28th New Zealand International
Magicians Convention
North, New Zealand.
20th to 23rd October 2006

Palmerston North Magic Circle (Inc)

from Peter Thomson - Convention President
- Early bird registrations
Final payment due - 20 September 2006
Tickets are now available for Friday night's Club Show (featuring
international artists) and for Saturday night's Stage and
Quick Trick Competitions for non-registrants who are attending
as guests of registrants.
Cost: $10 per person per show.
Supper tickets for supper at the Sherwood are also available
for Friday and Saturday nights for non-registrants who are
attending as guests of registrants.
Cost: $10.00 per person per supper. Bookings are essential
for catering purposes and should be made when you register at
the Convention.
These events are all included as part of the registration fee
for registrants.
CASH ONLY please on the day
We will not be credit enabled.
If you have not registered by September 30 we cannot guarantee
you a seat at the Banquet event. After this date we will
be selling Banquet tickets to the friends of registrants on
our waiting list. Registrants who have already paid for guests
at the Banquet will be advised only if we are unable to confirm
their booking. If you do not hear by 7th October then your
extra booking is confirmed.
Extra Public Show
After the close of the convention (owing to public demand in
the City) we will be repeating the Gala Public Show on Monday
afternoon 23 October at 3pm. This is not one of the convention
events included in your registration fee. Tickets are on sale
at $21.50 plus service fee for the Monday afternoon show from
any outlet of Ticket Direct Phone 0800 4 ticket (0800 484 253)
Competition Withdrawals
The email message from the Competitions Committee seems to
have been misunderstood by some.
An announcement was made prior to March 2006 that the major
competitions (Stage, Children's and Close up) would be held
in the traditional way and at the same time we announced that
places in these competitions would be allocated in the order
that competitors registered for the convention. A new system
was put in place to enable early registration without financial
pressure. In our view no registrant can complain if their registration
was received too late to guarantee them a place in any competition.
One competitor registered in March and voluntarily withdrew
(scratched) in August. However it is known that at any convention
some competitors indicate at the last minute (often immediately
before the competition) that they will not be competing. This
is not acceptable to our committee since it deprives other people
who have registered late and could otherwise have competed from
the opportunity of taking part in the competition.
We have therefore given all competitors the opportunity of withdrawing
voluntarily if they wish. If we do not receive scratchings we
will have to apply our announced policy of "first come,
first served". This or similar systems have been applied
at previous conventions and we make no apology for this policy
being applied now, five weeks from the convention weekend.

have been warned
This convention will be a SELLOUT!
registration fees are:
Full registration $245
Accompanying adult registration $225
Junior registration
$170 (under 17 on 20/10/06)
For the
28th New Zealand
International Magicians Convention
20th to 23rd October 2006
Palmerston North, New Zealand
more information on the convention
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the registration html form to print off
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Schedule of events
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