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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
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Issue Number: #1588
Date: Sunday 20th September 2020
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editors Message
2. Alan Is Retiring - Owen Magic Supreme
3. Owen Magic Supreme - New Illusions Marked Down 40%
4. Piff The Magic Dragon Attempts David Copperfield's Legendary Feat!
5. Important News From Vanish Magic Magazine
6. Broken Wand - Ed Dunhill
7. Boris Wild On The Magic Word Podcast
8. Trevor Dawson Collection Of Magic Books Auction
9. 51 Faces North West - John Carey #96
10. Ongoing Adventures Of Romany! #26
11. Masters of Illusion
12. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
13. E-zine Archives
14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2020-Jan-to-Dec-2020/1588-Sep20-2020.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Alan Is Retiring - Owen Magic Supreme
Posted on Owen Magic Supreme Facebook page

Just to enlighten everyone ~ Alan is retiring and we are still looking for a new owner to carry on the 118 year history!

We are moving out of our current building in Azusa but we will continue to sell our inventory until it is gone!

If you have any questions or would like to inquire about a product please email us: Alanz@owenmagic.com

Calling all Magicians!
This Sunday 20th September ~ all used magic props will be on sale at Owen Magic! 9:00am - 3pm! (Masks required!)

2. Owen Magic Supreme - New Illusions Marked Down 40%
Message posted on Facebook by Mike Caveney (US)

The chance of a lifetime.

This Sunday Owen Magic Supreme, after 117 years of creating the most beautiful magic you are likely to see, is calling it quits.

On Sunday September 20th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm they will be having a parking lot sale with brand new illusions marked down 40% and older, rental illusions marked down a lot more than that.

It is going to be epic and if you are anywhere near Los Angeles, I can't imagine not going. I hope to see you there.

Owen Magic 734 N. McKeever Ave, Azusa, CA 91702.

3. Piff The Magic Dragon Attempts David Copperfield's Legendary Feat!
Link forwarded by Peter Phillips

Piff the Magic Dragon Attempts David Copperfield's Legendary Feat! - America's Got Talent 2020


4. Important News From Vanish Magic Magazine
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor Vanish Magazine

Over the past eight years I have produced close to 80 free issues of Vanish Magic Magazine.

The magazine filled a void in market for magicians with producing current and up to the minute stories, articles, essays that are relevant to the times. We have introduced artists that would not normally get featured in other magic magazines and watched them bloom and grow in to well-known performers. We are always on the cutting edge and not afraid to look at current world issues and how magicians are affected. We pride ourselves on being the most forward thinking magic magazine and offering more than any other publication.

From a personal note, the magazine costs me close to $15,000 a year to maintain. The advertising helped pay for a small part of that but the rest came out of my pocket. I continued this for eight years but the time has finally come to charge a very minimal fee for the magazine. You will see that the cost is now $1.99 per issue or buy a year's subscription for $11.99. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to what we have planned for the future of the magazine.

You can go to www.vanishmagazine.com and click on the current edition (Number 74) and you will have access to the first 10 pages, if you want to read more simply click read more and it will ask you to purchase that one or you can subscribe for a year.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to many wonderful years ahead with Vanish Magic Magazine.

Paul Romhany

5. Broken Wand - Ed Dunhill
Posted in Facebook by Bruce Kalver (US)

Ed was a very funny and talented magician. He had been ill getting reoccurring cancer for many years.

I met Ed when he came into my magic shop and his first words to me were, "Where is the bargain box?"

Ed performed on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson when it was in NY. He was always performing and reinventing himself to keep busy. He roomed with Doug Henning at a convention and was one of the most knowledgeable magicians I know.

I could write paragraphs about him.

When Arlene and I stayed in his spare room in South Carolina, we saw piles and piles of hotel soap and shampoo from all the hotels he stayed in. Yes he was cheap.

He was hilariously funny and a very caring and compassionate man.

I told him a story about a mishap I had with my sister Jeanette on stage during a show and he thought it was the funniest thing he ever heard. He laughed with tears in his eyes for an hour.
Whenever I called him through the years to see how he was doing, I would start the conversation with, "Jeanette?" He would laugh and we would continue our 40 year conversation.

The conversation has ended. I will miss Ed deeply.

6. Boris Wild On The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

A few weeks ago we featured a conversation with three magicians regarding the secrets of judging contests at the World Championships of Magic (F.I.S.M.) level. One of our guests was French National Champion, F.I.S.M. Champion and Head of the Jury, Boris Wild. The brief interaction we had left a void where there could be so much more for us to discuss. That is remedied this week on The Magic Word Podcast as we spend a delightful hour of conversation with Boris Wild. He talks about developing his "Kiss" act and how he brought it to prominence and won awards with the act. He has many fun and interesting and inspirational stories that I know you will enjoy.

You can listen to the episode wherever you get your podcasts. But for more information, videos, links and photos, please visit: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/577-boris-wild And be sure to join us on Thursday nights on the Magic Word Podcast Facebook page and our YouTube Channel for Magic & Martinis Thursday virtual happy hour. If you miss us live, then you can always watch back episodes on Facebook or YouTube. This week we feature Alain Nu, Michael Dardant and John Shango. Next week we will have Bruce Gold, Dave Cox and Steve Friedberg as guests. Pour your favorite adult beverage and join us…because it's better than drinking alone!

7. Trevor Dawson Collection Of Magic Books Auction
Message by Simon Vickers (UK)

Auction 30 September | Live Online | Edinburgh

For over forty years, Trevor Dawson was a member of the Magic Circle and the International
Brotherhood of Magicians. A very keen and diversified collector of books, he assembled an
impressive library related to Magic, Conjuring, Card Tricks, Deception, Mesmerism and associated fields. The auction on 30th September offers magical bibliophiles an opportunity to purchase some of these works.

It is now viewable on various websites including www.lyonandturnbull.com - the sale begins at lot 171.

For more information please call us on
+44 (0) 131 557 8844 or see the
illustrated catalogue online at

8. 51 Faces North West - John Carey #96
Message by John Carey (UK)

Stewart James 51 Faces North is an almost mythical card effect. I say almost mythical because after decades of his method being kept top secret, Allan Slaight shared Mr James method in an issue of Bill Goodwin's Penumbra magazine.

What I offer here is a commercial presentation I've had much success with. There is a price to pay, but I sincerely believe it's worth it. Firstly the presentation:

Dream a lil Dream...

"Last night I had a dream and someone who looked remarkably like you, Shannon was in that dream! We were in a bar and I was performing some tricks for you and your family. Then I merely just thought of a card. I can still visualize it now. I handed you the deck and asked you to shuffle. Then I asked you to cut to a random card and lock that thought in your mind too. I then got you to give the deck a couple of cuts.

A few bystanders then came over out of curiosity. Shannon, I then asked you to deal the cards one at a time into face up packet and stop dealing at the card you're thinking of. Then I requested you place the next card face down on top of it and continue the face-up deal until the very end. I then asked you to turn the deck face down. It was just at this moment that image of you, your family and those bystanders started to fade away as I was rudely awoken by my alarm clock.

I got out of bed and went downstairs and put the kettle on. As I sat down half asleep and sipped my coffee, I picked up a deck of cards that was on the table. I thought back to my dream and the card I thought of which was the Jack of Diamonds. Then I spread the deck across the table and
there it was, staring me in the face. Would you please spread that deck, Shannon? My oh my, I guess dreams really can come true!


A marked deck and a room full of smoke! Simply read the back of the card they deal face down and the rest is smoke and mirrors.

9. Ongoing Adventures Of Romany! #25
Message by Romany (UK)

Hello from the Magic Cottage!

It's been a glorious Indian summer week of sunshine.

I've been walking over the hills in the warm morning sun, picking blackberries. Mmmmm.

How is it possible that I don't have enough time?

I'm behind! In everything!

The Buddhists would tell me that it's just in my mind and of course, since there is still no work, it must be. But I promise you, since I started my 'Manifest a Million' readers adventure, I been working non-stop!

If you've been following along with my daily blog www.romanymagic.com/magicalmillion you'll know all about it. If not, why not? It's been fun.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll explain.

Two weeks ago, with no work for the last 7 months and nothing in the pipeline, I decided to use this free time to find a dazzling silver lining.

I decided to use the next six months to magically manifest a million plus readers for Spun Into Gold.

I had no idea how. But I am an expert in setting a vision, acting as if the goal is already accomplished and listening to magical clues for the next step.

If you're wondering why or how I'm an expert in this, it's all in the book!

Today is Day 13 of this Manifest a Million challenge.

It's amazing what happens when you focus on something and act towards it.

Just this morning Dr Wendy Sweet from New Zealand said she is reading the book and would like to support me achieve my goal. She is an expert in female menopause health and has 100k women on her mail list. She's fantastic and I can't wait to collaborate with her.

Yesterday, an Australian artist Tracy Verdugo who teaches beginners to explore art online, who also has 50k followers offered to help me.

Two teachers have asked me to speak to their schools and a wonderful Scottish magician who prefers to maintain his anonymity, has booked me to speak to his men's group in January on Zoom.

Yesterday as I walked along a country lane imagining that the book finds ten million readers, because why not? A bright butterfly landed on a bush beside me. When I walked on, he flew ahead and stopped on another bush until I caught up. He stayed with me for at least ten minutes. I decided to take this as a sign that every wish is possible.

Later, I must admit my positive mindset had been eroded by frustration when I couldn't find some files I needed and realised that I need to do some serious laptop clutter clearing. Just as I was getting really annoyed, the same type of butterfly as before flew in the front door of my cottage.

This is the first time I've EVER had a house visit from a butterfly. After I helped him out of the window, I got back to work.

Ten minutes later, he flew in again.

Well, if that's not a magic sign to keep going and have faith, I don't know what is!

Don't believe me? You can watch the video on my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/magicromany/?hl=en

And now I have to quickly write that blog before my self-imposed 8pm deadline.

It's all go!

Love to you all and hoping that you find your own silver lining in this time.

In the meantime, why not come along with my adventure!

After all, beers all round once I meet the target!


If you or your wife would like to find out more about Dr Wendy Sweet's transformative work for menopause health, she's highly recommended!

If you fancy exploring some art with a wonderfully enthusiastic and colourful teacher, she's here. www.tracyverdugo.com Also highly recommended!

You can read more about Romany's magical adventures in her inspiring memoir Spun Into Gold - The Secret Life of a Female Magician, available worldwide and as an audiobook.
Manifest a Million Blog www.romanymagic.com/magicalmillion
Book Depository Free Shipping bit.ly/2ONMFvB
Amazon UK bit.ly/2kqB4G6
Amazon USA amzn.to/2m3XT2J
Audible adbl.co/2qROlu5
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/romanydivaofmagic Please subscribe!

10. Masters of Illusion
Message by Steve Moyer (US)

Masters of Illusion Returns for week eighteen of seventh anniversary season on the CW Network.

Hosted by Dean Cain, the series airs Friday nights with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back, starting at 8/7C

8:00 - 8:30 p.m.: "Insane Twists On The Classics" Starring Alex Ramon, Eric Eaton, Paige Thompson, Murray SawChuck, Shaun Jay, Leon Etienne, Chris Funk and Hans Klok


8:30 - 9:00 p.m.: "Alex, I'll Take Pickpockets and Monkeys for $1,000" Starring Michael Turco, Leon Etienne, The Sacred Riana, Chipper Lowell and Jay

Hollywood, CA (September 14, 2020) - Masters of Illusion, produced by Associated Television International and hosted by Dean Cain, will return for Week Eighteen of their seventh anniversary season on The CW with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back on Friday, September 18, 2020. Masters of Illusion features amazing magic performed by 45 acts, including 46 diverse national and international cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers, 10 of which are women.

This week's episodes will include:

Masters of Illusion

"Insane Twists On The Classics" - (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET) (TV-PG) (HDTV)

Magical Ascent - Hosted by Dean Cain, Masters of Illusion features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include: Alex Ramon (A Radical Take on Sawing a Woman in Half), Eric Eaton (Beachball Psychic), Paige Thompson (Psychic Card Trick Twist), Murray SawChuck (Twist on Disappearing Juice), Shaun Jay (The Magical Inkspot), Leon Etienne (Multiplicity Magic), Chris Funk (Frozen Time) and Hans Klok (Magical Ascent). (#713) Original Airdate 9/18/20.

To view performance highlights of the September 18th episode airing from 8:00 - 8:30 p.m., please visit:

(Highlight Clip of magician Alex Ramon) https://vimeo.com/455976806/5e766d7d12

Masters of Illusion

"Alex, I'll Take Pickpockets and Monkeys for $1,000" - (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

Looking Glass - Hosted by Dean Cain, Masters of Illusion features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include: Michael Turco (Looking Glass), Leon Etienne (Tape), The Sacred Riana (The Victims), Chipper Lowell (Monkeys) and Jay (Pickpocket). (#703) (Encore Presentation) (Original Airdate 5/22/20).

To view performance highlights of the September 18th Encore episode airing from 8:30 - 9:00 p.m., please visit: (Highlight Reel of Jay Jay) https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/414058522/633679cb17

Please note, the television show, Masters of Illusion will be preempted on Friday, September 18, 2020 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in one U.S. city due to a sporting event. As a result, Masters of Illusion will be broadcast instead in Chattanooga, TN on WFLI on Friday, September 18, 2020 from 10:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.

Masters of Illusion is produced by Associated Television International (ATI) with returning Executive Producers David McKenzie, Gay Blackstone, David Martin, and Al Schwartz, along with Co-Executive Producer Jim Romanovich. For more information about ATI, please visit www.associatedtelevision.com

For more information on Masters of Illusion, please visit:
Website: http://www.cwtv.com/shows/masters-of-illusion/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cwmastersofillusion and https://www.facebook.com/MastersofIllusion
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cw_illusion and https://twitter.com/Mastersofillus

11. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
Written by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)

Timaru strangeness - the band is spooked!

It does tend to rattle your nerves somewhat, when the lighting suddenly switches off when you're halfway up (or down) a flight of stairs, instantly plunging you into inky blackness - especially when a later inspection revealed that there was - no 'earthly' reason why it should have done so. It didn't matter whether you ran or sauntered up the stairs - the moment you got to the landing, off they went! Re-reading my description detailing the layout of the house, it seems on reflection, rather lengthy but I wanted you to be able to place yourself, metaphorically, in situation as I relate various incidents. I do tend to go into somewhat lengthy details at times. I'm told that it IS, a Virgo trait.

When we first moved into the house we took the first bedroom on the left at the top the stairs, the Master Bedroom - firstly because the bathroom was right next door, followed by the toilet - and secondly, because it was enormous - with tons of room for furniture, beds etc. Over the first few nights we gradually became aware that something was 'Not Quite Right' with the room - it was something you could feel - that something - a 'Presence', did not want you in there! On top of that, the room was always cold; even with the heating on full blast there was still a chill in the air, no matter if the outside temperature was hovering around 800F.

All the other bedrooms - in fact the entire house was warm, except when you felt an indefinable eerie chill that 'something unseen' was following close behind as you walked either up or down the staircase to the landing; and it wasn't just at night either, but during the daylight hours as well! Finally, after a week or so, we couldn't stand it any longer so we packed our suitcases and belongings and moved - across the corridor to the bedroom that had access to the sunroom. The 'atmospheric' change was - pure tranquillity!

Eddie Brooks rang to say that he had booked a five-piece band called "Prentice" - billed as the 'North Island's No1 Group', for various hotel gigs in the South Island and the upcoming stage show/tour that he was setting up; would it be okay with us if they stayed at the house whenever they were in the area. Well, we could hardly refuse since Eddie was footing the bill, plus there were two spare bedrooms, and having five youngish musicians around could be fun - it was!

When "Prentice" arrived we told them that they had the use of two bedrooms, they opted for the smaller bedroom, which was next to ours, to store their suitcases, guitars etc. and used the other, the master bedroom to sleep in because of its size. We did not mention the 'Not Nice' atmospheric conditions that we had encountered in that bedroom. A few days later, John Rarity - everybody called him 'Tangles', who was the drummer in the group said, "Have you noticed anything peculiar around here"? "What do you mean"? We said, " Well" he replied, " for
one thing, the lights keep switching off when you're halfway up stairs", "Yeah, that's right" one of the other band members chipped in, "And you get this real spooky feeling that somebody is sneaking up behind you - makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand right up - It's Bloody ##??//***- Freaky", he said!!!! it sure was!

One day Veronica says to me "Come and look at this". She had been tidying up the boys' room - the one with 'The Presence' that was always cold; hanging up everywhere, pinned to the walls, over beds and around the windows were crucifixes - plus a string of garlic! Later, when we asked them about it they confessed that there 'was something' about the room that made them feel very uneasy. Actually it was Tangles who was much more sensitive to 'it' than the other band
members although quite obviously, none of them were immune from - 'it'! Apparently they had gone together to see the 'Exorcist' when it first came out, years ago.

Within half-an-hour Tangles had raced out from the theatre in quite an agitated state - frightened out of his wits, and headed for the nearest pub, poor sod. From what I can remember about the various newspaper reviews of the film at the time, he wasn't exactly on his own. Ever since then, he had been the brunt of many gags and all sorts of harmless stunts.

Everybody used to congregate in the kitchenette, especially late at night when the band arrived back after a gig - for coffees, or a drink or two and a chat. It was also where Veronica had set up a table for her leather carving and sewing work (she called it her workroom), and had placed it against the door that led into the lounge room, which wasn't a problem as there was another door from the kitchen proper that led into the lounge. One evening I was sitting having a coffee while Veronica was carving a leather belt when the door that led into the main kitchen swung shut - probably a draft or something.

- Continues -

12. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:

Click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2020 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2020 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine