Lewis Lecture
Auckland ONLY Lecture this coming Wednesday night
Sponsored by: IBM Ring 160
& Magic New Zealand
Date: Wednesday 25th May
Time: 7.30pm sharp
Venue: Raye Freedman Hall
- 786 Remuera Road Remuera. The hall is located on the corner
of St. Johns and Meadowbank Roads, Remuera. Next to the
BP petrol station.
Adult Lecture fee: $25
Juniors (School age) and financial IBM 160 members: $10
Wives or Partners: $5
Email: Roderick Mulgan -
Phone: (09) 372 8332
When you go about booking lecturers, you take into account
their past track record in performance, invention, fame
(and indeed the ability to lecture to magicians!). Martin
Lewis is a third generation magician, who entertains with
his dry British wit and original magic worldwide. (His
father built the actual Zig Zag used by Harbin!) With
a track record of successful performances for the past twenty-five
In addition to his heavy performance schedule, Martin is
constantly developing and marketing new magical tricks and
lecturing worldwide. David Copperfield, in his 1991 and
1994 Television specials, featured effects from Martin's
book Martins Miracles. Martin Lewis is an extremely gifted
and talented magician, comedian and lecturer who will continue
to entertain discerning audiences throughout the world for
a long time to come.
is best known to modern magicians for Cardiographic
- The sketch pad card rise, used by Copperfield both live
and on Television. This is the tip of his invention iceberg.
Martins well known tricks such as Sidewalk Shuffle, the
Miniature card rise and the vanishing bottle have been used
by some of the worlds finest magicians. He continues to
work and develop and is generally thought of as one of the
nicest and most generous guys in magic. For creative, usable
and easy magic, it would be hard to beat Martin Lewis.
is a run down on this remarkable and award winning lecture.
1 - Stand-Up Magic
The Torn and Restored Cigarette Paper has been around for
over a hundred years. Now Martin brings this classic into
the 21st century with a new and exciting handling that relies
on subtlety rather than dexterity. Used by David Copperfield.
Pocket Technicolor Prediction
A New method for my comedy prediction routine, which includes
a great idea by Mike Porstmann.
Senor Mardo Egg Bag
The Senor Mardo egg bag is the most practical and deceptive
bag available today. It is easy to handle and the gaff is
invisible even upon direct inspection.
Crystal gazing
A spectator slowly names the card that the audience is thinking
of by gazing into a crystal ball. Martins method is
as amazing as the effect.
Comedy Come-Back Card
A very visual card effect for the platform. A card keeps
jumping to the face of the pack, which is out of the performers
hands. Created by Martins father Eric Lewis.
Yes you can make one, its easier than you think! Martin
reveals all the details and subtle touches that brings his
sketchpad card rise effect into the miracle class.
Two - Close-Up Magic
Business Card-iographic
You show an image of a deck, drawn on your business card.
Slowly, and in full view, a drawing of a selected card rises
from it. You then give it away as a souvenir. Business Card-iographic
is a stunning promotional giveaway, that your customer will
keep for years.
The Point of Arrival
Two marked cards vanish from the deck and join the ten in
a handkerchief. A detailed exercise in misdirection.
S. U. M.
S.U.M. has nothing to do with math, the initials stand for
Set Up Marked. It is the stacked, marked, deck that needs
no calculation or memorization whatsoever - the deck does
all the work.
The Sidewalk Shuffle
Martin's classic jumbo monte effect, still used by magicians
everywhere, after 30 plus years.
The Stampede Second
Deal cards out from under a postage stamp in this highly
visual illusion. Paul Harris is considering this for David
Blaine so look out...
Mcabee Rings
The most elegant close up linking ring routine, with gold
bracelets, which is eventually left for examination.
are genuinely delighted to be bringing you this evening
and we expect a stellar turnout. This is a night of interesting
and very different, WORLD CLASS MAGIC. You don't
have to book but we strongly suggest you do my contacting
Roderick Mulgan -