


from Peter Thomson
(Past Convention Chairman 28th NZ International Magicians Convention)
Many thanks to all the registrants who attended the Convention
at Palmerston North last Labour Weekend. We hope you all had
a "fun" Convention.
Souvenir Photographs
A momento of the Convention has now been prepared consisting
of short snippets of convention highlights in a Video Montage
and a complete selection of Photos taken at the Convention by
Kevin Bills Photography Limited, Denise Parker (award winning
photographer) and Manawatu Standard. These include the Kevin
Bills group photograph, Manawatu Standard's coverage of the
gala show and candids taken at the Sherwood Motor Inn and the
Valentines banquet (including the prize giving and presentations)
as well as photos taken in the dealers room and competition
The photos/video are produced on high resolution CD and can
be viewed on a CD/DVD read-capable computer or printed off.
As usual, they are for domestic use only and copyright is reserved
by the Palmerston North Magic Circle. If you wish to use them
for commercial use, please contact the Club.
The price is only $15.00 plus $4.50 packing and postage within
New Zealand ($NZD9.00 for overseas). If you wish to order,
please send your remittance to Palmerston North Magic Circle
at P O Box 266, Palmerston North marked Convention Photos.
There is also available a complete video record of all competitions
acts. If you wish to have a copy of your competition act this
is available at $25.00 per DVD (your act only). The competition
video cannot be made available except to the performers concerned.
Special Message to Non-mentalists outside Auckland
Palmerston North Magic Circle is hosting a special lecture by
Alan Martell (United Kingdom) on children's magic and related
topics at the Club's Christmas party at Awapuni Community Centre,
Palmerston North at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, 5th December 2006. Everyone
is invited - contact a Club member for directions on how to
get there (for catering purposes we would appreciate an indication
of numbers - phone Julian (06) 354 0062). There will be Christmas
drinks and nibbles following the lecture. Cost for non-members
is $20.00. (The Club's normal meeting will start at 7.15 p.m.).
Alan's lecture will cover material from the lecture he gave
at Auckland in October 2005. It is intended for those who were
unable to travel to Auckland for that event or for those who
attended and would like a refresher course. |

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Copyright © 2006 Alan Watson.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine
