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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
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Issue Number: #1661
Date: Sunday 27th March 2022
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. The S.A.M. Houdini Celebration Mega-Event
3. MAGIC Live: Sold Out
4. AMA Swap Meet at the Magic Castle April 23, 2022
5. The Magic Word Podcast
6. Penn & Teller Australia 2022 Tour
7. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #53
8. Magical Women With Connie Boyd
9. News From The Academy Of Illusions
10. Destined To Be - John Carey #154
11. Daytona Beach Festival Of Magic
12. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
13. E-zine Archives
14. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2022-Jan-to-Dec2022/1661-Mar27-2022.html
If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New
Zealand or have some magic news drop me a line:
2. The S.A.M. Houdini Celebration Mega-Event
Message by Tom Gentile, National President of the Society
of American Magicians (S.A.M.)
For All To Attend!
Society of American Magicians is hosting a zoom session
for Harry Houdini's Birthday which is actually March 24th
but on Sunday March 27 the Harry Houdini Birthday Appreciation,
Education, Dedication Celebration starts at 12 NOON EST
until Midnight same day or? And who knows. Please adjust
for your time zones accordingly. Topic: Harry Houdini World
Wide Birthday.
Time: Mar 27, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
9AM Pacific 5 PM UTC Join Zoom Meeting
ID: 849 0044 7443
Passcode: 573909
tap mobile +16465588656,,84900447443# US (New York) +13126266799,,84900447443#
US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New
York) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington
DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San
Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
ID: 849 0044 7443
your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kedGBmCSJQ
you can visit for spell!
an item. Hear a story or tell. Presents are not required.
Your presence is welcomed. To honor a man his life and magic.
you zoom in would be fantastic!
other guests who may be coming- Presently over 20 countries
with as many as 30 speakers for at least 10 hours may appear!
the day with a viewing of Grim Game by Houdini Museum and
Theater Scranton PA Dorothy Dietrich and Dick BrookZ with
piano accompaniment by First Vice President John Sturk.
and Q&A. 1-3 minutes quick comments, 5-8-12 min shared
videos, add up to help it around the world -
our Cloud HD Video Meeting
3. MAGIC Live: Sold Out
Message by Stan Allen (USA)
For the seventh time in a row, MAGIC Live has sold out!
However, we do anticipate a small number of cancellations
over the next few weeks, and we will do our best to make
these registrations available to those on our waitlist.
There's no charge to get on the list, and the sooner you
sign up, the better your chance of getting in.
Hope to still see you in Vegas!
4. AMA Swap Meet at the Magic Castle April 23, 2022
Message by Gary Frank (US)
Magic Castle® will be once again transformed into the
greatest one-day, mini-convention this year on Saturday,
April 23rd. The AMA Swap Meet is the only place where you'll
find new/used magic, books, illusions, antiques, collectibles,
and scores of surprises throughout at this gathering. Vendor's
tables are set up from the Terrace Room in the Dining Room
to the Inner Circle downstairs. It's a fun-filled day for
everyone. Whether you're a novice to magic or an expert,
this is the place to be on Saturday April 23rd!
admission at 8:00 a.m. for AMA Members.
Guests, Vendor Guests, IBM, SAM, and the ELDERS can gain
entrance (magic club members, bring your membership card)
at 9:00 a.m. by paying a $10.00 at the door. The Swap Meet
ends at 1:00 p.m.
General Public!
looking for a big turnout. So, if you are reading this and
you want to support your club, come join us. This is one
of the many perks the AMA Membership includes, and it is
also an event you really can't pass up. You see friends
you haven't seen in years, meet fellow AMA members, have
firsthand contact with a number of local dealers, and possibly
find that effect you have been searching for all on the
same day. Thanks again to AMA Member Gary Frank, our Swap
Meet Coordinator for planning, organizing, and delivering
all the fun.
applications are being accepted now.
can request the vendor forms needed by contacting Gary Frank
at: swapmeetapplication@magiccastle.com Vendor tables are
limited, so don't wait! Mailed applications are accepted
only. As always, it's first-come, first-served.
If you want to be a vendor, applications are available now.
All vendor applications are due before Friday, August 23rd,
Soft drinks and hot dogs will be available for sale on-site.
$8/vehicle (AMA Members)
$10/vehicle (Non-Members)
5. The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
theaters have been popping up across the country and indeed,
the world, in this post-pandemic society. And people are
anxious to get out and travel and enjoy watching live, not
Zoom, magic shows again. One of the relatively new theaters
that opened in the U.S. is the Zubrick Theater in St. Petersburg,
Florida. Chris and Ryan Zubrick performed in southeast Asia
for over a decade with their grand illusion show complete
with a host of dancers and big cats, too. They moved back
to the U.S. and after an exhaustive search for location
finally settled on St. Petersburg as their "forever
home" where they are a short distance to the beach
where they can feel the sand between their toes.
can listen to this week's episode wherever you get your
podcasts, or you can get more information like videos, photos,
the blog, links and more at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/670-the-zubricks
And don't forget to enter the new contest on the website
where you can register for a chance to win one of six copies
of "Seventh Heaven" by Lewis Jones, a republication
offered by Charlie Randall of H&R Magic Books.
while we're talking about magic theaters, we have a new
feature on our website that lists all the magic theaters
in the world that we know about at this time. You can visit
https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/magic-theatres where
you can link to theater websites before you travel and make
your plans to visit a live magic show at your next destination.
6. Penn & Teller Australia 2022 Tour
Message by Peter Phillips (Australia)
magic duo and the undisputed Kings Of Sin City Penn &
Teller are finally making their Australian debut. No fooling.
& Teller Australia 2022 Tour Dates:
June - Sydney Opera House
14-18 June - Arts Centre Melbourne
22 June-3 July - Queensland Performing Arts Centre
7. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #53
Message by Paul Stone (US)
days seem to be flying by and here we are already at the
end of March. This weekend in Las Vegas the temperatures
are going to be in the 90's, and it is not even April yet!
the weather is great here, Texas has been experiencing tornados,
and one was reported to be not too far from Austin.
caught my eye because in just a couple of weeks' time, Bill
Smith's Magic Collectors Expo will be rolling into town.
I was fortunate enough to be involved last August at the
event here in Las Vegas, and it was a great few days.
it looks like this one in Austin will be every bit as good,
with visits included to the Houdini Museum, and equally
exciting, a chance to enjoy the amazing and long running
'Esthers Follies' which I'm really looking forward to seeing.
I've heard so much about it.
will also be great to see my old friend Nick Lewin again.
Nick, who regular readers will be aware, wrote a regular
column for the Magic New Zealand ezine for several years,
is now ensconced in Austin.
and I were both students of the late Ken Brooke and I understand
he will be presenting a talk about Ken at the Expo. I can't
wait to see it. I'm sure it will bring back happy memories
of many hours spent at 'The Magic Place' in Wardour Street,
in the heart of London's Soho.
was going through a box of old photos this week and I came
across one from 40 years ago taken at the Las Vegas Desert
Magic Seminar. I was the European Advisor, and was responsible
for finding and booking many of the headline performers,
from all around Europe.
photo I found was one of me emceeing a show at the Seminar.
The front row of the audience was pretty intimidating, and
included Siegfried & Roy, Richard Ross, Dai Vernon,
Tony Slydini, Johnny Paul, Jimmy Grippo, Jay Marshall, and
Bill & Irene Larsen.
memories of course, but sad that none of them are still
with us today. Every single one of them had a major influence
on the world of magic.
received a nice surprise phone call yesterday from Rome,
from the Italian Maestro himself, my friend SILVAN. A native
of my favourite city in the world, Venice, he is truly incredible
and is still performing regularly and is as enthusiastic
as ever.
a wonderful career he has had. I'm not going to say how
old he is, but he was born in 1937! Without doubt, one of
the 'Greats'.
a couple of weeks ago I mentioned Martin Scott-Price's Blackpool
Puppet Museum. They now have a new website, which is worth
checking out, www.blackpoolpuppetsmuseum.co.uk
8. Magical Women With Connie Boyd
Message by Connie Boyd (USA)
Magician & Escape Artist Paige Thompson escapes an up-side-down
straight jacket & narrowly defies death & the jaws
of death.
clip is broadcast at the "Showtime at the Apollo",
Apollo Theatre in Harlem with host Steve Harvey @TheOfficialSteveHarvey
In Paige's extreme danger escape acts the audience is fearful
for her safety.
00:00 - 00:19 - Connie Boyd intro
00:19 - 02:51 - Televised Danger Escape at the Apollo Theater
02:51 - 04:13 - Steve Harvey reacts to Paige's Escape
04:13 - 04:44 - Magical Women Call to Action
9. News From The Academy Of Illusions
Message by Jay Scott Berry (Australia)
the old Carousels, there was often a Brass Ring, hanging
just out of reach. If you could catch it, you'd get a prize.
But you had to reach for it. And it wasn't easy. Out of
these grew the expression, and colloquialisms, about reaching
for the Brass Ring. It's a concept I teach all of my students.
You see, most of us come into magic by way of self-working
tricks. We get maximum impact from minimum effort. But this
also sets up unrealistic expectations. Like riding on a
carousel, it's easy. But when it comes time to reach for
the next level, it requires time, effort and dedication.
And that's where many hit what I call, the "Threshold
of Failure''.
know, that point where we say, "It's too hard, I give
up!" But that threshold exists only in the mind. If
our expectations are that it will be easy, then our expectations
are unrealistic. If we understand that it may take hundreds,
even thousands of rehearsals, then those are more realistic
expectations. So, I just erase that threshold of failure
and set my mind on the idea that "It takes as long
as it takes''. If you really want that brass ring bad enough,
you have to work for it. And once you do, you will have
earned it. And that is the common denominator of all great
magicians. They have earned their way to greatness. Mediocrity
is easy. That's why most settle there. Excellence is hard.
But it's always worth it.
of excellence, our Top Story this week is the Key West Hybrid
Konvention. This two day Live and Online event celebrates
the 25th Anniversary of Frank's Magic Bar. Already booked
are four Grandmaster Magicians, including Michael Ammar
and Doc Eason, with more stars to be announced. The dates
are May 14 & 15 with over 18 hours of magical entertainment!
The Early Registration Fee, until April 1st, is only $50,
which includes all of the Shows and Lectures as Digital
Downloads. These alone are easily worth twice the price
and, considering that some of the events are one-off, never
to be repeated, the value is truly priceless. Plus, even
if you aren't able to attend the entire Konvention, you
still get all of the recordings! Tickets available now from
the same note, the weekly ZoomStorming Sessions are the
most comprehensive online masterclasses ever presented.
Coming into our fourth week, attendees have already been
immersed in six hours of sleight-of-hand training, from
classic to original, with coins, silks, sponge balls, wand,
rings and ribbon. And we're just getting warmed up. This
Saturday, we take TT work to the next level. The most overexposed
gimmick is also the most powerful, yet least understood.
In this two hour Session, I will turn all traditional TT
thinking on its head, presenting an entirely new mindset
on this age old gimmick, teaching original techniques that
not only fool laypeople, but magicians as well. There are
a few spots still available and, as always, the entrance
fee includes a full recording of the Masterclass. Tickets
available at DeVille Magic.
on the theme of excellence, my guest this week for Spotlight
On was the Legendary, World Champion and Grandmaster, Michael
Ammar. In this eighth episode, Michael and I talked about
his truly extraordinary life and career. We shared stories
and memories from the early days at The Magic Castle, the
FISM in Lausanne, where we both competed, to the many shows,
conventions and festivals we've been on together. We reminisced
about the dear friends lost along the way, Bill and Irene
Larsen, Johnny and Pam Thompson, Daryl, Tom Mullica and
others. As always, I brought us up to the present where
Michael will be performing this weekend in The Pellar Theatre
at The Magic Castle. You can watch the program, along with
many others, on my YouTube Channel: www.Youtube.com/JayScottBerry
speaking of The Magic Castle, I am honored to be producing
and starring in their next Virtual Show on April 2nd. I
have brought in two amazing performers: Meadow Perry, who
is an incredible Bubble Artist and Rod Chow, with his Award-Winning
Astrology Act. Among his many other accolades Rod is also
the S.A.M. President elect. The show starts at 7pm PST and
is free to all Castle Members. For non-members, the fee
is just $20. Tickets for this epic evening of wonder are
available from https://shop.magiccastle.com/collections/virtual-magic-shows
back in early September, the first weekly show we produced
was GenoMania. This lively mix of magic and mayhem has proved
so popular that we just presented our 22nd episode. This
week, the Tech Tips focused on the classic Slydini's Silks
effects and which material is the best. Speaking from years
of real world experience, Geno went into precise detail
on what to use, where to get it and how to prepare it. Next,
we took a dive into the Misers Dream Effect, specifically,
Jeff McBride's version. After watching a vintage performance
from a 1980's TV show, we analyzed the methods, movement
and psychology that has made his version one of the best
ever. Finally, we closed with 'What Gets Your Goat?' - A
heated rant on how much wasted, and misguided, energy there
is on so many Facebook Groups. As always, we ended on a
high note, with minds full of ideas and bellies sore from
common thread is that all of these shows and events are
being produced by continuing to reach for that proverbial
brass ring, with an unrelenting Commitment to Excellence.
In closing, I'll let P.T. Barnum have the last word, "Let
your motto then always be 'Excelsior', for by living up
to it there is no such word as fail."
10. Destined To Be - John Carey #154
Message by John Carey (UK)
To Be is a very solid and fooling approach to a card prediction.
There's a nice premise, it's hands off and strong. Take
an unusual backed card, say Two of Diamonds and pop it inside
a small envelope. In your working deck place the Two of
Diamonds fourth from top. That's your prep, let's discuss!
playing cards are not just used by magicians and gamblers.
For generations they've been utilized as a tool for divination
by psychics and fortune tellers as a means to do readings
about their subjects. Today we are going to combine the
past, present and future to arrive at your destiny. Not
your ultimate destiny of course!"
bring out your props and set the envelope aside casually
without fuss. Riffle shuffle retaining your target card
fourth from the top. Hand the deck to your participant and
have them do the classic Jay Ose False Cut on themselves,
retaining your set up. Comment on the word past and have
them deal and spell the first three cards face-up into a
packet and then deal the next card, the Two of Diamonds,
face-down on top. Then have them repeat these actions for
the word present, dealing the last card of the spell face-down
onto the tabled packet. Finally have them do the same for
the word future, dealing face-up and spelling and dropping
the last card of the spell face-down as before. Get them
to turn the rest of the deck they hold face-up and drop
it onto the tabled cards. Ribbon spread showing three face-down
cards isolated in the face-up spread.
you've given the deck a mix and stopped at three different
locations using the past, present and future. Everybody
has memories of their past. The highs and the lows. At present
you seem quite content and happy in your demeanour. But
nobody knows what the future holds, which is why it's so
important to enjoy the love and support of family and friends
in your day to day life. Please take those three cards out
and mix them." Your participant mixes the three face-down
cards in their hands. Instead of using equivoque to force
the target card we will use a rather sneaky ploy I like
to use in the classic Vernon Trick That Cannot Be Explained.
they've mixed the three cards ask your helper to turn the
packet face-up. If your target card is on the face that's
golden. Have them deal the card to the table and discard
the other two cards. If it's not on the face though, no
problem. Immediately ask them to cut the packet and complete
the cut. If the target card is cut to the face they are
instructed to deal it to the table and discard the remainder.
But if they don't cut it to the face, no problem again!
Simply ask them to turn the packet face-down and deal the
top card to the table and discard the other two. This will
be the Two of Diamonds. As you carry out the above gambits
there must be no hesitation.
up the conditions of what's taken place and direct your
participant to open the envelope and remove the contents.
A perfect match is revealed that was destined to be!
11. Daytona Beach Festival Of Magic
Message by Harry Allen (US)
4-5-6 2022
who you will see:
Eric Jones
Dan Sperry
Michael Kaminskas
John Bundy
Steve Marshall
Oscar Munoz
James Songster
Erick Olson
Scott Humston
Harry Allen
Dan Stapleton
full evening shows - contest dealers-auction
12. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
Written by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)
Gennari, having made a huge name for himself in New Zealand
during the 60's, and with several recording hits under his
belt, decided that it was time to cross the Tasman (sea),
thus adding to the kiwi performers' invasion of Australia,
as had so many other N.Z. entertainers' before him. My old
friend Alison Durbin (she used to babysit my son Jason -
he's in his thirties
now, Oh dear - that dates us all, doesn't it!), another
'Top of the Pops' Recording Star - had already made the
journey. Maria Dallas, Dinah Lee, and Bill and Boyd were
also amongst the
earliest of kiwis to exodus to 'Aussie'. Robert, as had
my late pal Peter Taylor, did his damnedest to persuade
me to go with him to Australia as well. He failed to sway
me too.
the time we arrived in Australia, they, and many others,
had all become well-established 'Names' on the club/ entertainment
circuit. Robert was no exception. Apart from our respective
entertainment businesses, Robert and I had a very hungry
and money-consuming hobby - Stereo/Hi Fi; it drove our wives
to distraction and despair! Veronica more so, because Robert
was making twice what I was earning - all bloody 'Pop Star'
singers do; it's not right. Speciality Artistes, work just
as hard, if not harder than singers, and most have of us
have a 'ton' of gear
to cart in and out of venues as well, not just a bloody
suit-pack and some sheets of music. Unfortunately, agents,
promoters etc, and all the rest of the 'wolves', don't see
it that way - bloody 'Show-Biz', don't you just love it!
Robert and I were forever trying to outdo the other with
the 'latest' equipment; speakers, amplifiers, tape decks
- both reel to reel and cassette - turntables, cartridges,
tone arms
etc. and so it went on, and on and.! I remember buying what
was the very latest at that time, 'Shure V15' Magnetic cartridge;
'Was it expensive?' Just replacing the needle - magnetic,
ceramic, cost more than most would want to spend on an entire
stereo system!
remember one time when Veronica and I were working cruise
ships; Robert gave me a bundle of cash to buy him the very
latest, all singing, all dancing, top of the range, 'Nakamichi
Cassette Deck', in Hong Kong for him. It was yet to be been
released onto the Australian market, but Robert found out
what it was going to cost when it did hit the shops. Even
buying it in Hong Kong at around half price, it still cost
several hundred Australian dollars and, what made it worse,
I couldn't afford one for myself! That put Robert ONE up
on me, but hey, he was my mate - and you help your mates.
this talk about 'New', 'The Latest' and Robert Gennari,
reminds me of a brand new nightclub that opened up in downtown
Auckland City, back in the late 60's. It was called - 'The
Mocambo'. Situated somewhere behind Shortland St., possibly
Fort St. I think - c'mon, it was one hellava long time ago!
I can't remember now who the principals were behind it,
but they spent a
small fortune on it. The décor and furnishings were
way beyond anything else in Auckland at the time. Quite
simply, it was pure plush, chic, and elegance. Robert got
a permanent residency there
and I, after performing my fakir show a couple of times,
talked the management into employing me as the resident
close-up magician. Come to think of it - that may have been
my first professional booking, working close-up magic.
club had been up and running for almost two months, when
it mysteriously burnt down. Rumour had it that it was deliberately
torched by jealous rivals, but then again, many looked at
me sideways for a while because, only a few days before,
I had performed my fakir show onstage, which included of
course, my fire-eating act - "Perhaps a stray spark
from Orchanté's fire.?" Bollocks!
to Sydney Australia; one day Robert comes around home to
listen to some 'sounds', and to criticize my stereo system
as, to be fair, I did with his; all very friendly you understand.
says, "I've got something to show you both", and
with that, he opens his coat and hauls out - a kitten! It
was a pure-breed Siamese. Well, Veronica and I go all gaga
over this gorgeous bundle of fur that was only a few weeks
old. I have always wanted a Siamese cat, so I told Robert
that there was no way in hell he was taking the kitten with
him when he left. He didn't! I have a
sneaking suspicion that was his intention all along.
'gift' made two people very happy and, dare I suggest it,
the cat also. Robert, and his wife Sue (a former Miss New
Zealand runner-up), had a young son at the time; I don't
think a very young kitten would have gotten much peace,
if you know what I mean, and I'm pretty sure that they both
realized that also. So that is how 'Sheba' came to join
our 'family'. A bit of a diversion, but I got there in the
end. Of course, with Sheba growing up with the cockatoos,
she never considered them as 'food'; they all played and
had fun together, just as a family should. Sheba was very
special to us.
next week.
13. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
14. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
their copyright of the material submitted.
All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
© Copyright 2022 Alan Watson QSM