Magic New Zealand® is proudly sponsored by International Entertainment

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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment
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Issue Number: #934
Date: Sunday 24th June 2012
Editor: Alan Watson
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Latest News On EMC 2012
3. Magical, Meaningful & Memorable
4. New App for VANISH - International Magic Magazine
5. First Edition Expert At The Card Table On Ebay
6. Magic Rush Podcast
7. Remarkable Magic #38 - Nick Lewin
8. The Art of the Business Card - #262 - Kyle Peron
9. In Conversation with Eric Evans - Part 8
10. The Melbourne Magic Festival
11. Broken Wand - Barry Miller
12. Wonders A Magic Lecture By Sharkey Chong
13. Dazzle Lu Chen Singapore 2012
14. Las Vegas Magic - July, 2012
15. Helder Guimaräes Sydney Lecture
16. Sorcerers Safari's 15th Year. Special Guest Is SOMA!
17. Seventeen Secrets
18. 31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention
19. e-zine Archives
20. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message
Magic New Zealand now has its very own app that can be launched on any smart phone or tablet.

Go to: on your smart phone or tablet to download the FREE Magic New Zealand app.

Remember if you have any magic news drop me a line:

2. Latest News On EMC 2012
Message by Luis de Matos (Portugal)

The Essential Magic Conference is the world's first web conference for magicians. 33 speakers over 3 days of conference streamed live worldwide.

Five more headliners announce this week to join the very growing list of high profile magicians for this year's EMC.

David Britland
David Britland is a television writer and consultant specializing in magic and deception. He co-created The Real Hustle and has worked on many British television shows including Secret Cabaret, Max Maven's Mind Games and Derren Brown's specials. He is also the author of several books on magic including Phantoms of the Card Table, Chan Canasta a Remarkable Man and The Mind & Magic of David Berglas.

Debbie McGee
Debbie McGee is the wife and stage assistant of Paul Daniels and as famous in the UK as Paul himself. "The lovely Debbie McGee" is a national catchphrase and Debbie frequently appears in the media as well as presenting her own radio show. But behind the glamour of the magician's assistant is a secret weapon, an indispensible part of the act and deception. We are very pleased that Debbie will be sharing some of her secrets at the Essential Magic Conference.

Luis de Matos
Luis de Matos is a professional magician in Portugal and creator of Studio 33, the facility that hosts this web conference. He, along with David Britland and Marco Tempest, created The Essential Magic Conference. He has been appearing on Portuguese television since 1990, his latest series being the 13 x 1 hour show Mistérios. A truly multi-skilled and multi-talented performer, Luis is currently touring Portugal with his highly acclaimed one-man show, Chaos.

Tina Lenert
Tina Lenert is renowned for her awarding combination of magic and mime. Her famous Mopman act has taken her around the world as a professional magician and helped win her the Academy of Magical Arts Stage Magician of the Year award. Before becoming a magician she performed in a rock band, played classical guitar and worked as a street entertainer. Join us at EMC to share the wealth of experience of one of the world's top performers, the wonderful Tina Lenert.

William Kalush
William Kalush is a lifelong student of sleight of hand and the history of magic. He is the founder of the Conjuring Arts Research Center in New York and the co-author, with Larry Sloman, of The Secret Life of Houdini. He created the Ask Alexander database, an online research facility that is surely one of the
most important ideas in magic where, finally, our knowledge can be gathered, indexed and shared. Join Bill and the rest of magic's stars at EMC.

Join us on the 27th, 28th and 29th of July for the third and final event in the Essential Magic Conference Trilogy. The Essential Magic Conference is the world's first digital conference for magic and magicians. 33 magicians, 3 days of magic.

Watch live via the Internet. View on your computer, your iPad or even your iPhone. Watch all sessions online and on-demand for one year. And receive an 8 DVD Box Set of all the sessions once the conference is over. DVDs mailed post free to anywhere in the world.

Conference speakers already announced are:
Armando Lucero (United States)
Bill Malone (United States)
Chris Kenner (United States)
Dani DaOrtiz (Spain)
Daniel Madison (United Kingdom)
David Williamson (United States)
Denis Behr (Germany)
Eberhard Riese (Germany)
Eric Mead (United States)
Gaetan Bloom (France)
Graham Jolley (United Kingdom)
Guy Hollingworth (United Kingdom)
Luis Piedrahita (Spain)
Graham Jolley (United Kingdom)
Guy Hollingworth (United Kingdom)
Luis Piedrahita (Spain)
Marco Tempest (United States)
Max Maven (United States)
Michel Clavello (Argentina)
Norberto Jansenson (Argentina)
Paul Daniels (United Kingdom)
Paul Harris (United States)
Richard Wiseman (United Kingdom)
Steve Cohen (United States)
Tom Stone (Sweden)
Topas (Germany)
Woody Aragón (Spain)
Yann Frisch (France)
Yigal Mesika (Israel)

Last 3 headliner names to be announced next week..

Register to attend today - access passes are limited. Register
now! By going to:

3. Magical, Meaningful & Memorable
Message by Michael Vincent

In September, The Michael Vincent Academy of Magical Arts will be hosting its 2nd live Seminar on 8th & 9th September.

The event will be looking at Communicating with Magic; "How to Make your Performance , Magical, Meaningful & Memorable". This event is open to all magicians looking to take their magic to the next level of performance and artistry. The number of delegates will be for a minimum of 10 magicians but no more than 15 so places are at a premium. This event will feature live performances, coaching, facilitation, Keynote delivery from Michael Vincent, some extra-ordinary guest speakers and one very special guest.

To learn more visit the website at;

For Michael Vincent's Online classrooms visit:


4. New App for VANISH - International Magic Magazine
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor VANISH magazine

We are now closing in on having 60,000 downloads for our magazine. Quite an achievement when you think we've only produced two issues. I am pleased to announce that you can now get a FREE application by heading to the following link. This will be updated with downloads, photos and video that will tie in with the magazine.

If you have any type of iProduct or Android, or Blackberry etc. you will be able to follow VANISH on there. Check in regularly to see what we are up to, read the blogs etc. and of course download for FREE!!

visit to download your FREE APP.

5. First Edition Expert At The Card Table On Ebay
Message by Kevin Stadler

With less than 100 copies of a true first edition known to exist of the definitive card "Bible", an edition is currently up for auction on Ebay.

This is a rare chance to buy a very exclusive book.

6. Magic Rush Podcast
Message by Michael Wilkinson

This week on the Magic Rush podcast, stories were told about the Transit of Venus and an unfortunate tie. Magic related items included Dynamo's new Facebook app, an update from Bruce Barnett, and how to overcome paralyzing nervousness.

You can hear about all of this and more in the latest episode at and at iTunes. All episodes are free and require no special software download. Your default audio player will play the episodes without any problems.

7. Remarkable Magic #38 - Nick Lewin
Message by Nick Lewin (US)

Adding some texture to your show.

Last week I gave some ideas about adding dynamics to your show and this week I am going to finish my thoughts by discussing adding texture. This double approach can be very successful in giving a good make over to any show. Let's begin with a dictionary definition texture.

The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance: skin texture and tone | the cheese is firm in texture | the different colors and textures of bark.

The quality created by the combination of the different elements in a work of music or literature.

Last week when we discussed dynamics it was more focused on the audio aspect of these two concepts, as this was the direction that the word generally points to. As you might guess from the definition of texture, our thoughts are moving this week into a more tactile direction. Texture is usually associated with fabric or material. Material is something we can definitely discuss in our performance make over!

Last week I concentrated on what is said/how it is said in a show. By extension the statements also could be applied to the music that you use to complete the presentation of your show. Now let's talk about the different tricks that create the structure of your performance. Everything said here can be applied to any kind of magic show.

An easy simplification of the concept of texture is to think of it as variety. When you are putting together a show you need to create a nice varied collection of effects to capture your audiences' heart, mind and attention. Your presence and persona can create a unifying effect over the show but the show itself needs to be created from a broad spectrum of elements and effects.

I looked at my show one day and realized it primarily consisted of 'torn and restored' and 'restoration' effects. I guess they really appealed to me and initially I even half way convinced myself that there was a theme going on in my show. However, the more I thought about it the more I realized that the act needed a
few other effects to be a rounded presentation. I created a less lopsided menu for myself, and the show really improved as a result. The curious part was that I wasn't consciously aware how many similar effects had bonded together in my show in the first place; I guess it happened gradually.

If you are doing a close-up show you might want to check that you aren't top heavy with card tricks. I love card tricks but many people get turned off after two or three in a row. You can achieve a much more textured effect by adding a coin or a ring trick into the mix. By planning out the show in this manner you can make it much more varied and appealing, especially to a lay audience.

