* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1517
Date: Sunday 2nd June 2019
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editor's Message
2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 59 June 2019
3. FISM-North America
4. Preview Of M-U-M's June Issue
5. The Magic Word Podcast
5. Magic Collectors Expo 2019
6. 8th European Magic History Conference
7. New Issue Of Ye Olde Magic Mag (Vol. 5 #3)
8. Magic Collectors Expo 2019
9. Travelling Light - John Carey #45
10. Britain's Got Talent vs Debbie McGee!
11. David Neubauer Funeral Details
12. Rawlins Magic Collection Part II o Catalog Now Online
13. Broken Wand - George Gilbert (Lott) 1925-2019
14. The OWOW Ontario Week Of Wonder Magic Festival
15. Masters Of Illusion Returns For Sixth Season
16. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
17. E-zine Archives
18. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Magic New Zealand e-zine will not be
published next week as I will be in Australia. Next issue
will be published around the 14th June 2019.
to report John Carey (UK) has had a very successful New
Zealand lecture tour. His lecture was certainly well honed
and professionally presented. The magicians attending The
Assembly Convention 2019 in Australian in June are definitely
in for a treat.
to believe that Magic New Zealand will have been published
for 20 years this coming November!
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML
go to:
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 59 June 2019
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor Vanish Magazine
story is Spanish magician Ruben Vilagrand. We are proud
to be the first magazine to highlight Ruben and his incredible
magic. He performs a full evening show completely silent
with all original material. He has an incredible story about
studying at the Tamariz school of magic and travelling four
hours a day and often sleeping in train stations to learn
his craft.
offer several Product Highlights - a closer look at some
of the hottest products on the market including The Watch
by Joao Miranda, Tru Extreme by Menny Lendenfeld and Recubed
by Kev G.
We also have our regular review section plus the addition
of video reviews - this month we look at Victor Voitko products
including, Burnout, Fire Wallet and i-Garland.
range of tricks you can learn by Gregory Wilson, Loui Foxx,
Chiam Yu Sheng, and Joe Ledoux.
Lewin takes us inside House Of Cards in Nashville, which
many are saying is the future of how magic is showcased.
This is a club that does everything right!
Endress shares his ideas as a Young Magician and continues
his series of articles.
Rules of Zen by Kris Son
J. Atwood asks the important questions - this month it is
- Is Cardistry Magic?
Christensen continues his series on Magic Is Education.
Magic by Colin Underwood continues with the second part
of Gags.
pages of the latest News, Reviews, Tricks and essays. Something
for everybody.
you can purchase a hard copy of Vanish.
from www.vanishmagazine.com
3. FISM-North America
Message by Joan Caesar (Canada)
at www.fismna2020.com for FISM North America before September
30 to get the best rate of $275.00 USD, if you're a FISM
member. If you're interested in competing at FISM in 2021,
FISM North America is the only way to gain a spot.
is once again a Combined Convention with the Festival de
Magie de Quebec and the Canadian Association of Magicians.
Competing members of these groups will qualify for additional
contestants in each of stage and close up will be selected
to compete. When your act is ready, submit the video of
your act when you register online or as soon as it is ready
and no later than February 16, 2020 at 10:00 pm EST. Five
preliminary judges will view your act and decide the qualifying
4. Preview Of M-U-M's June Issue
Message by Lindsay Smith (US)
Drescher, one of magic's rising stars, graces the cover
of this month's M-U-M, surrounded by the fruits of her labors.
Her cover feature, "Very Much Kayla Drescher,"
by Jaq Greenspon provides a unique profile of Kayla, what
motivates her, and her love for the art of magic. Although
she's had some help and mentors along her upward path, she
is very much Kayla Drescher. Included in the feature is
a separate one-page article, "The Shezam Podcast,"
the first magic, female-centric podcast ever, hosted by
Kayla and Carisa Hendrix. Typical of Kayla, her thinking
on this is fascinating.
her feature story, Kayla offers her take on a torn-and-restored
paper-product routine. This adaptation, her "Torn &
Restored Signed Receipt," is ideal for magical bartenders.
"From the President's Desk," SAM National President
Ron Ishimaru closes out his year as president and his final
column with heartfelt thanks (Mahalo) to the many deserving
individuals who play important roles in strengthening our
society and elevating the art of magic. To you, Ron, we
also say: Mahalo Nui Loa.
of you who are seriously senior sorcerers know what a nonagenarian
is. If you don't know, you'll want to read "The Dean's
Diary" by our Dean George Schindler. He admits to being
one and identifies some of his friends who are in that same
Gutter provides a "Guest Editorial" this month.
He explains how he owes his success in business to magic.
Without tipping any secrets, he will tell you how he closed
a lease for a $1.8 million printing press with an Invisible
Deck. Such a deal!
his column, "Magical Masterpieces & More,"
David Haversat features the only known contract between
Harry Kellar and John Nevil Maskelyne. Photos, program covers,
and original correspondence and a signed receipt illustrate
this piece of history.
Corsaro, M-U-M's dispenser of real-world marketing advice
for the working magician, discusses a number of relevant
topics in his "No Smoke, No Mirrors" column. He
offers his thoughts on including photos on business cards,
ethics in marketing your business, maximizing your marketing,
and overkill on tried and tested techniques.
or no? Male or female? Living or dead? The pendulum knows.
Yep, this oft-forgotten piece of mentalism is back swinging,
as pendulums are prone to do, but this time in a new venue:
radio. With thanks and permission from Jennifer Lauxman
Lutin, Ph.D., Paul Draper shares a wonderful piece of radio
mentalism that was part of an early program with her partner
Michael. You'll find this wonderful "hands-off"
effect in Paul Draper's "On Second Thought . . ."
his column, "Taking the Stage," Brian Lees writes
about taking care of your props. Do they look used and abused,
with scratches on boxes or tubes, or shabby, worn silks?
Brian spends the first two weeks in January making his props
look like new. As Brian says, "Your magic, the tools
of your trade, should always look fresh and clean. It takes
only a little care and maintenance to prevent them from
looking shabby."
We got Legos. So do many parents, as well as Kien Meng Wee,
a.k.a. Mr. Bottle. But instead of accidentally stepping
on them (parents), Mr. Bottle uses them in a magic show.
A believer in using things that children are familiar with,
he substitutes a Lego box for the more unusual looking Change
Bag or Die Box. His routine is in his "Magic in a Bottle"
column. Watch where you step.
regular and popular feature, "ShopTalk," brings
out what's new on the shelves for buyers - or to let buyers
beware. Our well-posted reviewers help you make that determination
based on their evaluations. This month they examine five
tricks, one DVD, and two miscellaneous items.
Kalver, M-U-M's "Tech Tricks" columnist and all-around
tech wizard for the SAM, offers three new apps for your
consideration, including one that's already a feature on
your iPhone that you may not even know about. Since it exists,
it's free. Bruce tells you how to find it.
his column, "Thoughts on Thinking," Norman Beck
checks in with thoughts on the five people (maybe six) you
need in your life. I won't tip any of them here, but Norman's
right on target with these, and a few other thoughts as
well. As always, Norman's thoughts are worth thinking about.
there's more in this issue, much more. Editor Alan Howard's
"Preshow" column, "Broken Wands," "The
SAM Assembly Survey Results," 20 pages of "Assembly
Reports," and more SAM news and member information.
Under "Diversions" you'll find "Magic IQ,"
"Magic WORDoodles," "Path Puzzles,"
and "Basil the Baffling & Chloe." Our advertisers
always enjoy hearing that you saw their ad in M-U-M.
5. The Magic Word Podcast
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
Up: Werner Reich, Paul Gertner and Danny Orleans on The
Magic Word Podcast
have been traveling quite a bit recently and have been remiss
in posting updates to the podcast. But there have been some
incredible episodes that you shouldn't miss.
of all, Werner Reich - Death Camp Conjuror is perhaps the
most inspiring and serious podcast I have ever posted. This
nonagenarian was inspired by a fellow prisoner (who was
a magician) while they were both interred in Auschwitz Concentration
Camp for three years during WWII. Werner was later inspired
by Harry Blackstone, Jr. and others when he attended one
of the Tannen's Jubilees. He is now a mentalist and involved
in the Psychic Entertainers Association (P.E.A.) and continues
to travel the world with his inspiring lecture about his
horrific experiences and how he has overcome them. You will
not want to miss this one. You can access the website to
see some photos of Werner and listen online at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/491-werner-reich
following week we visit with one of the busiest trade show
magicians in the U.S., Paul Gertner. We talk about our visit
to Copperfield's museum then he relates some stories about
working trade shows over the past nearly three decades.
He also talks about how he got on "Penn & Teller
Fool Us" television show and working on other TV shows
that led to his multiple appearances on Johnny Carson's
"Tonight Show" including his personal visit to
Johnny's home. You can watch some videos, see some photos,
read the blog and listen online to this chat at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/493-paul-gertner
that brings us up to date with this week's episode featuring
Danny Orleans. Danny is a master at performing both for
kid shows and trade shows. A dichotomy, I know, but that's
why I call him the "Omni Magician". He also talks
about our recent visit to the Copperfield museum then we
talk about his work performing children's shows and trade
shows. He has some valuable information that workers will
want to hear. Plus he is offering some prizes in a contest
which you can enter at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/494-danny-orleans
6. 8th European Magic History Conference
Message by Magic Christian (Vienna)
August 22nd-25th the 8th European Magic History Conference
will take place in Vienna. The highlights will be a special
dinner in a famous event restaurant, a reception in the
City hall, at least 15 speakers and a special event hotel
which is the oldest hotel in Vienna with a lot of history
since exactly 1600, but modern 4 Star standard today. If
you want to get more information about go to:
participation is limited to 100 people and there are 15
places left. The fee is 280.- € from June 1st, 2019.
by PayPal or bank draft. See the mentioned website.
7. New Issue Of Ye Olde Magic Mag (Vol. 5 #3)
Message by Marco Pusterla
new issue of Ye Olde Magic Mag (Vol. 5 #3) is now available
for download and purchase!
this issue:
who was the Mysterious Lady, in an exclusive article by
Peter Brunning;
last instalment of Chefalo's tricks, with the revelation
of some illusions that were never published!
review of the Belgian Magic History Day
J. H. Anderson letter
bad review of Ching Lau Lauro
magic memorabilia sold at auction the past three months
8. Magic Collectors Expo 2019
Message by Lance Rich (US)
20-22, 2019
now less than a month away from the Magic Collectors Expo.
The program is being finalized and about to go to press
- registration packet envelopes have arrived and are ready
to be stuffed.
you haven't made plans to join us, I hope you'll consider
it. Many registrations have been coming in in these last
few weeks - but, at this point we still have room. (Keep
in mind the size of our registration in Minneapolis is also
subject to the size/number of people that will be able to
visit David Copperfield's museum next year). If you want
to be there - this is the best way.
Stahl will give a curated tour of some of his favorite pieces
pertaining to the Great Lafayette and we're calling it The
Great Lafayette Experience. Because of the extreme rarity
of Lafayette material, it is uncommon to see more than a
piece or two in any one place. The Magic Collectors Expo
marks the first and maybe only time these artifacts will
be displayed outside of David's Great Lafayette collection.
Check David out on this Travel channel show https://www.travelchannel.com/videos/death-of-an-illusionist-0211979.
This is definitely something special.
are some exceptional speakers and presentations if you haven't
already heard about them:
Randy Pitchford will speak on Cardini,
Mike Caveney will speak on Dante,
Dale Salwak will speak on the history of Chavez,
David Charvet will speak on Nicola.
so many more speakers about places, people, and collectibles
including a performance of a seldom seen Joe Karson effect,
Ken Trombly will speak on several rare posters, a talk about
Minneapolis magic, Larry Kahlow speaks on Eagle Magic, plus
Richard Hatch, Rich Bloch and more. And expect some unannounced
surprises. (And an exciting Friday night surprise).
be speaking about the nightclub/supperclub era and the many
great magicians who worked those establishments, and then
Saturday night culminates in everyone being bussed to a
real supperclub for dinner, music, dancing - and lots of
magic. We're calling this show the Razzle Dazzle Revue -
and it's going to be fun.
a great dealers room shaping up too. And a good mix of merchandise.
So, that's exciting!
Matt Dunn has graciously opened his home to attendees on
the Wednesday night before the convention officially begins.
His home has a theatre (where you'll see performances!)
an incredible two-story tree house, and of course, a magic
again, if you've already booked your spot, we look forward
to seeing you - if you're still deciding, I wouldn't wait
too much longer. We're going to have a great time! www.magiccollectorsexpo.com
9. Travelling Light - John Carey #45
Message by John Carey (UK)
Vernon's Travellers routine, published in the Stars of Magic
is a true classic of magic. I never felt though that I could
do the original justice, so recently revisited the plot.
The following handling is within the range of the intermediate
student and uses two great ideas from Chuck Smith and Steve
Reynolds to achieve a very rapid travellers.
a shuffled deck in use ask a spectator to name any four
of a kind. This is very fair and means I don't have to get
cards signed! Let's just say they name the Aces. Spread
through the face-up deck and outjog each Ace. Turn the deck
facedown and swivel the Aces out and flip them face-up on
top of the deck.
them to display, injogging the face Ace slightly. The right
hand takes the Aces at the fingertips and flips them face
down. Come over the deck from above with the right hand
and push down on the injog and come away with just three
Aces, which you table face down. Place the deck with the
remaining Ace on top into the right trousers pocket.
up the Ace packet and execute a Stanyon false count. This
is basically an Elmsley count done with three cards, to
give the illusion of four. As you count the last card on
top of the packet, outjog it about a quarter of an inch.
the right hand over the packet to square up and push down
on the jogged card with the pad of your right little finger.
This will propel the card into full right-hand palm. State
that you will attempt to make all four Aces vanish from
your hand and appear in four different locations.
The right hand goes to the right Jacket pocket and brings
out the palmed card and drops it face-up to the table as
you call out "one". As you do this, buckle the
outer right corner of the bottom card of the left hands
two cards slightly with the pad of the left second finger,
in preparation for a gamblers cop. Bring the right hand
over the packet from above as left hand and its copped card
goes to the left Jacket pocket and then comes out with an
Ace, and drops it face-up on top of the first Ace, as you
say "two".
a brilliant Chuck Smith ploy from his famous cards to pocket
routine. The right hand simply snaps the remaining Ace face-up
and drops it on top of the other Aces as you boldly say,
"that's three!". Do not be nervous about this,
just do it!
conclude we will use a great idea by my friend Steve Reynolds
in the context of Travellers. The right hand goes, with
a clearly empty hand to the right trousers pocket and takes
off the top card of the deck, brings it out and turns it
face-up to reveal the final Ace has made the journey.
10. Britain's Got Talent vs Debbie McGee!
Message by Romany (UK)
wanted to let you know some things are happening and some
are not!
first news is that I WON'T be on this year's BGT. They couldn't
let me know until now so my apologies to all of you who
have been looking out for me each week! I did get 4 yeses
from the judges but guess I don't fit into their storyline
this year.
quite relieved because one of the judges might have got
a little over excited and might have done something that
might not have helped my audition!
I can't possible tell you here, I signed a secrecy contract!
good news is since I haven't been shown, I can always do
it again next year if the fancy takes me. I feel very happy
about not being on!
what I am excited about is that I will be joining the lovely
Debbie McGee on her BBC Berkshire radio programme this Sunday.
She's been reading my book and is very kindly going to help
me promote it. The programme will be live from 9.30am this
Sunday and I'll be hopping on at same point! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/live:bbc_radio_berkshire
be putting a recording of the programme on my website so
you can have a listen.
my American friends, Debbie McGee is a well-known celebrity
and wife of the late TV magic star Paul Daniels. After dancing
in our version of Dancing with The Stars, she's a very popular
entertainer and a really lovely person and I can't wait
to meet her. Plus, of course I'm hoping that she will say
nice things about the book and encourage lots of people
to read it!
of all this showbiz and book talk, what about Bongo?
am delighted to say that he is still bounding about and
enjoying life despite some skin problems.
am giving him the very best cuisine plus Cannabis Oil. It
seems to be working although he does look a little stoned
at times!
spending as much time with him as possible having sea swims,
forest walks and lake sploshes. Every extra day is a precious
gift. And it's a great way to spend the summer!
This is him in his coat which he's not keen on but which
is protecting his skin.
two weeks, I leave for another couple of cruises around
Europe and until then I'm making the most of this glorious
weather and English countryside!
new TV interview called Extraordinary People is out today.
I can't bear seeing myself on TV so I hardly want to tell
you about it but if you fancy a watch it's here!
hope you are making big efforts to enjoy yourself whatever
you are up to!
Please write back and let me know all your sauciest gossip!
love & sequins!
11. David Neubauer Funeral Details
Message by Scott Roewe (USA)
is with a heavy heart that we inform you of David Neubauer's
passing on May 19th 2019. The family are holding Services
for David Neubauer at:
Hollywood Forever Cemetery in the Main Chapel
Address: 6000 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90038
Time and Date: Sunday June 2nd @ 3:00 pm
email was listed as a contact of his, and the family is
inviting everyone to attend.
you have questions you can contact David's sister-in-law
Crystal at hess.crystal@ymail.com.
12. Rawlins Magic Collection Part II o Catalog Now Online
Message by Potter & Potter Auctions
summer magic auction is the second of four sales from the
important and historically significant magic collection
of Jim Rawlins. Highlights include memorabilia from the
careers of Alexander Herrmann, Harry Houdini, and their
contemporaries. A strong selection of vintage and modern
magic apparatus will make up a majority of the sale.
At Potter & Potter
Bid live, online (with a 20% buyer's premium), at potterauctions.com.
13. Broken Wand - George Gilbert (Lott) 1925-2019
Message by George Schindler (US)
Gilbert joined the S.A.M PA#1 in 1963. He had his first
paid gig in 1941 at age 16 when he was a member of the Peter
Pan Magic club under the direction of Abe Hurwitz and the
NYC Department of Parks. He started his magic with a Gilbert
Magic set. George appeared at the 1944 annual show where
Carl Ballantine's agent spotted him and his career in magic
1948 after graduating from Queen's College he married Dorothy.
He worked at the Wivel restaurant for almost three years
doing three shows a day in the early fifties, often with
his wife.
George Gilbert appeared on TV's Gary Moore show and twice
on the David Letterman show. He did commercials as "Mister
Magico" for Charms Candy and Fisher Price toys among
did corporate and trade shows, cruise ships, and became
an Artist's Representative. Abril LaMarque convinced him
to join the S.AM and IBM Ring 26. His time was spent performing
in every kind of magic venue. He was a "regular"
visitor to the Magic Table at Rossoff's Restaurant and in
recent years he was one of the busiest "Society"
Kid Show magicians in New York with his balloon sculptures,
hand shadow act and his miniature Dutch Rabbit. When over
booked he generously gave jobs to other local performers.
retired to Connecticut after writing the "Great Book
of Magic" with Wendy Rydell, in which he created over
700 original illustrations. George Gilbert was the "PA#1
Magician of the Year" at the 2009 Centennial "Salute
to Magic Show". He died at age 94.
14. The OWOW Ontario Week Of Wonder Magic Festival
Message by Ryan Joyce
magicians are coming!
community in Ontario, Canada is about to get invaded by
Halloween, a new magic festival is appearing near Toronto
Ontario Canada, a festival and magicians convention combined.
OWOW Ontario Week of Wonder Magic Festival is a seven-day
celebration of magic and magicians held downtown Fergus
(and online) and runs October 24-31.
and convention events Oct 25, 26, 27 at the Fergus Grand
Theatre. Register before June 21 and save $50!! Star-studded
gala shows included in registration!
online for updates, information and to reserve your spot!!
15. Masters Of Illusion Returns For Sixth Season
Message by Steve Moyer (US)
of Illusion Returns for sixth season on the CW Network
of Illusion, hosted by Dean Cain, returns Friday, June 7
with back-to-back Episodes.
CA - May 23, 2019 - Masters of Illusion, produced by Associated
Television International and hosted by Dean Cain, will return
for a sixth season on The CW Network with back to back episodes
on Friday, June 7, 2019 (8:00-8:30 p.m. and 8:30-9:00 p.m.
of Illusion features amazing magic performed by 40 cutting-edge
illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills
ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious
comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience.
Dean Cain is set to return as host of Masters of Illusion.
Most recently seen on The CW series "Supergirl,"
Cain will serve as Co-Chair, along with Montel Williams,
of the Inaugural Impact Humanity Television and Film Festival
in Yerevan, Armenia later this year. Cain has also collaborated
with Williams on several other projects, including executive
producing the upcoming documentary film "Hate Among
Us," as well as the critically acclaimed documentary
film "Architects of Denial." Cain's recent film
credits include "Gosnell" and "Angry Men."
His breakthrough performance as an actor was in the dual
roles of Superman/Clark Kent in the television series "Lois
& Clark: The New Adventures of Superman."
Award-winning magicians appearing in Season Six of Masters
of Illusion include:
Alexandra Duvivier (Paris, France)
Andi Gladwin (Gloucester, UK)
Anna DeGuzman (Hollywood, CA)
Bill Cook (Chicago, IL)
Billy Kidd (London, UK)
Chipper Lowell (Fullerton, CA)
Chris Funk (The Wonderist) (Winnipeg, Canada)
Chris Korn (Venice Beach, CA)
Dan Sperry (Las Vegas, CA)
Douglas "Lefty" Leferovich (Las Vegas, NV)
Ed Alonzo (The Misfit of Magic) (Toluca Lake, CA)
Eric Buss (Los Angeles, CA)
Eric Jones (Philadelphia, PA)
Francis Menotti (Philadelphia, PA)
George Iglesias (Lima, Peru)
Greg Frewin (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)
Greg Gleason (Las Vegas, NV)
Jarol Martin (Las Vegas, NV)
Jarrett & Raja (Jarrett Parker and Raja Rahman from
Las Vegas, NV)
Jason Andrews (Las Vegas, NV)
Jeki Yoo (South Korea and North Hollywood, CA)
Jibrizy (Chicago, IL)
Joel Meyers (Brooklyn, NY)
Jonathan Pendragon (Londonderry, VT)
Joseph Gabriel (Las Vegas, NV)
Joshua Jay (New York, NY)
Miss Katalin (Las Vegas, NV)
Matt Marcy (Los Angeles, CA)
Michael Tetro (Culver City, CA)
Michael Turco (Wayne, NJ)
Murray SawChuck (Las Vegas, NV)
Naathan Phan (Las Vegas, NV and Orange, CA)
Rick Smith Jr. (Cleveland, OH)
Shaun Jay (Raleigh, NC)
Shoot Ogawa (Tokyo, Japan and Los Angeles, CA)
Spidey (Montreal, Canada)
Steven Brundage (Las Vegas, NV)
The Evansons (Jeff and Tessa Evanson) (Annapolis, MD)
Titou (Baptiste Molard) (Paris, France and Las Vegas, NV)
Tommy Wind (Las Vegas, NV)
of Illusion is produced by Associated Television International
with returning Executive Producers David McKenzie ("The
38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards," "Marie"),
Gay Blackstone ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009),
David Martin ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009,
"Marie"), and Al Schwartz ("The 38th Annual
Daytime Emmy Awards," "The Golden Globe Awards"
2013 and 2014), along with Co-Executive Producer Jim Romanovich
("From Rocky To Creed," "The 38th Annual
Daytime Emmy Awards").
Associated Television International (ATI) is an Emmy Award-winning
company that has been the world's largest producer of magic
for both stage and screen for over three decades. ATI's
television series, specials and feature films have aired
on all U.S. broadcast networks, major cable channels and
with television partners all over the world. Current series
in production include: "The Hollywood Christmas Parade,"
"Masters of Illusion," and the Emmy Award-nominated
"Laura McKenzie's Traveler." ATI has also been
Emmy Award-nominated for its various television specials
and series. For more information, please visit www.associatedtelevision.com
more information on Masters of Illusion, please visit:
Website: http://www.cwtv.com/shows/masters-of-illusion/
https://www.facebook.com/cwmastersofillusion and https://www.facebook.com/MastersofIllusion
https://twitter.com/cw_illusion and https://twitter.com/Mastersofillus
16. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)
1954 - 1958 - Wairoa Carnival -The White Yogi and The Canadian
everyone. Last week I finished on the Railway viaduct at
Raupunga. Let me relate one little adventure regarding this.
Most of the farmers in the area used aircraft to dust their
crops. Usually the aeroplane was a Fletcher - but one pilot,
a Dutchman named Hank de Huse had a Tiger Moth. The hopper
was filled with phosphate and by pulling a lever in the
cockpit, the hopper bottom would open and out fell the phosphate.
Anyhow, my dad and I were at the farm where Hank was spraying
- he took me for a flight - I had to sit on a board jammed
into the empty hopper and hang onto the edge of the hopper
for dear life.
'take-off', the wind in my face, then Hank must have pulled
the lever - looking down past my dangling legs was this
bloody great hole - the ground seemingly miles below me.
In my imagination that now very flimsy, almost non-existent
board I was sitting on was the only thing
that stopped me going the same way as the phosphate would.
Flying along the Mohaka River, up looms the railway viaduct.
Mad man Hank ambles under and through it, between the spans
- WOW! That viaduct is 312 feet above the river.
nothing - these days I regularly buzz/throw steep turns
around the famous Sydney Opera House, and fly under the
Auckland and Sydney Harbour bridges in my Cessna 182, -
sometimes even in the Lear jet!! "YOU WHAT?",
screams the Civil Aviation Authority - calm, calm, it's
okay, I'm using a Flight Simulator, and before you laugh,
the United States Navy hands out the same flight Simulator
(Microsoft 98/2000) to all their pilots as standard issue
- it's that good; as real as it gets!
Mum and Dad decide to take the kids (my sister and I) to
Wairoa for the day - do some shopping and treat us to the
'fun of the fair'. Enduring 'the road from hell' and the
towering clouds of dust, we head off for the big smoke-
actually Wairoa is only a small town, but compared to
Raupunga, it could be New York City! It's my first Carnival,
the milling throngs of people, the mouthwatering smells
of hot-dogs, fried onions candy floss, pop-corn, etc. wafting
through the air. (Dammit - now my stomach's rumbling at
just the thought of it) The merry-go-round,
ghost-train, Ferris wheel, the hurly-burly. There was Christine,
the Mind Reader - 'she knows all-sees all'. She worked a
code system with her husband Jimmy "What is this -
tell me what this is". (I got to know them years later).
I found myself in front of a big white tent with a long
banner right across the width, 'screaming', in bright red
paint, "The Incredible White Yogi" and "The
Canadian Magician". To my astonishment I beheld the
amazing sight of a man who, looking like a Genie, blew huge
balls of fire from his mouth (mine must have looked like
the Grand Canyon, my eyes like dinner plates) then he shoved
a sword down his throat, and, if that wasn't enough, he
hammered a six-inch nail up his nose!
paid his admission, the young boy entered 'the portals'
and was immersed in the wondrous world of Magical Illusions
- "transported" to the far Eastern mystical Lands
of Ali Baba, 'Hindoo' mystics and Fakirs, and their fantastic
feats. I can't recall what illusions 'The Canadian Magician'
performed, but do remember wonderful card fans which 'appeared
' from nowhere, and then just seemed to melt away. But it
was 'The White Yogi' who really had my complete attention.
He ate, blew, and rubbed fire over his body - hammered more
nails up his nose, close to a microphone; the resulting
amplified BANG of the hammer hitting the nail, was most
dramatic - what a nice touch!
White Yogi' lay on a bed of nails - a block of concrete
on his chest. Then, two burly blokes selected from the crowd
began swinging sledgehammers with all their might, smashing
the great block into smithereens!! Rising unscathed, the
White Yogi then started swallowing daggers, bayonets, sabres
and swords of various lengths, but it was his finale which
floored everyone PROOF that the swords did not fold up (as
many people think). He swallowed a LIT Neon LIGHT TUBE!!
Grown men staggered, stomachs convulsed - women screamed,
and people dropped like flies - me? I was totally enthralled!
This was 'real magic' - not just clever tricks. The eleven-year-old
boy, already badly bitten by the 'MAGIC BUG' copped another
huge dose, from the 'FAKIR BUG' - he just didn't stand a
chance, he was 'infected' by their spells, for the rest
of his life.
it, folks. More of the White Yogi next week.
17. E-zine Archives
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www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right
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in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
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© Copyright 2019 Alan Watson QSM