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* Magic New Zealand®
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Issue Number: #1759
Date: Sunday 28th April 2024
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. May Issue Genii Magazine
3. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #153
4. The Magic Word Podcast - Raymond Crowe
5. The 2024 Melbourne Magic Festival Is Now On Sale!
6. This Week In www.magicweek.co.uk
7. The MagicWeek Video Archive
8. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 72
9. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #84
10. Mentalist V Magician - John Carey #230
11. E-zine Archives
12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand E-zine in HTML
format go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2024-Jan-to-Dec-2024/1759-Apr28-2024.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. May Issue Genii Magazine
Message by Richard Kaufman - Editor Genii Magazine
latest issue! Join us for as little as $35 a year at www.geniimagazine.com.
Magazine May with Paul Vigil on the cover. One of the best
investments you can make if you are a magician is to be
subscribed to this magazine, plus the price is very affordable.
3. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #153
Message by Paul Stone (US)
have been asked to lecture later this year at a magic convention
organised by my good friend Charles Bach. Charles has successfully
built his own show, 'Charles Bach Wonders Magic & Illusion
Show' at a theatre in Myrtle Beach.
actually be presenting two lectures, one on that unforgettable
British performer, and magic dealer, Ken Brooke, and the
other titled 'Beyond Belief' about the incredible life and
careers of Las Vegas Superstars, Siegfried & Roy.
have also been asked to emcee the Close-Up Show, which is
fine, and to perform a few tricks in that show. Sounds simple,
wrong! And I'll tell you why.
an early age I was taught, and in Ken Brooke's case, harangued
(big word - look it up!), to entertain and never to try
to fool magicians. Fortunately, Ken wasn't around to see
Penn & Teller's 'FOOL US' TV Show, It would have been
very interesting to hear his thoughts. I for one, certainly
won't ever forget it, it's still something of a sore point
with me as my close friends in magic will attest to!
was very fortunate to have Ken as a mentor, and also Bud
Dietrich who introduced me to Tradeshows. The magic I perform
is strong, let's face it, it had to be to withstand literally
hundreds of shows at a Tradeshow booth, but it is geared
entirely towards a lay audience.
Close-Up / Parlour style is heavily self-deprecating (another
big word!) and includes lots of comedy lines. The effects
I feature are the Chop Cup, Card in Wallet, Memorised Deck,
and my version of the Invisible Deck, none of which would
excite a magic convention audience.
course, there are a few incredible magicians who can, and
do, fool both the public and magicians too, and more power
to their elbows, but I am not one of them. And I have no
desire to do so either. Magic for me has always been a wonderful
way to open doors to much larger opportunities, mainly in
my case, in the corporate world.
master of this was Karrell Fox, who for many years was one
of the most successful and commercially aware magicians
working. And his books contain so much great material employing
the simplest methods possible, allowing him to concentrate
on the most important aspect, the presentation.
of his effects which he called 'Let's cut out all of the
phoney baloney and do something normal and natural for a
change prediction' is a classic case in point! Brilliant
commercial thinking at its very best. I recommend you check
it out!
coincidence, I did actually perform table magic last weekend
at a company Awards event produced by another close friend
of mine, Diana Zimmerman. Incidentally Diana is celebrating
a special Birthday this week - Happy Birthday Diana!
mention it because not only was it a rare occurrence for
me these days as I am now concentrating on my career as
a speaker but, wearing my own show producer's hat, I witnessed
what I can only describe as a complete lack of professionalism
(third big word!) shown by two caricaturists who had also
been booked for the event, which so happened to be on a
Dinner cruise in Newport Beach.
cut a long story short, the caricaturists were booked to
work for two hours, but because as often happens, the awards
overran a little, they were only required to work for an
hour, so it was a very easy and well paid gig for them.
And Dinner was also provided for them.
nevertheless (fourth big word!), as soon as the ship docked,
they were off like a flash, without so much as a thank you
or goodbye to the client! In my book, that's a cardinal
sin. It is bad manners, pure and simple, and is totally
inexcusable. It was an object lesson to any magician.
the show is only half the story, It goes without saying
that you have to be good at what you do, but you also need
to be as professional off stage as you are on it. The way
you present yourself and interact with a client is so important,
and is often how you get re-booked.
4. The Magic Word Podcast - Raymond Crowe
Message by Scott Wells (US)
Adelaide, Australia, Raymond Crowe bills himself as the
"Unusualist." An apt title, indeed, as his act
is hard to describe and one of a kind. More than a magician
and mime, he is a shadow artist as well. His on-stage character
can be seen and "felt" by audiences regardless
of the size of the theater. He can emote feelings and emotions
with a mere gesture, tilt of his head, or movement of his
eyes, plus his magic is original and amazing.
has performed around the world including a command performance
for the Queen of England! He toured with The Illusionists
as they traveled around the world from the Sydney Opera
House to Broadway in New York City. He has had appearances
on David Letterman's Late Show, Australia's Got Talent and
even on America's Got Talent. He has competed at FISM and
lectured/performed at MAGIC Live! and Blackpool.
5. The 2024 Melbourne Magic Festival Is Now On Sale!
Message by Tim Ellis (Australia)
almost 50 magicians including special guest Hector Mancha
(Spain), Gabriel Gascon (Chile), Dom Chambers (America's
Got Talent), Lawrence Leung (star of ABC TV), and FISM Grand
Prix Champion Simon Coronel, we have two jam packed weeks
of incredible shows.
if you book before May 8 and use the discount code word
AMAZING, you get 20% off all tickets !
6. This Week In www.magicweek.co.uk
Message published in Facebook by Duncan Trillo (UK)
Merlin Piper is The Magic Circle Young Magician of the Year
Wizards Weekend Magic Convention"
Got Talent returns"
Merlin Piper has just been added to The Magic Circle Convention
J Fitch and Lee Hathaway on Talk Magic"
Forrest Lecture"
Peterhead to Hollywood - how a north-east magician became
Netflix star"
more... www.magicweek.co.uk
7. The MagicWeek Video Archive
magic, magicians and illusionists as seen on terrestrial
British television during the past 45 years. These recordings
are all from my personal magic collection, made at the time
of transmission.
every Saturday by MagicWeek. See https://www.magicweek.co.uk
8. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 72
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)
coming week is full of magical events in Hamburg. On April
27, the popular "Long Night of Museums" will take
place here. You can visit 53 museums for a single and fairly
low entrance fee. Each museum is open from 6 pm until 1
am. I have asked two magician friends to help me look after
the guests, as I can only receive about 30 people at a time
in the rooms. There are also various program items on offer.
One of the guests of honor is Joannis von dem Borne, who
will talk about the magic philosopher Alexander Adrion and,
of course, perform magic. Joannis was a student of Adrion.
He grew up together with Alexander Adrion's children and
learned a lot from their father.
will then have about 3 days to dismantle the Adrion exhibition
and set up the new one: Magic in Women's Hands. I've already
framed around 20 posters for it. But there's still a lot
to be done.
Belinda Sinclair (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JshfxsYjhE&t=48s)
lands in Hamburg on April 29. I have already been able to
arrange an interview for her with Hamburg's biggest daily
May 1, there will be a big event in a theater in Hamburg
with three more magicians
Spillner (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BREnFE6i0yw&t=95s)
Alana (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARYNtMECkB0).
program will be hosted by Stefan Alexander Rautenberg
next day we will continue with performances by Belinda in
my magic salon. Three evenings. Finally, the opening of
the exhibition is on May 5. So a full week.
I met Belinda in London in 2005 at the centenary celebrations.
She made a great impression on me as a person and as an
artist and I'm looking forward to this reunion.
will also be showing some other women in the video at the
museum. You can see an excerpt here:
all for today.
9. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #84
Message by Kent Cummins (US)
Magic of Austin - Part 2
Texas Association of Magicians (TAOM) began in 1944 as a
Labor Day picnic hosted by Herman Yerger in Austin, and
Austin still hosts the TAOM Convention every five years
or so.
Austin has active chapters of the International Brotherhood
of Magicians (Ring 60), the Society of American Magicians
(Assembly 206), the Fellowship of Christian Magicians, and
the university of Texas Magic Club.
Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas holds one
of the most important collections of memorabilia from the
Golden Age of Magic, including an incredible quantity of
unique Houdini items.
was home to Richard Garriott when he performed magic in
space and sent us postcards from the International Space
was the long-time home of Ramon Galindo, known throughout
the world as "The Birdman of Austin."
was also the long-time home of Fred Scott Donaldson; "The
Great Scott and Judy," dominated the magic scene in
Texas for decades, and will be featured in this year's "The
Yankee Magic Collector" magazine.
was the home of Ron Cartlidge, who wrote "Houdini's
Texas Tours"
was the birthplace of T. Myers Magic, the world's largest
purveyor of books, videos, and props for balloon twisters,
magicians and clowns.
Austin is home to Nick Lewin, Ray Anderson, Cody Fisher,
CJ Johnson, Brian Brushwood, Brad Henderson, Steve Farmer
("The Blue Saint"), Bertil Fredstrom ("Black
Bert") "Magical Mystical Michael" Kaufman,
Dylan Love, Trixie Bond, "Peter the Adequate"
Hinrichs, Bobby Cordell, Adam Dunraven, Lou Hornung, "The
Amazing Robert" Castillo, John Maverick, Saul Ravencraft
"The Fantastic Kent Cummins!"
Texas, is the Live Music AND MAGIC Capital of the World!
Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing
the art of magic. But I can't do it without your help. My
Patreon account is the same place as my free weekly podcast:
10. Mentalist V Magician - John Carey #230
Message by John Carey (UK)
'Which Hand?' plot popularized by Derren Brown is extremely
popular with both Mentalists and Magicians. Here's my entry
to this plot which combines a 100% certain 'Which Hand'
phase with a magical transformation.
out a deck of cards and a Sharpie. Contrive to get a number
card to the top of the deck after a spectator shuffle and
peek it secretly. Let's say it's the Seven of Diamonds.
Of course you can simply pre-set this if you wish. "Today
I would like to show you two tricks. Firstly please take
a card and sign it as I look away."
the Seven of Diamonds on your participant. After they've
signed it, turn back around and have it returned and secretly
control it to the top. I use a shift/pass. Execute a double
turnover showing an x card. Turn the double down and take
the top card (selection) into the right hand as you discard
the deck. Fold it face-down into quarters and hand it to
your helper so that they take it into their left hand.
of all we will attempt something my Uncle George showed
me. Please close both of your hands and put them behind
your back. Now the card you selected had a value or number
right? I'd like you to swap the folded card you are holding
back and forth between your hands that
number of times please. So if you're thinking three you
would switch it three times. I will look away as you do
that." As you've forced a seven spot on them earlier
the folded card will end up in their right hand.
back to face your spectator and ask them to bring both fists
out in front of them. Then go into Mr Psychic mode and eventually
ask them to open their right hand, successfully revealing
the folded card. Pause a beat and then remind your audience
that you did say you'd perform two tricks. Make a magical
gesture over the folded card they are holding and then request
that they unfold it, revealing a most surprising transformation!
11. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
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E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
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All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
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not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
Copyright 2024 Alan Watson QSM