* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1589
Date: Sunday 27th September 2020
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editors Message
2. October Genii Magazine
3. Magic Auction - Museum
4. Blackpool Magic Convention 2021 Postponement
5. Steve Beam On The Magic Word Podcast
6. Broken Wand - Ken Bates GMM
7. Positivity - John Carey #96
8. Ongoing Adventures Of Romany! #26
9. Masters Of Illusion Friday, September 25, 2020
10. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
11. E-zine Archives
12. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2020-Jan-to-Dec-2020/1589-Sep27-2020.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
or have some magic news drop me a line:
2. October Genii Magazine
Message from Richard Kaufman - Editor Genii Magazine
to Genii at www.geniimagazine.com and be eligible to purchase
the $150 book Charlie Miller's Magicana for only $25 plus
delve into the wonderful day that unfortunately will be
celebrated only sporadically this year - Halloween. Most
kids won't get to go for tricks or treats in October, more's
the pity. But we can enjoy this most orange and black holiday
in the pages of Genii.
Bryant, he of the Little Egypt Gazette, leads us on a shivery
path through tingling séance magic and the poetry
of the season in a multi-part cover story which incorporates
many performance pieces.
ode to the season continues with Rob Zabrecky's tour of
the séance at The Magic Castle, then Jim Steinmeyer
gives us a peek at the new séance that will premier
when The Castle reopens.
take a detour from the season but stick with the Academy
of Magical Arts for Dustin Stinett's wrap up of the annual
awards ceremony.
takes a leap into the heart of terror with three Halloween-themed
tricks. * Our other columns include "Exhumations,"
"The Eye," "Cardopolis," "Artifices,"
"Chamber of Secrets," "Expert at the Kids
Table," and a special installment of "Conjuring"
that teaches a new standup version of Three Card Monte.
Reviews of Books, Tricks, and Videos from David Britland,
Brad Henderson, and Joe M. Turner end the issue.
3. Magic Auction - Museum
& Ewing Galleries, LLC
from The Gary Darwin Museum of Magic
Brad Jacobs Collection
Past National President of The S.A.M.
items from many other notable collections and museums from
around the World!
16 & 17-
(Preview One Week Before Auction)
Haversat & Ewing <haversat@gmail.com> Galleries
4. Blackpool Magic Convention 2021 Postponement
Blackpool Magic Convention Statement (UK)
are sad to announce the postponement of The Blackpool Magic
Convention 2021.
After much thought and consideration, due to the current
pandemic we realise that we simply can't produce an event
for 2021 that would guarantee the safety of our valued customers.
who has already booked tickets, can hold them over to the
2022 event and still guarantee their seats. You can of course
be given a refund and then book again nearer the time.
our Registration Hub does not hear from you by the 1st December
2020, we will presume you are happy for tickets to be held
over to the 2022 event.
you for your understanding and we look forward to welcoming
you back in 2022. The dates for Blackpool 2022 are Thursday
17th February to Sunday 20th February 2022.
for 2022 opens on Monday 5th April 2021 via our website:
5. Steve Beam On The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
of the long running "Trapdoor" journal for underground
magicians and also the "Semi-Automatic Card Tricks"
series, Steve Beam, joins us as the guest this week on The
Magic Word Podcast. His humor and magic performances has
been enjoyed by thousands over the years as he has emceed
magic conventions and corporate events. In this week's episode,
Steve talks about publishing "Semi-Automatic Card Tricks"
and how it led him to the current 12th book in the series.
He also chats about scripting, performing at magic conventions,
and more.
can listen wherever you get your podcasts. But for more
information, but sure to visit: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/578-steve-beam
Don't forget to sign up for our weekly podletter that keeps
you up to date on who is on each week, who is coming up
next week, and suggestions from the archives.
to enjoy the video side of our podcast, we have been live
streaming Magic and Martinis Thursday virtual happy hour
for the last 19 weeks. This is a fun time of friend sitting
around the virtual bar talking magic. You can join in through
YouTube or Facebook by typing in your comments and questions
as we recognize everyone who cares to join us. If you "Like"
our Facebook page at https://facebook.com/themagicwordpodcast
then you will receive notifications when we go LIVE! Join
us each week for a virtual happy hour
because it's
better than drinking alone!
6. Broken Wand - Ken Bates GMM
Message by Paul Bates GMM (New Zealand)
Dad Ken Bates died in the early hours of this morning, Thursday
24 September, peacefully in hospital. He was 87 years old.
had a long illness battling a disease called Myadisplasia,
where bone marrow is not making enough platelets, and once
a week he had to have a top up of blood to recharge the
advanced rapidly over the last 8 months to 2 to 3 transfusions
per week and then the Haematologist told us it wasn't working
anymore. The past 12 days he's been in hospital and this
morning left us to join all the other magicians in the great
top hat in the sky.
funeral celebrating his life is on Friday 2 October at 11am
at Dempsey and Forrest Funeral Home, 208 Guyton Street,
Whanganui 4500, New Zealand.
funeral will be live streamed on the day from their website
and we will advise when more information becomes available.
Shirley Bates
149 Harrison Street
Whanganui 4500
New Zealand
Email: Kbmagic@xtra.co.nz
7. Positivity - John Carey #96
Message by John Carey (UK)
following piece was inspired by a Juan Tamariz effect called
Black Days in his magnificent work Sonata. My approach is
sleight free, relying on verbal control and ambiguity -
otherwise known as Equivoque. You will require five black
spot cards and a red Ace. Take these cards sight unseen
from the deck with the Ace being the uppermost card of the
packet as the balance of the deck is set aside.
today I'd like to try an experiment in positivity with you.
I guess most of us try to remain as positive as possible
most of the time. In fact I'm going to send you positive
energy right now. Just hold your hands out palm up. I will
rub my hands together rather briskly and now hold them
over yours for just a few seconds. Believe it or not, everything
you do today will now be positive! I've got a handful of
playing cards here that we can conduct a little test with."
as per above, we set the scene and are now ready to work.
Run the red Ace to the bottom of the packet with an overhand
shuffle and then retain it there with a simple slip shuffle.
Hand the packet to your helper and have her further mix
the cards by dealing left and right forming two face down
three card packets, our Ace being the top card of the right
hand packet. "Six cards on the table Mary, but we don't
need them all. Please pick up either packet." This
is where the first equivocal step begins.
they pick up the target packet we casually push the other
packet aside without fuss. However if they pick up the X
packet you ask them to set that packet aside. Continue by
asking them to deal the three remaining cards into a left
to right face down row. Request they mix them around a little,
you of course keeping track of the red Ace. "Mary,
please pull two cards towards you. Using classical Equivoque
once more, if they pull the two X cards towards them casually
ask them to discard with the other three cards, leaving
our Ace ready for the final revelation. But of course, if
they pull the Ace and an X card towards themselves we would
casually drop the remaining card aside with the earlier
discards. Then, with no hesitation, ask them to hand
you one of the two cards they pulled towards themselves.
If it's the Ace, they discard the other card. If it's not
you discard it with the other four cards. The key is to
keep it flowing and be relaxed.
through random choices made instinctively by you, you decided
to keep this card Mary. At the outset we discussed the power
of positivity. I even tried to channel some positive energy
to you. Let's see how we did. The Gypsy fortune tellers
consider the black cards as dark, negative images, worth
avoiding, and the red cards bright, vibrant and positive
images. Let's look at the ones you didn't want." Pick
up the discarded cards and slowly deal them face up onto
the table in a row revealing each to be black. Then ask
your helper to turn over her card to reveal a red Ace.
outcome thus proving the power of positivity!"
8. Ongoing Adventures Of Romany! #26
Message by Romany (UK)
from the Magic Cottage!
choosing to turn my attention away from the news that our
government has announced today that they will continue to
NOT give many artists, event organisers, theatre staff and
self-employed any financial aid in this crisis. It's difficult
to keep an open heart and calm mind, but after so many months
with the Buddhists, I have a basic training that we can
choose our reaction and in any case, everything only exists
in the mind.
yet, if I keep my attention away from the news and social
media my life is blessed. Since I started work full time
on my Manifest a Million readers challenge I've worked full
days and started getting results.
Spun Into Gold - The Secret Life of a Female Magician is
ranking 18th on Amazon's Biographies for Teens and Young
Adults! Hoorah!
Since you might not be following it - and why not? - and
since today's blog is magic related, I'm going to share
Day 17 with you here and now!
morning clad in full wet gear on this morning's rainy walk,
I got to thinking.
night, I watched a much admired female magician Carisa Hendrix
talk about how she managed to make such creative progress
with her three year old character Lucy Darling. You can
marvel at her at www.thelucydarling.com .
As you'll know if you've read my story, I've had the dream
of creating a world class magic act for three decades. It
was so important to me that twenty years ago, I left my
husband to go to Las Vegas. Don't worry, we're still friends.
year at a big magic convention in Florida, I performed that
act in front of 800 magicians including many of the top
names in the business. It went well and I finally thought
to myself, yup, that worked. Of course, as we say in the
business, every show is only as good as the last. This is
true. But still, that yearning I'd carried for so long was
Connie Boyd's YouTube show
Carisa Hendrix said that she had achieved so much in a relatively
short time because she only does what she wants to do. Since
she wants to develop material for Lucy Darling she puts
in 40+ hours a week and gets things done.
made me question what I'd really like to achieve. Like Carisa,
I have no kids or other demands on my time. I can do whatever
I want.
I walked past the sheep on the windswept hills, I pictured
an old fashioned pair of scales. If I put a new improved
Romany magic show on one side and the vision of my book
read throughout the world on the other, there is no contest.
The idea of reaching out to a young woman who doesn't know
how to break free from feeling desperately unhappy, has
the whole weight of my heart behind it.
Or to be honest, let's say, 70% of my heart. I'm still in
love with showbiz and spotlights. Plus, this is a new venture
for me, I am stepping out of my comfort zone onto new paths.
But even so, it's good to be clear.
This Manifest a Million readers isn't about making money.
I can spend money as well as anyone, but if someone came
along and put the profit from a million books in my bank,
I would put it straight back into finding more readers and
getting the book translated into as many languages as possible.
It's the same with magic. Tax wise, magic for me has been
an expensive hobby. I've always spent the profit on nicer
costumes, artistic direction from the best creative minds
in the business and on a few ridiculously expensive illusions.
Like Carisa, this is what I love.
Let's carry on then shall we? Still a way to go. But remember,
love, love
my friends, here is my challenge.
will share Spun Into Gold - The Secret Life of a Female
Magician with over a magical million readers.
available worldwide in paperback and on audiobook, narrated
by yours truly and has received 97% 5 star reviews.
Amazon USA
Amazon Australia
Book Depository FREE SHIPPING Worldwide
Audible UK
Audible USA
Apple Books (Audiobook)
9. Masters Of Illusion Friday, September 25, 2020
Message by Steve Moyer (US)
CA (September 25, 2020) - Masters Of Illusion, produced
by Associated Television International and hosted by Dean
Cain, will return for Week Nineteen of their seventh anniversary
season on The CW with two 30-minute episodes airing back
to back on Friday, September 25, 2020. Masters Of Illusion
features amazing magic performed by 45 acts, including 46
diverse national and international cutting-edge illusionists,
escape artists and performers, 10 of which are women.
This week's episodes will include:
Masters Of Illusion
"Brick Walls, Plexiglass, And A Fish Hook Tonsillectomy"
- (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Houdini's Brick Wall - Hosted by Dean Cain, Masters Of Illusion
features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists,
escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging
from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy
routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians
featured in this episode include: Jeki Yoo (Diamonds and
Blank Cards), Anna DeGuzman (Fish Hook Tonsillectomy), Shoot
Ogawa (Two Tricks In One), Jason Bishop (Houdini's Brick
Wall Illusion), Eric Jones (Incredible Transforming Coins)
and Alex Ramon (Plexiglass Magic Box). (#714) Original Airdate
To view performance highlights of the September 25th episode
airing from 8:00 - 8:30 p.m., please visit:
(Highlight Clip of Anna DeGuzman) https://vimeo.com/459766584/ba09c50f3c
Of Illusion
"Copycats, Magical Matrimony, and Moments in Time"
- (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Air Cannon Card Trick - Hosted by Dean Cain, Masters Of
Illusion features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge
illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills
ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious
comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians
featured in this episode include: Kyle Marlett (Copycat
Magic), Ed Alonzo (Sword Swallowing Colonoscopy), Matthew
Laslo (Tee Shirt Canon), Angela Funovits (A Moment In Time)
and Douglas "Lefty" Leferovich (Magical Courtship).
(#712) (Encore Presentation) (Original Airdate 8/28/20).
view performance highlights of the September 25th Encore
episode airing from 8:30 - 9:00 p.m., please visit:
(Highlight Clip of Kyle Marlett) https://vimeo.com/430083250/af6e1250f4
note, the television show, Masters Of Illusion will be preempted
on Friday, September 25, 2020 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., or
9:30 - 10:00 p.m., or 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in several U.S.
cities due to sporting events. As a result, Masters Of Illusion
will be broadcast instead in Dallas, TX on KDAF on Saturday,
September 26, 2020 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., in Indianapolis,
IN on WISH on Friday, September 25, 2020 from 12:30 - 1:00
a.m.; in Columbus, OH on WWHO on Friday, September 25, 2020
from 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.; Chattanooga, TN on WFLI on
Friday, September 25, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
and in Johnstown, PA on WJAC-D4 on Saturday, September 26,
2020 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Masters Of Illusion is produced by Associated Television
International (ATI) with returning Executive Producers David
McKenzie, Gay Blackstone, David Martin, and Al Schwartz,
along with Co-Executive Producer Jim Romanovich. For more
information about ATI, please visit www.associatedtelevision.com
more information on Masters Of Illusion, please visit:
Website: http://www.cwtv.com/shows/masters-of-illusion/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cwmastersofillusion and
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cw_illusion and https://twitter.com/Mastersofillus
10. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
Written by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)
of Timaru -Intro' to the 'Family Variety Spectacular '74'-
it just so happens that Veronica had mentioned in the past
that the door latch was getting sticky - difficult to open,
and it chose this particular night to finally stick tight
in the striking plate. With all the pushing and pulling,
and the consequent foul language, the bloody thing still
refused to open. By now I was fuming with the sheer frustration
of John Cleese's portrayal as 'Mr. Fawlty', in the TV series
'Fawlty Towers' so, when Veronica calmly produced a long
screwdriver from out of a drawer, I attacked that goddamn
door as if it was a living thing! Bloody door, it just 'laughed'
in my face and stayed put! I defy anybody not to admit that
they haven't sometime in their life, kicked an inanimate
object in total frustration, as if the object in question
had deliberately set out to test their mettle. A flat tire
in the middle of nowhere - without a repair kit, would be
a pretty good example I would imagine.
now I was fuming as I dragged Veronica's table away from
the door, got into the lounge then through to the kitchen
and arrived at the other side of the kitchenette door. Once
again I attacked the door with the screwdriver trying to
force the door away from the latch but all I managed to
do was to leave deep gouges in the doorjamb. I was beginning
to hate that door with a deadly hate - storming back through
the lounge and into the kitchenette - I again vented my
pent up fury
on that bloody door with the screwdriver, resulting in more
'decoration' on the doorjamb, with grooves and deep scratches;
then suddenly, like a well-oiled piece of machinery, the
door on its own volition, slowly swung open! I stomped off
to bed, expanding the vocabulary of my second language at
a great rate of knots as I went!
next afternoon 'Tangles', the first of the band up out of
bed after a late-night gig somewhere, came down to the kitchenette
for coffee. Veronica said it to him, "Were you and
the other boys in my workroom (the kitchenette) last night?
"Tangles replied, "Sure, we came in for a coffee,
why?" Deciding to 'Pull His Leg', Veronica said, "Did
you notice or did anything strange happen?" "Funny
you should say that" said Tangles, "The door wouldn't
open when we wanted to go to bed, but we noticed that your
table had been moved so we went out that way - into the
lounge and through the kitchen". "The same thing
happened to us" said Veronica, "Something' slammed
the door SHUT" then, lying through her teeth added,
"Something' - wouldn't let us open it"! Tangles
out the scratch marks that I had made the night before with
the screwdriver, trying to get the door open, Veronica says
to Tangles, "When I came down this morning, all these
terrible marks were all over the door jam - on both sides
of the door, and I thought you blokes might have had something
to do with it". "No way" Tangles said indignantly,
as he closely inspected the deep grooves and scratches in
the wood "We didn't do that". Then his overactive
imagination took hold, no doubt boosted by the genuine phenomena
that we were all experiencing within the house, - "Oh
My God" Tangles whispered, "They Look Like Claw
Mark"! Poor Tangles, he was going to cop a lot more
of the same, from all of us, before the up-coming extensive
South Island stage tour was over!
around walls of our spare bedroom, which is where the 'workstation'-
computer etc. is set up, and where I spend several hours
each week working on the weekly 'SAGA' (apart from flying
around the world to various exotic destinations in my Lear
Jet 45, via my Microsoft Flight simulator 2000 - Professional
Edition which is incidentally, good enough for Naval and
commercial air pilots to practice with, at home), most of
the available space is taken up with
several posters. The oldest is dated July/August 1960, the
latest probably 5-6 years ago, about the time I was forced
into retirement - God, how I hate that word! The largest
- in full colour, measures a whopping 5ft x 3ft - this,
one of several, cost in excess of an equaling whopping -
£125 each (N.Z. $375), glad I wasn't paying for them!
in front of me, up where the ceiling joins the wall, there
is a red A2 size poster displaying six black-and-white photographs.
The names - top row from L to Rare: Craig Scott - N.Z's.No.1
Television & Recording Star, - The Sensational 'reflections',
Girl Duo, - Angela Ayers, Resident Star of TV's. 'Happen
Inn' - bottom row: - Brendan Dugan, Country and Western
Personality, - The North Islands No.1 at group, 'prentice'
and, N.Z.'s Amazing International Star - 'Orchanté'
(with his beautiful stage hostess, Veronica).
then, was Eddie Brook's - 'Nod' to his friends, latest venture
- Galaxy Enterprises Ltd, proudly presents - Family Variety
Spectacular '74!
continues -
11. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
on the red button centre right "Archives"
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
12. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
their copyright of the material submitted.
All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
© Copyright 2020 Alan Watson QSM