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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
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Issue Number: #1658
Date: Sunday 6th March 2022
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. March Genii The Conjurors' Magazine
3. Free Lance Burton Teen Seminar
4. The Magic Word Podcast - Scott Wells
5. Lives Of The Conjurers: Houdini And Spiritualism
6. Magical Women With Connie Boyd
7. News From The Academy Of Illusions
8. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #50
9. The Milano Prediction - John Carey #152
10. Around The Lounge By Jeff Bibik
11. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
12. E-zine Archives
13. Privacy Policy And Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
Paul Stone upon contributing your 50th issue of 'No Stone
Unturned' to the Magic New Zealand ezine, and we look forward
to many more interesting stories from you!
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML
go to: magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2022-Jan-to-Dec2022/1658-Mar06-2022.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
or have some magic news drop me a line:
2. March Genii The Conjurors' Magazine
Message by Richard Kaufman - Editor Genii Magazine
Join us for as little as $35 a year at www.geniimagazine.com
and get digital access to every issue of both Genii and
MAGIC ever published.
the March issue we have something spooky for you: the new
Houdini Séance at The Magic Castle. Jonathan Levit,
one of the Trustees at the Academy of Magical Arts, gives
us a look behind the curtain with an assist from Jim Steinmeyer
and Benjamin Schrader, two of the architects behind the
new version.
you pay $300 each for a regular deck of cards? Find out
why some have, and how many of those now collectable packs
are in the hands of Dominique Duvivier, who sets the record
straight about his stash of Jerry's Nugget playing cards.
this issue is packed with magic. Besides the Jerry's Nugget
story, one of Dominique's tricks appears in this month's
"Magicana" where Jonathan Friedman also conjures
up a nifty coin routine. In "Dealing With It,"
John Bannon finds a couple pieces of gold in the "Oil
and Water" plot. David Regal shares a pretty vanish
in "Material Concessions". In Jon Racherbaumer's
"Exhumations" you will find a four Ace trick that
stands up to repetition. And Jim Steinmeyer shares an impossible
card effect (or is it mindreading?) in "Conjuring".
Lambert's "Stage as Studio" takes a hard look
at props this month. In "Happiness is the Road",
Hannibal shares a beer-soaked tale. Vanessa Armstrong's
"The Eye" covers all the news. From the clubhouse
on in the Hollywood Hills, Shawn McMaster looks back at
the holidays in "Knights at The Magic Castle".
And wrapping up this issue is our gang of intrepid reviewers
in "Light from the Lamp', including Suzanne on videos,
Nathan Coe Marsh with books, and Ryan Plunkett with the
tricks of our trade.
usual, the digital issue features videos, including performances
from our columnists and some trivia from our editor. All
that and more is on the inside of this, our 1,000th issue.
See you there.
3. Free Lance Burton Teen Seminar
Message by Simone Marron
Lance Burton Teen Seminar Administrator
are excited to announce that the Lance Burton Teen Seminar
will be taking place in-person and live for two days before,
and during the 2022 I.B.M. Convention.
seminar is free to all I.B.M. Youth Members between the
ages of 13 and 19. However, as space is limited, apply now,
as spaces are filling up fast, and the convention is almost
sold out. For more information and to sign up, go to bit.ly/LBTS2022,
and download the application form on that page, complete
it, and email it back to me at simone@marrons.us ASAP.
Seminar dates are July 11-13, 2022, with extra hours during
the convention. Learn from some of the greatest magic teachers
in the world including Lance Burton, Jeff McBride, Larry
Hass, and several surprise guests.
the first forty I.B.M. Members under the age of 18 to register
for the convention can register for free! Don't delay, as
only a small amount of free registrations remain. Register
for the convention at www.ibmconvention.com
are so excited to be able to offer you this incredible opportunity
this summer, and hope to hear from you soon.
4. The Magic Word Podcast - Scott Wells
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
and Jason England on The Magic Word Podcast
week we reached a rather unique milestone with episode #666.
While there is nothing demonic about it, we thought we'd
have some fun and reach out to the medium at the Magic Castle
séance, Rob Zabrecky. He has been the resident medium
at large for over a decade. Moreover, he has received two
separate nominations for Magician of the Year or the Parlour
at the Magic Castle. Rob is a memorable performer with a
rather unique, shall we say, quirky style. In this episode,
Zabrecky talks about developing his on stage persona. You
can listen to this episode wherever you get your podcasts.
But for more information, videos, photos and more, please
visit our website at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/666-zabrecky
this week we bring you a wonderful conversation with Jason
England. He is perhaps best known for his collection of
gambling apparatus and his work with trying to learn the
identity of S.W. Erdnase, author of "Expert At The
Card Table." Jason has a lot of entertaining stories
relating to gambling as well as the legendary con artist,
Titanic Thompson. Again, you can get this wherever you download
your podcasts, but for more info, please visit: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/667-jason-england
while you at the website, be sure to register to enter the
contest for a chance to win one of three copies of the eBook
"The Self Working Trick" by John Gaspard. This
is a collection of 12 different Eli Marks mysteries, most
of which have never been published before now. This contest
is open to everyone in the world since it will be a digital
edition. Go to the website today and enter. The contest
will remain open until March 9th.
5. Lives Of The Conjurers: Houdini And Spiritualism
Message by Michael Solomon (US)
Solomon has published Houdini and Spiritualism, the story
of Houdini's crusade against fraudulent mediums. It is Volume
Four in his Lives of the Conjurers.
a description, go to:
6. Magical Women With Connie Boyd
Message by Connie Boyd (USA)
Women salute female magicians & Womens History Month
2022. Be WOWed by their successful women stories and women
inspirational video. Learn how these girl power magic superstars
have earned their spot in the female success club. Watch
our playlists to learn magic life lessons and lady magician
successful women motivation!
1-31, 2022 - Women's History Month 2022
00:00 - 00:12 - Introduction Magical Women salute Womens
History Month
00:12 - 00:23 - Blast from the Past Series
00:23 - 00:39 - Winners Circle Series
00:39 - 01:01 - 21 Guest Star Talks & Sequels
01:00 - 01:15 - Weekly Magical Motivational Messages
01:15 - 01:28 - Call to action
7. News From The Academy Of Illusions
Message by Jay Scott Berry (Australia)
emerging catch word for events in 2022 is "Hybrid*.
Thankfully, we are coming out of two years of lockdown with
a renewed focus on the Art and the different ways it can
be presented. This year has seen major live conventions
in Las Vegas and Blackpool as well as virtual ones, like
last weekend's Magic Inn Convention. I'm directing, consulting
and/or performing on some of the upcoming conventions and
am actively pushing the Hybrid Model, which is a dynamic
synergy of Live and Virtual.
put, this is the new normal. Theatres, businesses, schools
and individuals have fully embraced virtual events. So now,
we have the opportunity to take the best of each, allowing
for live and virtual performers at a convention as well
as live and remote attendees. Even The Magic Castle, which
is now open, is continuing its Virtual Shows. Jack Goldfinger
has tapped me to Produce their April 2nd Virtual show. So,
I'm very pleased to announce that Meadow Perry and Rod Chow
will be my Co-Stars. All Magic Castle Members, no matter
where in the world, can attend this, and all of their virtual
shows. And even non-members can attend for a moderate entrance
are also two other headline stories this week. The first
is the aforementioned Magic Inn Convention. Well over 100
attendees joined from all corners of the globe to see presentations
by Shawn Farquhar, Suzanne, Håkan Berg, Simon Fisher-Becker
and yours truly. There were Virtual Dealers Rooms, Contests,
Prizes and more! It was an amazing undertaking by producer
Jeffrey Clark and his team. That it turned out so successful
bodes well for all similar events in the future, whether
virtual or hybrid.
and certainly not least, was the 5th "Spotlight On"
Webcast which Streamed Live across Facebook. In this episode,
it was a true pleasure to recognise the extraordinary life
and achievements of Diana Zimmerman, founder of the Magic
Castle Juniors Program. Joining me in honouring her were
an all-star cast that included Lance Burton, Nick Lewin,
Christopher Hart, Ed Alonzo, Bill Smith and Steven Barnes.
It was 100 minutes of priceless discussion and memories,
which will now go into the Magic Castle Archives. The recording
can be viewed on the Academy FB Page at www.FaceBook.com/AcademyofIllusions
8. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #50
Message by Paul Stone (US)
I write this article, I am still in England after presenting
a talk with Lynette Chappell at the recent Blackpool Magic
the many years that I've been involved in magic, probably
the one thing that has impressed me most is the ability
to travel to pretty much any country in the world and come
across a local magician.
invariably they'll welcome you with open arms. I've been
fortunate to make some really good friends this way.
I don't personally know any magicians from Ukraine, there
are bound to be some, and our collective thoughts should
be with them for the terrible situation in which they now
find themselves in their country.
you know of any magicians living there, or if you just would
like to help, please email me at qualityevents@aol.com
images we're witnessing on TV of so many frightened mothers
and children fleeing from the Russian invasion are dreadful
and very moving. I'm sure that any support would be welcome.
would be nice to bring a little magic into their lives.
few weeks ago, some friends of mine from over here in UK
visited Las Vegas and I took them to see Mac King's Show
in his new room at the Excalibur, and Mike Hammer's Show
at the
4 Queens in Downtown Las Vegas.
these guys are old friends of mine, and I hadn't seen either
of their shows for some time. In short, they were both outstanding.
to the pandemic, audience numbers are considerably down,
especially for afternoon shows, and Mac only had a smallish
crowd. But to his great credit, he gave his audience a brilliant
show. His magic was strong, his comedy and timing impeccable,
and his energy never let up. Mac is a professional to his
fingertips and always on top of his game.
Hammer may not be as well known to British magicians as
Mac King, but for me he is as good as it gets. His style
is very different from Mac's who plays predominantly to
a family audience.
is an evening show, and his performance can best be described
as edgy. But he never crosses the line and his repartee
and the way he plays his audience is sensational. He has
a lightning sharp wit, and his magic is fast moving, entertaining,
and original.
has stayed mainly under the radar but has been wowing audiences
at the 4 Queens for over 14 years! And he still looks like
a young guy! I'm hoping to bring him over to the UK in the
future, if he ever gets a break from his Las Vegas shows!
is also currently rehearsing for Criss Angel and Franco
Dragone's (founder of Cirque du Soleil) new spectacular
show called AMYSTIKA. Also at the Planet Hollywood, it is
due to open on 11th March.
this space for details!
9. Five Thinko - John Carey #152
Message by John Carey (UK)
Thinko is a revelation of a genuinely thought of playing
card that makes use of Multiplicity, or Multiple-outs as
most commonly known. It was Dai Vernon who blazed a trail
with this kind of work in the context of card magic.
will require a deck of cards, a wallet and a banknote/bill.
Set the deck up as follows: Place the Ace of Clubs on top,
the Two of Clubs on the bottom, and the Three of Clubs reversed
in the middle. Take the Four of Clubs and place it inside
the zippered compartment of your wallet.
Finally, take a marker and write on the banknote "you
will think of the Five of Clubs". Place the banknote
writing side down in the note compartment of your wallet
and set the deck back into its box and you are ready to
out your cards from the box and execute a false cut, without
exposing the reversed card. Ask a participant to cover the
deck with either hand. "Mick, today we are going to
attempt a little mystery of the mind. Your mind, not mine!
Also I will wager the contents of my wallet and if I fail
with this you keep the wallet and its content. Imagine five
playing cards, the Ace, Two, Three, Four and Five of, err,
Clubs. Imagine seeing them out in front of you, big and
bold in the air". Before delivering this monologue
take out your wallet and open it showing money inside and
leave it opened on the table. "Imagine those cards
just fading slowly away until just one card is left, a card
formed entirely in your mind and imagination. What card
are you thinking of?"
All your work is done. Let's deal with the variables:
of Clubs - have them lift their hand and turn over the top
card and conclude.
of Clubs - have them lift their hand and turn the deck face-up
to reveal their thought of card.
of Clubs - have them lift their hand and spread the deck
across the table, revealing their mental selection reversed
in the deck.
of Clubs - Ask your participant to open up the zippered
compartment of your wallet and remove the contents.
of Clubs - Comment on how earlier that day you had a premonition
and wrote something down. Have them remove the banknote
and turn it over and read out your prediction to successfully
conclude a meeting of two minds!
pretty much all there is to this. Work at a calm and unhurried
pace and you will have a thought of card revelation that
will serve you very well.
10. Around The Lounge By Jeff Bibik
Message by Jeff Bibik (US)
Kayla Drescher
been a couple of busy weeks at the Chicago Magic Lounge,
sold out shows and happy audiences. Our current Artist in
Residence is Kayla Drescher doing her evening show "Magic
In High Heels". The show features many of Kayla's signature
pieces, including a psudo psychometry with drinks that ends
with the final thought of drink being produced! It's a fun
show that moves at a nice clip and runs every Wednesday
night through March.
she's in town she's also been doing some nights at the bar,
bringing her back to some of her roots. Kayla's story began
in the tiny town of Wallingford Connecticut in the US. She
told me she has always been interested in finding out how
things work, exploring nature, and learning about science
and math. Her first magic shop visit was at age 7, and she
quickly met a mentor in Bill Andrews. Bill was a well-known
magician in the Connecticut area and was also the president
of the SAM 1987- 88. Bill started a SYM assembly which provided
a strong and positive influence for many young magicians
in that area.
began doing shows at a young age, doing birthdays, contests
and talent shows and even working the annual Salute to Magic
show in New York City at age 12. However, she but put magic
aside when she went off to college to earn a degree in environmental
Science. She quickly learned that road was not for her,
and went back into magic. This is when she started sharpening
her bar skills with 2 years of tending bar to give her time
to develop her routines and the thick skin needed in this
more opportunity she went west, first to Vegas, which also
was not the fit she was seeking and she stayed only a year
there. I asked her if she got any work in Vegas, and her
first offer was to do walk around magic poolside - in a
bikini! (Let me tell you, I've done this and it's not easy,
or in my case pretty) Los Angeles has been a better fit.
She quickly became a regular at the Magic Castle and has
become deeply involved in improv comedy, a valuable skill
for magicians.
knocked again, and she began touring with Champions of Magic.
This very successful international touring show has travelled
the globe and Kayla toured for 4 years. During her time
with the show she's been to all 50 states, as well as Mexico
and Canada. The Canadian shows were always in winter, a
smart marketing move as there were no other touring shows
at that time of year, guaranteeing huge audiences.
down side was the cold!! Many of these shows were in ice
arenas, so dressing rooms were the hockey player's locker
rooms. Most magicians haven't spent a lot of time in sports
locker rooms (including me!) but Kayla assured me you don't
forget that smell! Ah, show business! She'll be returning
to LA soon to continue her studies, so catch Kayla at the
Chicago Magic Lounge, and wear your high heels!!
11. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
Written by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)
Adagio/ Dancer act which used Jon Doyle's fitness studio,
that we worked with quite often, were the 'Duo Arabesque'-
Marilla and Ibraham; she was Australian and he, Lebanese.
"The bloody Arab" Marilla used to called him -
fondly. It was strange how often we would work with the
same act(s) in the various RSL's, Leagues and other clubs,
especially when you consider the vast number of clubs, and
the seemingly limitless number of artistes, of all kinds,
who were working the Sydney circuit. We became good friends
with Marilla and Ibraham, particularly after we had both
been booked by my old mate Gilbert Thong, to work in Noumea,
New Caledonia for a couple of weeks. Gilbert, who hails
from New Caledonia, was the promoter who gave me my first
over-seas bookings around the South Pacific Islands, way
back in the 'dark ages' .
Like most Adagio artistes, Marilla and Ibraham would appear
on-stage wearing a cloak and/or cape of some sort, then
take it off with a flourish, to reveal quite skimpy costumes
which showed
off their physiques - the 'Body Beautiful'; the very nature
of this type of act demands it in any case. Both partners
are always in fantastic shape (hence the continuous fitness
and body
sculpturing/training regimes) and, more often than not,
the females, like their male counterparts, worked topless.
This little exposé is to set the scene for an incident
that had Marilla in tears.
decided to fly us out to a little Island situated off the
East Coast of New Caledonia, miles out in the Pacific Ocean
- Lifou Island, to perform our show/acts for the natives.
Talk about being isolated from civilisation - and the hotel?
The 'rooms' were several, typically native, round shaped
grass bures, set-up in a compound; bunk style beds with
mosquito nets - thank God, and the running water was strictly
limited, so you had to try and do your No. 2's and flush
the toilet before it was shut off until the next morning,
as were the generators that supplied the electricity! I
guess that if you were used to doing the 'nature walks'
bit, camping out in tents. etc. We weren't!
show, held in a large tin shack, which also served as the
local community centre, was absolutely jam-packed with happy,
laughing, and excited natives, whose clothing looked like
it had come, at best, from a jumble sale, at worst, a rubbish
dump! At least they were wearing something! They used to
run around naked until the early missionaries arrived; their
Bible banging teachings changed practically all of the islands
inhabitants throughout the South Pacific into Christians.
I guess that in some ways, it had its benefits - they were
no longer cannibals!
with the show. As Veronica and I had two different acts,
we went on first - performing our magic show. At one stage,
I got a little boy up to do the old vanishing lit cigarette
in the
handkerchief - I always borrowed my volunteers coat, it
has a far bigger impact than a measly handkerchief. This
little boy wasn't wearing a coat; he had on what seemed
to be a brown coloured cardigan - that was until I asked
him to take it off so that I could perform 'The Magic'.
As he removed it, it turned inside out, to reveal that it
was, bright red! The outside 'brown'
colour was - dirt! As I 'vanished' the cigarette, the cardigan
kept trying to crawl away on its own volition. So did I!
it was Marilla and Ibrahim's turn to entertain the happy
throng. As their background music came on, they strode out
onto the floor (there was no stage), and removed their cloaks.
Initially there was a hushed silence, then quiet giggling,
as they start performing their various routines, which really
was something quite beautiful to watch as Ibraham showed
his strength
with his one-arm lifts etc., with Marilla gracefully posing
in a variety of positions. We could hear tittering from
the audience virtually from the start of their act, but
when some of the Adagio positions entailed Marilla doing
the splits, the crowd started screaming with laughter.
of them could understand what was so funny but as the true
professionals that they were, they carried on and finished
their act. We didn't know either, what had caused the laughter
during their show, until Gilbert told us. It started practically
from the time that Marilla dropped her cloak, because they
could see her boobs; then, because of Marilla's very skimpy
G-String, they could, "See the white girls 'thing"!
Poor Marilla burst into tears of embarrassment, then anger,
until she came to realise that the friendly natives on remote
Pacific Islands just don't 'see'
things quite the same way as mature, discerning audiences
do, in sophisticated nightclubs etc.
came on once again to finish off the show, performing our
signature 'Fakir' presentation: Fire Eating, Bed-of-Nails,
Sword-Swallowing and the 'String Thing' (psychic surgery),
which another little incident occurred, which gave Marilla
a great sense of 'sweet revenge' and satisfaction!
Next Week
E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
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in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
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Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
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of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
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Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
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Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
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© Copyright 2022 Alan Watson QSM