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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
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Issue Number: #1627
Date: Sunday 11th July 2021
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
Editor's Message
2. FISM European Championship Of Magic 2021 Results
3. Jeff McBride Magic & Mystery School Events
4. Seeking USA Magicians For Paid TV Show Filming
5. Magical Women With Connie Boyd
6. Mental Fusion - John Carey #125
7. John Carey - Zoom Super Session
8. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #19
9. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
10. E-zine Archives
11. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
week's issue of the Magic New Zealand ezine is coming out
earlier as I will be logging into The International Brotherhood
of Magicians Zoom online convention - July 8-10, 2021.
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2021-Jan-to-Dec-2021/1627-Jul11-2021.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
or have some magic news drop me a line:
2. FISM European Championship Of Magic 2021 Results
official results of the awards finalists of the FISM European
Championship of Magic 2021.
results by Category:
Vadim Savenkov - Russian Federation - Third Prize
Antioche Et Zegora - France - Third Prize
Francesco Fontanelli - Italy - First Prize
Miguel Ajo - Spain - Second Prize
Mario Bove - Italy - Third Prize
Robin Deville - France - Third Prize
Alfonso Rituerto - Germany - Second Prize
Luis Olmedo - Spain - Second Prize
Mr Triton - France - Third Prize
Cedric Faure - France - Third Prize
Javi Rufo - Spain - Second Prize
Martin Hansson - Sweden - Third Prize
Artem Shchukin - Russian Federation - First Prize
Hannu Juntunen - Finland - Second Prize
Javi Rufo - Spain - Third Prize
Dario Adiletta - Italy - Most Original Act Stage
Laurent Piron - Belgium - Grand Prix Stage
Lea Kyle - France - Second Prize
Adrien Quillien - France - Third Prize
Doble Mandoble - Belgium - First Prize
Ramo & Alegria - Spain - Second Prize - Invention Award
D'albeniz & Alaitz - Spain - Third Prize
Yann Yuro - Germany - First Prize
Anca & Lucca - Austria - Second Prize
Ran Gafner - Israel - Third Prize
Ruben Vilagrand - Spain - Award - Invention Award
3. Jeff McBride Magic & Mystery School Events
Message by Jeff McBride (US)
13 & 20 - Corporate Magic, Trade Shows, Product Launches,
General Session & Hospitality Suites - with Paul Draper
- LIVE Online
17 & 24 - Parlor Magic Classics - with Jeff McBride
- LIVE Online
- Sisters of Mystery - with Abigail McBride - LIVE Online
4. Seeking USA Magicians For Paid TV Show Filming
Message by Renee Massie
magicians for paid TV show filming.
be available Aug 10-30.
apparatuses and danger/escape/daredevils, looking for new
acts or modern takes on classics, things that haven't been
seen on TV.
send videos to reneecasting@gmail.com USA ONLY
5. Magical Women With Connie Boyd
Message by Connie Boyd (USA)
Swadling's FISM act | BBC2 1977, "the Magic Show"-
Harry Blackstone Jr | Blast from the Past
Swadling performs her FISM act, which received second place
in 1970 at the XI World Championships of Magic in Amsterdam.
performance of her award winning act, on "the Magic
Show" with host Harry Blackstone Jr, was broadcast
on BBC2 television on 19 December 1977.
Swadling was the first magician to perform with two dancing
canes at the same time as seen on this performance clip
of her magic on the Harry Blackstone television show. Her
husband, Bob Swadling made her canes (which had brushes
on their ends as they were paintbrushes in her art themed
magic act) . The double dancing canes were used in her act
which won a second prize in General Magic prize at FISM
in Amsterdam in 1970.
Swadling was the first woman to compete and place in FISM.
included on the Harry Blackstone show were Pierre Brahma's
Jewelry Act, from France, and Robert Harbin's last TV appearance
with his incredible illusions.
debuted her magic act in 1969. Her first performance was
at the IBM British Ring 25 Shield Competition. In those
days, they had a "Lady's Prize" and in September,
1969 she won that.
the French magic president and magician was in the audience,
and he booked Valerie to appear in a show in Paris in October,
that year, named "The World's Greatest Magicians"
at the "Champs Elysee Theatre". Valerie appeared
with Richiardi Junior in that show. At the end of the show,
Siegfreid, appeared backstage and told Valerie that she
"was the best lady magician he had seen who did not
do her husband's act." At Siegfried's invitation Valerie
and Bob were introduced to Siegfried and Roy's magic at
the Lido.
French agent, Andre Sanlaville, watched Valerie's performance
and booked her on a TV Christmas Special for Christmas Eve,
that same year. It was a very successful start and together
with her husband Bob, an accomplished magician himself,
they travelled the world. Highlights of their performances
include appearances at the Magic Castle and on "It's
Magic at the Wiltshire Ebell Theatre.
appeared on BBC1 in 1980 on "The Magic Circle"
show from Blazers Night Club in Windsor, England.
6. Mental Fusion - John Carey #125
Message by John Carey (UK)
classic Anniversary Waltz of Christopher Carter and made
famous by Doc Eason is truly a beautiful piece of magic
that provides an impossible moment and gift for a couple
that they will not forget in a hurry. I wanted a version
for those times where I didn't have any gaffs with me. The
following approach was inspired by an effect called Mental
Waltz by Lewis Le Val from a download of the same name.
imagine you approach a couple at a table. Be sure they actually
are a couple to save any embarrassment! Let's say their
names are Peter and Jenny. Have Peter shuffle the deck thoroughly.
"Today Guys, we are going to attempt an experiment
that goes beyond amazing and may very well be impossible.
Peter I would like you to deal and spell out one card at
a time
face down for the word amazing. Now take this marker and
sign the back of the last card dealt and after drop the
rest of the deck on top."
he carries out your instructions as above and you then pick
up the deck and give it a casual and deceptive false cut.
"Jenny, I'd like you to do the same as Peter, but I
don't want you to Deal the cards face down." As you
say this you casually deal three cards face down into a
packet and then a moment later drop the deck on top of them.
Turn the deck face up and hand it to her. "I'd like
you to deal and spell one card at a time for the word impossible.
take the marker and sign that card on the face." The
card she signs on the face secretly has her partners signature
on the back. You are so far ahead here which enables one
to really focus on the presentation. Once she has signed
the card have her drop the rest of the face up deck on top
and then give the deck a cut and complete the cut. Ask Jenny
to hold out a palm up hand and place the deck face down
onto it.
ask Peter to cover the deck with a palm down hand. "So
guys, using the power of words you each signed a random
card. I want you to use your imaginations now and imagine
both of your cards moving up and down throughout the deck
and stretch your imaginations and actually
those two cards coming together, just like you lovely people
did back in the day. Would it be amazing if they were now
next to each other, or actually impossible?"
back the deck and hand to hand spread face down until you
arrive at the card signed on the back. Pause a beat and
then slowly remove this card and the one above and below
it in a little spread. Turn over the top card of the threesome
face up showing a random card. Then turn the bottom card
face up, showing another random card and place that back
on the bottom of the spread. "To the untrained eye
it appears that doing something amazing and at the same
time Impossible is beyond us..."
look down at the face down card of the sandwich and slowly
remove it. A moment later turn it face up to reveal that
the card has magically fused their signatures together.
Hand it to the lady as a memento of your time together and
wish the couple a lovely evening!
7. John Carey - Zoom Super Session
Message by John Carey (UK)
on from the success of my previous online Super Sessions,
I am delighted to inform you that we will be holding another
session via Zoom on Saturday July 17 at 9pm UK time!
always the event will be recorded for subscribers, so even
if you can't make the live broadcast you won't miss out!
chosen some really strong material to teach you on the night.
Here's the content!
July 17 Zoom Lecture content!
Laughing Queens- Peter Duffie
2. Full Deck Oil and Water
3. Delusion Assembly- Peter Duffie
4. A mystery in time redux. 3 jokers
5. Jennings O'Henry Aces- Larry Jennings
6. Aces for Gabi
7. The overworked card- Roy Walton
8. 1002 Aces- Alex Elmsley
9. All Backs Pot Pourri- Lou Gallo
10. Bluff Aces- Ed Marlo
11. Last Man Standing- John Bannon
12. A purse and a coin
13. Aces Production- Tom Rose
14. Aces Production #2 Tom Rose
15. An in depth look at variations of the classic pass!
promises to be such a fun and interactive evening where
you can ask the questions and get the answers!
always this is a pay what you can/wish event. To reserve
your space please PayPal to: johncareymagic@gmail.com
zoom link will then be sent to you.
very much look forward to seeing you soon!
8. No Stone Unturned - Paul Stone - Article #19
Message by Paul Stone (US)
was watching a documentary recently on Lin-Manuel Miranda,
the American actor, composer, lyricist and writer who shot
to global fame with his hip hop musical Hamilton, about
the life of Alexander Hamilton which took Broadway by storm.
got me thinking about what an unlikely success story this
was. A hip hop musical about the life of an American historical
figure who was shot at the age of 40 hardly seems a subject
that would pack theatres around the world.
on closer inspection it was the thinking outside the box
and his creativity and originality that stands Miranda apart,
and is the secret to his success.
who knows me well, knows that I am passionate about Variety.
I have produced numerous Variety Shows in theatres on both
sides of the Atlantic, and I have always tried to book as
many different Speciality acts as possible.
it is becoming increasingly difficult to produce high quality
Variety Shows because many Speciality acts, even the best
in the business, last only between six and twelve minutes.
When each half of the show has to be around one hour in
length, it takes several acts to fill the bill, and so unfortunately
it is difficult, to make it financially viable.
said that, there are still a few stand out Speciality acts
that will always have work. Last week I mentioned the incomparable
George Carl, whose originality in looks, performance and
talent made him a 'must see' act.
performer who comes to mind, because of his sheer ability
to surprise an audience and bring it to its feet is Marko
Karvo from Finland, whose bird act is simply outstanding.
though I love Variety, I have to admit that I find it difficult
to watch America's Got Talent. I think the issue I have
with these talent shows is that very few of the competitors,
even the really strong ones, actually have an act.
they have three minutes that are often brilliant to watch,
but very few of them can sustain that level when asked to
return for a second or third appearance.
week though I did watch AGT. I received a call from my good
friend Bob Kohler who told me that there was an act on the
show that I really had to see.
wow, was he right. Lea Kyle, a very attractive Quick Change
artist from France, completely stole the show. Over the
years I've booked most of the best costume change acts,
and there a few excellent ones, but, in my opinion, Lea
has taken the art to a whole new level.
how did Lea do it? By thinking out of the box, and not constraining
herself to the old, tried and tested methods. Instead of
following others, she obviously decided first, what sort
of effects she wanted to create, and then set about making
them happen.
incorporating modern technology, the act was sensational,
and visually stunning. And she had obviously spent time
on choosing the music which complemented the act perfectly.
over forty years in this business, it has to be something
special for me to get excited about an act, but this was
the best Quick Change act I have ever seen. If you haven't
seen it, then try to check it out.
in showbusiness is never guaranteed, but those who go the
extra mile and show originality in both thought and presentation,
have every chance of finding it.
9. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
Written by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)
the years Richard Webster has ghost written 21 books for
other people. When one of these books sold more than 80,000
copies, Richard realised it was time to start writing more
under his own name. The first of these was a book on ghost
writing (Secrets of Ghost Writing) which was published by
Breese Books Ltd, London, 1987. It is still in print. Richard
wrote two
more books for this publisher, and then found a new home
with Llewellyn Books in the United States. Since 1994 they
have published thirty-six of his books. Being a full-time
gave him the necessary time and freedom to do this, but
his income from performing slowly declined because he no
longer had the time to promote himself.
most of Richard's books are for the general public, I did
mention earlier on that Richard has worked as a magician,
mentalist/palm reader, stage hypnotist and hypnotherapist
(among other talents) and has written books on all of these
subjects. Brookfield Press published twenty five of his
books on magic, as well as a book for Hypnotherapists on
how to conduct past life regressions. Flora and Company
in the United States published his video course, 'The Richard
Webster Hypnotism Show', the first instructional video in
the world on how to become a stage Hypnotist. Here are some
of his books for magicians and psychic entertainers:
And Effective Cold Reading
Quick Readings With Numerology
Psychometry From A To Z
Pendulum Power For The Psychic Entertainer
Good Luck From Beijing
Home Psychic Parties For Fun And Profit
Cold Reading For The Magician
You Are A Rainbow
Pitch Books
Plan For Success
How To Make Money Giving Free Talks
Astrology For The Psychic Entertainer
Ladies' Nights
Entertaining Mentalism
Using Your Intuitive Edge For Fun And Profit
Cold Reading The Future With Numerology
Cold Reading Variations
King Of The Small Towns
Riccardo On Children's Magic
the nineteen ghost written books, Richard has published
91 books since 1972, and fifty-one of these are currently
in print. By the end of 2007, the total will be 92. His
books have
been translated into twenty -two languages and have sold
more than three million copies around the world!
most magic authors, Richard has done absolutely everything
that is covered in these books. Richard says, "I guess
you become versatile when you live in a small market, so
what I used to consider a handicap ultimately became a blessing.
I have also, always offered a money-back guarantee throughout
have my performing career". In more than a quarter
century of performing, only one person refused to pay me,
and that was many years ago. On a couple of occasions I
declined payment when I felt I had not done a good enough
job. Most magicians I have spoken to about offering a guarantee
are scared that people will take advantage of it but, that
has not been my experience".
Next Week
10. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
11. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
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Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
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of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
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Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
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Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
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Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
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the above disclaimer.
© Copyright 2021 Alan Watson QSM