Magic New Zealand® is proudly sponsored by International Entertainment

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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
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Issue Number: #941
Date: Sunday 22nd July 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. FISM 2012 Full List Of Awards
3. FISM 2012 Blackpool Monday - Day 1
4. FISM 2012 Blackpool Tuesday - Day 2
5. FISM 2012 Blackpool Wednesday - Day 3
6. FISM 2012 Blackpool Thursday - Day 4
7. FISM 2012 Blackpool Friday - Day 5
8. FISM 2012 Blackpool Saturday - Day 6
9. Remarkable Magic #42 - Nick Lewin
10. Festivals: Performance Attire - #266 - Kyle Peron
11. In Conversation with George Schindler - #2
12. EMC 2012 - Last Chance To Register
13. Genii Convention Update
14. August Issue Of Genii Magazine
15. IBM British Ring News
16. First Father-Son Presidents In The History Of The S.A.M.
17. Broken Wand - Marcelo Contento
19. e-zine Archives
20. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message
This issue of Magic New Zealand is mainly focused on the recent FISM held in England. Congratulations to the newly elected President of FISM - Domenico Dante from Italy. Great to learn that the next FISM in 2015 will be held in Rimini, Italy.

YouTube clips of Grand Prix stage - Yu Ho Jin - Korea:

Grand Prix Close-up - Yann Frisch - France:

1st Place - General magic - Marko Karvo - Finland:

1st place illusions - Marcel Prince of illusions - Netherlands:

For those who would like to read Magic New Zealand in a HTML format go to:

Remember if you have any magic news drop me a line:

2. FISM 2012 Full List Of Awards
Message by Walt Lees (UK)

General Magic (Stage) 1st: Marko Karvo (Finland); Joint 2nd: Les Chapeaux Blancs (France) and Won Keun-Ha (South Korea); 3rd: Ta Na Manga (Portugal)

Originality: Ted Kim (South Korea)

Comedy Magic 1st: Doble Mandoble (Belgium); 2nd: Mikael Szaniel (France); 3rd: Jean-Phlippe Loupi (France)

Manipulation1st and Grande Prix Yu Ho-Jin (South Korea); 2nd Lukas (South Korea); 3rd Kim Hyun-Joon (South Korea)

Parlour Magic 1st and Grande Prix Yann Frisch (France); Joint 2nd Marvellous Matthew Wright (UK) and Johan Stahl (Sweden); 3rd Pierric (Switzerland)

Card Magic 1st Jan Logemann (Germany); 2nd Patrick Lehnen (Germany); 3rd Zeki Yoo (South Korea)

Micro Magic 1st Andost (USA); 2nd Jaque (Spain); Joint 3rd Red Tsai (Taiwan) and Vittorio Belloni (Italy)

Illusions 1st Marcel Prince of illusions (Netherlands); 2nd Cubic Act (France); 3rd Guy Barett (UK)

Mentalism 1st place not awarded; 2nd Kristoph Kuch (Germany); 3rd Christian Bichof (Switzerland)

Other FISM Awards
Invention: Tango (Argentina)
Most Original in Close-up: Simon Coronel (Australia)
Creativity and Artistic Vision: Teller (USA)
History, Research and Scholarship: Mike Caveney (USA)
Theory: Eugene Burger (USA)
Honorary President of FISM: Eric Eswin

3. FISM 2012 Blackpool Monday
Message by Walt Lees (UK)

The weather for the week was nothing like as drear as forecast; so things got off to a much brighter and more pleasant start than anticipated. The 2,500 registrants each received a FISM shoulder bag, a souvenir teddy bear and a specially printed large-sized leather-bound hardback 280 page compilation drawn from the three Jack Hughes books published by Taurus Magic. Then those who wished could visit the 135 dealers. The programmed events kicked off in the Opera House with a musical introduction by host Frank Wilson singing while seated at the keyboards, well away from the stage.

A rendition of his FISM theme song There's Magic all over the World led to a spectacular laser and firework display on a scale that can only take place in a vast auditorium. Then overall supremo Derek Lever briefly took to the stage to introduce International FISM President Eric Eswin, who welcomed us with short speeches in five different languages. He then went on to bring out over eighty national Presidents, before handing back to Frank Wilson, who introduced the first performer.

This was the UK's Marc Oberon, who with the aid of three assistants presented the latest incarnation of his UV act, an undersea spectacular with floating fish, sea monsters and water spirits. Although not strictly magic, parts of it are extremely baffling, like the sequence where he fights an invisible opponent with Star Wars style light swords.

Russian comedy stars Voronin & Svetlana, now based in Germany, followed in the guise of a pompous magician and his overenthusiastic student, getting into a needle match over who could make the tallest newspaper tree. Lots of very amusing bits of business, with Svetlana the student finally triumphing over her self-important teacher, despite all the medals and awards he kept showing us. A very funny act with some subtle touches. For example, the way they manage to make such large trees from single sheets of newsprint.Jupiter (one of the most regular visitors to the UK) from Hungary, followed with an act of card productions, ropes, silks and billiard balls. A lot of neat touches and some clever subtleties.

After getting the audience whistling If I Were a Rich Man, Frank Wilson introduced Joseph Gabriel with a refreshingly modern approach to dove magic. Working on a completely empty stage, the few props involved being brought on by his attractive assistant, he produced numerous doves, a falcon and a duck. A really strong interlude was provided by the levitation of a hypnotised dove, which behaved impeccably (or should that be impeckably?). Considering that the doves were loaned by Brian Sefton it speaks volumes for Joseph Gabriel's expert handling that they were so well behaved.

The final act was Clive Webb & Danny Adams plus AN Other creating riotous mayhem with their version of the traditional clowns' stock-in-trade wallpapering sketch. Sitting on the front row is a high-risk business. At one point, Danny, after skidding across the stage on his stomach and landing on the floor, having belly-flopped nearly four feet, promptly stood up and daubed my head with paste. You have to admire the athleticism, timing and precision which this kind of comedy requires if it is to be done as well as these three do it.

Matthew Johnson in the Spanish Hall, resplendent in a sparkling jacket, gave us his impression of Max Maven and also answered a question in French with, "Je ne parle pas Français!" then pointed out that he just had! Joshua Jay in the Pavilion showed his ACAAN although strictly speaking, it should be Any Card At Any Page, as a book is used. But the card force is a very subtle one with lots of applications. I also saw his vanish of three coins. Later, I caught the extravagantly-moustached Axel Hecklau demonstrating a very clean Rope Through Wrist, and Boris Wild expertly jazzing with his marked deck.

My duties elsewhere prevented me from seeing any of the competitions but I am told there were some fantastic acts. Derek Lever, who watched them all on Monday, says that he saw at least five that he is seriously considering booking for the Blackpool Convention. And that was only on the first day! If subsequent days yielded a similar standard, then a whole tranche of new faces can be expected to emerge on the international scene in the near future.

Evening Show
Although called the Late Late Gala, it actually started at 8:00 p.m. and finished just after 10:00. But that anomaly aside, the show itself was top grade. After the warm-up by Frank Wilson with vocals at the keyboards, the show commenced with Topas's comedy shrinking illusion, followed by his "Hawaiian Orange Trick" involving a squeaking orange, leis and a baffling production of orange juice. Following a mini Zig Zag using himself, he was joined by partner Roxanne for a cod exposure, à la Masked Magician, of producing and vanishing a girl in a Perspex chair. However the tables were
turned when the girl became the magician, while he appeared in the auditorium.

Compere Mike Caveney then introduced himself, and brought on his other half Tina Lenert with her now well-established but still superb mop act. Considerable artistry is evinced in the way in which the mop figure has a completely separate identity and seems to move independently of her. Even
the final dress change has a rationale within the "narrative".

Fred Compagnie Poc the sedentary juggler who stormed the Blackpool Convention Gala last February, repeated his triumph, getting a partial standing ovation for his incredibly precise ball bouncing skills. An unusual act and as most of it is performed while seated, unlike that of any other
juggler I have yet seen.

Katalin, now based in the USA but originally from Europe, was next with a sexy outfit and pink-themed décor, She used silks, ropes and billiard balls before a final sensational change from leotard to disco dress behind a couple of feather fans.

Unbilled, Anna Wilson, daughter of Frank, began singing along with her father during the interval, and by popular demand was pushed onto the stage to render a couple of numbers herself, receiving considerable applause for her obvious talents.

The "official" second half opened with Rafael's well-known and ever-popular vampire act, one of the most innovative and well executed novelties around today. A light-hearted horror spoof with a girl who really is cut in half and a hunchbacked assistant, through whose torso a hand can pass. Mike Caveney then did a longer spot, including a comedy routine with a bow & arrow to find a chosen card, followed by a demonstration of some of his juggling skills with a glass of coffee and centrifugal force.

Soma followed with his FISM winning act, full of novelty and skill. Mayhem with mobile phones, a moving briefcase and lots of brilliant touches, call-backs and sound effects. Finally, Topas and Roxanne returned to close the show with comedy and a stunning combination of levitations on a raised platform, climaxing with an Asrah style vanish and Roxanne suddenly appearing at the back of the auditorium.

4. FISM 2012 Blackpool Tuesday
Message by Walt Lees (UK)

Shoot Ogawa started the day in the Pavilion Theatre with his usual blend of technical brilliance and innovativeness. Among other things, we saw a way of making elastic bands turn into a variety of different objects, and how to cause almost everything he touched to become magnetic. Matrix followed and a dissertation on the strength of repeating the same effect using different methods.

Chad Long in the Spanish Hall had plenty of off-beat stuff with twists of humour, including a novel knitting of a silk and a book test with a torn-up paperback. Marc Oberon showed some of his subtle magic, including his version of Mental Epic and prediction of a freely-selected number. John Archer offered a neat card coincidence which made use of Rough & Smooth, and also took us through his Just-Chance handling that fooled Penn & Teller; all done in his own inimitable style, which, despite language barriers still garnered plenty of laughs.

Wayne Dobson assisted by Michael J. Fitch presented an updated and expanded version of the autobiographical talk This is Your Life with film clips and illustrations of some of his magic. Lots of anecdotes and humour, which somehow make his story all the more poignant. We watched his rapid rise to stardom, whilst keeping secret that he had Multiple Sclerosis and knowing his time at the top could only be brief, followed by his resolute optimism and cheerfulness in the face of misfortune, and dogged determination to keep going.

Afterwards, Derek Lever presented him with Blackpool Magicians' Club's Magician of the Year award and read out a bitter-sweet poem of defiance of misfortune that Wayne had written. Jay Scott Berry rounded off the afternoon with his smooth professional handling of silks and gimmicks to use with them.

While the evening's close-up show was running Matthew J. Dowden lectured in the Pavilion with some very practical magic by one of the UK's real workers.

International Close-up Gala
This took place in two sessions, in the Olympia section, each with an audience of roughly a thousand on tiered seating who could follow the action on a large screen behind the performers. Those who preferred, could watch on plasma TV screens in the Horseshoe section. Compere Greg Wilson kicked off the proceedings by bringing several people forward to fill unoccupied seats near the front. He also produced a bottle from a transparent bag and then introduced Matthew Johnson from Canada (via Sheffield UK or vice versa), who gave us a version of Tossed-out Deck, involving five participants donning silly hats and dancing to The Village People's recording of YMCA.

More conventionally close-up as we know it, was Shoot Ogawa who followed with an immaculate card routine in which Kings became Fours, the backs changed colour etc. Then the production of a coat hanger from a purse led into some superb coin work.Mark Mason now of the USA but formerly of Leeds and Blackpool, lifted the audience with some funny lines whilst performing an elaborate card routine, which culminated in clobbering everyone when a signed card was found in a different deck, in exactly the right place, despite the cards being in new-deck order. Then, as a kicker, the deck from which the card had been taken, and which had been frequently shuffled and cut throughout the preceding effects, was also found to be in new-deck order.

Michael Webber, who followed, offered something completely different. Wearing only jeans and a sports shirt, he vanished a coin and in order to find it, began removing objects from his pocket . more . and more . and more, until the table was piled impossibly high with decks of cards, cigarette cartons and sundry other items. Kozmo from the USA is a street magician, who paid tribute to his mentor, the legendary Cellini by showing brief video footage of him, before launching into his own routine, combining Chop Cup with Sponge Balls under Hat, large load climaxes and signed Note in

Greg then performed his own Sympathetic Rubik's Cube followed by solving the latter behind his back, before introducing Boris Wild from France with a poetic routine, involving pictures of butterflies and the photo of a young lady. Marc Oberon followed with his signature multiphase locations of any card called for and then segueing into his well-known everything-turns-to-gold sequence, all beautifully and smoothly executed. Finally, came France's David Stone who, at the first house, garnered a standing ovation for his lively comedy and expert misdirection. He tells you
that he's going to misdirect you and what he will do while your attention is distracted, does it and still catches you.

5. FISM 2012 Blackpool Wednesday
Message by Walt Lees (UK)

Michael Webber in the Pavilion pulled a deservedly large crowd for some of his brilliantly subtle thinking. He also passed on useful tips about labelling special decks and quickly creating what appears to be a sealed deck. Simultaneously, Jay Scott Berry, in the Spanish Hall was passing on finesses with the Sanada Gimmick and his own Cloaking Device. Later, in the same venue Mark Mason explained a very strong and amusing Three Card Trick routine which culminated in one of the cards turning into a previously signed and selected one. He also passed on some useful tips about approaching people in commercial close-up situations. Coin master Eric Jones, meanwhile, was teaching his exquisite handling of 3 Fly in the Pavilion.

Boris Wild in the Spanish Hall demonstrated some ingenious uses of his marked deck with the help of a few computer gags in a lecture called Classics Go Wild. While Michael Ammar in the Pavilion was showing the capabilities of his reels with the aid of slow-motion films, before demonstrating his Little Hand gag, plus a superb Cups & Balls where the spectator seemingly does everything, and a neat T&R Signed Card.

Later in the Spanish Hall, Kozmo told how he became a street magician, demonstrated some of his routines and discussed the need for a climax, while in the Pavilion a near-capacity audience learned from Eberhard Riese and Topas some of the ingredients that go into producing original magical
presentations, e.g., inspiration, costume, suitable objects to use and whether to be a killer, victim or witness.

Day 4: Friday 13th July
Comedy Capers Gala Show Voronin got things off to a great start, entering with no introduction; very, very slowly crossing the stage and exiting on the other side. It sounds like nothing -and if anyone else tried to do it, probably would be. But there is something so inherently comical about his clownish pomposity and ill-fitting coat tails that defies you not to laugh. There followed a series of sight gags and cod effects, but every now and then, at just the right moment, a real mystery. All the backstage crew seemed to get dragged into the act, even being made to dance, as his remote control seemed able to manipulate anything and anyone.Voronin, is, in a way, a fantasy character. And so was the second act, the pixie-like Blub (Gennardy Kil) in a mauve outfit: part Dickensian and part fairytale. He excitedly does just about everything possible in the bubble-blowing line. and quite a lot that looks impossible.

Slotted in at number three was twelve-year-old Tigran Petrosyan, working solo because, for some reason his brother Sos Jr. was unable to obtain a travel visa in time. As a barefoot urchin with an umbrella, he performed ball manipulations backed up by a fluid, almost balletic grace, which drew considerable applause from an appreciative audience.

The ever popular and reliable John Archer garnered plenty of laughs despite a large proportion of the audience having English as a second or third language . or no English at all. After his unique handling of a Kenton Knepper prediction he creased us up with his version of the Five Keys. Who else could get a laugh by just putting on his wedding ring and saying nothing?

To close the first half, Clive Webb, Danny Adams & Co took over the stage with their own brand of complete mayhem. Sight gag followed sight gag, leaving the floor littered with the debris, a volunteer smothered in paint and an audience helpless with laughter.

Compere Stan Allen opened the second half with the aid of an eleven year-old girl called Hannah, some jumbo cards and a puppet rabbit by the name of Stuart. His animation of the latter was brilliant. It really did have a mind of its own as it struggled and eventually succeeded in finding a chosen card.

The Great Nardini (Paul & Mhari) then went through their pyromaniac dove-killing antics with their multi-award winning comedy act, getting a huge laugh for the final spoof sub trunk. Richard McDougall impressed and amazed with his extraordinary miming abilities as he struggled fruitlessly to light a cigarette. Interesting to see how such small, almost inconsequential magic can completely dominate a massive theatre when it is so well done.

To close the show, came the only non-comedy act, illusionists Amethyst (Danny, Annette and Sarah) who zipped through a series of productions, penetrations, flames, spikes and smoke and, to finish, the tigress Rhani, whose appearance created a sensational climax to the show.

6. FISM 2012 Blackpool Thursday
Message by Walt Lees (UK)

Marc Oberon and John Archer repeated their earlier lectures in the two venues. Then, in the afternoon the Petrosyans (Sos, Victoria and Tigran) took over the Spanish Hall to demonstrate the mechanics of some of their high-speed costume changes. Meanwhile Cameron Francis in the Pavilion was close-upping with, among other things, a name tag that changed places with a cased deck; a lie detector with a kicker ending and a transposition of a stapled Joker with a chosen card. All fairly easy to do and highly practical.

Speed Dating
This innovation seems to have met with almost universal acclaim. The idea was to have about ten tables with no more than a dozen people at each. A top performer would visit for a brief period and provide expert answers to any questions. From the feedback afterwards, the teachers seem to have enjoyed it every bit as much as the pupils. The fact that it overran by nearly half an hour and even then people seemed reluctant to leave, testifies to its success.

Taking part were: Michael Ammar, Jay Scott Berry, Cameron Francis, Kozmo, Joshua Jay, Eric Jones, Mark Mason, Shoot Ogawa, David Stone and Greg Wilson.

Circus & International Banquet
Blackpool's famous Tower Circus provided the evening entertainment, followed or preceded (depending on which of two groups you had been placed in) by the international banquet at the Winter Gardens. For the latter, you were able to choose a national cuisine of the dozen or so on offer (American, Chinese, English, German, Italian, Spanish etc.).

For the circus visit, the delegates were met and led by a small local jazz band. The show itself was a non-animal wild-west themed one, with a youthful energetic cast of mainly acrobats. Surprisingly, there was no juggler and only one clown, but the level of skill, exuberance and daring was amazing, drawing widespread praise from everyone who went.

7. FISM 2012 Blackpool Friday
Message by Walt Lees (UK)

Joshua Jay in the Spanish Hall was showing a very subtle way of producing a corner-torn borrowed banknote from anywhere you like, without the need for switching the corner at the beginning. He also showed his Prism Deck which makes a great climax to any colour-changing-backs routine.

Henry Evans demonstrated a deck production from a folded paper leaflet and a repeat prediction in which a card reversed by a spectator in one deck matches one previously reversed by the performer in another.

The irrepressible David Stone stormed a packed Spanish Hall with the startling flight of a coin from one hand to another; a visual instant change of a card, a colour-change deck and a bottle production. Axel Hecklau in a nearly full Pavilion had a superb dice and cup routine, similar to the Chop Cup but using an unfaked leather shaker.

For the Master Class in the Spanish Hall, a number of the stars of the convention each spent ten minutes explaining a particular subject: Jay Scott Berry showed a silk production and some knottingtechniques; Eric Jones had a simple coin transposition and a vanish of a coin in a borrowed hat; Michael Ammar explained a production of a mobile phone from a folded envelope and a quickie with a handkerchief for use when on a stage; Boris Wild used repositionable glue to achieve a startling transformation of five indifferent cards to a royal flush; Shoot Ogawa demonstrated some linking techniques with the Ninja Rings and a sucker coin vanish which looks like sleeving but is not. Mark Mason showed a way to apply a nesting coin to locate a chosen card in a cased deck and then briefly touched on his technique for the Classic Force; Michael Webber performed what looked like a super memorisation of cards but really required little memory technique; finally Marc Oberon taught how to instantly cut to any card called for in the special deck which he makes and sells and explained a neat Rising Card using the pinkie as the secret mechanism.

Later Chad Long held the Pavilion audience enthralled with an ingenious production of four coins under four cards, his memory-stick colour change routine and pulling a card out of a wall. While Greg Wilson in the Spanish Hall produced a bottle from a paper bag. Stretched a borrowed ring and did a series of transpositions with a coin and his own finger ring.

International Gala
Opening to only a voice-over introduction was Han Seol-Hui from South Korea but no stranger to the UK, whose bouncy act with CDs being manipulated in a sort of hybrid crossover between cards and coins, is abundant with skill, energy, novelty and zest. One unexpected moment came when Soma, accompanied by his animated briefcase, strolled across the back of the stage.

Then we got our first taste today of compere team, Clive Webb, Danny Adams and AN Other and their own brand of clownish wildness. When you see the enormous number of large props this gang transport, often for just a single sight gag, you wonder where they keep all their stuff. By contrast, Richard McDougall followed with his puppet goose, which expresses so much by doing so little; often putting a depth of meaning into a barely-perceptible twitch.

Sos & Victoria Petrosyan bring a speed, grace and elegance to quick change that take it to new levels of smooth perfection. The mauve-suited elfin-like Mr Blub then made the first of two appearances, this time with a tap-dancing number and comedy based on microphone feedback, which involved dragging Steve Evans out of the audience, to hold the offending device high in the air.

The double act between Tony Chapek and his alter ego on a TV screen is again no stranger to the UK and Blackpool. There are some very clever bits as he passes items in and out of the picture and changes places with his on-screen image. To close the first half, Paul Zerdin's ventriloquial antics with his dummy Sam brought the house down, as did the bit when David & Ann Plant were conscripted into putting on false mouths and doing an improvised dance.

Rafael & Co opened the second half with a completely new to the UK act, which began with an aerial view of him lying in bed and involved levitations and animations of several objects, transformations of scene and a girl who kept appearing and disappearing in various unexpected ways, while another lost her head and had it replaced by a pot of flowers. All comically surreal.

Paolo Giua from Italy smoothly manipulated cards, balls, cigarettes and smoke, interwoven with repeatedly producing Oscar statuettes with which to award himself. Then Mr Blub returned with partner Sabrina Frackelli for a high-speed juggling act with tennis balls and rackets that stormed the place. Clive, Danny & Co next attempted the Flying Car with disastrous (and explosive) consequences.

To close the show, Canadian Greg Frewin assisted by three girls performed dove magic and illusions, finishing with a brilliant substitution. Along the way, there was his rendition of the Origami Box combined with a broken and restored mirror, and a baffling production of a bowling ball to fool those familiar with the usual method.

8. FISM 2012 Blackpool Saturday
Message by Walt Lees (UK)

FISM Finalists Show
The finalists were announced on the Saturday afternoon and reprised their performances: Card Magic: Jan Logemann (Germany), Micro Magic: Andost (USA), Parlour Magic: Yann Frisch (France), Stage Illusion: Prince of Illusions (Marcel Kalisvaart) (Netherlands), Manipulation: Yu Ho-Min (South Korea), Comedy: Doble Mandoble (Belgium), General Magic: Marko Karvo (Finland).

Closing Ceremony
Outgoing President Eric Eswin formally handed over the reins to Domenico Dante, who in turn was presented by Derek Lever with a ceremonial medal from Blackpool Magicians' Club. The new Presidium are Gerrit Brengman and Peter Dinn. We were also told that the next FISM will be in Rimini Italy, while the 2014 Euro FISM will be hosted by France and take place on a cruise liner.

The awards were then presented with Yo Ho-Min and Yann Frisch both receiving the Grande Prix.

Closing Ceremony Show
There was no on-stage compere. Instead, Frank Wilson did the job while seated at the keyboards, filling in with musical numbers between the acts. The Dolphin Dancers opened and closed. Vladimir was the first magician, dressed all in white and, after a fairly conventional manipulative act,
finishing with a very baffling Vanishing Radio. Carl & Dave did their comedy act but missed the mark with this audience. Michael Pearse the octogenarian Irish comedy juggler got the loudest and longest applause of anyone, run a close second by operatic singer Victor Michael who, for part of his act was accompanied by an unbilled soprano.

During the interval, Ann Wilson sang a couple of songs; then the second half opened with manipulator James More. Martyn James did a selection from his longer illusion act, featuring his signature Barrel Illusion and the barbed-wire hoops trick. Finally Dirk Losander floated tables and soap bubbles. Perhaps a lot of us were a bit "magicked out" by now, but the reception of this show was less enthusiastic than any of the others during the week.

Other Awards
In the non-FISM events, Tom Crosbie of York (UK) won the Beat the Wand trophy and Marty Soren from Finland the £6,000 diamond in the lucky dip. Ian Kent presented it to him just before the Friday Gala.

Poster Exhibition
Every day, Kenny Bowe ran an exhibition of old theatre posters. Seeing who was working with who, and bottom-of-the-bill acts that later became big stars, was a fascinating trip down memory lane.

Backstage AccoladeGay Ljungberg who is in charge backstage for all FISM conventions, was so impressed with the excellence of Duncan Jump and the Opera House stage crew, that he suggested they become the permanent FISM convention team.

9. Remarkable Magic #42 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)

Back performing at the Castle!

It seems incredible but there has been a gap of nearly 28 years between my previous engagement at the Magic Castle and the three day stint I completed in the Peller Theatre last Sunday. Time really flies when you are able to make a living doing what you love best. It was amazing both how much had changed there and how little had changed!

I was lucky enough to be sharing a bill with Joe Monti, who was a personal and professional delight to work with. We presented a two man show that was fast and unpredictable. I can honestly say we never performed the same show twice in this little jewel box theatre. I think this is the most exciting way to treat this particular showroom. We had a blast!

'The Peller' is a tiny showroom that seats (and stands) a mere 45 or so audience members. It is perfectly suited for stand-up sleight of hand, and that is just what I did! The seating is not as carefully raked as the Parlour and not as intimate as the Close-Up Gallery, but lies somewhere between. An interesting venue.

It was certainly the smallest showroom I have worked in the 28 years since I last played in the Close-Up Gallery, and it was rather charming to play the equivalent of a gig in someone's living room. The crowds were enthusiastic and very well behaved. I have heard an undercurrent of grumbling in some forums about difficult (or drunken) audience members at Castle shows. They certainly didn't show up at our nine shows.

The new audiences at the Castle are a lot younger and hipper than the ones I remember from the 'old days'. It is wonderful to see the Castle rediscovered as a magical date night by the beautiful people. I thought they dressed and behaved in a very sophisticated and elegant manner and brought style (and cash!) into our beloved clubhouse.

I believe that the two men shows which are playing in the Peller Theatre (and mix up the magical genres and status quo) are a wonderful addition to the Castle's itinerary and add a very special touch to a lay person's visit to the Magic Castle. I sensed a real enthusiasm from the crowds as they realized each show was a one-off event in a singular booking.

I was very excited to meet up with so many old friends during the week. My lecture on Sunday afternoon was also very well attended and it was a thrill to see heavyweights and personal heroes amongst the attendees. I had created a new lecture for the occasion and will look forward to presenting it again in the future at other magical events.

I was particularly pleased to see how many of the lecture attendees hung around to enjoy the evening. Extremely gratifying and a touch daunting. It certainly puts you on the your A-game when you have folk like Howard Hamburg, David Regal, Piet Paulo, Jamy Ian Swiss, John Lovick and Paul Green all sitting out front!

There was quite a buzz in the Castle as I performed my Linking Finger Ring Routine throughout the week. It was remembered as a favorite by many and came as a shock and surprise to a whole new generation of magicians. I was delighted with the reaction, and once or twice wondered why I was selling it within the magic world. Then I remembered---it is my time to share and move on to new things. If you stand still then you are moving backwards.

I was most impressed at the time and attention to detail that Jack Goldfinger lavished upon the task of being, not just, a wonderfully thoughtful booker but also the most gracious unofficial host that the Castle has seen in many years. He is a gem.

Now I'm gone from Hollywood and ready, in the next few weeks, to visit Lisbon, Barcelona, Monaco and Iceland to perform some magic. I end up this series of gigs with a performance at the Mystery Lounge in Boston. It will be great to visit with my New England Magician friends again at this fun venue. If you see that I'm performing close to you along my travels, please stop by and say "Hi."

I have been busy adding some neat touches to my website, and it currently features a great interview with comedy magic icon Fielding West. I am constantly adding new items to my product line and items from my video archives to the site, so click by and take a look at

10. Festivals: Performance Attire - #266 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

As a rule of thumb, I always want to look professional when I am performing at a festival event. I always believe in dressing at least 1 to 2 levels higher than the audience. I want folks to know I am the entertainment and that I am a professional in what I do. From the minute I get to the festival, until the time I leave, I must not only act professional but should look decent as well.

I never wear my performance attire to the festival for several reasons:

- It often is just way too hot at the festivals to warrant wearing my performance attire for that length of time.

- If I do wear it, I would end up getting it dirty and looking very sloppy long before I ever hit the stage

- I always want to make my first BIG impression when I first walk out on the stage.

- If I am dressed to perform and I am trying to set up, this draws a lot of attention to me as people think that I am performing. This causes problems and I do not get to set up as efficiently as I want to. People will want to ask you questions and being short with them sends the wrong message.

So, I normally take our performance clothes and bring them in a light weight garment bag that has our name and information on it. This protects our clothes from the weather until we have time to get ready and look fresh.

I usually always discuss on the phone and in my contract to have an area for my wife and I to get changed into our performance attire prior to the performance of our first show. This way there are no surprises the day of the event and things run smoothly. Unusually there is always a spot that can be made for us. I am not picky on what they provide as long as it has ample room and is out of the way of festival traffic.

What you wear during your performance is up to you and the style of show you are putting on. Just do not fall victim of thinking that because it is too hot, you can't possibly look good. You can ALWAYS look good no matter what the weather conditions. It simply means dressing smart.

I always look for light weight clothes that fit well and are able to breathe easily. If I am performing in the heat, I have found short sleeve dress shirts that are made especially for outdoor cafes. They look great and work wonderfully and are not costly in price. A great place to look for clothes
like this is a website called Check it out as they specialize in clothing for cafes and outdoor establishments.

This does not mean you must wear a tuxedo. Where what fits your style but wear what works for the show and allows you to feel good and look good at the same time. modifications to what you wear for indoor shows may be needed. However, you can usually find a great look that works.

Many folks say never to wear shorts. I say that is up to you as a performer. If it is hot outside, then shorts can work well. You can always wear good looking shorts that go with your outfit and still look professional in the process. Experiment with looks and feels and do research. Find the look that works for you and allows you free movement on stage under cold and hot weather conditions.

Another rule of thumb is to bring extra clothes with you. If you are doing more than one show at a festival, you may want to bring extra shirts or pants and be able to change between shows. This keeps you fresh, feeling good and looking better.

After the show is over, I always will get changed back into something more casual and comfortable for me. This is so I do not overheat and can cool off and rest for the next show or prepare for the load out process. Staying in your performance clothes is never a good idea unless you feel you have no other options.

If you do feel you have to come dressed, one thing you can do is to wear something over top of your performance clothes that can be removed easily. For example, get a pair of black, nylon running pants. I think they are usually used for working out or jogging. They are very light weight and can match my performance and brand colors. They have an elastic band and a hidden zipper that you can change them into shorts if you want to.

I just put on my performance pants and put these on over top of them. It was light weight enough not to be uncomfortable or cause me excess heat. It was relaxing and it can protect my pants until the time of the performance.

I then just throw on my logo designed t-shirt and I am ready to go. It can work out nicely when you have no other option then to come dressed to perform. It protects your clothes and allows you to rest a bit more easily.

Peron Design is my freelance design company that specializes in providing graphic design and marketing services for entertainers and small businesses. If you would like to see samples of my work, please find me on facebook at You may also send me an email and I would be happy to send out samples to you or answer any questions you may have. As always, I can be reached at

11. In Conversation with George Schindler - #2
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA

AD: Absolutely. I agree; as Entertainers our credo is fun. yes Showbiz is work but it has to be fun. Over the years you have traveled to quite a few places but I recall you telling me that one of the places you had the most fun was in Japan ..Share some of your memories of that trip .

GS: - The year before I became President of S A M (1991) The S. A. M was approached by Deputy Jimmy Yoshida to have a convention in Japan . We had only 7 members there at the time, but Shintaro Fujiyama assured us that if they could do this, they would attract many more members. We agreed that if there were assemblies in Japan they could do a small convention with their members. Within a few months there were many assemblies there and we had almost 500 members added.

The SAM Japan was born and in August of 1992, a "World Festival of Magic" was sponsored in Itabashi (Tokyo) by the Society of American Magicians. Nina and I were invited to attend, along with a few other performers who would lecture at the event. Fr. Cyprian and Dan Garrett were from the S. A. M and other American acts were booked such as Goldfinger and Dove, Max Maven and Norm Nielsen. I had the best fun opening the convention and speaking in Japanese. Thanks to a gag idea by Ali Bongo, the speech was translated into English and the audience loved it. Watch for my columns in M-U-M for more on that first visit.

AD: Yes indeed, I've met Shintaro Fujiyama and Ton Osaka and I recall with great fondness watching Shintaro perform at a private party in PNP Gary Hughes home in New Orleans. Sitting next to me was Ali Bongo. Valerie & Gilles, Jon Racherbaumer, Dan & Carol Garrett, Rachel Wild (Columbini) and host of other cool folk were there. It was wonderful.

Speaking of Japan, as you had mentioned they had the largest S.A.M Assembly outside the USA. As you know, some 16,500 readers read this e-zone each week and the readership is truly International. The Society of American Magicians is not exclusively for US based Magicians. It is a world-wide organization and welcomes membership from Magicians all over the world. Explain a little about the benefits of membership in The S.A M.

GS: The site, has a list of the many benefits of membership. The magazine of course is great but the camaraderie of the members is what I feel is the true essence of our fraternity. Members from around the world use the SAMTalk chat room on the web and best of all. the convention each year ties us all together.

AD: Thanks George. You have been a Member of The S.A.M for almost 50 years ...Share with us your story of joining of The S.A.M and the Posts you held and what your current duties are ..

GS: In 1963 I joined the Parent Assembly #1 of The S.A.M. I had already been in show business for 12 years but rarely met other magicians. I worked my way up the chairs from Sergeant- at- Arms to PA President. I was later appointed Deputy by Jim Zachary which led to becoming an RVP. (where I had the most fun). Going up to the top was a great experience and I prize my
trusteeship of the Houdini Fund. It is great sharing the magic and the camaraderie we still hold dear. Magicians have a wonderful fraternity. Nina and I go to the conventions and meetings, just to visit with our friends.

End of Part 2

12. EMC 2012 - Last Chance To Register
Message by Luis de Matos (Portugal)

Join us on the 27th, 28th and 29th of July for the third and final event in the Essential Magic Conference Trilogy. The Essential Magic Conference is the world's first digital conference for magic and magicians. 33 magicians, 3 days of magic.

Special guests: Derren Brown and Teller

Conference speakers already announced are:
Armando Lucero (United States)
Bill Malone (United States)
Chris Kenner (United States)
Dani DaOrtiz (Spain)
Daniel Madison (United Kingdom)
David Berglas (United Kingdom)
David Britland (United Kingdom)
David Williamson (United States)
Debbie McGee (United Kingdom)
Denis Behr (Germany)
Eberhard Riese (Germany)
Eric Mead (United States)
Gaetan Bloom (France)
Gene Matsuura (United States)
Graham Jolley (United Kingdom)
Guy Hollingworth (United Kingdom)
Hiro Sakai (Japan)
Luis Piedrahita (Spain)
Graham Jolley (United Kingdom)
Guy Hollingworth (United Kingdom)
Luis de Matos
Luis Piedrahita (Spain)
Marco Tempest (United States)
Max Maven (United States)
Michel Clavello (Argentina)
Mike Caveney (United States)
Norberto Jansenson (Argentina)
Paul Daniels (United Kingdom)
Paul Harris (United States)
Richard Wiseman (United Kingdom)
Stan Allen (United States)
Steve Cohen (United States)
Tina Lenert (United States)
Tom Stone (Sweden)
Topas (Germany)
William Kalush (United States)
Woody Aragón (Spain)
Yann Frisch (France)
Yigal Mesika (Israel)

Register today - access passes are limited. Register now! By going to:

13. Genii Convention Update
Message by Richard Kaufman
Editor: Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine

Genii Convention Update

MORE Great Reasons to Attend Genii's 75th Anniversary Birthday Bash!

We have just booked Guy Hollingworth to give a 90 minute performance and lecture!

We have just booked Uri Geller to give a 90 minute lecture!

They join other newly booked artists including:
Lukas (recent FISM winner for manipulation)
Michael Weber
Woody Aragon
Christian Engblom
Jon Armstrong
And our previously announced line-up:

Juan Tamariz (giving a one hour show and 90 minute lecture)
Alex Ramon
Rob Zabrecky
Peter Samelson
Jamy Ian Swiss
Jonathan Levit
Ian Kendall
Roberto Giobbi
Tom Stone
David Ben
Jim Steinmeyer
John Carney
Eric Mead
Max Maven
Jonathan Pendragon
Jon Racherbaumer
Eugene Burger
Charlie Frye and Company
Paul Wilson
Special Guest Dr. Sawa.

It May Be Our Party, But You Get The Gifts!
We've generated so much excitement about our upcoming bash, so many people offering special products to be part the celebration that we couldn't resist. We're going to giveaway $10,000 worth of magic to lucky attendees of our upcoming Genii convention in Orlando on October 4, 5, and 6. No need to buy a ticket - you're automatically entered the moment you register.

Many magic companies and dealers are donating prizes, and both myself and Genii are going to kick in about 50 items, of which the biggest prizes are two copies of the $700 book, Siegfried & Roy: Unique in All the World. Now sold out, you can't buy it, but you might take one home free as our gift.

Our gift bag will be set the bar for anything you ever received at a magic convention: you're going to get over twenty two free DVDs, tricks, and booklets as a special gift when you attend in a beautiful portfolio bag donated by David Copperfield to celebrate Genii's 75th anniversary

Don't miss this unique event which will take place this coming October 4, 5, and 6 (Thursday NOON through Saturday night) in Orlando at The Florida Hotel and Conference Center.

Mark Mason is our dealer chairman and our dealer room is SOLD OUT: packed full of dealers from around the world.

We are also offering two exclusive workshops on Sunday. The Michael Weber workshop, in which you'll learn a complete mentalism act, is limited to 50 and still has a few spaces left. The price is $99 and it takes place from 9:30 am to Noon. The Juan Tamariz workshop from 1 pm to 5:30 is sold out, but you can take a place on the waiting list just in case. Please call the Genii office directly to book your place in the Michael Weber workshop: 301-652-5800.

Registrations are only $350. Please visit to register. (If for some reason using the computer to register gives you the willies, feel free to call the Genii office at 301-652-5800.)

We have a limited number of rooms left in our block at the hotel, so make your reservation TODAY. Rooms are $99 a night (pay only $147, excluding tax, for three days if you share with a friend). Rooms with two Queen beds or one King bed are available. The hotel has given us a special package that includes things which normally cost extra, but are included with your hotel room:
* Free Internet service in your room
* Free parking
* Free bottles of water every day
* Free use of the Fitness Center
* Free use of the Business Center
* Free daily newspaper

We have a limited amount of space available. Please book your hotel room at the time of registration, directly through the hotel (details and links will be on our convention website: Expedia, Travelocity, and other internet discount sites will not will be offering rooms at a less expensive rate
because we have blocked off the entire hotel).

The Florida Hotel and Conference Center is attached to The Florida Mall, the largest shopping mall in central Florida. It has an enormous food court and four sit-down restaurants, so a short walk gets you right to the food court for cheap eats! Our hotel is six miles from Orlando International Airport, 10 minutes from Universal Studios (home of The Wizardling World of Harry Potter), and 20 minutes from Walt Disney World.

For early-bird arrivals, Registration will open at 4 pm on Wednesday afternoon and the dealer room will open from 6 to 9 pm (with a cash bar in the dealer room).

Registration will open on Thursday at 9 am and dealers at 10 am. (The first event on Thursday will be Ian Kendall's "Basic Training Breakfast (Part 1)" at 8 am.) Our first lecture will be on Thursday at noon.

We're going to give you a full three days worth. I like to think of everyone who will come to our convention as a unified group-we all have the common interest of having fun and celebrating Genii's long life by seeing great magic.

NO two events take place at the same time so you won't have to choose between things. If you register, you'll be able to see everything.

I also don't like overbooking registrants solely to make money, and so except for the Parlor Show and Guy Hollingworth Show and Lecture, you won't be split into groups. If you want to sit next to your friends during every event, be my guest. For those who wish to break off and do their own thing, we'll have places for you to hang out, relax, sit, and session.

Thanks and hope to see you in Orlando!

Richard Kaufman

14. August Issue Of Genii Magazine
Message by Richard Kaufman
Editor: Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine

The August issue of Genii--the oldest, most respected, and LARGEST independent magazine devoted to magic--is now arriving in mailboxes around the world while the digital issue has been available to all subscribers free of charge since July 14. The big news is that the cover story is all about Real Secrets, and there's a Real Secrets effect included with props in every issue! Since I'm home for only a few days between the FISM fiasco in Blackpool and the SAM convention in Las Vegas, here's a quick look at our August table of contents to whet your appetite.


Real Secrets Interview by Richard Kaufman

Women of Magic at The Magic Castle by Lisa Cousins

In The Elephant Room by Prakash Puru

Pick a Card, Not Any Card by Jay A. Olson


Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman

On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer

Now Performing

The Chamber of Secrets: The Wine and Water Transposition by John Gaughan

Lost Horizons: Lexicontact by Max Maven

Conjuring: Mr. Morritt Planted Roses by Jim Steinmeyer

Lodestones: Procrastination Postponed by Tom Stone

Magicana by David Acer
Pinoterae by Randy Atha
The Giving Finger by Bill Duncan
Think of One by Allan Zola Kronzek

Light from the Lamp

Tricks Reviewed by Danny Orleans
SloMotion by Joe Litvinchuk
iLogo by Craig Squires
Dean's Beads by Dean Dill
Audio Transpo by Daryl
Red Bull with a Twist by Robert Baxt
Phantom Knife by Richard Osterlind
Knock 'Em Dead II by Peter Nardi
"Threesome" by Jason Dean
Depicting Thoughts Set by Rainer Mees and Thomas Heine

Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
Building Your Own Illusions by Gerry Frenette
The Pageboy Speaks by Patrick Page
Fuze by Jeff Prace
Subterfuge Magic System 2.0 by Kenneth Sanders

Books Reviewed by Eric Mead
Thinking the Impossible by Ramón Riobóo
Charles Dickens: Conjurer, Mesmerist and Showman by Trevor Dawson
Performing Magic by Tony Middleton
Don't forget to help Genii celebrate its 75th anniversary at the most
exciting convention this year on October 4, 5, 6 in Orlando, Florida:

* Every month Genii gives you more pages than any other independent magazine: a 96 to 104 page paper magazine mailed directly to you.
* Every month Genii gives you a FREE digital issue with supplementary video and audio columns that can be viewed on ANY computer, desktop or laptop, as well as on any tablet or smartphone, and we have special apps for both the iPad and iPhone. We do NOT limit you to the iPad or iPhone. We do NOT charge you a penny extra for your digital copy of Genii, and unlike other magazines we give you the entire magazine in digital form for free.
* Every month Genii gives you, absolutely FREE, online access to all 75 years of our back issues via a searchable database. That's tens of thousands of pages of tricks, reviews, and news going all the way back to 1936 at no charge.

No other independent magazine gives you what Genii does!

Visit and subscribe today! Subscriptions start at only $56 for both US and foreign customers.

Digital-only subscriptions are available for $56 to residents outside the United States: If you are a subscriber and haven't sent us your e-mail address yet, please do so to:

If you want to access to all of this astounding material and you are not a subscriber, please join us as we make available to you untold magical riches at

All digital content is free when you subscribe to Genii. And we've got a great offer for anyone who wants to subscribe or renew: the three-DVD set "Houdini The Movie Star" from Kino is now available from us for a limited time for 50% off the retail price of $40. YOU pay only $20, postpaid anywhere in the US. (Add $11 postage anywhere else in the world.) This 3 DVD set includes most of the surviving films and footage of Houdini. We don't sell it separately: subscribe today or renew your existing subscription for one year and you can receive this extraordinary value.

If you subscribe to Genii for 3 years, or renew your existing subscription and bring it up to a total of 3 years, you can purchase our brand new book, Talisman, for only $15 (or you can select either The Vernon Touch or The Lost Notebooks of John Northern Hilliard).. Details here: Remember that the price of Genii drops from the $6 cover price to only $4.50 per issue when you subscribe for one year AND new subscribers get a free copy of the Harry Anderson/Jon Racherbaumer 32-page Jinx). Please visit the Genii website and subscribe today at

Visit The Genii Forum, the "smart" online discussion group:

Visit MagicPedia, the most complete online encyclopedia of magical information with almost 5,000 entries. It's a living encyclopedia to which you are welcome to contribute!

15. IBM British Ring News
Message by Geoffrey Newton IBM British Ring PRO

It is with great pleasure that I report that John Pye from Clitheroe (Lancashire - England) has just been installed as the International President of The International Brotherhood of Magicians at their 2012 convention held in Norfolk Virginia USA. He is only the 4th British person to take this role in the society's 90 year history. Achieving this accolade of a worldwide organisation is something to be proud of.

John has worked hard for the art of magic for many years now so this is a well deserved honour to recognise his efforts. For 8 years he organised the IBM British Ring convention and still remains Secretary to that society also being their president in 1995. He was Secretary to the Northern Magic Circle for 13 years. This society formed in 1956 holds an annual convention originally called the Easter Parade but latterly had a name change due to the actual timing of the event. He was also one time Secretary of the Modern Mystic League in Blackburn (Lancashire) which is due to hold their centenary in 2 years time.

This local man who has never lived more than 10 miles from where he was born is now about to take on a global year travelling to represent the IBM at many Ring conventions throughout the world. It's therefore bon voyage John wherever your wand takes you and I trust your flying carpet is ready and waiting!

16. First Father-Son Presidents In The History Of The S.A.M.
Message by Christopher Bontjes
The Society of American Magicians
National President-Elect

On July 26, 2012, it will be my honor to be sworn in as the 96th National President of the Society of American Magicians. This occasion is especially meaningful because it is an office my father, J. Gary Bontjes, held in 1971-72. We are the first father-son presidents in the history of the S.A.M.

The theme for my presidency is: Get Involved.and Pass It On!

I chose this theme because both my father and I made the choice to Get Involved in the S.A.M. Our efforts in support of the Society led us both to be chosen to serve as National President. My love of magic and my support of the S.A.M. came because my dad Passed It On to me.

In the July issue of M-U-M Magazine, I challenged all members to share in my theme - to Get Involved in the S.A.M. and to Pass It On - to share their love of magic with others.

I now expand that challenge to magicians worldwide. Get Involved (in the S.A.M. and/or your local magic club). Devote some of your time and effort to the support of your art. Share with other magicians. Serve on committees. Perform. Teach. Donate a show to a worthy cause. And then.

Pass it On! Recruit and/or mentor a new magician. Involve others in projects. Encourage those with an interest to pursue the art of magic. Support a magic-for-youth program such as the Society of Young Magicians.

The Society of American Magicians accepts members worldwide. Our "paperless" membership option allows online access to our magazine without the postage surcharge necessary for international membership. For more information, visit

17. Broken Wand - Marcelo Contento
Message by Luis Espino (Mexico)

You may have missed what I consider a very important piece of news: the passing of Marcelo Contento. Here's a link to Genii Magazine's thread on this very subject. I think he was a very important figure not to have a place in your magazine.

18. Magic New Zealand App
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched on any tablet.

Go to: on your tablet to download the FREE Magic New Zealand app.

19. e-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine go click on the red button center right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e-zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

20. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at:

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2012 Alan Watson!/magicnewzealand

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2012 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine