
When an article/transcript is done - that's it! I don't always
add any more. However, there are those rare times, because
of the caliber of my guest it
is not only necessary but also somewhat mandatory to add a
few more words. I've only done that twice before. Once with
Walter "Zaney" Blaney and then again
with Jon Racherbaumer.
is not an exaggeration to state that George knows so many
people all over the world. George & Nina are much loved
and respected. He and I have many mutual friends and they
all would be happy to add a tribute.
to George, I've asked two mutual friends to add a few lines
to this conversation. They kindly and eagerly obliged. I believe
their words not only speak volumes but echo the sentiments
of all those who love The Schindlers.:-
Schlinder has been an inspiration to me since I was a young
man. I recall first meeting him at his lecture in BC, Canada
in the late 80's. His magic was thoughtful, direct and easy
in method. He had so much material one might say it should
be called "Schlinder's List". When I first discovered
his effect Sealed Surprise I knew it was an effect for me.
I owe him a debt I can never repay, but I'll do my best to
remind the world that George Schindler is "da man".
I am proud to call him The Dean and my friend." - Shawn
Farquhar - FISM Champion
did you have for lunch yesterday? For many of us, it can be
a struggle to recall. Not George Schindler. On a recent tour
of Brooklyn and Queens, he could recall the variety performers
and their venues all over these boroughs in NYC. Not just
over the past decade, but back in the 50's and 40's. He is
a New York Institution, a S.A.M. Treasure and a credit to
The S.A.M. Houdini Fund. He was a huge help during my term
as President of the S.A.M., and I am glad I can call George
and Nina my friends. - PNP Mark Weidhaas
7. IBM British Ring Convention In Great Yarmouth
Message by Geoffrey Newton PRO (UK)
IBM British Ring Convention in Great Yarmouth will be here
very soon and one of the features is a series of three workshops
by Michael Vincent. They all take place at the Marina Centre
only a walk of a few minutes from the Britannia Pier theatre.
Michael will present an interactive workshop on expert card
handling and will share his knowledge and experience in the
hope that it will support you taking your magic and card magic
to the next level. Michael will have support material available
in both the printed form and his DVD's at each session.
can register for the convention on www.magicconvention.co.uk
and please remember to book your accommodation through Greater
Yarmouth Tourism on 01493 846485 as that way the British Ring
receives a commission.
8. David Stone lecture at Fantasma 9/12/12
Message by Ulises Beato
Magic presents
A lecture by David Stone
Wednesday, September 12, 7pm
Fantasma Magic
421 Seventh Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10001
(advance), $35 (day of), $50 VIP (front rows)
David Stone is one of the brightest rising stars in magic
today, having collected an impressive number of prizes and
awards from top competitions. David won the 3rd prize for
Micro-Magic at FISM in Stockholm, Sweden in 2006 and was voted
in April 2008 the TMW Award for Best Magician. In 2010 the
FFFF convention voted David to be Guest of Honor for FFFF
in 2012.
most recent book, Close-up: The Real Secrets of Magic is a
best-seller in France and was sold out in less than 15 days
after its release. His DVD, The Real Secrets Of Magic adapted
from this book was nominated Best Magic DVD 2006 by Genii
and Magic Magazines. He has also produced two best-selling
videos on coin magic.
Will You Learn
Effects from this lecture are possible standing-up and can
be applied in real working conditions.
first half of David's lecture consists of magic effects created
using coins and cigarettes: easy tips and easy subtleties,
accessible tricks and other techniques: some coins routines
from his videos, card routines, and surprises.
second half is dedicated to "table hoping." After
having asked several people to sit around his table, as if
in a restaurant, David performs his entire routine from table
to table. He then talks about what is written in his notes,
"Table Hopping Secrets" by illustrating each effect
with explanations. This is about practical side of "table
hopping" and related to professional situations (the
verticality of effects, setting up the effects, approaching
a table, the opening trick.)
9. Magic At The Beach 2013
Message by Mike Heidtman
Event Coordinator, MATB2013
at the Beach is pleased to announce the addition of two incredible
acts to our already awesome lineup.
magician Dana Daniels has had to step back from our line-up,
but we will continue to add some of the World's Greatest Magicians
to make Magic at the Beach an unforgettable event!
our first addition we welcome Andrew Goldenhersh.
Goldenhersh ranks among today's elite masters of magic, drawing
thunderous acclaim around the globe. His skill and style have
mesmerized audiences from Hollywood to the Far East, and all
points in between. A perennial honoree at the legendary Magic
Castle, Andrew has received accolades from the prestigious
Academy of Magical Arts. Having been voted the Academy's "Parlour
Magician of the Year" in 2009 & 2010, Andrew is the
only magician to have been nominated for both Close-up Magician
of the Year and Parlour Magician of the Year for twelve years
in a row.
is held in high esteem by his peers in entertainment, including
Las Vegas superstar Lance Burton (who calls him a "genius")
and the world renowned David Copperfield (who licensed and
performs one of Andrew's signature routines). The celebrity
list of whom Andrew has entertained includes Johnny Depp,
Ringo Starr, Pink, Sheryl Crow, Rod Stewart, Dustin Hoffman,
Nicolas Cage, Jason Alexander, Demi Moore, Teri Hatcher, Tony
Shalhoub, Steve Carrell, Jane Fonda, Robin Leach, Michael
Ovitz and many more. You too can join the list by registering
for Magic at the Beach 2013.
second act to be added is Michael Trixx, America's favorite
Rock N' Roll
Magician. With a background in music Trixx combines his two
passions, Rock N' Roll and Magic to give an unforgettable
performance. With live doves and parakeets appearing and vanishing
from thin air, levitations, confetti blizzards, fire
magic and more all make for a rockin' good time.
has been seen on NBC's America's Got Talent and at clubs all
over the States and London and is the 2009 Florida State Magic
Convention's Stage Show Contest Champion. In addition, Trixx
holds two First Place Stage Magic Awards from Magic at the
Beach. Be sure to catch The Rockin' Magic Of Michael Trixx,
in the "Champions of Magic" Gala Show.
all the information about this fantastic event, the artists,
the shows, the dealers and more visit www.MagicAtTheBeach.org
see you in Myrtle Beach at Magic at the Beach 2013 !!
held on the 17th - 19th of January 2013 in Myrtle Beach, SC,
USA at the Ocean Dunes Resort and Conference Center. All rooms
are ocean-front and are $59/night USD. Information for the
Ocean Dunes Resort & Conference Center is available on
our website or call 1-800-599-9872 to book your room today.
Be sure to mention Magic at the Beach to get the special rate.
is limited. Register early and save!
Register Today - www.MagicAtTheBeach.org
or call Broadway Magic at 843-626-8191
10. Magicseen 46
Message by Chris Wasshuber (US)
8, No. 4, September 2012; 64 pages
Uri Geller
- editor's letter
Readers' Letters
FISM 2012 Winners and Awards!
In The News
It's All In Your Approach - Part 1 - Tables - Mark Leveridge
How to be Dynamo - Magician Impossible
Celebrity Bit: Lina Leandersson - asked a few questions
Gone In 60 Seconds! - One minute quizzing of the one and only
(Thank God)
Wayne Dobson
Sean Alexander: The Confusioinst! - interview
In The Phone Box - Graham Hey interviews Marvin Berglas
Wild Card Reverse 2 - Alexandr Erohin
The Parrot - balloon model from Graham Lee
Live Review - Ghost - The Piccadilly Theatre - reviewed by
Mark Leveridge
Uri Geller: Mystifyer! - cover article/interview by George
Running Away With The Circus - article by Mark Leveridge
Shaun McCree: Top of the Class! - interview
Smiley - card tick with DVD - Laurent Mikelfield
Compressed - card effect Bob Solari
The Mystic Menagerie - The Journal of Bizarre Magic - Issue
9 - e-magazine
Visions from Vegas - book test - Steve Gore
UBT for Professional Mentalists and Magicians - Ultimate Book
Test - iPad /
iPhone App - Steven Skindell
Ring Flight Revolution Torch - effect with DVD - Dave Bonsall
Drawn In - Invisible Deck routine - Oliver Meech
TKO 2.0 - prop and DVD - Jeff Kaylor
Make Your Own Magic - DVD - David Tomkins
Knock Out Prediction Outdone - card effect - Wayne Fox
The Magic Wand Book - Ian Adair
Jumpink - blister pack effect - Rizki Nanda
Let's Go Dutch - DVD - Fritz Alkemade
Audio Transportation - effect - Daryl
In The News
Club Land -Leamington & Warwick Magic Society - Mark Leveridge
Next Time .
Listings Section
purchase go to: http://www.lybrary.com/magicseen-no-46-p-209615.html
11. Innovention 2012
Message by Paul Stone (US)
added another Star Presenter to the line-up of talent at the
Innovention Convention, taking place in less than a month
from September 30 - October 3 at the Gold Coast Hotel &
Casino here in Las Vegas!
Zimmerman rarely, if ever, speaks at a Magic Convention, but
she is one of the most successful Corporate Event Producers
in USA, with a hugely impressive background in Magic.
talk is titled 'Ten Stupid Mistakes Magicians Make', and The
first mistake you'll make is not hearing Diana Zimmerman speak
at Innovention 2012, September 30 - October 3rd. The other
nine she will explain.
do a few magicians become stars, while most don't-even though
they may be equally as talented? Hint: It's not the tricks.
It is about creating a strong identity-a.k.a. a captivating
personal brand.
leave her highly interactive presentation with your own dynamic
brand guide. You'll also learn what does and does not work;
why most branding fails; how to market yourself with your
new powerful identity; and how to instantly go from invisible
to invincible. It's all based on her newest business book:
"Why Most Branding Fails to Captivate: What Stanislavski
may well be the ONLY time you get to hear Diana speak-unless
of course you're lucky enough to attend a business conference
for Toshiba, HP, Siemens, or any one of the other Fortune
joins an outstanding list of performers and lecturers including
The Great Tomsoni & Co, Jeff Hobson, Armando Lucero, Paul
Vigil, Michael Goudeau, Sos & Victoria, Amazing Johnathon,
Michael Holly, Fielding West, Bob Kohler, Kyle & Mistie
Knight, Seth Kramer, Ben Stone, Farrell Dillon, Scott Alexander,
Mike Douglas, Sos Jnr, Bill Smith, Christopher Hart, Gabrielle
Lyster,and Adam Flowers.
more info and to register go to info@innovention2012.com
12. Genii Convention Schedule
Message by Richard Kaufman - Editor Genii Magazine
the Genii 75th Anniversary Birthday Bash just four weeks away,
I wanted to share our incredible schedule with everyone in
case you're still on the fence and haven't made the decision
to attend one of the best conventions ever. Our schedule is
below. Please join us at www.geniiconvention.com
some great news: we've moved Sunday's Juan Tamariz workshop
to a larger room so more folks can attend. The workshop runs
on Sunday October 7 from 1 pm to 5:30 pm. Registration ($100)
is only available to those who are attending the Genii convention,
and seats must be reserved by calling the Genii office at
301-652-5800 during east coast business hours.
that our early bird dealer room hours on the evening of Wednesday
October 3 are open to ALL LOCAL MAGICIANS, not just convention
Evening (Early Bird Registration and Dealers)
4 to 9: Registration Open (Mezzanine East, 2nd Floor)
6 to 9: Dealers Open (cash bar in the dealer room) (Legacy
North, 2nd Floor)
8 to 8:45: Basic Training Breakfast with Ian Kendall: Part
1 (Forum East 4,
2nd Floor)
(Bring your own coffee and danish from Starbucks in the lobby)
9 to 5: Registration Open (Mezzanine East, 2nd Floor)
9 to 12: Dealers Open (Legacy North, 2nd Floor)
12 to 1: John Carney Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
1:30 to 2:30: Michael Weber Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
3 to 4: Eugene Burger Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
4:30 to 5:30: Charlie Frye Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
Dinner Break
7 to 7:30: Welcome Reception: Group 1 (Legacy South, 2nd Floor)
Matthew Field is Your Host
Richard Kaufman, Irene Larsen, and Erika Larsen
8 to 8:30: Welcome Reception: Group 2 (Legacy South, 2nd Floor)
Matthew Field is Your Host
Richard Kaufman, Irene Larsen, and Erika Larsen
6 to 9: Dealers Open (cash bar in the dealer room) (Legacy
North, 2nd Floor)
9 to 10:30: Stage Show 1 (Legends, 1st Floor)
Jonathan Levit is Your Host
Eugene Burger
Thurston Rising Cards
Peter Samelson
Sonny Fontana
Dr. Sawa
Alex Ramon
11 to 12:30 Jamy Ian Swiss Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
8 to 8:45: Basic Training Breakfast with Ian Kendall: Part
2 (Forum East 4, 2nd Floor)
(Bring your own coffee and danish from Starbucks in the lobby)
8:30 to 9:30: Dealers Open (Legacy North, 2nd Floor)
7:30 to 2: Registration Open (Mezzanine East, 2nd Floor)
9:30 to 11: Uri Geller Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
11:30 to 12:30: Parlor Show: Group 1 (Legacy South, 2nd Floor)
Max Maven is Your Host
Eric Mead
Michael Weber
David Ben
Rob Zabrecky
11:30 to 1:00: Guy Hollingworth Show and Lecture: Group 2
(Legends, 1st Floor)
Lunch break
12:30 to 2: Dealers Open (Legacy North, 2nd Floor)
2:00 to 3:30 : Close-Up Show 1 (Legends, 1st Floor)
Jon Armstrong is Your Host
Roberto Giobbi
Tomo Maeda
Paul Wilson
Woody Aragon
John Carney
Tom Stone
4 to 5: Parlor Show: Group 2 (Legacy South, 2nd Floor)
Max Maven is Your Host
Eric Mead
Michael Weber
David Ben
Rob Zabrecky
4 to 5:30 Guy Hollingworth Show and Lecture: Group 1 (Legends,
1st Floor)
5 to 7: Dealers Open (Legacy North, 2nd Floor)
Dinner Break
Friday Evening
7 to 9:30 : Juan Tamariz Show and Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
9:30 to 10:30: Dealers Open (Legacy North, 2nd Floor)
10 to 11: Max Maven Lecture on Equivoque (Legends, 1st Floor)
11:15 to Midnight: Christian Engblom Lecture (Legends, 1st
8 to 8:45: Basic Training Breakfast with Ian Kendall: Part
3 (Forum East 4,
2nd Floor) (Bring your own coffee and danish from Starbucks
in the lobby)
9 to 1:30: Dealers Open (Legacy North, 2nd Floor)
9 to 10:30: David Ben Lecture on the Coin Magic of Ross Bertram
(Legends, 1st Floor)
11 to 12:30: Roberto Giobbi Show and Lecture (Legends, 1st
Lunch Break
1:30 to 3: Close-Up Show 2 (Legends, 1st Floor)
Jamy Ian Swiss is Your Host
Peter Samelson
Jonathan Levit
Eugene Burger
Christian Engblom
Bob White
Eric Mead
Dr. Sawa
3:30 to 5: Jim Steinmeyer Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
5:30 to 6:30 pm Tomo Maeda Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
3 to 8: Dealers Open (Legacy North, 2nd Floor)
6:30 to 8 pm Real Secrets Party for RS Members Only (Traditions,
1st Floor)
Dinner Break
8 to 10: Stage Show 2 (Legends, 1st Floor)
Max Maven is Your Host
Jonathan Pendragon
Scott Land
Bob White
Tom Stone
Charlie Frye
11 to 12:30: Tom Stone Lecture (Legends, 1st Floor)
9:30 a.m to Noon: Michael Weber Private Workshop (limited
to 50: extra
charge event) (Forum East 4, 2nd Floor)
1 p.m. to 5:30: Juan Tamariz Private Workshop (limited to
50: extra charge
event) (Forum East 4, 2nd Floor)
13. September Genii Magazine
Message by Richard Kaufman - Editor Genii Magazine
September issue of Genii, the largest independent magazine
in the world devoted to magic, has now reached most of its
subscribers in paper form (the FREE digital edition has been
available to subscribers at no cost since the middle of August).
This issues features yet another free DVD for our subscribers,
courtesy of Luis de Matos and the Essential Magic Collection,
which features one of Woody Aragon's favorite routines which
has never appeared anywhere else, either in print or on DVD.
issue also features my coverage of FISM 2012 in Blackpool:
titled "FISM Fiasco". I've already received many
letters commending my truthful reporting of this embarrassing
event. I'm also pleased to welcome new columnist, David Kaye,
with his "Expert at the Kids' Table" every other
month. Here's the rundown of the issue:
Woody's Wonderland by David Britland
A Mysterious Occurrence by Robert Byrnes
FISM Fiasco 2012 by Richard Kaufman
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman
On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer
Now Performing
The Chamber of Secrets L'Escamateur Bronze Inkstand by John
Memoirs of a Magic Dealer Mr. Gray Finishes the Story by Al
DaOrtiz a la Carte! Some Thoughts About The Magician's Choice
by Dani
The Expert at the Kid's Table My Child is Sooo Smart by David
The Genii Session The 13 Golden Rules of Magic by Roberto
Cardopolis Rorschach Revelations by David Britland
Magicana by David Acer
Angry Birds Live! by Neil Croswell
iProduction Box by David Gabbay
Schrodinger's Bottles by Master Payne
from the Lamp
Books Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss
Cryptical Envelopment: Five Gentle Frauds for the Close-Up
Performer by John
Noteworthy: A Magical Lecture by David Gabbay
Making the Cut: A Peek Into the Magic of Ryan Schlutz by Ryan
Magic Words by Gerald Kolpan
Videos Reviewed by Dustin Stinett
ChardShark by Daniel Chard
Al Koran's Secrets by Graham Jolley
Monster by Mott-Sun
Recall by Tom Crosbie
New York Coin Magic Seminar, Vols. 14, 15, 16 by David Roth,
Dr. Michael
Rubinstein, Mike Gallo
Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
Sudden Deck 3 by David Regal
Spineless: A Unique Book Test by Chad Long
Flash: Color-Changing Flash Drives by Chad Long
The Trilby Deck by Liam Montier
Wings by Matt Mello
forget to help Genii celebrate its 75th anniversary at the
most exciting convention this year on October 4, 5, 6 in Orlando,
Every month Genii gives you more pages than any other independent
magazine: a 96 to 104 page paper magazine mailed directly
to you.
Every month Genii gives you a FREE digital issue with supplementary
video and audio columns that can be viewed on ANY computer,
desktop or laptop, as well as on any tablet or smartphone,
and we have special apps for both the iPad and iPhone. We
do NOT limit you to the iPad or iPhone. We do NOT charge you
a penny extra for your digital copy of Genii, and unlike other
magazines we give you the entire magazine in digital form
for free.
Every month Genii gives you, absolutely FREE, online access
to all 75 years of our back issues via a searchable database.
That's tens of thousands of pages of tricks, reviews, and
news going all the way back to 1936 at no charge.
other independent magazine gives you what Genii does!
www.geniimagazine.com and subscribe today! Subscriptions start
at only $56 for both US and foreign customers.
subscriptions are available for $56 to residents outside the
United States:
If you are a subscriber and haven't sent us your e-mail address
yet, please do so to: genii@geniimagazine.com). If you want
to access to all of this astounding material and you are not
a subscriber, please join us as we make available to you untold
magical riches at www.geniimagazine.com. All digital content
is free when you subscribe to Genii.
we've got a great offer for anyone who wants to subscribe
or renew: the three-DVD set "Houdini The Movie Star"
from Kino is now available from us for a limited time for
50% off the retail price of $40. YOU pay only $20, postpaid
anywhere in the US. (Add $11 postage anywhere else in the
world.) This 3 DVD set includes most of the surviving films
and footage of Houdini. We don't sell it separately: subscribe
today or renew your existing subscription for one year and
you can receive this extraordinary value.
you subscribe to Genii for 3 years, or renew your existing
subscription and bring it up to a total of 3 years, you can
purchase our brand new book, Talisman, for only $15 (or you
can select The Lost Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard).
Details here:
that the price of Genii drops from the $6 cover price to only
$4.50 per issue when you subscribe for one year AND new subscribers
get a free copy of the Harry Anderson/Jon Racherbaumer 32-page
Jinx). Please visit the Genii website and subscribe today
at www.geniimagazine.com.
The Genii Forum, the "smart" online discussion group:
MagicPedia, the most complete online encyclopedia of magical
information with almost 5,000 entries. It's a living encyclopedia
to which you are welcome to contribute! www.magicpedia.net
14. Family Comedy Magic Show
Message by Mick Peck (New Zealand)
"Shore Is Magic!" family comedy magic show features
performances by some of the top magicians in New Zealand.
Magic and illusion, comedy and ventriloquism, join us for
a wonderful family-friendly show suitable for all ages.
best value family entertainment in town! Adults just $15 each,
children just $10 each, special family concession saves $10.
must-see "Shore Is Magic!" show is on for two days
and three performances only -
September 28th 7:30pm
Saturday September 29th 2:30pm and 7:30pm
venue is the lovely Rose Theatre, School Road Belmont, North
door sales available, there were several sell-outs last year
so we do recommend that you reserve your tickets by visiting
www.scmc.co.nz or call toll-free on 0800 385 167.
15. Gregory Wilson's Exclusive Seminar, October 7-8, Israel
Message by Roy Zaltsman
Wilson's exclusive seminar, October 7-8, Israel
you dare to miss a two-day workshop with Gregory Wilson? After
all, he is a two-time FISM award-winner and probably most
known for his best-selling instructional DVD's.
the first time ever Gregory does a full two day seminar, which
is a combination of his latest and greatest. This covers his
collection of old and new tricks, including impromptu and
formal routines. (sleight of hand, gambling demos and mentalism).
the first to fool your audiences and fellow-magi with effects
that Greg has never-before-published and are straight from
his professional performances. Plus, the workshop is a two-part
structure of scheduled tricks and personal requests (if people
are familiar with his work). In other words, he's holding
nothing back!
in all, it's very hands-on and everyone will walk away with
full and complete routines in their memory banks and hopefully
their own working repertoire.
workshop will take place on October 7-8, 2012 at Hasharon
Hotel - Netanya, Israel
and registration:
This would be Gregory's second trip to Israel and he would
consider it a pleasure and privilege if you would join him
on his multi-city journey to visit the historical sites of
the Holy Land.
16. Magic New Zealand App
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched
on any tablet.
to: www.app.cat/magicnewzealand on your tablet to download
the FREE Magic
New Zealand app.
17. e-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button center right
you enter the archive the e-zines are in issue order in folders
for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first
three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06)
and the last figures the year (1999)
18. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E-zine at:
New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the
individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic
New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan
Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion,
message, statement, or other information reported via Magic
New Zealand® E-zine.
to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing
so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan
Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any
way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard
any articles submitted.
are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which
may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles
to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the
right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their
copyright of the material submitted.
works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by
international copyright legislation and articles must not
be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed,
but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety,
including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.
Copyright 2012 Alan Watson