Even if you perform a dedicated 'all-card show,' the principle is the same. Don't do six 'pick a card' tricks in a row, but instead combine a selection of different styled tricks to comprise your show. You can apply some of the variations described in the next paragraph to add texture to this hypothetical card show.

What are some of the basic values that can be assigned to a trick/effect when using your mental paintbrush to create a rounded performance? A trick can be funny or serious, short or long, or any of a thousand variations between these opposites. It can be surprising, amusing, unusual, romantic, shocking, cerebral, scary, beautiful, classical etc. etc. Of course it isn't really any of these things until you make it so and this is what makes an infinite variety possible to all performers.

Some of the classifications you want to watch out for when composing your show are 'repetitive' and 'boring!' Sometimes, of course, you need to employ repetition to make a trick work - the 6 Card Repeat wouldn't be very effective if you only performed the basic effect once. However, the fact that you need repetition doesn't mean that you can't guard against boredom sneaking in to it. When performing this rather standard trick I introduce a little variation into the proceedings by suddenly finding I have 3 cards and throwing away 6 cards only to find I still have 3 cards. I then revert to the standard method of having 6 cards and throwing away 6.

That is a simple example of how to introduce texture within a single trick. It keeps the audience watching more closely and interested in what you are doing. The same applies to the overall show. Are all the tricks you are performing about the same length in timing? This is a very easy habit to fall into and even easier to cure. Throw in a couple of shorter tricks to break up the pacing a little.

I used to write all the facts, timings, props etc associated with a trick on index cards and put them into box in three groups---openers, middles and closers. I would then create my show by shuffling the index cards into different sequences. I might look at the cards and realize that three tricks in a row involved audience participation - time to shuffle the cards or swap them around. You really could analyze and structure your show this way. Of course, now I use the Bento program on my computer, but the process is identical.

I hope these musings have been of some interest and maybe even given you a fresh insight into adding some dynamics and texture to your show!

'Cruise Magic 101: how to make a great living performing magic on a cruise ship.' It is a really great book with tips, tricks and powerful techniques for shaping your performing skills to include bookings in this flourishing marketplace. It will be available later this month, if you want a copy you can contact me at

8. The Art of the Business Card - #262 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

As I have just started back up my freelance graphic design business, I through it would be logical to post about a topic that has been coming up a lot of late. Whenever I am working with a client on brand identity, it never fails that the subject of business cards vs calling cards always comes up.

There are really 2 approaches to take with a business card. There is a branded calling card approach, and there is also a "business" card approach. I have done both for myself, as well as designed both for magic clients of mine. Both are different and do different things for you. The choice is really up to the individual and what he or she wants to get out of the card.

So, one thing you have to determine is if you want your card to be a true "calling card" or more "business" card. There is a difference between the two, and they both can work for you. It really is a matter of personal preference and what you want your card to do for you.

A calling card is mainly a continuation of your brand message and brand identity as carried across all forms of your marketing. It may have your logo identity on it, as well as your various contact information, website, phone number, etc.

A business style card is one that will have this information on it but will actually work as a way to generate business for you. It becomes more of a marketing vehicle and might include using the back of the card in some sort of way to give the person an incentive to take action to call you, go to your website, etc.

Also, business cards do more than convey the information that's printed on the card. A card that's ugly, dirty, printed on perforated paper, or full of corrections screams loud and clear that you're an amateur. No matter how many wonderful services you offer, if your card brands you as unprofessional, you lose
business. A clean, creative, professionally printed, and visually attractive card on the other hand, conveys a positive first impression that lingers long after your initial meeting.

Still, a savvy business person knows that adding your unique marketing-oriented text to a business card, in addition to contact information, pays off. One strategy is to add text that gives your unique, specific customer benefits.

For example:

1) Easy to PAY "Credit Cards Accepted"

2) Easy to get AHOLD of "Requests handled within 24hrs."

3) Easy to get ADVICE or INFO "Use our simple Information form."

4) "Present or mention this card for a free magic trick."

5) "Receive your first show at 25% off by requesting a promo kit."

6) "Log onto for current discount coupons!"

7) "Free upgrade to our deluxe package by mentioning the number on this card."

8) The back of the card can be a useful calendar.

9) Survey, redeemable for a free gift - could direct them to a web page survey, where they fill it out and get a free gift or discount.

10) Punch card for frequent clients - acts as a referral rewards system.

11) A fun optical illusion, magic trick, or question where they can be directed to your website for more like it or for the answers.

12) A calendar of your upcoming public performances.

13) The card could be a magnet to be used and seen on the fridge by the prospect.

14) Could have a listing of most common measurement conversion chart - gives them a reason to hold onto it for their use.

15) A list of your top 5 tips for a successful event.

Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with having your card be just a "calling card". If you have other marketing materials that have a call to action that you use, then a calling card may not be a bad way to go as it is a continuation of your brand identity. However, you could have your business card doing double
duty by not only listing your contact information, but by having an effective call to action as well.

No matter which direction you go in, always remember that your business card is a direct representation of what you do, what you are about, and the services you provide. Do not settle for second best or for a card that looks "cheap". A professional and high-quality card will say a lot about your services long before they even begin to read it. Make your card work for you.

It is hard this day and age to get folks to understand that the first impression you often ever make on a prospect is in the materials you send out to them. If this is the case, why wouldn't you want these materials to be designed in the best way possible?

Too many folks have PCs and desktop publishing software. It is too easy to create artwork and get them done up that everyone thinks they can do it. What they forget to realize is that graphic design and communications through graphical means is a learned skill, and one that takes a long time to understand and to do well.

Peron Design is my freelance design company that specializes in providing graphic design and marketing services for entertainers and small businesses. If you would like to see samples of my work, please find me on Facebook at You may also send me an email and I would be happy to send out samples to you or answer any questions you may have. As always, I can be reached at

9. In Conversation with Eric Evans - Part 8
Message by Anthony Darkstone Brook - Europe/USA

ADB: Yes indeed Jim did have a wry sense of humor .. Jim's humor and teachings stood you in good stead ..sometimes, as is the way of all great Masters, he taught without anyone realizing he was teaching ..

EE: Sure .on more occasions than I care to count ..there was this one time, I remember back around 2002, I was traveling to Denver, Colorado. Leaving one morning from Texas, I ran out of money and gas around Raton, New Mexico. I had enough gas to make it to Trinidad, but maybe only a few dollars to get food and drink and certainly nothing left over for the gas that I would need to buy in order to make it all the way to Denver.

Arriving in Trinidad around 2:30 in the afternoon, I parked my van, filled my pockets and began to walk through the Town. Finding a group of people in a small bar, I spoke with the bartender briefly and performed for them. Taking my hat, I bought gas and refreshments and headed on down the road. One show, maybe 30 minutes of my day in total, had been spent in that quaint little town. Around an hour later, I was back on my way to Denver.

Looking back, I probably should have stayed and worked there through the evening. A beautiful little place, maybe one day I will go back there and play it properly. That's what I meant when I wrote earlier that sometimes we attain our goal(s) without realizing it.

ADB: Great place Denver. I had a lot of fun in Colorado. With regard to your comment about sometimes attaining goals without realizing it.that is so true. I know you will cover that in your next book .. Now.. what's this I heard about you diving naked into a lake to get one of your balls.. Or should I rephrase that? What's the story on that ???

EE: Well ...yep..Two years ago I was in Europe playing by a large lake. There were many ships at the harbor and I was performing right on the edge of the dock with my back to the lake.

The last trick I perform in my set these days, I call "the Ball of Death". Essentially it is a version of Balls from Mouth. I end the routine with the production of a large ball and immediately bounce it on the ground to prove its genuineness.

Well in this particular show, the large ball took an awkward bounce off of the paving stone and promptly bounced into the lake. I finished collecting my hat and walked to the harbor master to see if they had a net that I could retrieve my ball that would otherwise soon float out of reach.

There was no net to be had anywhere, or at least none for me. Now in most cases, I carry backups with me for everything that I perform.

However in this particular case, the ball that I had, to serve as backup, was back in my hotel room and was worn from extensive use. So, I set my bag down and started to strip off my clothes. I asked a gentleman to watch my bag and clothes as I climbed down the ladder into the lake. Swimming out about 8 meters from the dock, avoiding a large ship, I grabbed the ball and turned around heading back to land. When I climbed out of the lake, the crowd had grown, to almost three times, rivaling the crowd that I had previously for my show. Dripping wet and cold, standing in my underwear, I received a nice round of applause. To someone
passing by at that moment, it must have been a bizarre scene to say the least.

ADB: Anyone take any photos? Just kidding???

End of Part 8

10. The Melbourne Magic Festival
Message from Tim Ellis (Aust)

The Melbourne Magic Festival is BACK!

July 2-14 at The Northcote Town Hall with an amazing array of shows for young and old.

PLUS our special international guest: World Champion of Card Magic and Parlour Magician of the Year, Helder Guimaraes!

Not only will Helder perform his acclaimed one-man show 'WHY NOT?', he'll also be lecturing at the Festival. An absolute MUST SEE!

This year's line-up includes:

Adult Shows -

A Boy And His Deck - Dom Chambers
A Magical Journey Back In Time - Al Cappuccino
Hypnotic Happy Hour - Jason Varga
One Lonely Guy - Nick Kesidis
The FISM Rehearsal - Simon Coronel
The Close Up Gallery - Different line up every night

Classes and Workshops -

Create Your Own Magic - Dazzling Dan
Learn Easy Magic - Tom Stevens
Magic School - Tim Credible
International Guest Lecture - Helder Guimaraes

Family Shows -

The AIM Close Up Gala
The AIM Stage Magic Gala
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Hutton - Ben Hutton
The Magic Of Magic - Tom Stevens
The Next Generation - 6 young performers
Timeless Magic - Tim Ellis
Why Not? - Helder Guimaraes

Kids Shows -

Crafty Magic - Dazzling Dan
The Comedy Magic Show - Luke Hocking
The Mad Hatter's Magical Tea Party - Tim Ellis
The Magic Of Your Imagination - Luke Hocking & Alex De La
Tim Credible's Family Magic Show - Tim Credible
What Could Go Wrong - Tricky Nick

The TV Show Kids WB will also be filming at the Festival on July 2 at 3pm -free to the first 100 through the door!

For more info -

11. Broken Wand - Barry Miller
Message by Roy Marsh forwarded on by John Palfreyman (UK)

Basically Barry went into hospital voluntarily for elective heart surgery. A bypass and heart valve repair/replacement. He was having difficulty walking up stairs or long distances because of COPD and of course 50 plus years of heavy smoking.

He had already had stents implanted some years ago. The surgery was fine and heralded as a success. However after 5 weeks in intensive care he had made little progress. He was on a ventilator most of the time, fed by a nasal gastric tube and had swollen limbs from the various tubes and catheters in his arms

His blood pressure was low and his kidneys needed help by dialysis. Finally they performed a tracheotomy. By week six or seven they discovered some internal bleeding not as a result of the surgery.

They were unable to trace the source using various methods but twice thought they had stopped it using coagulants. Ultimately they were left no choice but to operate again, with only a 20% chance of success and certain death if they didn't. They found that some of the intestine had adhered to the body cavity and had
ruptured resulting in blood loss.

They fixed it and performed a partial colonectomy leaving Barry with a colostomy. He seemed to make some progress after this and was starting to receive physio and had been in a chair a couple of times, although still in ICU. He passed away at around 11:30 am on the 7th June.

12. Wonders A Magic Lecture By Sharkey Chong
Message by Barry Khoo

1. The 9-Squares Theory and how it applies to both stage work and close-up work

2. The theory behind sleights - why we use them and how they have evolved

3. Routine analysis - the process of how routines are developed and how to tap in to your creative mind

4. Stage work foundations (should time permit)

Of course, there will be routines taught during the lecture, but they would serve more as examples and substantiations rather than the core of content.

Date: 7th July, 2012, Saturday
Time: 2pm to 6pm
Ticket: RM100/=
RM70/= Early Birds before 30th May, 2012
Venue: Berjaya Georgetown Hotel
1-Stop Midlands Park, Burma Road
10350 Penang, MALAYSIA

Hosted by:
Barry Khoo
Barrini Magical Productions
Mobile Phone: (6) 012-4833-420

13. Dazzle Lu Chen Singapore 2012
Message by Barry Khoo

Date: 11th Aug 2012, Saturday
Time: 3.00pm & 8.00pm
Venue: Resorts World Convention CentreT, Compass Ballroom, Singapore

Ticket Price (Exclude Booking Fee)
Standard - S$168, S$138, S$108, S$88
Booking, go to:

14. Las Vegas Magic - July, 2012
Message by David Neubauer -

Amazing Johnathan
9 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Planet Hollywood.

Criss Angel - Believe
7 (except Wed. & Thurs.) & 9:30 pm (Dark Sun. - Mon.) - Luxor.

David Copperfield - An Intimate Evening of Grand Illusion
7 & 9:30 pm & also 4 pm Sat. - MGM Grand.

Gerry McCambridge - The Mentalist
7:30 pm (Dark Wed.) - Planet Hollywood.
Comp Tickets and info:

Illusions - Jan Rouven
7 pm (Dark Wed.) - Riviera.

Jeff McBride's Wonderground
3rd Thurs. each month 7:30 to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic & Variety Performance Art. A whole new show each month. Free with 2 drink minimum. watch live:

Mac King Comedy Magic Show
1 & 3 pm, (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Harrah's.
Free tickets (buy 1 drink) usually available at the concierge desk or handed out by showgirls.
Bring California ID for 1/2 price tickets at the Box Office
through Labor Day, 2012.

Magic and Mayhem starring Michael Turco
4 pm - Saxe Theater, Miracle Mile Shops - Planet Hollywood.

Magic, Mind Reading & Mystery with Paul Vigil
7 pm (Wed.) - King Ink, Mirage.

Magical Mix starring Christopher Karpiak
7-10 pm (Dark Tues. - Wed.) - Mix Lounge, Mandalay Bay.
Free to locals until 10 pm.

Mike Hammer Comedy Magic Show
7 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Four Queens.
$14.95 discounted tix + free drink:

Mind Blowing Comedy - Kevin Burke
9:13 pm - The D.
Two for One:
Dinner & Tix:

Murray - Celebrity Magician
With Douglas "Lefty" Leferovich.
7 pm - Laugh Factory at the Tropicana.

Nathan Burton Comedy Magic Show
Close-up magic of Armando Vera pre-show in the Balcony.
4 pm, (Dark Mon.) - Flamingo.
Name=nathan-burton-detail&eventTitle=Nathan Burton
FREE Balcony Tickets:

Penn & Teller
9 pm, (Dark Thurs. - Fri.) - Rio.

Seth Grabel - Magic, Comedy & Variety
6 pm, (Dark Sun. - Tues.) - Royal House Resort

Stefan Vanel
With Mark Kornhauser. 7 pm, (Dark Mon.) - Harmon Theatre, Planet

Magic In Production Shows
Bram Charles
2 sets between 10 pm - 2 am (Dark Mon. - Thurs.)
The Can Can Room on Industrial.

Crazy Girls
Tony Douglas - 9:30 pm (Dark Tues.) - Riviera.

Haunted Vegas Show and Tour
Jac Hayden, Robert Allen.
9:30 pm, picks up at the Royal Resort.

V The Ultimate Variety Show
Featuring Melinda - First Lady of Magic
7 & 8:30, V Theater, Planet Hollywood

Vegas! The Show
Joseph Gabriel
7 & 9 (Dark Thur.) - Planet Hollywood.

Vegas Close-Up Magic
Shimshi - Resident Magician - Wynn/Encore.
Seth Grabel - Fri. & Sat. 9-11 pm - Foundation Room, Mandalay Bay.
Ben Seidman - Resident Magician - Mandalay Bay.
Cameron Shadow - Resident Magician - Pure Nightclub, Caesars Palace.
Craig Keith performs bar magic, various times - Dick's Last Resort, Excalibur.
JungleJosh - House Magician - Señor Frogs at Treasure Island
(Dark Mon.), 5 pm to 1 am. Table-hopping and Comedy Magic on the stages. No Cover, No Min.
Smoothini - Wed. to Sun. 8 pm-10:30 at Hard Rock Café (2nd Floor Bar); 11 pm to 2 am at Zingers, 3743 Las Vegas Blvd. and after 2 am at New York New York's Pour 24.

Jamie Porter's Radio Side Show
Sat @ 5 am, KLAV FM 1230.

Las Vegas Magic Organizations
Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257, 7 pm - 8:45, 1st Monday each month at Denny & Lee's Magic Shop, 5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102 Free Children's Classes at 5:45. No meeting if the 1st Monday is a major Holiday.
($24 a year to be a member).
Darwin's Magic Club, meets 10 pm Wednesdays.
Boomers, 3200 Sirius Ave.
KIDabra Las Vegas, 7 pm every 3rd Monday.
Amazing Clowns, 3525 E. Flamingo.

Upcoming Special Events

June, 2012
June 30: Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257 hosts a lecture by Rafael
Benetar at 7 pm - Denny and Lee, 5115 Dean Martin Dr., #102. $20
for non-Fantasma Ring 257 members ($24 a year to be a member - and all lectures are free).

July, 2012
July 11: Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257 hosts its annual Magic Auction. Boomers, 3200 Sirius. Auction begins at 6 pm. Silent auction for smaller items.

July 16: Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257 hosts a lecture by Daryl at 7
pm - Denny and Lee, 5115 Dean Martin Dr., #102. $20 for
non-Fantasma Ring 257 members. ($24 a year to be a member - and
all lectures are free).

July 23-26: Society of American Magicians National Convention - Tomsoni & Company, Kevin James, Fielding West, Joseph Gabriel & Katalin, Roy Shank, Losander, Luna Shimada, Dan Sperry, Fergus Roy, Steve Daly, Kim Hyunjoon, Jason Baney, Mathieu Bich, Boris Wild, Ali Shelly, David Stone, Sarlot & Eyed, Christian & Katalina, John Cassidy, Funtasio, Yann Frisch, Ayala and Tanya, The Mac King Show and the David Copperfield Show will be part of the convention. Honored Guest: David Copperfield - Golden Nugget. or email

August, 2012
August 13-19: Magic & Mystery School - Extended Master Class - Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger, Lawrence Hass, Bryce Kuhlman & Tobias Beck.

September, 2012
Date in Sept. TBA: Paul Stone presents The 3rd Ultimate Performers Workshop - Johnny Thompson, Seth Kramer, Shep Hyken, Richard Faverty, Gail Davies and Bob Kohler. Limited to 20 attendees.
For details or to register email Paul at:

Sept. 30-Oct. 3: Innovention 2012 - Dedicated to Master Magician and World famous Hypnotist Peter Reveen. Already confirmed are The Great Tomsoni & Co, Fielding West, Michael Goudeau, Murray, Paul Vigil, Bob Kohler, Michael Holly, Ben Stone, Scott Land, Farrell Dillon, Joel Ward and Scott Alexander, and many more have promised to come. Gold Coast. Special discount registration offer of $295 until the end of April (regular registration is $345). Limited to 275 attendees. For details and register, contact

November, 2012
Nov. 11-13: MINDvention - Kenton Knepper, Larry Hass, Patrick Redford, Max Krause, Roy Zaltzman and Colin McLeod (more details on the website) - Palace Station.

15. Helder Guimaräes Sydney Lecture
Message by Peter Rogers (Aust)

The Geniis Magic Society is proud to present a lecture by multi award winning magician, Helder Guimaräes at Ashfield RSL Club 8:00pm on Friday 29th June. Helder, now a resident of the USA, was announced the Magic Castle Parlour Magician of the year at the recent 44th Annual Academy of Magical Arts Awards Show. The other nominees in this category were Chris Capehart, Michale Carbonoro, Mike Caveney, Paul Green, Mark Haslam and Kevin James which is an extraordinary line up of world class entertainers, many have already lectured in Sydney.

Helder was previously awarded 2nd Prize in Card Magic at the 2002 Spanish National Convention, and in 2004 he became the first Portuguese person to win the Ascanio Prize. His work distinguishes itself through the right fusion between prestidigitation, psychology and humor. In 2006, he was proclaimed World Champion of Card Magic at FISM in Stockholm.

He now travels the world performing and lecturing to magicians. Helder is the author of the book Reflections and of the highly respected DVD's "Small Miracles, Material for the Serious Student of the Art of Magic", and "Red Mirror", a DVD with over 3½ hours of material featuring Helder's signature card act. From 2001 till 2006, he studied theatre at the Institute of Music and Dramatic Arts, in Oporto. During his university years, he started applying the staging techniques learned in classes to his own work in close-up and stage magic. He also started studying and adding physical comedy and verbal comedy to his performances.

The Lecture costs $25.00pp and will be held in a private room upstairs at the Ashfield RSL Club at 374 Liverpool Rd Ashfield at 8:00pm on Friday 29th June.

Details from Peter Rodgers

16. Sorcerers Safari's 15th Year. Special Guest Is SOMA!
Message by Mike Segal
Director of The Sorcerers Safari,
Canada's Premier Magic Camp

SOMA Special Guest at Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp this Summer

Soma travels all the way from Budapest, Hungary to the Sorcerers Safari Summer Magic Camp in Ontario, Canada. (SOMA comes for the kids, but stays for the magic; "Love it," say Sorcerers Safari staffers.)

Toronto, Ontario. - June 18th, 2012 EST - Amidst rampant magic forum speculation, Sorcerers Safari Summer Magic Camp announced it is bringing in the FISM Grand Champion SOMA as the special guest at Magic Camp this summer.

With a long list of awards including Grand Prize at FISM, a cover of MAGIC magazine and a ton of great unpublished ideas ? SOMA has lots to offer the campers. SOMA is famous for his FISM winning telephone act, as well as sharing brilliant magic and music videos on YOUTUBE which have received international acclaim. Now imagine what it would be like to spend a camp session with this guy?!?

The inspiration for asking SOMA to spend time at magic camp, recalled Mike Segal, director of The Sorcerers Safari, "Wayne Houchin and Shawn Farquhar mentioned that he simply loves magic and would be a perfect fit for camp and the kids," Segal said. "And there is no better way to spend time immersed in the art of magic than with a FISM Grand Champion. He's awesome!"

The idea of having FISM personalities as special guests at camp is always one of the hot debates at the annual executive staff meetings. (Sorcerers Safari Summer Magic Camp chooses only the best of the best to come up as special guest.) After unanimously agreeing SOMA was a perfect fit, we asked and he gladly accepted.

"SOMA is going to have a great time up here, and so are all the campers and staff. Imagine all of the experiences he can recount about performing on the stage in Beijing where he won FISM, all
the accolades and perks that have come with winning and the rest of all the legendary things he's done," said Sorcerers Safari five year veteran, Shawn Farquhar. "This is going to be Sorcerers Safari's fifteenth year in operation, and I can?t remember a time when everyone was so excited about a special guest like SOMA."

Farquhar adds, "I worked with SOMA very early in his career and it's now nice to see him blossom into a powerful, artistic force. Having him at camp is a win-win for everyone. We welcome him to
our camp family with open arms. Having Soma is like having a long-lost brother come up for the week. I love it!"

According to Mike Segal, Sorcerers Safari is growing exponentially with a high rate of return campers and return staff. With luck, Soma will love camp so much, he too, will return repeatedly.

Are you ages 8-21 or know someone who is and would benefit from a week at Sorcerers Safari? What are you doing August 28th through September 2nd?Learn more about attending Sorcerers Safari Magic Camp with SOMA this year - please visit:

17. Seventeen Secrets
Message by James Alan

Seventeen Secrets from the Sid Lorraine Hat & Rabbit Club, Toronto

To commemorate the seventieth anniversary of the club, the Toronto Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magicians has released Seventeen* Secrets, a booklet with contributions from Tyler Wilson, Michael Weber, Joshua Jay, Murray Hatfield, Will Houstoun, Richard Forget, Matt DiSero, James Biss and James Alan. The booklet was printed in a limited edition of 100 numbered copies. Proceeds from the book are being used to gift junior members of the club with some classic magic texts. A limited number of copies are still available at

*The Seventeen in the title comes from Ring 17, there are actually ten items in the booklet.

18. 31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention
Magic at the Chateau
31st New Zealand International Magicians Convention

Christchurch New Zealand Labour Weekend
2012 (19/10/2012 to 22/10/2012)

Convention starts on Friday night 19th October and finishes on
Monday 22nd October at 2.30pm.

Visa and Mastercard are now accepted for payment for your
convention registration fee

Credit card payment form go to:

To download the Convention registration form go to:

Competition registration form go to:

Do I want to stay at the convention hotel?

If the answer is YES then it's best that you reserve your room NOW!

**As rooms are now very limited**

Christchurch Free phone: 0800 808 999
(Within New Zealand) Toll (03) 348 8999

No deposit is required
But they need a credit card number, valid at date of stay,
i.e. October 2012

The convention hotel is The Chateau on the Park, 189 Deans Avenue, Riccarton, Christchurch.

When booking convention hotel accommodation make sure that you tell them that it is for the "Magicians Convention" and then you will pay the special convention rate of $115 for a double room.

If you try and book online on their website you will end up paying their full room rate.

You have a choice of either a King or Queen size bed and Twin rooms consist of two double beds.

The headliners confirmed are...
Shawn Farquhar (Canada), Mark Mason (England), Ken Scott (US)
Felix (Spain)
and the Gillam Family (US). This is a convention that you will
not want to miss!

**Book your accommodation NOW**

Christchurch Free phone: 0800 808 999 (within New Zealand)
Overseas: +64 3 348 8999 Toll

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Copyright © 2012 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine