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* Magic New Zealand®
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Issue Number: #1766
Date: Sunday 16th June 2024
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editor's Message
2. Even A Fire Can't Hold Us Back
3. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article 160
4. Paul Green On The Magic Word Podcast
5. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 79
6. Tales from The Fantastic Magic Center - #91
7. North Vancouver Magician Knows Life's Greatest Tricks
8. Abbott's 90th Birthday and 86th Get Together
9. Abbott's 86th Get Together Registration/Tickets
10. London Town - John Carey #236
11. E-zine Archives
12. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
Editor's message:
Michele and I are very sorry to hear about the serious fire
at Vanishing Inc. Magic and over the years they have done
so much for magic everywhere, the best way to support them
is to order their wonderful products. See article (2.)
If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand E-zine in
HTML format, go to:
If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New
Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. Even A Fire Can't Hold Us Back
Message by Vanishing Inc. Magic
Last night, June 6th, our warehouse in Sacramento was involved
in a serious fire. We're eternally grateful that the fire
happened in off-hours, and none of our staff was harmed.
Our warehouse was our company's headquarters for more than
a decade, and a source of great memories for us all. There
were pictures on the wall of our earliest days, our company
trip to Las Vegas, and family pictures from our fellow team
members. The warehouse sadly has burned to the ground. The
roof caved in and we're heartbroken to learn that nothing
was salvageable.
Our priority - now and always - is our staff. They are family
to us, and many have been with us since our founding. We
intend to be back to work, shipping your orders, and creating
the dazzling magic you've come to expect from us as soon
as possible.
We have always believed that our greatest strength as a
company is in our planning. We aren't actual mentalists,
but we have planned for eventualities just like the one
we woke up to this morning. As the ashes of our warehouse
are still smoldering, we've put our plan into action. We
have off-site storage, a new plan for shipping and acquisitions,
and we have a plan in place to get your orders out as fast
as we possibly can. We're also able to focus on our digital
properties: downloads, masterclass, and eBook's.
For now, we humbly ask for your understanding as our plan
of action rolls into place.
We have assured our entire team - 47 of the absolute best
humans we know of - that their jobs are safe. We told them,
this morning, that we know we will rebuild better and stronger
than ever before. You know how we know that?
It's because of you. You and customers like you are the
wellspring of this company. We've traveled with you on our
Retreats, we've celebrated with you at our conventions.
We've shared magic together through our books, tricks, and
downloads. Thanks to you, we're certain that we can be back,
stronger than before, faster than anyone expects.
Thanks to everyone for your understanding. We're hard at
work already. While we anticipate just a short delay in
shipping operations, we hope you will continue to support
our team and our business - you can continue to place orders
and they will be shipped out as soon as humanly possible.
This was a tough morning for Vanishing Inc., but already
we're feeling motivated and grateful for all of your support.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach our
customer service team, who are standing by at magic@vanishingincmagic.com
Joshua Jay and Andi Gladwin
Vanishing Inc. Cofounders
3. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article 160
Message by Paul Stone (US)
A new magic show opened in Las Vegas this week. Titled
'Legerdemain', the venue is the Grand Canal Shoppes at the
Venetian Resort. Created by Benjamin Schrader and Jonathan
Levit, it is promoted under the banner of Comedy. Cocktails.
There are shows on Friday, Saturday & Sunday nights.
It sounds intriguing, and something a little different for
Las Vegas. I believe the format is more of a Parlour style
show for around 50 people. Jonathan is an excellent performer,
and I really hope it is successful.
As one show opens, sadly another one closes. It's not a
magic show, but definitely magical! I've always had a soft
spot for the Mirage Hotel & Casino. How could I not?
It was the home of Siegfried & Roy's incredible show
for 13 years, and I stayed at the hotel on numerous occasions.
There was something special about the hotel too, the design,
the layout, the location, and of course its eye catching
erupting Volcano, which was a huge crowd pleaser.
The Beatles 'Love' Show has played at the Mirage for 18
years, but is closing next month, as the hotel is shutting
down to be completely revamped and due to open in the spring
of 2027 as a 700 foot guitar shaped Hard Rock Hotel.
Being a very proud native of Liverpool, and having grown
up there in the 'Swinging 60's', it is especially sad to
see the 'Love' Show close. Not only of course is the music
timeless, the show is spectacular, with incredible staging
effects, and the cast of dozens, is outstanding. Most of
all, it is an immensely happy show, and everyone leaves
the theatre with a smile on their faces. I will miss it!
I've been on record before saying that Vik & Fabrini
were one of my favorite magic acts, and I was delighted
to be able to book them on a few occasions. But possibly
more impressive still is the amazing artwork that Fabrini
has consistently produced for the past several years. He
is a supremely talented artist, and I absolutely love his
work. If you are not familiar with it, you should check
it out. His output is phenomenal, and his artwork now adorns
galleries, and restaurant murals across Europe. Just brilliant!
Finally this week, an observation on how maybe excessive
heat affects normal behaviour!
I was in Las Vegas this week where the temperature was 109
degrees. I decided to get out of it for a few days, and
ended up in Phoenix
where it was 112 degrees! So
I thought I'd escape the heat by going to Lifetime Fitness,
a health club, for a swim.
So, what was the first thing I did? I went into the steam
room! This 50++ thing is definitely starting to take its
4. Paul Green On The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells MIMC
This week we take a break from our last few weeks of magic
history as we visit the Magic Castle where we chat with
one of the stalwart magicians, Paul Green. Paul is a corporate
magician who has a lot of experience and great advice about
how to book shows, how to charge clients, working hospitality
suites, trade shows, and more. He is a very busy and successful
professional in the Los Angeles area who has a lot of stories
and tips to share in this week's podcast episode.
You can listen wherever you get your podcasts, but to watch
videos, see photos, read the blog, listen online and get
more information, please visit https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/838-paul-green
This week's sponsor is the I.B.M. 2024 convention in Tacoma,
Washington. If you haven't yet registered or need more information,
please visit http://ibmconvention.com
This week we congratulate Ken Schwabe and Kent Cummins,
the two winners of our contest for copies of the audiobook,
"The Magical Life of Marshall Brodien" as narrated
by Dean Bootcheck who also offered the prize. This contest
was not announced on the podcast, but was open to all who
read about it in the last two week's of podletters that
went out to subscribers. If you have not yet subscribed
to the podletter, then do it today so you don't miss out
on any future opportunities!
5. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 79
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)
Last weekend there was another severe storm in Germany.
Rain upon rain. In some areas of southern Germany, the water
was metres high in the houses. I always felt very safe here
in the north of Germany in Hamburg. Until a few days ago!
And even though my house is on a slight hill, I was blindsided
when I went into my storage room in the basement to get
something. The water was almost 1 cm high! Oh what a disaster.
Fortunately, all my "treasures" are stored in
plastic containers, but some things were still lying on
the floor. You don't always tidy up everything straight
away ... Fortunately, only minor items were damaged or completely
destroyed. But it was brutal to look at. I carried the water
out bucket by bucket. Who has ever had "similar"
Finally, something "magical". Two young German
magicians have been performing the same illusion over and
over again on Instagram for many months: they stretch a
cloth between them and make people disappear or appear behind
it. They perform this highly effective illusion in front
of shop windows, on the street and in other public places.
Both magicians are very open about the "secret".
In some cases, while the cloth is held up, you can see the
people behind it walking to the side or walking behind it
from the side.
The two magicians call themselves "Siegfried and Joy"
and have many followers in Germany and they are also very
successful. A few months ago, they were even guests on "Fool
Recently, however, there has been an increasing number
of negative voices, mainly from fellow magicians, who complain
that a very beautiful and valuable principle is being publicised
to such an extent that it can no longer be shown. I think
the critics are not entirely wrong. The principle is also
being devalued in my eyes. What a pity.
Here is a clip on YouTube about the two artists:
and here is a view of the destroyed book:
See you next time with hopefully better news.
6. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #91
Message by Kent Cummins (US)
"Transportation is a problem."
I was having dinner and drinks at a Mexican cantina in
Austin, Texas, when my friend Chris Walden (who is also
my driver and Tech Guy), said, "How are you going to
write about this?" He was talking about the fact that
we had waited nearly two hours for a wrecker to pick up
my MAGICK KIA Soul full of my entire act, which we had performed
at Fantastic Magic Camp (www.MagicCamp.com).
After we dined, we needed to call Lyft to get a ride back
to Georgetown.
It wasn't that exciting a story, really. I need a driver
because of my decreasing vision, and Chris and I do lots
of shows together. We had driven from the Fantastic Magic
Center in Georgetown to Austin, and all of a sudden heard
a horrible racket underneath the car. It was a flat tire.
My 2012 KIA Soul doesn't come with a spare tire. The Air
Dragon that I carry didn't do anything to inflate the tire.
Neither did a can of Fix-A-Flat. We had to call for Roadside
But first we had to call the Director of Fantastic Magic
Camp to come get us, with all our stuff, so that we could
do the show. Thankfully, Peter Hinrichs ("Peter the
Adequate") was able to come get us in the new Magic
Camp van.
Ultimately, my insurance company paid for both the $98
wrecker and the $30 Lyft ride. Chris and I had to miss the
Tex Mex lunch we had been planning, but we made up for it
by having supper at the cantina.
My dad was fond of saying, "Transportation is a problem."
The Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and
sharing the art of magic. But I can't do it without your
help. My Patreon account is the same place as my free weekly
7. North Vancouver Magician Knows Life's Greatest Tricks
Article forwarded by Peter Phillips (US)
Northshore News
Edgemont's Paul Romhany has received one of the magic world's
highest honour
It doesn't matter whether he's performing for one of Europe's
royal families or children in a South American orphanage.
When he miraculously makes someone's card appear, the outcome
for North Vancouver magician Paul Romhany is always the
"It's giving people the experience of wonder that
we all had once when we were kids," he says. "That's
just the pure love of magic."
Growing up in New Zealand, Romhany had two transformative
experiences at the age of eight - seeing a Charlie Chaplin
silent film, and watching a magician perform. Almost instantly,
he'd divined his life's direction.
"I always tell people, I wasted the first eight years
of my life, not knowing what I wanted to do," he jokes.
By 21, Romhany had graduated from university and was working
as a high school music teacher, but he found he was making
more money performing magic at parties than he could as
an educator, so he set out to perform internationally.
"Much to the dismay of my parents," he adds.
Over the last 35 years, he's performed in 125 different
countries, headlining cruise ships, TV shows and historic
theatre stages.
As a performer, Romhany is a master of close-up magic,
comedy and mind reading, but about half of his act is done
in character as his idol Chaplin
For the rest of the article go to:
8. Abbott's 90th Birthday and 86th Get Together
July 31 - August 3
The Abbott's Magic Company, the Colon Lions Club and the
Colon Chamber of Commerce are proud to celebrate the 86th
Annual Abbott's Magic Get-Together. The dates are July 31,
August 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2024. Once again, magicians from all
over the world will migrate to Colon, Michigan, the Magic
Capital of the World, to be a part of this family oriented
event. Tents and campers will magically pop up everywhere
to swell this tiny little village until it appears there
is no room for even one more person. Everyone scampers to
be a part of this fun convention which was named the #1
Unique Michigan Convention in the Detroit Free Press.
Magicians will be performing in the streets, restaurants
and bars. The annual craft fair will take place on Friday
and Saturday. Visit the Colon Historical Museum for a special
Magic adventure or take a cemetery tour where many famous
and not so famous magicians have chose to perform their
final act and become a permanent part of the magical history
of Colon. You also don't want to miss the 3 free magic shows
daily on the streets of Colon by some of the country's top
busking magicians.
Each of the four days ends with a world class magic and
variety show held in the air-conditioned Colon High School
Auditorium. These are not your average birthday party magicians
and each show is different, with comedy, large illusions,
variety acts, and much more.
For more information, contact the Abbott's Magic Company,
124 S. St. Joseph St., Colon, MI 49040 or at 269 - 432-3235.
Or visit us online at www.abbottmagic.com where you can
get more information on the performers and order tickets.
9. Abbott's 86th Get Together Registration/Tickets
July 31 - August 3 2024
Call 269 432 3235 and order today for best seats
10. London Town - John Carey #236
Message by John Carey (UK)
Back in the day when I lived in London, my friend Danny
and I used to get bought a few beers with the following
mental effect. Let me give you an outline of the script:
"Danny, please walk to the other end of the bar and
turn away. Peter, here's a dice I brought back from a holiday
in Las Vegas. Please roll it a few times to make sure it's
legit. Ok, now roll it one last time and we will let chance
take its course. (He rolls say a four). Ok, hold that dice
in your
closed hand with that number uppermost. Please call Danny
back over. Danny, Peter rolled a dice and is thinking of
the number he rolled. It could have landed on five, two,
four, three, six or one. Peter, please project your thoughts
to Danny. Visualize two minutes ago when you rolled a dice
and it landed on a random number. Danny, tell Peter what
number he is thinking of? Impossible!"
The method couldn't be easier. Every time we worked this
psychic stunt I always called out the rolled number third
as I stated how the dice could have landed on XYZ etc. In
our example four. That's all there is to it. The easiest
code in the world. You could train a friend in a minute
to do this anytime and anywhere. Naturally you can use cards,
images, words etc.
Let it go and be creative.
Have Fun!
11. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
Click on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
their copyright of the material submitted.
All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
Copyright 2024 Alan Watson QSM