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* Magic New Zealand®
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Issue Number: #1770
Date: Sunday 28th July 2024
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editor's Message
2. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article 164
3. Magic Shop San Diego Destroyed by Fire
4. August Genii Magazine
5. The Magic Word Podcast
6. Magic & Mystery School Events
7. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 83
8. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #95
9. The Gift - John Carey #240
10. E-zine Archives
11. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand E-zine
in HTML format, go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2024-Jan-to-Dec-2024/1770-Jul28-2024.html
If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New
Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article 164
Message by Paul Stone (US)
Just following on from my article last week about the Mirage
Hotel & Casino, one thing I didn't mention was that
a couple of months after Siegfried & Roy's spectacular
show opened in 1990, I brought a tour group of 150 magicians
and their wives over to Las Vegas from UK.
We all stayed at the Mirage, and obviously went to see
Siegfried & Roy's show. We saw their second show - they
were performing twice nightly - after which we were asked
to remain in the showroom so that Siegfried & Roy could
come out to greet us.
Siegfried & Roy not only came out to see us, they stayed
for over an hour and took a photo with every single one
of the group. It was the experience of a lifetime and an
incredible memory that everyone fortunate enough to be present
will never forget.
Anyone who has visited Las Vegas in the last 30 years will
have seen the huge statue of Siegfried & Roy on the
Strip near to the Mirage Hotel & Casino. Now that the
Mirage has closed its doors for the final time, the statue
is being relocated to the Neon Museum, which I understand
is also shortly to move to a new home in the Arts District
of downtown Las Vegas.
Another interesting fact about the Mirage, just a few hours
after it first opened its doors in November 1989, a 76 year
old retired gentleman hit the jackpot and won $4.6 million
on a $1 slot machine! When the Mirage opened, it was said
that the casino would have to make $1 million a day to pay
its way. It far exceeded that from day one!
In one of my previous articles speaking from a Show Producer's
viewpoint, I stressed the importance for magicians to perform
material that best suited them. I was reminded of this a
couple of days ago when I was invited to see a comedian
friend perform her spot at a local comedy club.
On this particular night there were three acts and an emcee,
and each of them got progressively dirtier in their material,
including my friend. Some people did laugh, but probably
more out of embarrassment than anything else. But funny
is funny, and in my opinion, this definitely was not.
Now, I have to be honest, I am full of respect and admiration
for anyone who can get up on stage at a comedy club. I know
I couldn't. Maybe I'm old school, however I'm not a prude,
but having been brought up watching and booking some fantastic
comedians, names like Bob Hope, Robin Williams, Dave Allen,
Billy Connelly, and many lesser known comedians in the Northern
Working Men's Clubs in England, a place where dozens plied
their trade, and where I learnt the business, none of them
needed to resort to this type of base material, because
they were actually funny.
I'm looking forward to meeting a number of magic friends
from around the world who will be visiting Las Vegas in
a couple of weeks for the Magic Live Convention. These include
an old friend of mine from Italy, Walter Rolfo, the organiser
and driving force behind next year's FISM in Turin. Walter
is also the man behind the annual Masters of Magic Convention,
which a few weeks ago took place in the beautiful town of
Saint Vincent close to the Alps. Walter always produces
a class event, and I'm sure that FISM will be no different.
3. Magic Shop San Diego Destroyed By Fire
Message by Gregory Wilson (US)
Hello, I am Magician Gregory Wilson.
You may have heard about the recent devastating fire at
Magic Shop San Diego, owned by my friend James Kellogg,
James has been a cornerstone of the magic community for
over 50 years, and now his family business and their future
have been devastated by this tragedy. The shop wasn't just
a retail space but also housed a magic manufacturing facility
and a printing operation for packaging used by magic creators.
I'm reaching out to our magic community in the hope that
we can come together to support them in rebuilding their
business and continuing their legacy. If you're able to
contribute, please consider visiting their GoFundMe page
and donating.
Additionally, sharing the GoFundMe https://gofund.me/3f27bade
on social media would mean a lot to me.
Thank you for your support during this difficult time.
4. August Genii Magazine
Message from Richard Kaufman - Editor Magazine (US)
Join Genii today for as little as $35 and you'll be able
to make a reservation to visit the world famous Magic Castle
in Hollywood, get 12 new issues over the course of a year,
and have access to all back issues of Genii and MAGIC magazines
at www.geniimagazine.com.
25 years has passed in a blink: August 1998
is when I called Irene Larsen and said I'd heard that Genii
was for sale. After a quarter of a century, I am retiring
as editor with the January 2025 issue, along with my wife
Elizabeth Kaufman, our most talented art director, and my
associate editor Dustin Stinett, truly my right-hand man
for many years. Creating a new issue every 30 days has been
both exhausting and rewarding, but we are most definitely
not going to miss that deadline.
Our owner since 2016, Randy Pitchford, has big plans for
Genii and its brand, but I'm not the person to share that
news. What I can tell you is that the remarkably talented
Julie Eng has completed her run as chief of Canada's Magicana
and is now in charge of all things Genii related, of which
there will be many - the magazine will be just one part.
For my job, we needed someone who has been in magic their
whole life, knows pretty much everything and everybody in
the field, can write, edit, meet deadlines, and so on. There
are not a lot of people who have the necessary experience
and expertise. I thought of one name, and one name only:
Jim Steinmeyer. We are the same age and, like me, he always
has a million and a half things on his plate. And yet, after
much discussion with both myself and Julie, he embraced
the offer and will be your executive editor for 2025 as
the new team takes shape. What a coup for you, my readers!
We have found someone I am genuinely thrilled to take my
place and who can certainly do the job as well or better
job than me.
Jim will be backed up by a team of excellent associate
editors and writers. Some will be new to you, others you
already know. Their names will be revealed in the coming
months. Some of Genii's columnists will remain, others will
depart. I am delighted to be working with Julie, Jim, and
the new team on the next iteration of Genii. Wonderful things
will happen.
On our cover this month, a magician I've greatly admired
for many years, Canada's Shawn Farqhuar. He's been a working
pro his entire life, and became FISM Grand Champion in Close-Up
Magic in 2009. He did great sets at FISM in Quebec in 2022
and is really at the peak of his powers as a performer.
Watch his Topsy Turvy Bottle routine closely next time you
have the chance - there's no gimmick. Dustin Stinett takes
Shawn down memory lane.
Once each spring since the pandemic the Tenyo Company of
Japan has been holding an annual fan meeting in Tokyo. Each
year, the most dedicated Tenyo fans attend and are treated
to lectures and interviews, plus a special gift. This year
that gift (the Japanese call it "omiyage"-oh-me-ya-gay)
is an ingenious new handling of a flexagon for the revelation
of several chosen cards. Called "Anakarakuri,"
we have a video demonstration of it in this issue embedded
in Yuki Kadoya's report on the event.
Get thee hence to New World Stages in New York City by
September 1st to see Swedish magicians Peter Brynolf and
Jonas Ljung in their 90-minute show Stalker if you can.
Carl Mercurio did, and it was so good that he decided to
write about it for Genii. Tickets here: https://stalkershow.com/tickets/.
And I'm sorry to report the death of my old friend Andy
Galloway, the sole student of the Scottish genius of magic
John Ramsay. The material in his Ramsay books really came
alive when he did it (fortunately both of Andy's videos
on Ramsay are available via streaming from International
Magic: https://www.internationalmagic.com/.../the-magic-of-john...).
Dominic Twose memorializes him.
Our columnists this month run the gamut: John Bannon, Jonathan
Friedman, Krystyn Lambert, David Regal, Jon Racherbaumer,
Jamy Ian Swiss, and of course the latest doings at The Magic
Castle, and reviews of the latest books, tricks, and videos.
5. The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
Cody Clark and Joe Devlin on the Magic Word Podcast
Last week we featured an episode with Cody Clark, a young
autistic magician who is making his way in the world as
a professional magician. He gives us lots to think about
when performing for audiences who might have members who
are higher on the spectrum. More than a magician, Cody also
performs and speaks to various special interest groups about
autism. This is an inspirational episode about which one
listener said, "This interview has more information
about the business side than any other podcast/book has
You can listen to this and other episodes wherever you
get your podcasts, but to view videos, see photos, read
the blog, listen online and more, please visit: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/843-cody-clark
This week we chat with Joe Devlin about his experience
of touring with not one, but two separate illusion tours.
He also talks about his 37 years performing on cruises,
his early work in New York City at Mostly Magic and the
Magic Townhouse. He concludes by talking about performing
his tribute to Richiardi in Criss Angel's "Amysika"
as well as his consulting work for Criss Angel.
In this week's episode we also reveal the names of the
winners of the recent contest for Richard Wiseman's new
book, "Magic Your Mind Happy." You can watch our
chat on YouTube and Spotify or listen by visiting the blog
at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/844-joe-devlin
If you enjoy listening to The Magic Word Podcast and if
you have the financial means, then please consider pledging
your support. We have recently had a number of patrons who,
for whatever personal reasons, had to cancel their pledges.
We need to make up for those losses and now would be a great
time for you become a Friend of the Magic Word. You can
donate through PayPal on our website or through Patreon
at: https://patreon.com/themagicword We sincerely appreciate
your consideration for helping us.
6. Magic & Mystery School Events
Message by Jeff McBride (US)
August 2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
2 & 9 - Fire Magic 2024 Summer Summit - Live On Zoom
with Jeff McBride & Kevin Axtell
3 - The Magic & Mystery School Experience, Session
1 - Live In Las Vegas with Jeff McBride
8 - The Magic & Mystery School Experience, Session
2 - Live In Las Vegas with Jeff McBride
September 2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
23-25 - Medicine & Magic Seminar - Live In Las Vegas
with Jeff McBride, Larry Hass and Ricardo Rosenkrantz
27-29 - Weekend of Wisdom - Live In Las Vegas with Jeff
McBride, Larry Hass, and Tobias Beckwith
October 2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
17-20 - Master Class for Mentalism 2024 Session 1- Live
In Las Vegas with Jeff McBride, Larry Hass and Ross Johnson
21-24 - Master Class for Mentalism 2024 Session 2 - Live
In Las Vegas with Jeff McBride, Larry Hass, and Ross Johnson
November 2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
8 - 10 - Magic & Meaning Conference 2024 - Live On Zoom
with Jeff McBride & Larry Hass
7. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 82
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)
It's done. A new book has just been published. In German,
but no less important because of that. But let's start from
the beginning. It was the early 1970s when I met Peter Hackhofer
(May 13, 1947 - June 26, 2022), the doctor and magician.
He lived near Cologne at the time, not far from where I
lived in Düsseldorf. In Düsseldorf, I discovered
a rather large collection of magic books at an antiquarian
bookshop. When I asked about the previous owner, I was told
that the books came from the collection of Dr. Kurt Volkmann.
What a surprise. I told Peter about it, and he was immediately
thrilled and bought the collection. That laid the foundation
for his magnificent collection.
A first part of his collection was auctioned on June 8
at Potter & Potter. In the catalogue, I found one number
particularly interesting. No. 256: Marvelli Collection.
This includes manuscripts, photos, program booklets, and
other ephemera. Years ago, Peter told me that he had an
unpublished manuscript by Fredo Marvelli in his collection
and that we wanted to publish it "someday." Unfortunately,
that never happened.
But now, after having acquired the collection, I was able
to realize this dream. Fredo Marvelli (May 4, 1903 - May
6, 1971) was one of the most significant magicians of his
time, after Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser. Later magicians like
Adrion and Punx built on his work. In 1940/41, he was invited
by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel to North Africa to keep the
soldiers entertained. His experiences and impressions are
vividly recorded in this manuscript. Additionally, there
are many unknown photos of him, some showing him in freezing
cold conditions.
Here is a glimpse of the book: https://youtu.be/5cI5LkBNmNk
See you next time,
8. Tales From the Fantastic Magic Center - #95
Message by Kent Cummins (US)
"Ride the Wild Surf" LIVE!
Last week I told you about promoting the 1964 movie, "Ride
the Wild Surf." We were going to float a girl in a
bikini on a surfboard
but not in the water. In the
air! It wasn't easy finding a surfboard in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, but we finally obtained a large, hollow, locally-crafted
board made of plywood.
And it was even harder to find, in 1964, a girl in a bikini!
But Gordie, the marketing manager of the theater, had found
a girl who agreed. The problem was that she worked at a
health club across town from the theater. And she didn't
get off work until 6:30.
We placed the surfboard on display by the box office, with
a sign saying that this surfboard would float in the air
with a girl in a bikini.
We had a full house at 7 pm, and I started performing my
magic show. I remember Linking Rings, because they could
stretch and take a long time.
Finally, I saw Gordie in the back of the theater with a
girl in a terrycloth robe. She shrugged off the robe, and
when she arrived on stage, it was the first time we had
I performed the Head Cremation with her, explaining in
stage whispers what was coming next. Finally, two "Beach
Bums" ran up the aisle with the surfboard. I hypnotized
the girl (I never knew her name) and she reclined on the
surfboard. The Beach Bums let go, and she was suspended
in the air! I passed a red Hula Hoop over her.
Box Office Magazine did a nice piece, with photo, on the
The Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and
sharing the art of magic. But I can't do it without your
help. My Patreon account is the same place as my free weekly
9. The Gift - John Carey #240
Message by John Carey (UK)
Magicians and friends around the world. A wise man once
wrote that today is a gift and they call it the present.
Well, I have a present for you all today.
Grab a deck of cards and shuffle them. They do say that
all good things come in threes, so push off three cards
and drop them face-down on the table in front of you. Now
repeat that again, dropping another three cards on top of
the first packet. Then do that once more and drop three
cards on top of the packet on the table. Discard the rest
of the deck. Shuffle that packet please.
Now further mix the cards by dealing one to your left and
another to your right. Repeat that over and over until you
run out of cards. You're doing great. Please pick up the
packet on your right and mix it and place it back on the
table. Now pick up the packet on your left and mix that
too. Take a little peek at the bottom card of that packet
and lock the thought of that card into your mind. Drop that
packet on top of the other packet and square up.
So you're thinking of a card. A card I couldn't possibly
know right? Mix the cards one last time by dealing one to
your left and one to your right. Continue doing that until
you run out of cards. Now drop the packet on the right on
top of the other packet.
I did say I had a present for you remember? I'd like you
to deal one card at a time into a packet on the table and
spell out loud the word PRESENT, one card for each letter.
Now just make a wish and turn over the last card you dealt.
You truly are amazing!
E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
Click on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
their copyright of the material submitted.
All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
Copyright 2024 Alan Watson QSM