Andrews passed away today following a heart attack
from Martin Breese (UK)
Andrews passed away today (12th October 2006) following a
heart attack whilst he was already recovering from another
in the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex.
I knew and worked with Val Andrews for at least 30 years and
he was a kind and gentle man. He believed in the old fashioned
ways and was courteous and considerate to all those he came
in contact with.
He was the son of an architect and for many years of his life
lived in Brighton. He was a prolific writer and his aim, he
told me one day, was to be able to say that he had written
and had published over 1000 books and booklets. His output
was prolific and in the past he wrote programme ideas and
scripts for many of our leading comics. He wrote many of Tommy
Cooper's scripts for him including the sketch in which Tommy
Cooper had one side of his body in a German army uniform and
on the other profile he was an upper class British army officer.
By turning from left to right Tommy Cooper was able to have
a conversation with himself. All Val's own idea and for that
he earned the paltry sum of just 10/- or 50p in today's money.
And he had to fight even to get paid.
Many years ago Val told me that he had written some new Sherlock
Holmes stories and asked me to publish them. I had no confidence
in the idea but Val knew what he was doing. He wrote many
of these new Sherlock Holmes novels which sold around the
world and in many different languages as well. He will not
only be sadly missed by the magic community but by countless
Sherlock Holmes fans everywhere.
Val had the honour of receiving a major award from the Magic
Circle for his literary work and later was given a Literary
Fellowship by the Academy of Magical Arts in Hollywood. Val
was a tragic figure and had the awful experience of seeing
his own daughter run over by a bus. The tragedy destroyed
his marriage and many years later he became a life-long friend
and companion to Terri Rogers and supported her through her
own final tragic illness.
Val was a kind and generous soul and much of the money that
he earned he gave away to those in need. His contribution
to magic will stand as a fitting memorial to a highly talented
writer whose writings have greatly contributed to our art.
I will miss my dear old pal Val.

Who's Who in Magic
(Brighton, England: 15 Feb 1926- ) Inspired at age 7 by watching
both his amateur father & The Great Carmo. Learned at
age 8. Debut at age 12 (1938). Pro performer since 1943. Aka
"Val Vox" 1938-48 & "Vanson" 1948-51.
Prolific author since 1952 of over 200 booklets on various
aspects of magic and 6 popularized magical biographies: Murray
(1974), Good-Night Mister Dante (1978, 111pp), A Gift from
the Gods-the Story of Chung Ling Soo (1981), "Life ...
Dull it 'Ain't!: Horace Goldin, The Triumphs and Tragedies
(1983), Once Hung a Guilded Lamp: The Life and Times of Will
Goldston (1986), `Gentleman George' Sanger (1989), and The
Dante Scrapbook (1990, 52pp). Wrote (with Fergus Roy) Illusions
(1985, 144pp). Memoirs are Dedicated Magic (1971, 153pp) &
Four Seasons in the Life of Val Andrews (1984, 60pp). 2 audios.
Edits The Magical Nostalgic 1992-present.