Magic New Zealand® is proudly sponsored by International Entertainment

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #942
Date: Sunday 29th July 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Cruise Ship Gig - Australia / New Zealand
3. Charlotte Pendragon Has Just Become Engaged
4. I Been Hacked - Unethical Behaviour In The Community
5. Secrets From A Professional Pickpocket
6. Magische Welt (Magical World)
7. Remarkable Magic #43 - Nick Lewin
8. Two Amazing Stories
9. In Conversation with George Schindler - #3
10. Las Vegas Magic - August, 2012
11. 13th International Izmir Magic Get Together - Turkey
12. "Magicana"#356 for August/September
13. Bruce Bernstein's New Book, Unreal
14. EMC 2012 - Last Chance To Register
15. 31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention
16. Magic New Zealand App
17. e-zine Archives
18. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message
Please Note:
This week's Magic New Zealand e-zine is being circulated to you all earlier because the EMC conference is on this weekend and like magicians all over the world I will be focused on that! Yes, I'm really looking forward to being part of the online EMC Conference this weekend. Will have my iPad connected up to Apple TV to watch it on the large screen lounging back in the comfort of my lazyboy chair.

Great to see that we had 45 new subscribers last week joining Magic New Zealand. Our membership is now just under 17,000.

For those who would like to read Magic New Zealand in a HTML format go to:

Remember if you have any magic news drop me a line:

2. Cruise Ship Gig - Australia / New Zealand
Message by Kevin

Details: Cruise ship gig - Australia / New Zealand:
* We need a high-end female aerialist (or magician), mature and refined, easy to work with, great attitude, flexible and willing to learn new performance skills. (Will consider a male, but female talent encouraged to apply.)

* Willing to absolutely commit to a long term contract, 2-3 years.

* Available to start on September 16th, 2012.

* This performer will be integrated into an existing production show (perform aerial and illusions).

* Perfomer DOES NOT has to live on the cruise ship - we will fly them in and out of the ports to their home, before and after the show.

* Approx 3 show days per month (there are two 45-min shows on each show day) - Amounts to being away from home approx 6 days/month with the travel.

* Budget is approx $800 US per show day. Skill and experience will be considered. All travel and meals paid door-door.

* Visit our website at for information on our shows, contact us by email at

3. Charlotte Pendragon Has Just Become Engaged
Message by Peter Michaels

Just read on Facebook Charlotte Pendragon has just become engaged to Randy Lessley.

4. I Been Hacked - Unethical Behaviour In The Community
Message by Steven Taputoro (NZ)

Being a magician is rewarding in so many ways. You take people on a journey of laughter, mystery, sadness and so many other emotions which bring us great satisfaction. Unfortunately there is a side to our community that sometimes makes me wonder. "Is this really a brotherhood of magicians?

Recently I became a victim of an unethical, illegal and disgraceful crime which effected my magic business substantially. My business emails were hacked into and passed on to friends, my promotional YouTube videos were deleted from the internet, my Facebook fan page was hacked into by another magician. All this occurred by an individual in my own magic community.

This is a breach of privacy and a criminal act that should not be tolerated. I took my case to the New Zealand Police and the offender was eventually caught after previously denying his involvement.

I was reluctant at first to contact the police department however I knew I was not going to tolerate this behaviour and a principle needed to be taught here.

Upon police investigation the perpetrator confessed to his crime. I could have prosecuted the offender however I was more concerned for his future as a magician and gave him a life line. He has been given a harsh word by the police and was also handed a final warning.

5. Secrets From A Professional Pickpocket
Message by James Freedman

James Freedman is an entertainer -- and a professional pickpocket. He uses his expertise to consult on films and TV shows, but his real passion is helping peoplestay safe and avoid falling victim to real theft. James spoke recently at TED@London, part of the worldwide search to find speakers for TED2013.

You can see James's talk using the link below and if you'd like to see a longer version with more pickpocket prevention advice, then just leave a comment under the video.;TEDLondon

6. Magische Welt (Magical World)
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)

Founded in 1952 by German Magic Dealer W.Geissler-Werry

He published the magazine for 49 years on a regular basis, every other month until 1984, when he had a heart attack. From then onwards he switched to quarterly until his death in 2000.

He had just started Volume 49 when he suddenly died in March. I finished the second issue which he had almost done and then bought the magazine from his

From 2001 I immediately changed it to a bi-monthly magazine and enlarged the size of the copies to A4.

I also started to put some color pages in.

When I took over the magazine the edition of printed issues was around 800. After the first year I already had 1.200 subscribers. Now, in the 61st year of publication Magische Welt is the oldest independent magic magazine in Europe and second in the world, with an edition of 2.500 subscribers. It is in full color.

In 2009 I started to split the magazine into two booklets per issue: The main issue deals with theory, news, interviews and general aspects, the supplement publishes magic tricks only. The supplement is called "Zaubersalz" (Magic Salt).

The subscription rate still remains the same for the last five years which is just 39,50 Euro, outside 45,00 Euro.

Each issue (the main one) comprises of 44 pages, the trick issue carries always at least 16 pages, very often even more up to 24 pages.

The covers of the main issue has been designed during the last two years by well known German artists who have given to me pictures from their oevre which I may combine with magic themes.

Magische Welt is read by most of German magicians, almost ALL Swiss magicians, in Austria, Holland, Belgium and even in England, USA and some in Japan and Malaysia.

7. Remarkable Magic #43 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)

There is nothing like a good book!

I keep hearing from people that the art of learning magic has shifted from the book to the DVD. I certainly hope this isn't true! There are very different elements to both of these methods of learning and I hope that we don't ever throw away the subtle layers of difference. We need both.

When I was growing up, it was books that provided the early magic lessons that formed the basis of my learning bank. I would spend hours poring over a book and trying to master some new sleight. Sometimes the new move would take several pages to describe and with my card filled hands I would be forced to turn over the book's pages with my nose!

My magic books were old friends that I returned to again and again in order to reacquaint myself with their gifts of knowledge. My early card handling was learned from Anthony Norman's book, 'Basic Card Technique.' It was my veritable bible, and gloriously oversized, so not too much nose turning was required!

I later discovered Roy Johnson's amazing series of books that taught me how to construct a routine. The Al Koran books were a similar inspiration, and it has been wonderful to see the way Martin Breese updated and completed the Koran written legacy. Thank you Martin, you even added some great videos!

The excitement of discovering that comedy magic had been gifted with its own masterpiece was complete when I read 'McComb's Magic-25 years wiser.' Along with Ron Wilson's 'Uncanny Scot,' a 'would be' performer didn't need much else on his shelf to master his trade. I consider 'The Uncanny Scot' to be one of the very greatest collections of magic ever published---why the hell is it out of print?

When I arrived in America it was a joy to discover the wonderfully written books of Harry Lorayne. They contained great tricks that were meticulously detailed and had an exciting blast of the author's abrasive personality fully intact within the pages. You could make a great living just by mastering the content of Lorayne's first three books. Heck, I did for several years.

It has recently been my joy to be reading three brilliant books simultaneously, learning and enjoying each of them to the utmost degree. I want to share them with you, if they can give you a fraction of the pleasure they have afforded me, then I have done my good deed for the day.

New Zealand is the home to one of magic's most prolific and talented authors Richard Webster. Richard is a master of both ideas and craft in his writing. He has published over a hundred books, which have been translated into 29 languages! No wonder I am proud to consider him my major inspiration as a writer of magical works. It was with a great deal of excitement that I just mailed him a copy of my first two books, in honesty, it made me just a touch nervous as well.

I have been dipping into Richard's latest book on mentalism, 'Neal Scryer and Friends,' like some lucky sorcerer's apprentice with sudden access to the Philosopher's Stone. It is an amazing work that should be savored by anyone interested in this deliciously complex and exciting area of the magic world. It is not an inexpensive book---GOOD! This kind of information should not be scattered at random as it is too special.

I have also been really enjoying John Lovick's 'Switch.' It is an encyclopedic and scholarly study of dollar bill switches, and a goldmine to someone like myself who makes a living largely through the $100 Bill Switch. Like Richard's recent book, it combines the author's insights with wonderful contributions from his illustrious friends and colleagues. Fabulous information.

Most recently, I have been glued to David Regal's 'Approaching Magic' book. Wow, what a great read! I have been a huge fan of David's work, ever since reading the Harry Lorayne book describing his earliest routines many years ago. His ideas just keep getting better and even more commercial as the years go by.

'Approaching Magic' contains great tricks, good advice, fabulous theory and some great comedy lines! What more could you hope for in a book? It is going to be my travel companion for many months to come, and then take a position of pride in my bookshelf right next to Ron Wilson, Billy McComb and Mr. Scryer's work! I have no higher praise.

If you want to reward yourself with a treat, go to David's website and order a signed copy for a (currently) discounted rate of $60. You will thank me for the tip---and so will your audiences!

I am constantly adding new items to my product line and items from my video archives to my website, so click by and take a look at I have some very commercial magic available, and a couple of gems waiting to be added any day, including a close-up/strolling effect 'Nick Lewin's Ultimate Signed Card in Envelope' that I am very proud of!

8. In Conversation with George Schindler - #3
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA

AD: Tell us a story or two about those RVP days .

GS: As Regional Vice President I got to visit assemblies in my North Atlantic region which covered New York State and New Jersey. My job was to keep them apprised of National events and to represent them at the Council meetings. It was fun seeing how other groups conducted their meetings, especially their after-meeting show and events. I got to see some good magic and made many new friends.

AD: Then you became President. You followed predecessors such as Houdini, Thurston, etc. When were you inaugurated President? Share a few of those memories ..

GS: After RVP, I worked my way up the ladder and each step took me around the country to see what problems or special needs the assemblies had and what they expected from the organization. I became President in Indianapolis and requested that Fr. Cyprian perform the short ceremony. He had kept Nina's secret and as he gave me the oath, I looked up to see all of my children filing into the room coming from the different parts of the country to help me celebrate. And as we left the banquet to go to the theater my nutty Australian friend Alfred Hayes had hired a horse and carriage to get us there in regal style.

AD: And now you are the Dean. I know you said, "The Dean don't do nuttin' but that is very far from true . I happen to know that you work very hard on behalf of The S.A.M.

GS: Well, Tony ..what can I say? When Jay Marshall heard he was to become the Dean he asked," What do the Dean Do ?" He was told, "The Dean don't do nuttin," He replied "I'll take the job". I am honored to follow the footsteps of the greats. I am also on other committees having nothing to do with my title.

AD: I know you enjoy brevity but please elaborate as there are many who would like to know about these Committees and some of the work that they do . in particular your role chairman of Public Relations and in particular The Endowment and Houdini Funds.

GS: The Public Relations chairman tries to keep the name and the news of the Society in the public eye. I handle some publicity while the advertising and marketing committees look for memberships and advertise the conventions.

I am also a Trustee of the S A M. Magic Endowment Fund. This is a separate entity whose aim is to elevate the art and to help with the furthering of education, support of young members and part of that is the Houdini Fund which assists all magicians and allied artists who are ill, with funds they cannot get elsewhere.

End of Part 3

9. Two Amazing Stories
Message by Stan Allen - Editor MAGIC Magazine

MAGIC Magazine's cover subject for August is Neil Patrick Harris, who seems to be everywhere these days, and for good reason. A talented actor in both comedy and drama, the man also sings, dances, is a frequent host of awards shows and a favorite talk show guest, and - oh yeah, he performs magic. With a career path blazing as brightly as his, it seems unlikely that he could find the time to devote to the Magic Castle and its members. And yet, he does. He takes his position as President of the Academy of Magical Arts very seriously and has worked diligently on improving the club. Earlier this year, he was elected for another term. Shawn McMaster sat down with Harris to discuss his continuing reign, what his outlook is for the future of the club, and his past history in the conjuring arts.

Also this month is Mike Caveney's report on one of the most talked about shows at the Magic Castle in many years. Here's just the opening.

Helder Guimar<es and Derek DelGaudio enter in silence and take their positions across from each other at a card table. A deck is uncased and Derek meticulously checks the cards for marks or stripped edges. Then, they both mix the cards in the same way that a child might, by pushing the cards all over the tabletop. Finally, after winning a coin toss, the reassembled deck is spread face up in front of Derek, who intently studies the order of the cards. Helder struggles to see the upside-down spread that lies on the opposite side of the table. Finally, Derek squares the deck and the match begins.

After a series of running cuts, Derek confidently lifts up half the deck and we see that he has cut to the Ace of Clubs. He sets this Ace aside, pushes the deck across the table, and presses the start button on a chess timer that is positioned prominently on the table. Up to the challenge, Helder shuffles the deck and then, as the cards are dribbled onto the table, the Ace of Diamonds suddenly appears face up on top. This card is set aside and Helder signals "your move" by tapping the restart button on the clock: click. Realizing that the ante has been raised, Derek gives the cards a series of impressive shuffles and cuts. Suddenly, a card comes spinning out of the deck and lands on the table. Flipping it face up reveals the Two of Clubs. It is placed onto the Ace and the timer is reset again: click.

By now, the audience has realized that they are in the presence of two world-class cardsharps who are engaged in some sort of card table smack-down, with each competitor determined to outdo his opponent....

And those are just two of stories featured in the August issue of MAGIC Magazine, now available in print or on the iPad. Visit

10. Las Vegas Magic - August, 2012
Message by David Neubauer - (US)

Amazing Johnathan
9 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Planet Hollywood.

Criss Angel - Believe
7 (except Wed. & Thurs.) & 9:30 pm (Dark Sun. - Mon.) - Luxor.

David Copperfield - An Intimate Evening of Grand Illusion
7 & 9:30 pm & also 4 pm Sat. - MGM Grand.

Gerry McCambridge - The Mentalist
7:30 pm (Dark Wed.) - Planet Hollywood.
Comp Tickets and info:

Illusions - Jan Rouven
7 pm (Dark Wed.) - Riviera.

It's Tricky - the "Original Nerd of Magic" Kyle Marlett
Starring the 5 pm, (Dark Wed. - Thurs.) - Royal House Resort.

Jeff McBride's Wonderground
3rd Thurs. each month 7:30 to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.)
Non-stop Magic & Variety Performance Art. A whole new show each month. Free
with 2 drink minimum. watch live:

Mac King Comedy Magic Show
1 & 3 pm, (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Harrah's.
Free tickets (buy 1 drink) usually available at the concierge desk or handed out by showgirls.
Bring California ID for 1/2 price tickets at the Box Office through Labor Day, 2012.

Magic and Mayhem starring Michael Turco
4 pm - Saxe Theater, Miracle Mile Shops - Planet Hollywood.

Magic, Mind Reading & Mystery with Paul Vigil
7 pm (Wed.) - King Ink, Mirage.

Magical Mix starring Christopher Karpiak
7-10 pm (Dark Tues. - Wed.) - Mix Lounge, Mandalay Bay.
Free to locals until 10 pm.

Mike Hammer Comedy Magic Show
7 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Four Queens.
$14.95 discounted tix + free drink:

Mind Blowing Comedy - Kevin Burke
9:13 pm - The D.
Two for One:
Dinner & Tix:

Murray - Celebrity Magician
With Douglas "Lefty" Leferovich.
7 pm - Laugh Factory at the Tropicana.

Nathan Burton Comedy Magic Show
4 pm, (Dark Mon.) - Flamingo.
Armando Vera's Up-Close "VIP Experience" is performed pre-show @ 3 pm
FREE Balcony Tickets:

Penn & Teller
9 pm, (Dark Thurs. - Fri.) - Rio.

Magic In Production Shows
Bram Charles
2 sets between 10 pm - 2 am (Dark Mon. - Thurs.)
The Can Can Room on Industrial.

Crazy Girls
Tony Douglas - 9:30 pm (Dark Tues.) - Riviera.

Crazy Horse, Paris
Jason Andrews - 8 pm & 10:30 (Dark Tues.) - MGM Grand

Haunted Vegas Show and Tour
Jac Hayden, Robert Allen.
9:30 pm, picks up at the Royal Resort.

V The Ultimate Variety Show
Featuring Melinda - First Lady of Magic
7 & 8:30, V Theater, Planet Hollywood

Vegas Close-Up Magic
Shimshi - Resident Magician - Wynn/Encore.
Seth Grabel - Fri. & Sat. 9-11 pm - Foundation Room, Mandalay Bay.
Ben Seidman - Resident Magician - Mandalay Bay.
Cameron Shadow - Resident Magician - Pure Nightclub, Caesars Palace.
Craig Keith performs bar magic, various times - Dick's Last Resort, Excalibur.
JungleJosh - House Magician - Señor Frogs at Treasure Island (Dark Mon.), 5
pm to 1 am. Table-hopping and Comedy Magic on the stages. No Cover, No Min.
Smoothini - Wed. to Sun. 8 pm-10:30 at Hard Rock Café (2nd Floor Bar); 11 pm
to 2 am at Zingers, 3743 Las Vegas Blvd. and after 2 am at New York New York's
Pour 24.

Jamie Porter's Radio Side Show
Sat @ 5 am, KLAV FM 1230.

Las Vegas Magic Organizations
Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257, 7 pm - 8:45, 1st Monday each month at Denny & Lee's
Magic Shop, 5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102 Free Children's Classes at 5:45. No
meeting if the 1st Monday is a major Holiday. ($24 a year to be a member).
Darwin's Magic Club 10 pm Wednesdays at Boomers, 3200 Sirius Ave.
KIDabra Las Vegas 7 pm every 3rd Monday.
Amazing Clowns, 3525 E. Flamingo.

Upcoming Special Events
July, 2012
July 23-26: Society of American Magicians National Convention - Tomsoni & Company, Kevin James, Fielding West, Joseph Gabriel & Katalin, Roy Shank,
Losander, Luna Shimada, Dan Sperry, Sonny Fontana, Fergus Roy, Steve Daly,
Kim Hyunjoon, Jason Baney, Mathieu Bich, Boris Wild, Ali Shelly, David Stone, Sarlot & Eyed, Christian & Katalina, John Cassidy, Funtasio, Yann Frisch, Ayala and Tanya, The Mac King Show and the David Copperfield Show will be part of the convention. Honored Guest: David Copperfield - Golden Nugget. or email

July 23: The Society of American Magicians proudly presents Magic Duets.
Featuring two of the Society's favorite magic teams performing comedy magic,
mind reading, illusions and audience participation. Roland Sarlot & Susan Eyed; Christian & Katalina Painter. Open to the public Tickets $25.00 at Society of American Magicians registration booth or 719-338-8169. Golden Nugget Ballroom.

July 24: The Society of American Magicians proudly presents itsMagic Stage Contest - Contest judges and the audience choose the winners in a variety of magic categories for Gold and Silver awards. The performers offer a variety of styles and illusions. The audience gets a vote to select a "People's Choice" Award. Open To The Public. Tickets $25.00 at Society of American Magicians registration booth or 719-338-8169. Golden Nugget Ballroom.

July 25: Las Vegas Magic Experience at 8:30 pm: The Society of American Magicians proudly presents some of the best Las Vegas magicians appearing together in one "spectacular" show. You would have to visit six different casinos to see these stars, who have all played the major high priced hotels and casinos in Las Vegas over the years. Now here they are, in a family show with all their manipulations, grand illusions, levitations, quick changes comedy, and yes even the disappearance of a ferocious Bengal Tiger. Fielding West hosts Luna Shimada, Jason Baney, Losander, Ayala and Tanya and Sonny Fontana. Open To The Public. Tickets $31.00 at The Smith Center For The Performing Arts, 361 Symphony Park Ave. 719-338-8169 or

July 26: Internatonal Magic Spectacular at 8:30 pm The Society of American Magicians Annual Convention invites the public to witness its final Gala Show featuring top magicians from around the world who have gathered for this event.ize winning magicians will appear with an array of grand illusion, impossible card manipulations, fantastic comedy acts, plus three home town Las Vegas stars who will entertain you and your family. Bring the kids. Starring RG Smith, John Cassidy, the man in the balloon, Funtasio, Chris Kenner, The Great Tomsoni and Company (The Warsaw Wizard) Korean champion Kim Hyun-Joon and our own Nathan Burton. Tickets Open To The Public. $31.00 at The Smith Center For The Performing Arts, 361 Symphony Park Ave. 719-338-8169 or

August, 2012
August 13-19: Magic & Mystery School - Extended Master Class - Jeff McBride,
Eugene Burger, Lawrence Hass, Bryce Kuhlman & Tobias Beck.

August 19: Jeff McBride's Wonderground 7:30 to midnight at The Olive - Jeff
McBride, Eugene Burger and an ever changing cast.

August 18: I.B.M. Fantasma Ring 257 announces a lecture by John Calvert, 7
pm at Denny & Lee Magic Studio, 5115 Dean Martin Dr. Suite 102. Dues paid
Ring 257 members free, others $20 at the door, children free with paid adult.

September, 2012
September 20: Jeff McBride's Wonderground 7:30 to midnight at The Olive -
Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger and an ever changing cast.

Sept. 30-Oct. 3: Innovention 2012 - Dedicated to Master Magician and World famous Hypnotist Peter Reveen. Already confirmed are The Great Tomsoni & Co, Jeff Hobson, Amazing Jonathon, Michael Holly, Michael Goudeau, Eric Buss, Christopher Hart, Fielding West, Kyle & Mistie Knight, Farrell Dillon, Dana Daniels, Ben Stone, Armando Lucero, Sos Petrosyan, Paul Vigil, Bob Kohler, Bill Smith, Scott Alexander, Seth Kramer, Gabrielle Lyster, juggling Legend Kris Kremo and many more have promised to come. Gold Coast. Special discount registration offer of $245 until they reach 250 registrations (regular registration is $345). Limited to 275 attendees. For details and register, contact

October, 2012
October 12-14: Magic & Mystery School: Focus on Street Magic with Jeff McBride.

October 17-20: Magic & Mystery School hosts: The Magic & Meaning Conference
Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger, Larry Hass, George Parker.

October 18: Jeff McBride's Wonderground 7:30 to midnight at The Olive - Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger and an ever changing cast.

November, 2012
November 8-11: Magic & Mystery School presents Magic & Medicine (now with
CME Credit) Eugene Burger, Jeff McBride, Ricardo Rosenkranz, M. D., and Lawrence Hass, Ph.D.

Nov. 11-13: MINDvention - Kenton Knepper, Max Krause, Patrick Redford/George
Tait, Roy Zaltsman, Colin McLeod, Larry Haas, Satori, Ross Johnson, Tony Chris, Christopher Taylor, Paul Draper. (more details on the website) - Palace Station.
November 14-16: Magic & Mystery School: Master Class for Mentalism - Ross
Johnson, Eugene Burger, Jeff McBride.

November 18: Jeff McBride's Wonderground 7:30 to midnight at The Olive - Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger and an ever changing cast.

December, 2012
December 18: Jeff McBride's Wonderground 7:30 to midnight at The Olive - Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger and an ever changing cast.

9. 13th International Izmir Magic Get Together - Turkey
Message by Dr.Ozlen Tuncer / Dr.Tora (Turkey)

Dear magical friends,

As we did in the last 13 years , this year we are preparing to organise the 13th Izmir Magic get together. Naturally we have learned much from last years and again this will be a friendly 3 days full of magic. The details in brief as follows:

The Date of the Event: 30-31 August and 01 September 2012

The Place of the Event: Izmir, Turkey

OBA Holiday Site

Guzelbahce / Izmir / Turkey

( But GALA Night will be in another Theater )

The contents of the event:

At the OBA Holiday Site:

- Open Stage: Where anybody can use the stage as much and as often as he wishes,
- Erdinc Demiray New Horizons: Shows by the young magicians below 20 years
old and new magicians of any age

- Close up Sessions till morning every evening.

- Magic Bazaars

- Magic Seminars,

- Workshops,

- Lectures

- Brain storming

- Erdinc Demiray tribute corner

- Lots of conversations which will never end.

- And anything may come as offers and recommendations.

At the Theater ( the exact location will be announced later):

- Gala Night and Magic Bazaar.

Details in Brief: -
The first day: We will begin by registering and Magic Bazaar till evening and will go on with seminars and lectures which will be announced later as the people confirm what they will do. During evening a new activity we call New Horizons will take place where young magicians who are younger than 20 years old will be performing. And later there will be an Open Stage which will be available for those who want to show or share something as well as the dealers who want to demonstrate their goods. No limit will be set, but registering in advance will be required. And as usual we will do Close up around a big table till morning.

- The second day: We will again have the Magic Bazaar and lectures during the day. And people may also enjoy the swimming pool for sometime. In the late afternoon we shall move to Guzelbahce Open Air Theater for the Gala Show. And there will be again a Magic Bazaar for there may be new comers to our event from the center of the city.

In the Gala Show; some Turkish Performers as well as any foreign friend will perform. The priority to perform will be on the foreign friends for we will not have a chance to see them often around Turkey. The duration of their acts will be free for the foreigners but will be limited to 10 minutes for the domestic performers. After the Gala Show we will move back to OBA holiday site where open stage and close up sessions will be carried with those who want to sleep late.

- The third day: We will again begin with magic bazaar, lectures, workshops and seminars. We will have Open stage all the daylong and finally towards the midnight we will officially close the event. However we may continue with those who also want to stay longer.

Fees: Individual: 100 USD but may be waived if you are a member of IBM, IMS or the Magic Cafe.

Dealer's Table: 250 USD but may be paid in magic goods. If agreed in advance.

Other points to consider: - There is a special fare for the participants for the hotel accommodation in OBA Hotel ( Room Only ). You may ask for a reservation and we will do it for you at no extra charge.

-There is a wide variety of restaurants and food resources around.

- The swimming pool is free for the Hotel guests.

- The sea is only across the road.

We will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

We are looking forward to seeing you here in Izmir, TURKEY

On behalf of the organisation committee;

Ozlen Tuncer aka Dr.Tora

GSM: 0090 542 513 0997

0090 535 275 2434

Dr.Ozlen Tuncer / Dr.Tora

11. "Magicana"#356 for August/September
Message by Michael Woolf (NZ)

"Magicana"#356 for August/September is in the mail to subscribers. In this issue we profile Felix from Spain. Bernard Reid continues his epic History of Magic in New Zealand. Arun Bonerjee sends a Royal Family effect from India, Ken Ring offers a new twist on the old Three Piles trick, David Ginn shares something of his magical past, and Joel Moskowitz has a DVD review.

The Editor reviews Richard Webster's mighty new book and Ian Adair has a kind of colour Clippo. Andrew Wilson reviews Richard Kaufman's new book. This is followed by the third part of the Cliff Thomas memoirs. George Schindler continues his series "Loving New Zealand" and we have reports from the IBM Ring 160 and the Shore City Magicians. There's photographic coverage of a school performance by ElGrego and Sue, and Roderick Mulgan looks at some Obscurities. And Richard Webster has a Birthday Card trick.

"Magicana" is published six times a year. Subscribe now by contacting Editor Michael Woolf (

12. Bruce Bernstein's New Book, Unreal
Message by Gabe A Fajuri

Bruce Bernstein's New Book, Unreal - Pre-Publication Offer Expires July 31st

Bruce Bernstein has spent over three decades creating, refining and developing some of the most devious feats of mentalism known to man. He's become a trusted, go-to source for many of the greatest mind readers of the last twenty years. He's collected an enviable list of endorsements from nearly every great magician and thought reader of the last thirty years. And now he's gathered together years of thought-provoking, engaging writing into a comprehensive hardbound collection that showcases his work in the finest possible light.

It's called Unreal.

This new book contains Bernstein's most baffling, amazing brainchildren. From commercial predictions (Eat at Joe's), to mind-numbing card miracles (Psych-Out, a revelatory 10 Card Poker Deal), to must-learn techniques (Bernstein Center Tear), and beyond, Unreal covers territory essential to every mystery entertainer's repertoire.

The book outlines mysteries with the most basic of objects: slips of paper, cards, and money, as well as inexplicable feats of thought reading: predictions, mind reading feats, psychometry, utility techniques for obtaining secret information, cold reading scripts and techniques, and more. Ten new essays compliment the tricks themselves, each written specifically for this book.

All of the miracles described in these pages are within the skill set of the average mentalist. No complicated sleight-of-hand or digital dexterity is required. That said, a healthy dose of chutzpah may be necessary in several instances.

It's all explained in a familiar, engaging style, expertly illustrated by Tony Dunn. Unreal may be the book's title, but performing the miracles it explains is most definitely within reach of everyone that reads it.

256 pages in deluxe hardcover; all material newly edited and expanded and illustrated, with an introduction by Jon Stetson. Ships in late July.

Act now! The advertised special pre-publication offer of $55 plus shipping is only available until July 31st. Regular retail price is $65.

Order directly from the publisher at

14. EMC 2012 - Last Chance To Register
Message by Luis de Matos (Portugal)

Join us on the 27th, 28th and 29th of July for the third and final event in the Essential Magic Conference Trilogy. The Essential Magic Conference is the world's first digital conference for magic and magicians. 33 magicians, 3 days of magic.

Special guests: Derren Brown and Teller

Conference speakers already announced are:
Armando Lucero (United States)
Bill Malone (United States)
Chris Kenner (United States)
Dani DaOrtiz (Spain)
Daniel Madison (United Kingdom)
David Berglas (United Kingdom)
David Britland (United Kingdom)
David Williamson (United States)
Debbie McGee (United Kingdom)
Denis Behr (Germany)
Eberhard Riese (Germany)
Eric Mead (United States)
Gaetan Bloom (France)
Gene Matsuura (United States)
Graham Jolley (United Kingdom)
Guy Hollingworth (United Kingdom)
Hiro Sakai (Japan)
Luis Piedrahita (Spain)
Graham Jolley (United Kingdom)
Guy Hollingworth (United Kingdom)
Luis de Matos
Luis Piedrahita (Spain)
Marco Tempest (United States)
Max Maven (United States)
Michel Clavello (Argentina)
Mike Caveney (United States)
Norberto Jansenson (Argentina)
Paul Daniels (United Kingdom)
Paul Harris (United States)
Richard Wiseman (United Kingdom)
Stan Allen (United States)
Steve Cohen (United States)
Tina Lenert (United States)
Tom Stone (Sweden)
Topas (Germany)
William Kalush (United States)
Woody Aragón (Spain)
Yann Frisch (France)
Yigal Mesika (Israel)

Register today - access passes are limited. Register now! By going to:

15. 31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention
Magic at the Chateau
31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention

Christchurch New Zealand Labour Weekend
2012 (19/10/2012 to 22/10/2012)

Convention starts on Friday night 19th October and finishes on Monday 22nd October at 2.30pm.

Visa and Mastercard are now accepted for payment for your convention registration fee

Credit card payment form go to:

To download the Convention registration form go to:

Competition registration form go to:

Do I want to stay at the convention hotel?

If the answer is YES then it's best that you reserve your room NOW!

**As rooms are now very limited**

Christchurch Free phone: 0800 808 999
(Within New Zealand) Toll (03) 348 8999

No deposit is required
But they need a credit card number, valid at date of stay,
i.e. October 2012

The convention hotel is The Chateau on the Park, 189 Deans Avenue, Riccarton, Christchurch.

When booking convention hotel accommodation make sure that you tell them that it is for the "Magicians Convention" and then you will pay the special convention rate of $115 for a double room.

If you try and book online on their website you will end up paying their full room rate.

You have a choice of either a King or Queen size bed and Twin rooms consist of two double beds.

The headliners confirmed are...
Shawn Farquhar (Canada), Mark Mason (England), Ken Scott (US) Felix (Spain)
and the Gillam Family (US). This is a convention that you will not want to miss!

**Book your accommodation NOW**

Christchurch Free phone: 0800 808 999 (within New Zealand)
Overseas: +64 3 348 8999 Toll

16. Magic New Zealand App
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched on any tablet.

Go to: on your tablet to download the FREE Magic New Zealand app.

17. e-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine go to: click on the red button center right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e-zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

18. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

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Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or
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Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be
of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2012 Alan Watson!/magicnewzealand

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2012 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine