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* Magic New Zealand®
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1756
Date: Sunday 7th April 2024
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. Vanish Magazine April 2024
3. 2025 FISM - Italy
4. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #150
5. Magic & Mystery School Events
6. I.B.M. Annual Convention - Tacoma
7. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 69
8. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #81
9. Copper Silver WTF?! - John Carey #227
10. Peekaboo - John Carey #228
11. E-zine Archives
12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand E-zine in HTML
format go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2024-Jan-to-Dec-2024/1756-Apr07-2024.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. Vanish Magazine April 2024
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor Vanish Magazine
issue features Mind2Mind duo that transcends the traditional
boundaries of the craft of mentalism. A VANISH exclusive
Boyd gets an exclusive interview with Meadow who is bursting
magic's bubble.
Lewin's latest release gets Product Highlight - the best
finale for The Linking Finger Rings.
you need to know about this convention coming in May 2024
Lewin tackles current issues in magic that everyone needs
to read.
also feature the artistic work of Kyla Moffatt - An artist
who creates truly magical art with magicians as her subjects.
review a hit at Blackpool - Gustavo Raley - Blackpool sensation
gets a Product Highlight.
Exposure - Jake Strong writes about exposure and magic.
routine using your cell phone by Michel Huot.
card routine by Louie Foxx
Revelations by Stephane Lacroix
Secrets to a good promotional video - Cris Johnson shares
tips on making a promotional video that will work
Rules for Magicians
of the latest products.
and more
3. 2025 FISM - Italy
most important magic competition in the world
150 competitors.
* More than 3000 magicians present from more than 50 countries.
* 100 handpicked merchants
* 6 days of unforgettable magic
* 1 banquet
* Exchanges between magicians (jam sessions)
* And more
4. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #150
Message by Paul Stone (US)
on from my article last week, I've been thinking about other
great magicians of the fairly recent past whose names we
rarely hear about any more.
magicians almost certainly know of 'The Professor' Dai Vernon,
and to a lesser degree maybe Tony Slydini, but other stellar
performers like the legendary 'Caesar's' magician, Jimmy
Grippo, king of the 'hospitality suites' and Showboat Casino,
Johnny Paul, the genius with invisible thread, Finn Jon,
Jay Marshall & 'Lefty' are just a few more who come
to mind.
then there was Bob Read. Bob wasn't a full time pro, although
he undoubtedly could have been if he had so desired. From
England, Bob was an executive in the wool trade, and travelled
all over the world. He was also one of the foremost experts
on the 'Cups & Balls'. But mostly, he was one of the
funniest, skillful and entertaining magicians on the planet.
If you get a chance to check him out on YouTube, I highly
recommend you do so.
course there were also other personalities from the world
of magic who were instrumental in elevating our art. Foremost
among those was John Fisher, and in my opinion, magic owes
him a huge debt of gratitude.
became Head of Variety for Thames TV in England, and also
worked for the BBC. For several years he produced the hugely
successful, prime time 'Paul Daniels Show', and also the
'Michael Parkinson Show'. (Parkinson was THE late night
chat show host, watched by millions.)
produced the 'Best of Magic', probably the greatest and
highest quality series of magic shows ever produced for
TV. Assisted in the director's box by the vastly experienced
Charlie Reynolds, another name who did so much to promote
magic, the line-up of talent was literally the 'who's who'
of magic, and included everyone from Channing Pollock and
Lance Burton to Princess Tenko.
was fortunate to be asked by John to be the 'Magic Consultant'
on this show, and it was an unforgettable experience. To
be honest with John and Charlie at the helm, my role was
less of a creative one, and more of a liaison with the various
artists, which suited me down to the ground!
mentioned earlier the 'Michael Parkinson Show'. This was
another prime time TV Show that featured on a daily basis
the most famous showbusiness celebrities, sports stars and
world leaders, but because of John Fisher's significant
position as Head of Variety, he was able to convince the
powers that be to produce a 'Parkinson Christmas Magic Special'.
again I was invited to be a part of the show, which starred
Fred Kaps, Ricky Jay and Richiardi Jnr. And what an incredible
show it was, with a viewing audience in the multi millions.
I spent most of the week prior to the show escorting Ricky
Jay to numerous butterfly sanctuaries! That's a story for
another day, but let's just say it was character building!
a final note about John Fisher. He is also a wonderful author,
and his books on a variety of showbusiness stars and celebrity
magicians are superb, and beautifully produced.
in the 1980's, I was the European Advisor for the 'Desert
Magic Seminar' in Las Vegas. The Social Director was 'Princess'
Irene Larsen, and the Board of Directors included Jay Marshall,
Roger Krause and Roger Crabtree.
Crabtree, a six foot plus Texan, whose day job was as a
pilot for American Airlines, became a good friend and we
spent some good times together both in England, and at his
home in Dallas Fort Worth. Roger was an excellent magician
and became IBM President.
of the 'Desert Magic Seminar' reminds me of a memorable
(for me at least) evening at the convention headquarters,
the Frontier Hotel & Casino. A few weeks before the
convention I was asked to MC the main Gala Show, and I felt
that I needed to do something different.
I decided to learn to play the bagpipes in six weeks! Yes,
the bagpipes!! And although many people suffered and some
are probably still recovering from the intense and life
changing effects of my rehearsals, I did manage to perform
'Scotland the Brave' on stage in the Gala Show. The front
row of the audience that night included Siegfried &
Roy, Richard Ross, Johnny Paul, Bill & Irene Larsen,
Lance Burton, Dai Vernon, and Tony Slydini. No pressure
there then!
only that, I was dressed in the full Royal Stuart costume,
complete with kilt (Question: is anything worn under the
kilt? - Answer: No, everything is in perfect working order!).
It was actually on St Patrick's Day, and I ended up walking
through the Frontier Hotel & Casino playing 'Amazing
Grace' on my bagpipes like the pied piper with around 70
people marching behind me! This could only happen in Las
can vividly remember Philippe Fialho (a really kind and
influential French magician) and the great Tom Mullica,
looking on in astonishment! And I have the photos to prove
it! Such wonderful memories!
5. Magic & Mystery School Events
Message by Jeff McBride (US)
2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
- Master Stage Hypnosis - Live In Las Vegas with Kevin Lepine
(4 students only)
- Solo Show Boot Camp - Live In Chicago with Jeff McBride,
Dr. Larry Hass, and Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz
- Festival of Magic - Live In Chicago with Jeff McBride,
Dr. Larry Hass, Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz, and special guests.
Day passes available
2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
- Secrets of Award-Winning Magic - Live On Zoom with Jeff
2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
& 9 - Fire Magic 2024 Summer Summit - Live On Zoom with
Jeff McBride & Kevin Axtell
- The Magic & Mystery School Experience, Session 1 -
Live In Las Vegas with Jeff McBride
- The Magic & Mystery School Experience, Session 2 -
Live In Las Vegas with Jeff McBride
2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
- Medicine & Magic Seminar - Live In Las Vegas with
Jeff McBride, Larry Hass and Ricardo Rosenkrantz
- Weekend of Wisdom - Live In Las Vegas with Jeff McBride,
Larry Hass, and Tobias Beckwith
2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
- Master Class for Mentalism 2024 Session 1- Live In Las
Vegas with Jeff McBride, Larry Hass and Ross Johnson
- Master Class for Mentalism 2024 Session 2 - Live In Las
Vegas with Jeff McBride, Larry Hass, and Ross Johnson
2024 - Magic & Mystery School Events
- 10 - Magic & Meaning Conference 2024 - Live On Zoom
with Jeff McBride & Larry Hass
6. I.B.M. Annual Convention - Tacoma
look forward to seeing you in Tacoma July 10-13, 2024
here to register:
7. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 69
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)
Wooden posts
Friend Roy Gardner (Reinhard Haase) passed away
29, 1952 - April 2, 2024
1976, Reinhard and I went to the FISM World Congress in
Vienna. We just wanted to have fun. We came up with a joint
act that was basically just to amuse ourselves with the
many magicians who were performing the zig-zag illusion
at that time. At that time, it was the "egg bag"
of all amateurs - in other words, many people thought that
if I performed this (simple) illusion, I was SOMEONE. Three
years earlier, Reinhard had won first prize in the comedy
category at a local "Magic up to date" congress.
We extended this act with the figure of the butler, who
performs magic in the places where the magician should actually
perform the miracles. In other words, when Reinhard threw
a silk into the air, the magic wand did not appear on him,
but on the butler.
for magicians. The final act was "our" zig-zag
illusion, in which the middle section was pulled out completely,
causing the top section to crash on to the bottom section.
The entire cabinet then rotated 180 degrees and you could
see a toilet door at the back. It opened, a flush was heard
and the butler left ... Reinhard (Roy) played the arrogant
magician, elegant and full of pride.
I said, we just wanted to have fun ... and that's what we
got ... with the 1st prize in Vienna. After that we were
booked for many more congresses and "real" galas.
The most remarkable experience came three years later, when
Klingsor hired us for the FISM congress in Brussels.
Reinhard later told me that this was his best performance
ever: When the zig-zag illusion was rolled onto the stage,
we received scene applause - just like a singing star receives
applause when he sings his big hit again ... This was the
best experience for Reinhard, apart from a performance at
the Olympia in Paris.
there was also the most tragic and amusing experience: We
were booked in Groningen (NL). A magic convention. Around
300 kilometers from Düsseldorf (Reinhard's home). Shortly
before the highway exit in Holland, Reinhard suddenly said:
"Wittus - the wooden posts!" The posts were the
supporting frame of the zig-zag, on which the upper part
slid onto the lower part. No posts, no zig-zag! Without
a word, we turned around and drove back. Luckily we still
had time. We NEVER wanted to forget the wooden posts again!
later: we were booked for a German TV show in Cologne. Shortly
before the Cologne studio: Where are the posts? This time
we didn't have time for a return trip. But luckily the TV
studio had a workshop where we got two new posts ... And
there were so many other wonderful, funny things that happened
with Reinhard. He was an extremely creative person who brought
new ideas to almost every performance. He so often inspired
me to do things that I wouldn't have thought of without
show that there is something in the (drawer-) box that you
take out before you make something appear in it." A
small but ingenious idea. In his solo act, he made a giant
card disappear - it had the same pattern on the back as
his suit (in the 1970s!!) Reinhard gave Terry Herbert (English
comedy magician) the idea of shuffling a deck of cards ...
but first a rubber band had to be taken off ...
recent years, Reinhard performed successfully with our friend
Wolfgang Kaps. It was also Wolfgang who kept visiting Reinhard
and looking after him until his untimely death. I have now
received this sad message from Wolfgang ... Farewell, dear
"old" friend ...
have attached two links to YouTube here: One shows our comedy
zig-zag act, which has now been viewed over 67,000 times.
The second link leads to Roy Gardner's act with Wolfgang.
Check it out, it's full of original and unique ideas. I
look forward to any feedback under the films.
Roy Gardner with butler Wittus
Well-known FISM price number, already seen 67,000 times
Floating chair with Wolfgang Kaps
8. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #81
Message by Kent Cummins, Director (US)
By the Numbers
is my 81st weekly column for this publication, as well as
my 81st year on the planet. This year also happens to be
my 75th year as a magician, since I started in 1949. But
I have only been a "full-time professional magician"
for 38 years. So far.
do numbers matter?
you love mathematics, you know that our number system is
infused with a magic of its own. Numbers have some amazing
properties, and these properties are used in many of our
popular card tricks.
also do tricks with numbers by themselves, such as the 1089
Trick. (If you don't happen to be familiar with this piece
of math magic, drop me an email and we can start a conversation.)
My friend Dan Page, who performs as "Cranius Astounding,"
performs an amazing Book Test using the 1089 principle.
decided to perform a number trick using Meir Yedid's "Perfect."
It is a very clever trick using nine cards, each with a
single digit number on them. These are shuffled and distributed,
apparently at random, and audience members choose what numbers
to use to create a column of numbers.
magician then shows that he or she predicted that number.
Just for the fun of it, I decided to use "1089"as
the final prediction when performing it for the Austin magic
The first time I tried it, the Ring Treasurer didn't know
how to add up a column of numbers! The second time, I made
a mistake handing out the cards. But "third time's
a charm,", and I managed to make it work perfectly
at a recent meeting.
Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing
the art of magic. But I can't do it without your help. My
Patreon account is the same place as my free weekly podcast:
9. Copper Silver WTF?! - John Carey #227
Message by John Carey (UK)
routine was designed with strolling work in mind, where
there's no tables and the action must be either in your
hands or your spectators hands. You will require a copper
silver double faced coin and four half-dollar sized Chinese
style coins. Pop the copper silver coin inside
your right jacket pocket and finger-palm the Chinese coins
in your left hand as a neat stack.
classic mystery using two different coins. A copper old
penny and a silver half dollar. Copper in my left hand and
silver in my right. Watch this! Now the silver is in my
left hand and the copper is in my right. I will put the
copper coin away. But watch, look and listen as it teleports
over to join the copper coin. By the way, do you know where
magic comes from? It comes from CHINA!!!"
there's my simple script. Let's discuss the technical aspects
of the piece, which are not at all difficult. The right
hand enters the pocket and brings out the coin, displaying
it at the base of the fingers. If it's showing copper you
call out that colour or vice versa - silver. Execute a simple
fake transfer into the left hand, actually finger-palming
the coin. The right hand goes to the pocket and brings the
coin out with the silver side showing in our example.
the right hand around the coin, secretly flipping it over.
Make a magical gesture with both closed fists and then open
the right hand to reveal a change into copper. The left
hand partially opens and pretends to hold a coin at the
fingertips as you say "now the silver is here."
This is a Slydini idea and is all about acting and attitude.
Close the left hand and put the Copper/Silver coin away
in the pocket.
state you will attempt to make the copper coin teleport
to the left hand to join the silver coin. Pantomime extracting
the coin through the fabric of your jacket and tossing it
into the air. The eyes follow the flight and look down to
the left hand, which gently shakes the stack of coins you've
held out the whole time. This gets a nice response. A moment
later ask a spectator where do they think magic comes from?
Let them reply and then open the left hand to reveal four
Chinese coins, which gets a great response! Pop those coins
away in your left pocket ready for the next group. Simple,
practical and magical...
10. Peekaboo - John Carey #228
Message by John Carey (UK)
the mentalism world need another business card peek?
it does not! But that won't stop creative people working
on them. Peekaboo is very simple and deceptive. You will
require three double blank business cards, a marker and
a number 16 sized rubber band that you place around your
left wrist.
out the cards and a pen. Hand one to a participant and ask
them to think of the name of somebody special in their life.
Hand them the marker and look away as you ask them to print
that person's name in big letters on the card. Then request
that they turn the card writing side down and place it on
the table. "Using these other two cards let's place
a barrier between you and me and your thought."
one of the cards and hold from above in the palm-down right
hand. Bring that hand down to the tabled card and set the
card it holds on top, side jogged slightly to the left.
This will be hidden by the back of the right hand. Raise
the right hand upwards and apparently place the remaining
card you hold in the left hand underneath the two cards.
Actually though you secretly put it under the top side jogged
card and square up. The card with their thought on is now
secretly on the bottom of the packet.
the packet up to your left fingertips held like a Charlier
cut grip. "Let's place a restraining device around
these cards." Look at your left wrist where the rubber
band is and with the right hand come over and pull the rubber
band off the wrist and straight over the cards, wrapping
around twice. As you pull the band off and that is the focal
point, tilt your left hand to the left slightly, allowing
a nice clear peek of the name written down on the bottom
your helper to extend a palm up hand and place the package
onto it. Then have them cover it with their other hand.
"So you're thinking of someone special in your life.
I'm sensing this is someone you trust greatly. Someone who's
been there for you through both the good and bad times.
Keep saying the name of that person over and over just in
your mind for me. May I ask you a question please? Who is
Michael?" They will properly react at this moment.
Take back the cards from them and put them away casually
and don't say anything for a few moments. Allow your helper
their moment. Yes my friends. Silence can be golden...
11. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
12. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
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You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
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authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
© Copyright 2023 Alan Watson QSM