* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Magic New Zealand®
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1740
Date: Sunday 5th November 2023
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: Editor@magicnewzealand.com

Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Magic New Zealand Celebrating 24 Years Of Publication
3. Now You See Me 3 Moving Forward At Lionsgate
4. Vanish Magic Magazine 2023
5. Penn & Teller: Fool Us Season 10
6. David Copperfield Will Make The Moon Disappear!
7. Melbourne Magic Festival - Applications Now Open
8. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #132
9. TRICS Convention Reports On The Magic Word Podcast
10. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 54
11. Conjuring Chronicles - November Issue
12. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #65
13. New York Magic Conference
14. Tabled Convincing Control - John Carey #215
15. E-zine Archives
16. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML format go
to: https://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2023-Jan-to-Dec-2023/1740-Nov05-2023.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Magic New Zealand Celebrating 24 Years Of Publication

Celebration Time: Magic New Zealand e-zine will be celebrating 24 years
of publication this month!

We wonder where all the time has vanished to ... on the 6th November
this year Magic New Zealand e-zine will be celebrating 24 years of

We would like to say a big thank you to you, our readers and the many
contributors over the years, from all over the world, for your wonderful
support in our art of magic. Without you all there would be no Magic New
Zealand e-zine!

The 24 years of back issues of the Magic New Zealand e-zine can be found
by going to: www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre
right "Archives"

When you enter the Archive, the e-zines are in issue order in folders
for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers
(001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures
the year (1999)

3. Now You See Me 3 Moving Forward At Lionsgate


Now You See Me 3 Moving Forward at Lionsgate

By Maca Reynolds

More than seven years after the release of the second installment, Now
You See Me 3 is finally moving forward at Lionsgate.


4. Vanish Magic Magazine 2023
Message by Paul Romhany - Vanish Magazine

A remarkable issue with one of the most creative photos to ever be on
the cover of ANY magic magazine. Matt Disero shares his expertise and
years of experience as he helps us celebrate Chicken Month. Something
every comedy magician should seriously know about. It took Matt 3000
chickens to make this photo - you can count them if you like - and the
result is hilarious.

Our other featured article is a Celestial Celebration and highlights
Magicana's recently launched new digital on-line exhibition on their
website called "A Celestial Celebration, A Tribute to Women in Magic"
Connie Boyd reports on this and how important it is in the advancement
of magic.

Ben Robinson shares some highlights of his 50-year career as a
professional magician. A real insight into the world of magic.

Nick Lewin writes about Audience Management - an article for those new
to magic and those who have been doing it a long time.

Successful TV Magic - Ben Kraatz shares his knowledge and expertise on
performing for TV. This series is a must read if you want to do any work
on television.

Product Highlight - Demi Deck - a new cut and restored card deck

FISM European Championship 24 - we start our series on the upcoming
Championship for FISM to find out who goes forward to the World
championships in 2025.

5 Myths of a website - Cris Johnson looks at the 5 common myths about
having a website and getting the most from it.

Roller Coaster Ride - Dan Stapleton shares stories about one of the
greatest illusions of all time - the Zig-Zag illusion.

Product Highlight - Candy Cup by Grum leathercraft.

Numismatic Tracking - Louie Foxx gives us a routine using an Apple Tracker

Dameons' Cases - Hal Meyers looks at his performing case as well as the
case he would travel with.

Reviews - the latest products reviewed.


5. Penn & Teller: Fool Us Season 10
Message by Teller (US)

Penn & Teller: Fool Us season 10 starts on Friday, October 27. New
episodes air weekly at the same time.

From Piff the Magic Dragon to Shin Lim and Jandro, Penn & Teller: Fool
Us has ignited the careers of countless magicians during its 12-year run
on primetime TV.

6. David Copperfield Will Make The Moon Disappear!

David Copperfield announces new feat that will enthrall audiences

Illusionist David Copperfield joins TODAY from Las Vegas to announce a
special event coming February 2024 - he will make the moon disappear!

It's in collaboration with Save The Children to show the world the
difference one person can make. "If one person can make the moon
disappear from the sky, imagine how together we can make poverty and
hunger and danger disappear for our children on Earth," he says.


7. Melbourne Magic Festival - Applications Now Open
Message by Tim Ellis (Australia)

Applications for the 2024 Melbourne Magic Festival are now open!

You can read the producer guide and fill out your application online,
but hurry as applications close January 10.


Melbourne Magic Festival - July 1 to 13, 2024

8. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #132
Message by Paul Stone (US)

Firstly this week, a shout out and a big thank you to everyone who
kindly took the time to respond to my plea to let me know who actually
reads my weekly articles in Magic New Zealand.

It was good to hear back from several people whom I've never had the
pleasure of meeting in person, as well as a number of old friends, and
even a few magic luminaries too!

It seems appropriate to mention a few of them by name, but if you were
one of the people who did respond but that I don't mention, please know
that I am no less grateful for your response!

It's always great to hear from Jeff Hobson, in my opinion still the best
and funniest comedy magician on the planet!

These days Jeff spends most of his time, together with his lovely wife
Yvonne, running Marvyn's Magic in La Quinta, near Palm Springs. It is a
really smart Cabaret style Club, with fantastic entertainment, and well
worth a visit if you ever find yourself in the area.

Past International IBM Secretary and President, Don Wiberg, is someone
else that I have known for many years. Don with his better half Joyce,
travelled over to England a few years ago to attend the British Ring
Convention in Bournemouth when it was produced by Brian Miller.

Fielding West was also over from Las Vegas for that Convention, and we
all had a lot of fun. I remember giving them a whistle stop tour of
London, including a VIP visit to see the London Palladium Theatre.
Unfortunately, I haven't seen them for a while, but Don and Joyce remain
good friends.

Sadly, Brian Miller is no longer with us, but his widow Audrey, did get
in touch this week. It was nice to hear that she's doing well. Brian &
Audrey used to have a really excellent magic act which played many magic
conventions over the years. Brian was an outstanding dove worker.

Brian & Audrey also had another claim to fame, and it was one for which
they probably didn't receive the recognition that they deserved. They
spent at least a year handling all the administration and bookings for
the Magic Circle's Centenary in 2005. It was a massive undertaking, and
they did a brilliant job.

Gene Anderson is way too clever to be a magician, I think he's actually
from another galaxy! There's not much that Gene hasn't accomplished, but
he's probably best known in magic for his 'Torn & Restored Newspaper',
which for my money, is the best in the business, and featured by many
professional magicians.

Gene also shares with me a love of The Nemo Jumbo Rising Cards, devised
by Jim Hooper, and put onto the market in the 1960's by Ken Brooke.
Gene's handling of this wonderful Cabaret trick differs a little from
Ken's original routine, but the effect is still the same.

It has always baffled me why so few magicians around the world perform
this miracle. Maybe the fact that it uses a thread scares them off, but
they are missing out big time.

For the record, I own the worldwide manufacturing and marketing rights
for The Nemo Jumbo Rising Cards, and I include the performance and full
handling of this trick in my own lecture.

And finally, there's the legend that is Don Bevan! I suspect that many
of the more recent magic aficionados wouldn't know his name, but anyone
who has been around the magic scene for any length of time, certainly will!

Don took over the reins as Editor of Abracadabra magazine from the
indomitable Goodliffe, and kept it going every week for more than 20
years, (believe me I know how difficult that must have been, and I only
write one article!).

Remember, this was before we had the internet, so Abracadabra was for
many people the only source of information regarding any magic events or
conventions that took place. And Don went to most of them himself,
wherever they took place, to provide a firsthand report. They were

The only reason that I ever met Ken Brooke was because, as a young boy
at the age of 13, I was shown a copy of Abracadabra and noticed an 'ad'
for Ken Brooke's Magic Place. I went to Ken's studio at 145 Wardour
Street, in London's Soho, and so began my magic journey that has taken
me from Liverpool to Las Vegas!

Now, at the ripe old age of 90, Don tells me that his interest in magic
has never waned, and he is still a member of several magic societies,
and he attends when he can.

Now that is what I call a true 'Magic Legend'! Take a bow Don.

9. TRICS Convention Reports On The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

I will be attending my final convention for 2023 which will be TRICS in
Charlotte, North Carolina. I think this will make the 12th magic
convention this year. I don't think I will attempt to keep up that pace
in 2024. But the Tri C's (Carolina Close-Up Convention) or TRICS, as it
is better known, promises to be another great event for close-up
magicians. They always feature seasoned professionals as well as
up-and-coming magicians.

I always get a lot out of both groups. Scott Robinson hosts this annual
event and it's held in a rather small hotel that allows everyone to stay
close together and session long into the night/morning complete with a
restaurant and bar. Among those featured this year will be Danny Garcia,
Zabrecky, Jon Armstrong, and others plus Guest of Honor, Shawn Farquhar.

Although this is billed as a three day event, the Thursday night
activities don't begin until late thus making it a "short" day. As a
result, the report from "day one" will be included in the episode with
Day Two. The second will follow the next evening with Day Three.

You can listen wherever you get your podcasts, but for more information,
please visit:
And be sure to come back next week for our 800th milestone podcast
featuring one of the legends in our business...well, you will have to
wait or else read it in this week's podletter. What? You don't subscribe
to the podletter? You can sign up at our website at

10. Magic Museum Bellachini - Episode 54
Message by Wittus Witt (Germany)

Last Tuesday, there was a campaign for museums in Hamburg called "See
for Free".

Participating museums offer to look at the exhibitions on that day
completely free of charge.

A total of 40 museums had signed up for it. I was also asked if I wanted
to take part. I was happy to accept immediately, because this can only
be good publicity for my museum. And so it was.
But first - to be quite honest, I had no idea WHAT would happen. I was
all the more surprised when I drove to my museum and already found a
small queue of people. Wow!

In the course of the morning until late afternoon, the queue did not
break. On the contrary, it got longer and longer.

I always received 22 people to whom I had distributed an entrance ticket
in advance. Once they were inside the museum, I went back outside and
gave tickets to the next 22 people. This way I always had a good control
of how many visitors were in the museum each time. 20 minutes were
planned for each group. Only very, very few people left the museum
before the 20 minutes were up. I can live with that.

Many people have waited up to two hours. All in all, I had exactly 285
visitors that day. For me, this is a gigantic number and I am very happy
about it. So I was always able to advertise the art of magic well and of
course also draw attention to the performances in the evening.

A visual impression of the crowd can be seen on my YouTube channel:


So much for today

Wittus Witt

11. Conjuring Chronicles - November Issue
Message by Jay Scott Berry (Australia)

G'day Magic Mates!

Abracadabra and Sim Sala Bim ... The second monthly edition of Conjuring
Chronicles has appeared! Produced by Master Magician and Keynote
Speaker, John Kippen, this is a boutique virtual magazine loaded with
exclusive content that's informational and inspirational. And...it's
free! No strings attached, not even invisible threads.

The November issue builds upon the success of last month's premiere,
adding another ten pages of features. It starts off with a six page
article about John's performance for Alex Trebek's 75th birthday. As he
points out, we were all weaned on the legends of guys like Max Malini,
and how far they would go to create the perfect mystery. With that in
mind, John created an entire Jeopardy-themed act for Alex and his
star-studded audience. His attention to detail and going the extra mile
included getting onto the Jeopardy set to film a video for his mind
bending finale. Links to watch the performance are included in the article.

Next up is the official announcement for the new Virtual Lecture Series,
"The Art and Science of Wonder". On November 14th, I'll be kicking off
this monthly series with the premiere on my "Excelsior Lecture". Tickets
are only $20 and include exclusive access to the recording.

But, we're just getting started! Flip the virtual page to discover how
some top pros are answering John's perennial question about the "Meaning
of Magic". The thought-provoking answers, by such luminaries as Bob
Fitch, David Regal, Rafael Benatar and Alexandra Duvivier are certain to
inspire. These are just a small sampling of the many videos that are
available to watch on the website.

The next two pages focus on the ongoing Zoomcast, "Inside the Magician's
Studio". Next month's star guests include Rod Chow, Trigg Watson and
Todd Goldman. Over 150 of the world's finest have already appeared on
this program, which airs each Friday at 10am PDT.

Next up is a 4 page book review by Theron Trowbridge. For this issue, he
takes an in-depth look at "Piff the Magic Book". His deep dive includes
many photos with detailed commentary. What was Theron's final rating?
You'll have to read it to find out.

Following up from last month's tribute to Doug Henning, this issue
honours the late-great Johnny Thompson. The six page article includes a
personal story by John as well as some of the items he acquired at the
auction of Johnny's Estate.

Next up are more new sections: "Joey's Gems"- Pro Tips, The "Conjurer's
Calendar", listing upcoming Conventions, "Words of Wisdom" from Ricky
Jay, Houdini, Eugene Burger and Dai Vernon. Last, but not least is the
"Bonus Content". Check out the free Digital Download of "Showstopper" by
Joseph DiPietro.

Conjuring Chronicles is unlike any other Magic Magazine, with
state-of-the-art graphics and detailed Dark Mode layout. It's
easy-to-read in the Flipbook format, and you can download individual
pages or the entire issue as a pdf.

Click here to view and please feel free to Subscribe and Share:

12. Tales From The Fantastic Magic Center - #65
Message by Kent Cummins, Director (US)


We have been talking about the Self-Eating Watermelon, in which you help
prospective clients find the funds that they need in order to pay your
full fee. Three techniques are: (1) barter, (2) sponsorship, and (3)

I tell prospective clients that I like to "put the FUN in fundraising!"

During most of the time that I was earning a living for my family, I
used lots of paper forms and stuff. (That's because the internet hadn't
been invented yet!) Today I would no doubt use mostly digital media, but
the principles remain the same.

When the Hamlin Marching Green high school band wanted to hire Magic
Hotline to help them with their competition, they did not have the money
to pay us a reasonable fee. So, we set up a full-evening magic show at
the school. They already had an auditorium, and the band parents sold
tickets. We split the proceeds fifty-fifty.

And they used their half of the profits to pay Magic Hotline for consulting!

PTA/PTO organizations were often great partners for these fundraising
magic shows. And we covered advertising expenses by selling ads in a
small souvenir program.

The school makes extra money selling refreshments; Magic Hotline makes
extra money selling souvenirs.


But your fundraising doesn't have to be a magic show. You might sell
customized magic sets. You could sell magic classes. Or juggling
workshops. Or balloon sculpting workshops.

You could even teach people in the organization how to make balloon
animals and hats and let them make them for tips or cash donations.

If you would like to see samples of some of our fundraising kits, drop
me an email.

The Fantastic Magic Center is dedicated to preserving and sharing the
art of magic. But I can't do it without your help. My Patreon account is
the same place as my free weekly podcast:


13. New York Magic Conference
Message by George Schindler (US)

New York Magic Conference presents Conference Number Two with a focus on
Magic History,

Saturday, November 11th - 9am to 4pm

$65 in advance (for the first thirty registrants)
$75 after October 21st / $85 at the door

The Magic Shops of New York: part one featuring presentations on Magic
history by:
Schindler - Cohn - Klem
Friedhoffer - Devlin - Schmeelk
Blumenthal - Cardone

With additional participants to be announced shortly at the Community
Center at the CCD
39-50 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, NY 11363-1542

Conference organizer is Robert Dadras (718) 354-6681

To register, please email your name and contact information to:

Visit us on Facebook at "New York Magic Conference" - for updates and
additional information.

14. Mental Rosini - John Carey #215
Message by John Carey (UK)

Rosini's favorite, from Dai Vernon's Inner card secrets trilogy is a
real crowd pleaser, culminating in a stunning revelation of a
spectator's selected card in their hand. Here's a recent small packet
fix I had on this effect, where the selection is a genuinely thought of
card and it's pretty much all hands off and counter intuitive.

Hand a deck of cards to a willing helper for shuffling. Then ask them to
deal off three cards. Then almost as an afterthought ask them to deal
two more. Finally ask them to deal off one more for 'luck'. The balance
of the deck is discarded. Have them pick up the packet and shuffle it.
Next ask them to spread the cards with the faces towards them, as if
they were in Las Vegas playing a high stakes game. "Michael, I don't
want you to take a card, touch a card or call out a card. Merely think
of one in front of you. Cut that card to the face and square up,
enabling you not to be distracted and fully focus your thoughts."

Ask the spectator to turn the packet face-down. "I used to know an old
Gypsy lady who read people's fortunes in the carnivals. She had a
mysterious way of randomizing the cards." You will now walk and talk
your helper through the venerable down/under deal, them dealing the top
card face-down to the table and then placing the next one underneath the

They repeat this until just one card is left which you ask them to throw
on top. Their thought of card is now second from top. Request they pick
up the packet and deal one card to your left and then one to your right.
Have them repeat this with the remaining cards, winding up with two
small packets. Have them drop the left hand packet on top of the right
hand packet and square up. Their thought of card is on the bottom and
you haven't even touched the cards. Pretty cool I say.

We will now finish the piece with the classic slap discovery a la
Rosini. Pick up the face-down packet and ask your spectator to hold out
their right thumb and first finger. Place the inner short end of the
packet between those two digits and ask your helper to hold them a
moment, securely but not too firmly. Recap exactly what has taken place.
They took some cards out of a deck they shuffled. They merely thought of
one of those cards and then mixed those cards, not once but twice. To
reveal their thought of card extend your right first finger as the other
fingers curl into the hand. Pause a few seconds as you bring the right
hand over their packet. Then make a brisk, downwards chopping action
onto the packet. All of the cards will fly to the floor except for the
bottom card. Have your spectator name their thought of card and turn it
over to conclude your mystery.

Bonus Routine!

This will be very easy to describe as it uses exactly the same process
and methodology as in Mental Rosini to have your spectator think of a
card in a six card packet and unknowingly control that card to the
bottom of the packet. "Let's blindfold the cards!" Place the packet back
outwards inside your right side jacket pocket. "I will attempt to use my
finely tuned intuitive
sense to locate the card you merely thought of." The right hand enters
the pocket and takes out the top card and drops it onto the table.
Repeat this with the next top card. Take out a third card from the top
of the packet in the pocket and then hesitate and pause. Place it back
into the pocket on top of the packet and pause. " I think I will take
out another card instead." Go back to the pocket and remove the very
same card and drop it onto the table. This is purely psychological bluff
and smoke. Take out the next two cards one at a time and drop those onto
the others on the table. Ask your helper to call out the name of the
card they are thinking of and then ask them to remove the final card
from your pocket and show it to be their thought of card.


My inspiration for this was a Princess card style effect of Larry
Jennings from his book Jennings 67.

15. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:

Click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders
for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers
(001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures
the year (1999)

16. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or
individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine
at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the
individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®
. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy
or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by
doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson
QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the
opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard
any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may
be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine,
the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles
and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by
international copyright legislation and articles must not be published
for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the
written permission of Magic New Zealand® .

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its
entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2023 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2023 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine