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* Magic New Zealand®
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1773
Date: Sunday 1st September 2024
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com

Hi here is the latest news

1.Editor's Message
2. Vanish Magazine - Major Announcement
3. Lost In The Shuffle Official 2024 Trailer
4. September Genii Magazine
5. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article 167
6. Lance Burton's Las Vegas Mansion For Sale $10 Million
7. The Magic Word Podcast
8. Update: The Excelsior Tour
9. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 85/86
10. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #98
11. Hummer Funner! - John Carey #242
12. Triadic - Just Released - A Brand New Book Test
13. E-zine Archives
14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand E-zine in HTML format, go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2024-Jan-to-Dec-2024/1773-Sep11-2024.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Vanish Magazine - Major Announcement
Message by Paul Romhany, Editor Vanish Magazine

13 years ago, people thought I was crazy starting up a digital magic publication. I watch technology and trends daily and Vanish leads the way in the digital field, from the most advanced search capabilities to interactive experiences like no other. I spend hours a day working on making it better and we have features never seen before. Vanish has broken grounds and pushed boundaries of what was possible. It has become my life's work.

I am pleased to say my vision has just taken a major step forward as I bring Vanish in to the Virtual Reality World.

Vanish is NOW available for VR headsets including Meta Quest and Apple VR. As I move in to this more, I will be tailoring it towards this immersive experience so you can watch videos and experience Vanish in 3D. The ground is broken as I learn and grow with this incredible technology. I have a vision for what I want to do with it.

This is in addition to the digital publication and the printed publication.

The video here is a small example from my Meta Quest and its early days but, it's now available. I'll be adding more 360 experiences over time. We will share an Apple VR experience soon too.

If you own a Meta VR headset or Apple headset I would like to hear from you as I will set up a group so we can work together to revolutionize the magic publication world.

3. Lost In The Shuffle Official 2024 Trailer
Take a look at the official trailer for Lost in the Shuffle, a feature length documentary exploring the relations between magicians and playing cards, while investigating a 500-year-old cold case murder mystery!

Find out more, join their mailing list, even buy bespoke LITS playing cards! www.LostintheShuffle.film


4. September Genii Magazine
Message by Richard Kaufman - Editor Genii Magazine

Subscribe to Genii today for as little as $35 a year and you can visit The Magic Castle with your subscription! And get eight gazillion pages of magic in every back issue of Genii and MAGIC magazines ever published. www.geniimagazine.com.

Boomsky, Boomsky, Boomsky! How many Boomskys were there? Have you even heard of Boomsky before? The poster you see on our cover is only one of the many Boomskys. While most were assistants to Alexander, Adelaide, and later Leon Herrmann, other Black performers also took the name because Boomsky gained great fame during the era of Reconstruction and early 20th century.

Our cover story this month consists of a pair of excerpts from Margaret Steele's new book The Great Boomsky, a terrific read that traces many of those who took the name, but our focus here is on the first - M.H. Everett, known as "Hutchin." He ran straight from a field picking cotton with his family to Alexander Herrmann's show in Americus, Georgia in 1891 and never looked back. His was a life of amazing tales.

Counting down our last five months of the current iteration of Genii with this line-up of great columnists, this month we present: Jon Racherbaumer "Three's the Charm," a variation on a trick by Carl Jones that appears in Greater Magic (which I happened to read the other day).

* A stunning French Physic magic set from the late 1800s from John Gaughan's collection is on display in this month's "Chamber of Secrets."

* David Kaye keeps a diary of his experiences doing children's shows, and this month he shares a bit of it with you in "Expert at the Kids' Table."

* Rafael Benatar shares his "Thoughts" on getting ready for the Double Lift, with four video clips.

* Part 2 of the story of The Pendragons appears this month in "Panmagium."

* In "Cardopolis," David Britland delves into a clever use of a double-backed card in a trick with a funny name.

* Roberto Mansillia, like so many Spaniards, has a deep and abiding love for the Color-Changing Knives, and he shares some of his ideas in "Artifices" (with video).

* Jamy Ian Swiss helps Matt Holtzclaw open his "Umbrella," which is a full performance piece with everyday objects, in "Magicana" (also with video).

* Vanessa Armstrong, one of your new editors starting in February, scans the globe for news in "The Eye."

* Shawn McMaster gives you the latest news from our home in Los Angeles in "Knights at The Magic Castle," which focuses on the initial Artist in Residence program with Juan Tamariz.

* And in the final pages of this issue you'll find "Light from the Lamp" with reviews of videos, tricks, and books by Jonathan Levit, David Regal, and Francis Menotti.

5. Lance Burton's Las Vegas Mansion For Sale $10 Million

Stunning Las Vegas mansion once owned by magician Lance Burton with its own grotto spa hits the market for $10 million

The property sprawls over 14,756 square feet and boasts six bedrooms as well as its very own private cave

The celebrity castle is said to be located at the 'top of the world' because it is nestled atop a mountain

Built in 2006, the stunning property sits on a 10.05-acre lot and features a turret that overlooks the valley

Balance of article go to:


6. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article 167
Message by Paul Stone (US)

Once again, I've been going through some of my collection of DVD's starring magicians from around the world. I came across a couple that featured Paul Daniels, but that were both very different from the regular Paul Daniels TV Shows on BBC.

I must have recorded the first one from the TV at least forty years ago. I know that it was originally recorded on an old VHS cassette player, and later transposed to a DVD. Paul hadn't quite become a huge star at the time, but had started to make a name for himself.

The program was called 'The Lunar Society' on Granada TV, and came on at 12 Midnight for just five minutes! The set was a cross between court and a library, with around 50 people making up the audience. Paul performed a couple of close-up effects in what could be best described as 'Parlour magic' conditions. There were a series of I believe six short episodes, but to my knowledge these were only shown on Granada TV. Paul's comedic and attacking style were in great contrast to the set, but somehow it worked.

The other DVD was called 'Paul Daniels - In A Black Hole'. This was a documentary filmed when Paul was already well established as a headline star in UK. The premise was that Paul would tour round America in cities and towns where no-one knew who he was, under the guise of a jobbing magician called 'Eldani' (the same letters as Daniels but in a different order!).

Over the course of a month he would arrive in different towns and try to set up gigs for himself, often at a variety of sleazy venues, and in front a very few spectators. Even with Paul's considerable talent and experience, this proved to be a massive challenge, and one that would have destroyed the confidence of most lesser magicians.

It was a fascinating experiment and made for a riveting watch. It just showed how difficult it can be at times to persuade venues to give a magician a chance. As you would expect, Paul took it completely in his stride, probably the result of several years of working in the Northern clubs, where he cut his teeth.

I've travelled a lot over the years and visited many different countries. I'm writing this article today sitting in the lounge of a Crystal Cruise ship, on which I'm currently a Special Interest Speaker, and having sailed first from Copenhagen to Amsterdam, we have now docked at a small town in Scotland called Invergordon. It's not a place I knew anything about, and more than likely neither will you.

Only around 4,000 people live in this town, and it boasts a small high street, on which curiously, there are four Turkish Barbers Shops! But the main reason for the ship stopping here is that it is only a relative short drive to Loch Ness, the home of the famous Loch Ness Monster!

Unfortunately 'Nessie' didn't appear for us today, but the locals are adamant that it is definitely in the loch somewhere. Of course they would say that. This mysterious creature has created a very successful industry here, which has endured for years. Is it real? … No-one can say for sure, but what an amazing PR coup it has proved for this area.

7. The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

David Williamson and Michael Mode on The Magic Word Podcast

You can listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts. But for more content, please visit: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/850-david-williamson

This week we feature a chat with Michael Mode. Not as well-known as David Williamson, he is no less important to our community. He was an "in demand" trade show performer in Detroit for auto shows then later, along with another Detroit native, Jeff Hobson, developed a joke app which has now been turned into a book, "Best Jokes Ever." Michael is also the person who had the idea and produced the two colored Napkin to Rose napkins used for the effect. In this week's episode, Michael offers multi-packs of these napkins plus a copy of his book as prizes to listeners. You can sign up for the contest on this week's blog on the website.

As with all episodes, you can listen wherever you get your podcasts; however, most popular podcast domains only go back to the last 100 episodes. The Magic Word Podcast is in rarified air because we are approaching 1,000 episodes! But you can explore our catalog and listen to any or all of the past episodes in the archives at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/archives But to listen to this week's episode on the website plus view a video, see some photos, and register for the contest to win a valuable prize, please visit: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/853-michael-mode

Next week we head to MAGIC Texas in Dallas, Texas, which promises to be an epic, once-in-a-lifetime event. If you cannot make it, then be sure to tune in beginning late Friday for the first of four daily convention reports.

And be sure to watch our new, weekly video short "The Magic Whisper" on YouTube where we discuss a little bit of what I've heard in the magic world during the past week, upcoming conventions, lectures, and clips from upcoming podcasts. You can find The Magic Whisper at: https://www.youtube.com/@texasmagician/videos Please like, share and subscribe!

8. Update: The Excelsior Tour
Message by Jay Scott Berry (Australia)

Robert Houdin famously said, "The magician is an actor playing the part of a magician." The actual quote, in French, is longer and more detailed. However, what always struck me was the verb: To Play. In French, you don't 'do' magic, you play magic: Je jouer à la magie!

This idea of always playing applies from Strolling to Stage, as an Emcee and Lecturer. Whenever I'm in front of an audience, I have fun and play! I learned as a kid that the stage is my 'Happy Space'. Instead of being nervous to perform, I'm excited to perform!
Like an iceberg, the audience only ever sees the tip peeking out of the water. We invest a great amount of time and effort into our craft in order to achieve excellence. The dividend is the tip, when we're onstage and get to play! Think about it, that's an integral piece to any great performance.

Hence my acronym, ACE: Attitude, Charisma, Enthusiasm. It's my preshow Mantra that I use to shift focus from all the daily issues and backstage prep, to the character and excitement that I bring to the stage. I teach this to all my students as a fundamental cornerstone of their magical mindset.

All that said, I'm very excited to announce that I'll be Lecturing at The Magic Circle in London on May 19th. This will bookend my brief barnstorm of Britain, before heading across to Europe. Big thanks to Daryl Rose for setting this up. I look forward to seeing all my Magic Circle friends… Cheers!

9. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 85/86
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)

Dear readers, I was a little inattentive and completely overlooked the fact that our good friend Alan is taking a break for a few days.

So I dutifully wrote my report for the weekend of August 17th and sent it off without thinking that no issue would be published during this time.

But since I don't want to have done my work in vain, here is the planned issue 85 followed by the actual one for the coming weekend August 31.

Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 85
This week saw the publication of the latest issue of my magazine "Magische Welt", which I have been publishing for 24 years. I am a little proud of the fact that the magazine has not been sent out late once in those 24 years. I think only a few magic magazines can claim that.

And believe me, there have been a few problems over the 24 years, both economic and personal.
The current issue, No. 4, focuses on the wonderful Julie Eng. My friend Richard Hatch had already done the portrait at the beginning of the year, when there was no talk of Julie replacing Richard Kaufman as editor-in-chief. And when I prepared the portrait for No. 4, I didn't have that information either. Sometimes coincidental events really do coincide and yet they fit together.

Another main article is by Dr. Alex Romanoff. He wrote about the FISM Congress in Turin. This is not a "typical" congress report, but rather a critical examination of some of the events during the congress. For example, Alex questions why in the 21st century women who act as assistants are still deliberately trying to be sexy? That time is actually over.

Incidentally, Alex has uploaded a very nice recording of the congress to his YouTube channel. You can watch it here:

The third exciting article comes from the pen of Dr. Andreas Michel-Andino. It is already his 111th article in the "MW", in which he writes about the art of magic: What is (magic) art?

In this episode, he sheds light on a particular shadow that lies over the art of magic. It is about the often fatal confusion between the art of magic and magick. The art of magic is still associated with mystical magick. This is particularly evident with mental magic, where the performers often consciously promote belief in the supernatural.

In the supplement "Magic Salt", a special trick is presented and described by Eric Eswin, Honorary President of FISM. A trick between psychology and the art of magic.

Here is a visual impression of the magazine:

Now that the issue has been published, I have time to prepare the next exhibition at the Bellachini Museum. It is dedicated to the cups and balls. There will be a very comprehensive accompanying book with historical information and, above all, many illustrations, many of which have never been shown before.

See you there.

Wittus Witt

Magic Museum Bellachini - Episdoe 86

Episode 86
In just three weeks, the popular "Hamburg Magic Nights" will be back. For the 14th time since 2010, artists have been invited to enchant the audience with a complete evening program. The dates are September 19 to 21, all at 20:00 in the beautiful "Sprechwerk" theater.

Dr. Alex Romanoff will be there for the first time and will also be performing a program for the big stage for the first time. He has been performing regularly in my ZauberSalon for two years and only for a small circle here. I am excited to see how he will perform on stage with his program "The Art of the Impossible".

The second artist I have been able to win over is Christian Knudsen, a well-known colleague in Germany, to perform his program "SalonWunder". Christian is well known to German magicians. He has published several books for magicians and gives successful lectures for his colleagues.

The third artist is equally successful: Marcel Kösling. He already enjoys somewhat greater popularity with the public. His specialty is to present skilful magic with a lot of wit and humor. The title of his program is: Top Secret.

I also present all three artists on my YouTube channel:

See you next week ... if I haven't missed something again ... ;-)

Wittus Witt

10. Tales From the Fantastic Magic Center - #98
Message by Kent Cummins (US)

"Artificial Intelligence"

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers magicians a modern toolset to enhance their craft, bringing a blend of technology and traditional illusion that captivates audiences in new and exciting ways.
Creating Interactive Experiences: AI can be integrated into magic performances to create interactive experiences. Using computer vision, AI can track audience members' movements or recognize objects, allowing magicians to create tricks that respond to the audience in real-time. This could involve predicting a spectator's choices or making objects appear to move on their own.

Enhanced Illusions: AI can be used to refine traditional tricks. For instance, machine learning algorithms can analyze countless iterations of a trick to optimize the performance, ensuring smoother execution and reducing the risk of errors. AI-driven robotics can also bring a new level of precision to mechanical illusions.

Personalized Performances: AI can help magicians personalize their shows. By analyzing data about the audience, such as demographics or real-time reactions, magicians can adjust their performances to better suit the audience's preferences. This customization can make each performance unique and more engaging.

Virtual and Augmented Reality: AI combined with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can create immersive magic experiences. These technologies can make it seem as if objects are appearing or disappearing in the real world or transform the environment around the audience, creating a magical atmosphere that is hard to achieve with traditional methods alone.
Innovation in Trick Design: AI can assist in designing new tricks. By using AI tools to simulate different scenarios and outcomes, magicians can develop innovative tricks that were previously unimaginable. This allows for the continual evolution of the art form, keeping it fresh and intriguing.

In essence, AI is not replacing the magician but is an enabler, offering new ways to amaze and entertain, ensuring that the magic remains alive in the digital age.

(Written by ChatGPT)

11. Hummer Funner! - John Carey #242
Message by John Carey (UK)

Hummer Funner is a quick, commercial, strong and funny application of the late Bob Hummer's Mental or Mathematical Monte effect. Here I've applied the Hummer concept to a magician in
trouble scenario. It's an ideal anytime and anywhere piece as all you need is some pocket change.

Reach into your pocket and take out some pocket change. Casually toss three different coins down one at a time onto the table in a row and make a mental note of the middle coin. Put the rest of your change away and say that you will turn away and show them the trick that never fails! This should get a reaction. Ask your participant to think of any coin. Then say to make things harder, switch the positions of the other two coins. Turn back to face your helper.

Make a note of where your target coin is. If it's still in the middle of the row, that's the coin they are thinking of. If it's at the left end of the row, the coin they are thinking of is at the right end. But if you note the target or key coin is at the right end of the row, their thought of coin is the one at the left end. Bob Hummer genius at work here.

"Three different coins, one of which you are thinking of. They often say that the inflections in one's voice can sometimes give your true thoughts away. Please call out each coin. I think I picked up on a vocal tell. Don't say a word as I will now eliminate two of the coins." After the above monologue the right hand goes back and forth over the row of coins and you feign concentration. A moment later pick up their coin and apparently place it away in your right pocket. In reality, you finger palm it and come back out. They will believe you've already screwed up. Next pick up either of the remaining coins at the right fingertips and apparently toss it into your left-hand which closes into a fist. Really though you execute a Bobo switch, secretly switching in their thought of coin. Pick up the remaining coin from the table at the right fingertips and look intently at your participant. "I know it's one of these two, but don't clue me as this is the trick that never fails!"

A moment later the right hand puts its coin away into the pocket, at the same time ditching the other coin. Come back out and ask your helper to reveal the coin they merely thought of? When they do look ruffled and confused and look down at your left fist. "What's the name of this trick?" They answer you and a moment later you open your left hand to reveal their thought of coin and then say: "That my friends is the trick that never fails!"

12. Triadic - Just Released - A Brand New Book Test
Message by Chris Wardle

Triadic - Just Released - A Brand New Book Test by Award-Winning Creators Chris Wardle and James Ward

* Triadic - A Three-phase routine with three separate reveals!

* NO fishing, NO memory work, NO peeks, NO cribs, NO procedures, NO guessing letters, NO codes, NO misses - a direct hit each time and completely out of your hands!

* Very easy to perform, Chris Wardle and James Ward have done all of the hard work for you, by creating a craftily-written and devious book test which you can perform almost immediately. It is completely self-contained, as the instructions are 'hidden in plain sight' in the final two chapters of the book!

Using an innocent-looking poetry book, but you can divine a significant word from the start of the poem, then go on to describe the features, theme and tone of the chosen poem and finally you reveal a significant word on the final line! Multiple principles at play make this so easy to perform.

"I'm a force book junkie - I love them, I've owned many of the best and now I have another corker to add to the pile. The great advantages of this one are its size - it fits into a back pocket or a handbag - and its style: it appears simply to be a treasured book of poems. It also, crucially, delivers three clear climaxes every time, so if you handle it right it could establish your reputation as a versatile reader of minds."
British Magic Legend, Geoffrey Durham.

"Triadic - Wow, is it ever devious! I can't wait to perform it!"
Michael Breggar, magic creator and columnist in 'The Linking Ring' magazine.

"This is a genius concept, executed brilliantly. This poetry book is now a permanent fixture on my coffee table."
TV and radio presenter and magician, Matt Edmondson.

Available now from your favourite dealer.

13. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:

Click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2024 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2024 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine