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* Magic New Zealand®
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1761
Date: Sunday 12th May 2024
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. F.I.S.M. Latest Up Date
3. 2025 FISM - Italy
4. The Magic Word Podcast Updates
5. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #155
6. Join The Magic Circle In The England
7. The MagicWeek Video Archive
8. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 74
9. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #86
10. Aces From The Cellar - John Carey #232
11. E-zine Archives
12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand E-zine in HTML
format go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2024-Jan-to-Dec-2024/1761-May12-2024.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. F.I.S.M. Latest Up Date
Message by Joan Cesar (Canada)
can hardly contain my excitement as the European Championship
of Magic FISM (ECM) draws nearer! Saint-Vincent is buzzing
with anticipation, getting ready to host the magic event
of the year. In just a few weeks, the curtains will rise
on this extraordinary occasion.
is gearing up to host not just one, but two of the most
prestigious events in the world of magic within the next
14 months. Our organizing team has been working tirelessly
to transform this dream convention into a reality.
May 23rd to 26th, the ECM will return to the picturesque
setting at the foot of the Alps in Saint-Vincent. This charming
location has previously played host to the Masters of Magic
convention for 16 editions, and we're thrilled to welcome
everyone back. Get ready for unforgettable days in this
enchanting locale, nestled in the heart of the Aosta Valley.
It's a magical place every day of the year, but it truly
comes alive when the world's greatest magicians gather here.
now just over a month away from the grand opening, and the
organizational machine is working at full speed to ensure
that this event surpasses all expectations.
dive into the details of the packed program that will unfold
over the four Italian days, starting with the two main venues.
All the venues are conveniently located in Saint-Vincent
and easily accessible from the town center.
main venue, the Billia Congress Center, boasts a sophisticated
ambiance and cutting-edge technical equipment. Meanwhile,
the Palais in Saint-Vincent will host the Grand Gala Shows,
ceremonies and Stage Competition. Situated just a 10-minute
walk from the Billia Hotel, this impressive venue is equipped
to accommodate large audiences.
competition itself will take center stage, featuring a series
of spectacular events in the evenings. Expect thrilling
performances, DJ sessions, quizzes, and plenty of fun as
contestants vie for the top honors.
of the most exciting aspects for convention attendees is
the unprecedented dealer area. they've carefully curated
the world's best magic markets for this occasion, offering
a wide array of magical creations for exploration and interaction.
are the names of the Dealers: 808 Magic, Campus Magico,
Card Shark, Conjuring lab, Devil, Eurl Climax, FISM, Florence
Art Edizioni, Francesco Della Bona, Hakan Varol, Hide Project,
Himitsu Magic, Iarvel Magic, Illuminati Magic, Joker magic,
La Servente, Laurent Piron, LH Magic, Magic Art D.O.O.,
Magic Artist, Magic Dream, Magic Pro Ideas, Magic Shop Pro,
Magic Voitko, Magic's Express, Magicallusion, , Magie Sur
Mesure, Marchand De Trucs, Mb solutions, Mgi Company, Panda
magic, Promentalist, Select Magic, Seomagic, The Enchanted
Rabbit, Thermiconsult, Tra palco e realtà, Trust
Magic, Ultimate Fire Products, V2 Magic Shop, WeAddWow.com.
thrilled to welcome an incredible lineup of artists: Xavier
Mortimer, winner of numerous world-renowned awards, has
risen to social media fame with his video showcasing levitation
while jumping rope, garnering over 576 million views. He
currently headlines a show in Las Vegas, Luis de Matos,
Portuguese illusionist, achieved global fame for feats like
making an elephant vanish in seconds and dissolving a Ferrari.
Topas, winner at just 18 years old of the first prize for
manipulation at the World Magic Championship. His show is
a fusion of joy, storytelling, and pure magic. Luke Jermay,
one of the most famous mentalists in the world, has been
performing hard hitting, original mentalism professionally
for over 10 years.
DaOrtiz, skilled Spanish card magician at just 30 years
old, combines technical prowess with a humorous touch. Armando
Lucero, a Los Angeles-based magician with over 30 years
of experience, specialises in captivating close-up magic
with cards and coins. Laurent Piron, Belgian magician that
has performed globally, showcasing his diverse acts from
street performances in Sydney to appearances on America's
Got Talent and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Jeki Yoo,
an exceptional magician. His innovative and original magic
quickly earned international acclaim, winning awards all
around the world.
more, Francesco Fontanelli, David Stone, Miguel Angel Gea,
Raul Cremona, Paco Agrado, Francesco Della Bona, Zhu Mingzhu,
Giancarlo Scalia, Bernardo Sedlacek, Ding Yang, Raffaello
Corti, Zhang Wenju and Wang Meiqui.
excitement doesn't stop there! The congress will kick off
not only on Thursday but also on Wednesday, May 22nd, with
"Dealer & Beer" - a fantastic opportunity
to discover the latest offerings from select magic fairs
and connect with fellow attendees.
a half-day extra, the dealer room opens at 5 p.m., followed
by a welcome party in the evening with free beer for all.
can't wait to experience the magic with you all at the European
Championship of Magic FISM 2024!
3. 2025 FISM - Italy
most important magic competition in the world.
150 competitors.
* More than 3,000 magicians present from more than 50 countries.
* 100 handpicked merchants
* 6 days of unforgettable magic
* 1 banquet
* Exchanges between magicians (jam sessions)
* And more
4. The Magic Word Podcast Updates
Message by Scott Wells MIMC
have been absent from this eZine for more than a month due
to recent international travels; however, I schedule podcast
episodes that continued and were posted during my absence.
I hope that you have been keeping up with each episode,
but if not, here is a little of what you may have missed.
National President of the S.A.M., Mark Weidhaas, talked
about the lucrative field of portraying Santa Claus. https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/825-mark-weidhaas
Past National President of the S.A.M., Mike Miller, has
produced multiple tours of China for troupes of magicians,
plus he has procured talent for many magic conventions over
the year. He will be receiving a Special Fellowship from
the Academy of Magical Arts (the Magic Castle) for his efforts.
Australia, we chatted with Raymond Crowe following our brief
conversation at Blackpool this past year. He discussed his
career and stories about some of his performances with the
Illusionists and for the Queen of England. https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/827-raymond-crowe
then attended the 4F convention in Buffalo, New York, where
we filed three convention reports.
week we enjoy a scotch and a chat with Naathan Phan who
talks about some his experiences on TV, cruise ships, road
tours, film, and more. Great advice, tips, and stories from
a real pro. https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/831-naathan-phan
are also running a contest for Psi-Roller, by Michael Breggar.
You can enter by filling out the form on the blog for Naathan
Phan. Please follow and subscribe to the Magic Word Podcast
so you don't miss another episode. As a sneak peak of what's
to come, next week we will share our conversation with Eric
DeCamps then we're off to Los Angeles for the Magic Collectors
5. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #155
Message by Paul Stone (US)
week I went to the Magic Castle in Hollywood to see the
show in the Palace of Mystery. The line-up certainly looked
intriguing, Mike Caveney hosting, and featuring Guy Hollingworth
and John Gaughan.
anyone who knows me will confirm, I've always found it difficult
to accept mediocre performers, and sadly I've seen many
magic acts that fall into that category.
as I get older, I find myself even less tolerant to magic
presented poorly. Happily, on this occasion, this was definitely
not the case. The show was outstanding, and top drawer from
start to finish.
Caveney was the perfect emcee for this show. He was relaxed,
professional, and funny, and his trademark coffee cup juggling
routine was as strong (seemed an appropriate adjective for
coffee!) as ever.
also set the scene perfectly for both Guy and John whose
performances took us back to the Victorian era.
is a brilliant magician, and a very elegant performer, always
immaculately dressed. In this cameo appearance, he cleverly
recreated the character of a Victorian British Conjurer,
manipulating cards expertly. Guy is a class act.
these days do we get the opportunity of seeing the legend
that is John Gaughan on stage. John is of course arguably
the greatest builder of magic illusions of all time, and
an unrivalled restorer of automata.
were treated to an extraordinary performance by Antonio
Diavolo, who had been lovingly and painstakingly rebuilt
over a five year period by John. It was incredible, and
actually quite emotional. To think that Antonio dates back
150 years is truly amazing!
to cap off his appearance, John performed one Victorian
illusion, titled "Good Bye Winter". A very clean
and effective vanish of a female assistant with her reappearing
from the back of the audience.
was a terrific show, and one of the best I've seen at the
Magic Castle.
week is quite a landmark week for me. Not only do I turn
50++, but it is also 50 years since I became a Show Producer.
I'm putting on a small event in Las Vegas for a few close
friends, some of whom are travelling in from Europe to be
yes, of course I'm producing a show too. It's only a short
Cabaret Show, but with a stellar cast, no mediocre acts
here! The performers are all great friends, from England
Tim & Jake Smithies - better known as 'Dead Man's Uke',
the Unforgettable Mat O'Neill, the Hilarious Jeff Hobson,
and the juggling legend that is Kris Kremo, all the way
from Switzerland. It should be quite a night!
6. Join The Magic Circle In The England
You Ready To Join The Magic Circle in the England?
being able to call yourself a member of The Magic Circle,
world's premier magic society, is enough for many but there
are lots of
tangible benefits - our exclusive lectures, our magazine,
our online
events and more.
more information go to: https://themagiccircle.co.uk/join/
7. The MagicWeek Video Archive
magic, magicians and illusionists as seen on terrestrial
British television during the past 45 years. These recordings
are all
from my personal magic collection, made at the time of transmission.
every Saturday by MagicWeek. See https://www.magicweek.co.uk
8. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 74
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)
a week! It began with the "Long Night of Museums".
53 museums in Hamburg took part in this event. Admission
cost a flat rate of 17.50 euros for everyone and you could
visit any museum - if you had time and patience. There were
long queues in front of many museums. In my museum, Bellachini,
there were almost 600 visitors who came to see the exhibition
between 6 pm and 1 am. It was gigantic.
a rest day, I picked up Belinda Sinclair from the airport.
She was the star guest in the show, which took place on
May 1 at the Theater Sprechwerk. Here, too, there were long
queues outside the theater, as it was fully booked. Together
with her colleagues Alana and Michelle Spillner and Stefan
Alexander Rautenberg, it was a wonderful evening and a great
prelude to the upcoming exhibition opening for "Magic
in Women's Hands".
until then, Belinda Sinclair performed on three evenings
in the museum and in my magic salon. Belinda's performances
were great. She knows so much about the history of magic
and especially about women in magic. She incorporates many
details into her performance and the audience thanked her
with lots of hearty applause. I have rarely experienced
such a wonderful magician as Belinda Sinclair and I am very
happy that I was able to invite her from the USA.
May 5, the exhibition "Magic in Women's Hands"
finally opened at the Bellachini Museum. I don't think there
has ever been a similar exhibition before. Many people congratulated
me and were very pleased with the many exhibits. When you
see the exhibition, you inevitably ask yourself: Why have
women often received so little attention in the art of magic?
The large accompanying volume is also a testament to the
art of magic in women's hands. The large book comprises
248 pages with over 250 illustrations.
can see a few pictures of the long night and the exhibition
in the video.
will publish a detailed report with lots of photos in my
magazine "Magische Welt". If you like, you can
get an issue with a text in English from me. Just send an
email to: abc@magische-welt.com.
you next time
9. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #86
Message by Kent Cummins (US)
(Part 2)
week I introduced the "What Could Go Wrong Game,"
and suggested some outrageous things that might go wrong
during your show. All of those things have happened to me!
And I was just getting started. It is absolutely amazing
how many things might go wrong before, during, and after
a show. You might slice your finger while demonstrating
the sharpness of the razor blades before putting them into
your mouth. (I did that at a show in Junior High School.)
heard that David Copperfield once cut himself while performing
the Cut and Restored Rope Trick. I once did that, too! You
might seriously injure a spectator while performing "the
Kitchen Magician" (Abbott's Disecto). I did that during
a presentation for Air Force Club Managers.
Ray Anderson, the highly-respected star of Esther's Follies
in Austin, Texas, once stood at the front of the stage to
perform his carefully-choreographed robot opening bit
the music for another magician played.
once started a favorite magic routine and realized that
I didn't have all the props.
What do we do when something completely unexpected takes
us way off our script?
That is where the "What Could Go Wrong Game" comes
in. Think about anything that might go wrong in your show
(or even before and after the show), and decide what you
will do if it happens.
it won't be what you were trying to present, but it will
be better than trying to ad lib. You can proceed with confidence,
and the audience will recognize that you are not in panic
Next week, I will tell you about Prof. Cheer's Comedy Rope
Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing
the art of magic. But I can't do it without your help.
Patreon account is the same place as my free weekly podcast:
10. Aces From The Cellar - John Carey #232
Message by John Carey (UK)
a solid production effect that I put together to give myself
a good practice vehicle for a bottom deal. Secretly cull
or pre-set the Aces to the bottom of the deck. Execute a
riffle shuffle retaining your slug of Aces on the bottom.
we will play a little card game involving numbers you guys
will think of. George, call out a number between one and
ten?" Let's say he says four. Deal three cards face-up
into a packet on the table and then bottom deal an Ace face-down
away from this packet. Lose the other dealt cards into the
middle of the deck.
now your turn. Call out a number too please?" We shall
say that he says seven. Just as previously, deal six cards
face-up into a packet and then bottom deal an Ace face-down
on top of the other face-down Ace. "Drew, your turn
now. Call out a number?" Let's say he says eight. Deal
seven face-up cards into a packet and bottom deal an Ace
face-down on eight and place it on top of the other two
face-down Aces.
combine your numbers to arrive at one more card." In
our example the total will be 19. Comment on how they truly
had free choices of numbers. Deal 18 cards face-up and then
bottom deal the remaining Ace face-down on top of the other
previously dealt face-down cards.
going to have each of you mix that packet and take a card
out blind and place it in front of you until there's only
one card left which I will get." Let them each do this
until you each have a card in front of you. " The highest
card is the winner. On the count of three we all turn our
cards over. Oh my word. It's a tie!!!"
Aces are revealed and everyone laughs, gets drunk and goes
home happy! Credit to Bill Malone for the 'it's a tie' gambit.
E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
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E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
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Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
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Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
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Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
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the above disclaimer.
© Copyright 2024 Alan Watson QSM