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* Magic New Zealand®
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1751
Date: Sunday 11th February 2024
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. Artifice, Ruse & Subterfuge: The Expert at the Card
3. 2024 VANISH Valentine Awards
4. February I.B.M - Tacoma Convention
5. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #144
6. FISM - Fred Roby & Angela's Fund For Young Magicians
7. MAGIC Live!
8. Magic Castle Performers February/March 2024
9. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 64
10. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #76
11. Free Will 2020 - John Carey #223
12. E-zine Archives
13. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Michele and I will be away from home
on holiday for three weeks.
next Magic New Zealand e-zine will be published on Friday
8th March. ***
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand E-zine in HTML
format go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2024-Jan-to-Dec-2024/1751-Feb11-2024.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. Artifice, Ruse & Subterfuge: The Expert at the Card
Message sent by Peter Wallace (US)
A documentary on the book The Expert at the Card Table by
S. W. Erdnase, the mystery that has surrounded it's authorship
and the impact it has had on the magic and gambling community
since its first publication in 1902.
3. 2024 VANISH Valentine Awards
Message by Nick Lewin (US)
is my pleasure to announce our third annual VANISH Valentine
rather unscientific awards are presented directly from the
heart and designed to shine the spotlight on people in the
magic world who make a difference. Our past winners have
included, Jeff Hobson, David Blaine, Connie Boyd, Bill Smith,
Carisa Hendrix, Colin Cloud, Vanishing Inc, David Sandy,
Lance Rich, Guillermo del Toro, Scott Wells, and other magic
luminaries. I am now delighted to announce the winners of
the 2024 Valentine Awards.
Magical Performer, Producer, Mentor, and Author
For his Continued Contribution to the Digital Magic Scene
with Magic New Zealand
An Outstanding Young Magician on his Way to the Top
Coe Marsh
A Stellar Ambassador for the Magic World
Magician, Philosopher, and Magic Castle Booker "Par
4. February I.B.M - Tacoma Convention
Talent Announced for I.B.M. Convention in Tacoma, Pierce
County, Washington, USA.
Bird Registration for Convention Ends February 29th
exciting and fun magicians have just been announced for
the I.B.M. Convention this July in Tacoma, WA
Michael Vincent
Henok Negash
Ben Nemzer
will be joining Michael Ammar - our Guest of Honor, and
an impressive pool of talent who will amaze and amuse you
at our annual "family reunion."
Note: Early Bird Registration Ends February 29th! You can
save $60 by registering today!
to register:
5. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #144
Message by Paul Stone (US)
was watching the BBC News a couple of days ago, and there
was a feature on football - soccer to our American friends.
Why you might ask would that have interest to readers of
Magic New Zealand. Don't stop reading, I'll explain.
feature was about an initiative set up by a young football
star called Trent Alexander Arnold from my home club in
England, Liverpool Football Club.
project is called 'The After Academy'. All over the world
from Brazil to Argentina, and from England to Germany, France
and beyond, professional football clubs are scouting what
they perceive to be the best young talented footballers,
from as young as 5 years old, to train them in their Academies.
idea is, of course, to unearth a gem, that can in today's
world, be worth literally millions of pounds to the club.
And occasionally, very occasionally, it happens, but for
every David Beckham and Lionel Messi, there are thousands
and thousands of young hopefuls who have often been attending
the academies for several years who don't make the grade
and are released by the clubs without any plans for their
future. The clubs pretty much abandon them.
After Academy' has been specifically set up to support these
young players and help them through what can be a traumatic
time for many of them.
with me, I'm getting to the point! Why is it that so few
make the grade? Most of these young players are really talented,
some of them extraordinarily so.
like many professions in life, it isn't always the best
and brightest that get to the top. It takes a lot more than
just talent to succeed at the highest level. Right up there
on the list is perseverance, that 'never give up' attitude.
this is also true for all entertainers. Dancers go to dozens
of auditions, and are knocked back again and again, but
they keep going, hoping that one day, they get their break.
of the most successful magicians, Siegfried & Roy, David
Copperfield, Criss Angel, have all overcome adversity, and
haven't always had it easy. But they were all driven. And
that is what it takes to become a Star.
are all brilliant at their craft, but there are many magicians
around the world also with wonderful talent who don't achieve
anywhere near the same level of success. Of course, it goes
without saying that to be successful, you've got to be good,
that's a given, but it is just the start.
has to be your passion, you must have a definite plan of
where you want to go, and you have to make sacrifices, and
be focused on nothing else, 24 hours a day. And even then,
there's no guarantee, and you'll need some luck.
there is often truth in the old saying . .. the harder you
work, the luckier you get.
6. FISM - Fred Roby & Angela's Fund For Young Magicians
Message by Andrea Baioni
FISM International President
FISM Europe President
recently announced the "Fred Roby & Angela's Fund
for Young
Magicians" - a noteworthy initiative aimed at nurturing
young talent in
the field of magic.
to a generous donation of ?30,000 from Angela Roby, the
fund will
support young magicians competing in the FISM World Championships
Magic for the years 2025, 2028, and 2031.
with this email is the FISM Newsletter (No. 136) detailing
initiative. Additionally, I have attached a link to the
page on the FISM
website for your reference:
7. MAGIC Live!
Message by Stan Allen (US)
next MAGIC Live! will be August 4-8, 2024.
still offering a convenient payment plan, with five monthly
installments of $96 (plus $2 fee).
registration includes tickets to all performances, access
to all
sessions, workshops, special events, parties, and our dealer
room, as
well as all giveaway items.
you have to change your plans, your registration is 90%
refundable through June 3, 2024.
you're not familiar with MAGIC Live! and why it's like no
convention in the world, I encourage you to visit our website.
Or better
yet, ask a friend.
consider joining us in Las Vegas. Registration is now open,
surprises away!
8. Magic Castle Performers February/March 2024
The Magic Castle, Hollywood
12 - 18, 2024
Cocktail: Chris Canfield
Early: Edward Oschmann
Late: Aki Mitsui
Parlour of Prestidigitation
Early: Handsome Jack
Late: Norberto Jansenson
of Mystery
David Kovac
Lindsay Benner
Dan Birch
& Sunday
Palace Show
David Kovac
Lindsay Benner
Dan Birch
Andy Amyx & Georgia
David Zirbel
Hat and Hare
Nick Dopuch
Mike Pisciotta
Bob Geber
Adam Wylie
Edward Oschmann
& Sunday
Parlour Kids Show
Chris Mitchell
Feb 19 - 25, 2024
Cocktail: Barry Fernelius
Early: Jeff McBride
Late: David Gabbay
Parlour of Prestidigitation
Early: Eric Buss
Late: Dan Sperry
of Mystery
Bill Cook
Juliana Chen
& Sunday
Palace Show
Bill Cook
Juliana Chen
Alex Huang
Byron Leung
Hat and Hare
Nick Dopuch
Bob Gebert
George Tovar
David Gabbay
& Sunday
Parlour Kids Show
Eric Buss
Feb 26 - Mar 3, 2024
Cocktail: Edmund Apperson
the Southern Scoundrel
Early: Toto
Late: Paul Draper
Parlour of Prestidigitation
Early: Stan Gerson
Late: Tetro
of Mystery
Jonathan Neal & Liane
Juan Colas
Arthur Trace
& Sunday
Palace Show
Jonathan Neal & Liane
Juan Colas
Arthur Trace
Tyler Rabbit
Jackson Ridd
Hat and Hare
Nick Dopuch
Mike Pisciotta
Bob Gebert
Nick Dopuch
& Sunday
Parlour Kids Show
The Arty Loon Show
Mar 4 - 10, 2024
Cocktail: Joshua Ng
Early: Gogo Cuerva
Late: John Shryock
Parlour of Prestidigitation
Early: James Rightmire
Late: Howard Blackwell
of Mystery
Larry Wilson
Julius Frack
& Sunday
Palace Show
Larry Wilson
Julius Frack
Mark Furey
Brian Ochab
Hat and Hare
Nick Dopuch
Mike Pisciotta
Bob Gebert
Lauro Castillo
John Shryock
& Sunday
Parlour Kids Show
Brettso the Great
9. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 64
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)
I was preparing a new film for my YouTube channel and searching
through old film recordings, I discovered a completely forgotten
interview that I gave on Austrian television in 1996. The
interview was recorded in the studio on the occasion of
my guest performance in a Viennese theatre.
was about mental magic, among other things, and I heard
myself saying how I felt about this branch of magic back
then (30 years ago). Mental magic is perfectly okay as long
as the performer doesn't make the audience believe that
he can create "supernatural" phenomena. How often
have I heard mentalists say after a trick: "Was that
real magic or just a trick? Decide for yourself."
personally find this statement very bold and perhaps even
arrogant. How is a spectator supposed to be able to decide
between "real" magic and a trick? They can't.
The most famous example is Uri Geller. He made people believe
back then that he had supernatural abilities. What a lie.
I think magic ART must be and remain an honest art form,
otherwise it will never be regarded in the same way as other
arts. At least I have always realised that normal people
have no idea what magic is. Either it was never an issue
for them or they dismissed magic as a children's party.
my museum, this experience is repeated almost every week.
Visitors come in in disbelief and are then completely surprised
when they learn that magic not only has a long tradition,
but also that there is much more to magic than just performing
a trick. I am delighted every time I can tell the guests
in my museum about our wonderful art. Of course, I also
explain a trick so that people recognise the genius behind
an explanation should also be given with dignity and respect
for our art. Simply saying: Look, this is how they want
to deceive you, or: Look, this is how simple the secret
is, is not respectful in my opinion. The fact that the "masked
magician" explained tricks back then was never a serious
issue for me, it was just the way HOW he explained them
that I found unworthy of the art of magic. Every secret
had to be invented once, and that's not easy and simple.
The secrets of magic are ingenious and very intelligent,
otherwise they could not enchant the audience.
believe that this is very important to promote an understanding
of the art. I don't want to leave the audience in uncertainty:
is it a trick or is it something more. A viewer can never
decide that.
you next week
10. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #76
Message by Kent Cummins, Director (US)
More Circus Magic!
my Backyard Circus while in the 4th grade to Ringling Brothers
Barnum and Bailey, The Greatest Show on Earth, there has
always been magic in the whole idea of the circus.
a family vacation while I was a teen, we stopped in Sarasota,
Florida, and I got to see the Ringling Magic Museum at their
winter quarters. Sadly, it no longer exists, but I still
have photos of me, taken by my mom, in front of classic
magic posters and props.
have also visited the circus winter quarters in Baraboo,
Wisconsin, and in Hugo, Oklahoma
where I taught juggling
to school kids.
got to see the Hertzberg Circus Collection, which was housed
in the San Antonio Public Library (now in the Witte Museum
in San Antonio). It features costumes, photos, props and
programs, but the highlight was a miniature circus under
a miniature circus tent, with an electric circus train going
around the exhibit.
I can't leave the subject of circus magic without mentioning
Circus Tihany, a spectacular magic circus under canvas that
came to the Gulfgate Shopping center parking lot in Houston,
Texas, late last century. I went with several magician friends,
including CJ Johnson, mentioned last week.
show was, as advertised, truly SPECTACULAR! Just when we
thought it couldn't get any more amazing, the stage started
spouting Dancing Waters. We were in the splash zone (front
row seats), but we didn't care.
of course, he had an elephant.
think it is sad that circuses mostly can't have elephants
any more. Farewell Ringling brothers Barnum and bailey.
You were indeed "The Greatest Show on Earth."
Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing
the art of magic. But I can't do it without your help. My
Patreon account is the same place as my free weekly podcast:
11. Free Will 2020 - John Carey #223
Message by John Carey (UK)
In my previous book, Reflections, I had a particularly strong
version of the classic Free Will plot. This new version
has been streamlined somewhat and really does create the
illusion of freedom in the minds of the spectators.
will need a blue and a green dice, a red and black spot
card, and a double headed ten pence coin. On a file card
or piece of paper write the following:
will have the blue dice
You will have the green dice
I will have the red card
You will have the black card
The ten pence will land on heads!!!
out the props and set the two dice together, a few inches
from them put the two face-up cards, and finally a few inches
from them the coin. Take out the folded file card or piece
of paper and casually set it to one side without mentioning
anything about it. Just do it. "Liam, as you can see
I've brought along a few interesting objects this evening:
dice, cards and a coin. Let's focus on the dice first. With
your left hand pick up either one. The blue dice it is.
Place it in front of you and I will do the same with the
green dice.
the playing cards. Would you hold one in each hand please?
Merely on impulse would you drop one now! Is there any way
we could have known you would keep the red card? Please
set it next to your dice. I will do the same with the black
card. Finally pick up the coin and spin it on the table.
It has landed on heads. You've done everything here, based
purely on your intuitive or instinctive sense. Would you
pick up that piece of card and open it? Please read out
the first line, then the second, the third and finally the
fourth. Impossible but true!!!"
strong if I say so myself. Let's deconstruct the details
and variables so that you can add this to your repertoire.
With the dice they have complete freedom of choice, but
I play it out like Equivoque. Mark Elsdon calls this Noquivoque.
I instruct them to pick up either dice with their left hand.
If they pick up the blue dice they will read the prediction
at the end a la Free Will. If they pick up the green dice
you will read out the prediction later. So both of you have
a dice in front of you.
second phase is pure Equivoque. Whoever has the blue dice
will get the red card. I ask my participant to hold a card
face-up in each hand and on impulse just drop one. If they
drop the red card I immediately ask if there's any way we
could have known they would decide to drop that
card? They are then instructed to place it with their dice
as I calmly take the black card and place it next to my
dice. However, if they drop the black card my response is
could we have known they would decide to keep the red card?
Ask them to place that card next to their dice as you take
the black card and set it down next to your dice.
final phase is simple. Have them spin the coin on the table.
Of course it will land heads up. Recap what has taken place,
that it was all about them, and their decisions. Then either
you or they unfold the prediction and read it out, pausing
on each revelation. I've had so much fun with
this. Now it's your turn...
12. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
13. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
their copyright of the material submitted.
All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
© Copyright 2023 Alan Watson QSM