


from Stan Goudge
The Funeral Service for Elaine Bracey will be held on
Saturday 29 September 2007 at Morrison's Chapel at Lincoln
Road, Henderson.
Elaine Bracey - BooBoo the Magic Clown
The Brotherhood of Auckland Magicians sadly reports the death
on Wednesday 26 September 2007 of well loved and respected
member - Elaine Bracey
Elaine had a long history as a performer in musicals and plays
in the Auckland Region and was an accomplished actor and singer.
It was when she became partner to Jon Zealando in the 1980's
that she developed an interest in magic, first as an assistant
to Jon in school shows, where she developed the character
of the Magical Clown, BooBoo, so called because the clown
was always making mistakes.
Later she branched out on her own with strolling magic and
especially with balloon sculptures with which she was especially
Significant engagements include: four nationwide tours with
American Illusionist Vince Carmen; regular bookings by Auckland
City Council to entertain at Parks and Playgrounds including
a six months stint at the Viaduct Basin during America's Cup
1999/2000; performances at A and P Shows through out the North
Island, and at the Royal Easter Show Auckland; and frequent
engagements at the Auckland International Airport.
Magicians recall with pleasure her comedy song and dance routine
"No one loves a fairy when she's forty" for the
closing show at 24th NZ Magicians Convention 1990.
In 2006 the Variety Artists Club presented Elaine Bracey with
the Benny, the Variety Artist's supreme award recognising
her skill as an entertainer over many years.
Elaine has been a valued member of the Brotherhood of Auckland
magicians for twelve years, her infectious laughter enlivened
club meetings and she was always a gracious volunteer for
others to try their tricks on. She will be sadly missed.

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Magic New Zealand® E-zine
