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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
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Issue Number: #1511
Date: Sunday 19th May 2019
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editor's Message
2. Top Ten Reasons People Love MAGIC Live!
3. Nine-Year-Old Irish Magician - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
4. What To Expect In The Linking Ring In May
5. Topping It Off! - John Carey #436. The Magic Word
6. Daytona Festival Of Magic
7. FISM North American Magic Championships
8. The History Of The Continental FISM Competitions
9. The European Magic History Conference
10. KIDabra: The Conference Of KIDshow And Family Performers
11. The Assembly Convention 2019 - Brisbane, Queensland,
12. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
13. E-zine Archives
14. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in HTML
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2019-Jan-to-Dec-2019/1511-May19-2019.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. Top Ten Reasons People Love MAGIC Live!
Message by Stan Allen
#10. Amazing Room Rates
Price is always a consideration when selecting which convention
to attend, and a major part of that cost is your hotel room.
That's where the good news comes in. Believe it or not,
the rooms at The Orleans Hotel in Las Vegas are only $48
per night, including free Internet and parking!
when you add the tax and resort fee, your rate is just over
$70 per night. If you share with a friend - and we all know
that's the best way to attend a magic convention - it's
only about $35 each per night. When you compare registration
and hotel rates of other conventions, MAGIC Live is the
best deal around!
To read the rest of the Top Ten Reasons People Love MAGIC
Live, go to:
3. Nine-Year-Old Irish Magician - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Article forwarded on by Peter Phillips (US)
magician Aidan McCann has made his US debut on The Ellen
DeGeneres Show.
another great Irish act has made it to The Ellen DeGeneres
Show. On Monday, May 13, nine-year-old Irish magician Aidan
McCann took his amazing skills to the US with an appearance
on the hit TV show and a very special showcase of his talents
for Ellen.
Co Kildare, McCann is already something of a viral magic
sensation having made it to the semi-finals of "Ireland's
Got Talent" and his star is sure to shine even brighter
after his amazing performance on the show.
young magician told Ellen about his time in LA visiting
the Hollywood Sign and the Hollywood Walk of Fame and explained
how he's taught himself all of his tricks over the past
four years, despite his hands still being too small to complete
some of the main techniques.
He also chatted about his idol, fellow magician Shin Lim,
and Ellen surprises him with a video message from Shin inviting
Aidan to be a special guest in his magic show in Las Vegas.
We can't wait to see more from him!
4. What To Expect In The Linking Ring In May
Message by Dr. C. Dennis Schick, U.S.A.
May issue of The Linking Ring, the monthly magazine of the
International Brotherhood of Magicians - the largest magic
membership organization in the world - is in the postal
stream on its way to members, as well is available to members
on the I.B.M. Webpage (www.magician.org.)
a deaf person become a magician? The cover story this month
is a profile on Simon Carmel, who was born deaf but has
become a world-class magician and champion for the over-250
deaf magicians around the world. Read about how he became
a magician, and wrote three books profiling deaf magicians.
Pentacle Club is one hundred years old this month, and you
can read a brief history about how it came about and survived
all these years. Also read a companion article about The
Pentacle Club's most famous member, Alex Elmsley.
attending the I.B.M. Annual Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona
July 10-13, you will have an opportunity to be a part of
setting not one, not two, or not even three, four or five.
But how about helping set SIX Guinness World Records? Read
all the details about how to do that. (What a neat thing
to put on your resume or in your marketing pieces - "Was
a part of setting a Guinness World Record"!)
is an In Memoriam to Marshall Brodien, who died March 8,
2019, and whose obituary was in the April Broken Wand. He
was the creator of "TV Magic Cards," and was responsible
for thousands of people becoming magicians.
Bergeron gives us a short history of "Bosco,"
the stage name for Dr. James William Elliott (1874-1920),
in his column "Cutting Up Jackpots."
Cummins devotes his "Marketing Magic" column to
"Keeping Customers," and Simone Marron continues
her series," Where are they now?" (past participants
in the Lance Burton Teen Seminar at the I.B.M. Convention),
by focusing on Ben Nemzer.
Lead, the I.B.M. correspondent in the United Kingdom (and
current president of the British Ring), brings us up to
date from across the pond. He focuses this month on long-time
magician Roger Woods, and his take on British magic clubs.
Skip Way devotes his May column "Polishing the Rings,"
to "Improv Creativity." He gives numerous suggestions
of exercises how mentors can help their students to release
their inhibitions and strengthen their creativity.
"Connecting with Kids" column by Carlos Adriano,
of Spain, tells us some ways to increase audience participation;
and Dr. Lynn Miner devotes his column, "Magic Words
Matter," to a single routine, "Copper Silver Brass,"
giving us a step-by-step script for guidance and getting
in the habit of scripting our routines.
month's "Hocus Pocus Parade" comes from The Pentacle
Club in honor of its one hundred years. There are twelve
complete routines described. In "The Card Corner"
column by Mike Powers, he brings "The Lying Traveler,"
from his new book "Tesseract."
title of Craig Beytien's May column, "Petit Magia,"
is "Mini Silk Vanish and Appearance." And Andrew
Woo's column, "Simple Diversions," is entitled
"Bonfire Bucking." He teaches us a routine he
used in his own career.
Arch calls his short "Craft Store Magic" column
"Crowd Power." He uses push pins in a clever way
to get the audience involved. You will use this one. And
Michael Breggar calls his "Auto-magic" column
this month "Strike Up the (Afghan) Bands!" It's
a continuation of his discussion of what to do with all
those paper receipts we all get.
in Focus" (magic product reviews) brings us eleven
new magic books, tricks, and DVDs to consider. And Scott
Humston calls his "2-Minute Tips" column, "For
Deposit Only."
are thirteen obituaries in the May Broken Wand, and seventy-four
reports from I.B.M. Rings around the world. These are packed
with information and advice from magic clubs.
course, there are other features in the monthly magazine,
making it the best magic magazine available anywhere. For
more information about membership in the I.B.M., go to its
Website, www.magician.org.
5. Topping It Off! - John Carey #43
Message by John Carey (UK)
Technically speaking, this is as easy as pie. But from a
layman's perspective, it's a little miracle. You will require
a duplicate card if you decide to use the kicker finish.
Let's say it's the two of Hearts. Leave it back outward
in your right-side pocket.
you want to get into this effect, simply manage the Two
of Hearts in your deck to second from the top. Execute an
in the hands riffle shuffle keeping it second from top.
Swing cut about a third of the deck into the left hand and
secure a left little-finger break above this section as
you square up.
that you want to be as fair as fair can be but there are
too many cards! Ask your helper to reach over the deck and
cut off a packet from the top and table it. As they do this,
it affords you excellent misdirection to execute a classic
pass to your break, sending the force card back to second
from top. Hand to hand spread the cards in hand and request
that your spectator pulls some cards out of the middle,
as there's still too many cards! These are tabled. Finally
ask your helper to pull some cards from the bottom of the
spread, because, yes, you guessed it, too many cards!
the remaining packet to your spectator and ask her to burn/lose
the top card, then to do the same with the bottom card in
case they may suspect you know these cards. This is of course
all presentational smoke. Have them peek the top card (2H)
and put the thought of that card into their mind. Then ask
them to shuffle the packet and drop it on top of the deck.
Instruct them to cut the deck and complete the cut. Then
insist they shuffle the deck
Take back the deck and place it away in the box. State that
you will make the card they are merely thinking of vanish.
a beat and then drop the deck into your right-side pocket!
It's an old gag but a lot of fun.
"Jack, a playing card is made up of a colour, a suit
and a value. Please think about the colour of your card.
So, if it is red, just think red. Now think about the suit
of your card. So, for example, if it's a Heart, then just
think Heart. Finally think about the value of your card.
So, if it's a two then just think two. Like two of Hearts,
two of Hearts, two of Hearts yes?!"
above comedy revelation really creeps up on the spectator
and gets a strong reaction. To conclude the presentation,
we will produce their card from the pocket under the guise
of a cowboy quick-draw demonstration. State that you read
their mind but this trick goes further than that. With a
clearly empty right hand you dive into your pocket and extract
the duplicate Two of Hearts from within and bring it back
outwards in a dramatic fashion. Slowly turn it face-up to
finish the mystery and segue into the cups and balls! ;-)
Instead of the classic pass, you could simply cut the deck
under the cover of them placing a packet on the table. The
misdirection is strong. Another option, if the pass makes
you nervous is to lift off all the cards above your break
and shuffle them onto the face of the remaining cards.
6. Daytona Festival Of Magic
Message by Harry Allen (US)
news from Daytona Festival of Magic--with Lance Burton
and friends will feature his new show at a magic convention
above average and must see......
Just booked ....Rocco for a lecture as well as John Ferrentino
Kyle And Mistie
Fielding West
Keith West
Stu MacDonald
Giovanni Livera
Chad Long
Harry Allen
Erik Olson
Scott Humston
Up Show- Dealers Room- Auction- 2 Stage Shows--Contests
Register ---Seats Assigned As You Register
7. FISM North American Magic Championships
Message by Joan Caesar (Canada)
North American (This is the competition for North American
acts to qualify for the FISM 2021 World Championships) are
just a year away. Quebec City, where it's being held, is
a popular convention town and is already hosting other events
at the same time as FISM-NACM so it's important to book
your room early.
host hotels are in a tourist area so they are more expensive
than what we are used to paying for a magic convention.
However, there are other options. I looked at AirBnB rooms
in the area of the convention, and there were several for
around $50/night and several more for less than $100/night.
option is Hotwire.com which provides the location and cost
of the hotel but not the exact address or name before you
book your room. I've used them on occasion and found the
hotels quite satisfactory. It would be smart to look for
alternative lodging fairly soon, before the
good ones are taken.
for FISM-North America at www.fismna2020.com
8. The History Of The Continental FISM Competitions
Message by Joan Caesar (Canada)
2003, a new level of Continental Championships was added
to the FISM World Championship of Magic. These continental
championships are designed to both elevate the level of
magic presented a year later and to give the Continental
organizations on opportunity to put their best foot forward.
year before the FISM World Championship of Magic, the individual
continents each hold a competition that will decide which
performers from their area will compete the following year.
In 2020 there will be continental championships in FISM-Europe,
FISM-Asia, FISM-South America and FISM-North America. The
winners from these competitions will compete in 2021 at
FISM in Quebec City, Canada.
last three FISM continental championships in North American
have been sponsored by the Society of American Magicians
in Pittsburgh (2011) and by the combined Zealand® and
SAM conventions in St. Louis (2014) and Louisville (2017).
In 2020 the FISM-North America Championship will be sponsored
by Le Club Magie de Quebec and the Canadian Association
Magicians and held in Quebec City May 6 - May 10. The only
way a North American competitor can earn a place at the
2021 FISM is to compete and win at the FISM North American
FISM World Championship of Magic will also be held in Quebec
City the following year (2021) in July. Don't let the different
dates in different year in the same city cause confusion.
9. The European Magic History Conference
Message by Magic Christian, Vienna
European Magic History Conference will take place in August
is August 22nd to 25th 2019.
make your reservation and transfer the registration fee
of 250Euro
will be published from time to time on https://emhc2019.com/
Hotel: Hotel Stefanie, Taborstrasse 12, 1060 Vienna.
with Mrs. Nemeth.
are several other hotels nearby too.
City-Central, Taborstrasse 8, 1020 Vienna.
Capricorn: Schwedenplatz 3-4, 1010 Wien,
register as soon as possible as we are limited to 100 persons.
is a Dinner included at the famous Marchfelderhof https://www.marchfelderhof.at/
and a Reception at the City Hall with the representatives
of the Vienna Government. https://www.wien.gv.at/english/cityhall/
wine degustation, 15 speakers, and some other surprises!
10. KIDabra: The Conference Of KIDshow And Family Performers
Message by Mark Daniel (US)
21-24, Atlanta
Hotel and Conference Center Gwinnett Place
Breaking News:
Just added to KIDabra KidTalks David Kaye a.k.a. Silly Billy
and Dal and Cinde Sanders.
An Incredible Thursday Evening Event hosted by Buster Balloon
and Christopher T Magician: A Very Special KIDabra Christmas,
chock full of ideas, routines and fun!
Pull back the curtain on minds filled with wonderful holiday
creativity from two wildly inventive cohorts and their friends!
A KIDabra Highlight Event!
Miss Out on the Early bird Rewards, register for the conference
and get your hotel now and by June 1 and you're eligible
for Cool prizes like a Free night at the Sonesta Hotel,
meal vouchers, local attraction tickets, and more!
if you know young performers 15 to 21, be sure and have
them apply for the Joe Leffler scholarship worth $1000 towards
attending KIDabra conference. Also, due June 1.
Invited to Join Us For The First Ever Appearances at KIDabra
of: Gary Dunn, Scotland; Dave Cox, SoCal; Lee Andrews, Atlanta;
Brian Hoffman, Santa Clarita, CA; and Chad Jacobs (Chef
Bananas) St. Louis!
for the First Time in Many Years: David Ginn, Atlanta; Duane
Laflin, Branson; David Kaye, NY; Dal and Cinde Sanders,
Dallas; Tommy Johns, Atlanta; Dave Risley, Wilmington NC;
Tim Sonefelt, Anderson SC; and Steve Kissell, Virginia Beach
the Newer Voices of KIDabra: Joe Selph, Glendale CA; Yasu
Ishida, Myrtle Beach SC; Clark Sides Raleigh NC; and Dorian
LaChance, Biloxi MI.
the KIDabra Foundation Team: Ken Scott, Atlanta; Barry Mitchell,
Pigeon Forge; Max Howard, Atlanta; Christopher T. Magician,
SoCal; Buster Balloon, SoCal; Annie Banannie, SoCal; Chris
Weed, Phoenix; Andrew Remnet, AL; Jim Austin IL, Dave Hill,NC
; Tim Gaines, LA; Clark Sides, Raleigh NC; Tate Elliott,
Raleigh, NC; and your hosts Mark and Tami Daniel, NC, Wow!
Wait, we're never complete until you're there!
seminars for you on Show Development, Hands on Workshops,
Lectures, New Routines, Theming, The Business, Marketing
and Branding, a Live KIDshow, Late Night Jams, The Saturday
Night Gala, the informative KIDabra KID Talks, and the most
Powerhouse Vendors room in years with tremendous resources
for performing pros!
the Schedule https://www.kidabra.org/2019-schedule
Georgia is served by one of the World's Best Airports and
the area is easily drivable too. (If you're flying in jump
on the Marta Train right in the airport ($6.00 round trip)
and travel the Goldline to Doraville, we'll have scheduled
pick up times from the Doraville train station to the hotel
Sonesta Gwinnett Place has fabulous conference space, free
parking, no resort fees, in-house restaurants and bar, a
complimentary shuttle to surrounding restaurants and shopping,
plus a great Special Conference room rate, just tell them
you're coming for KIDabra!
can't wait to see you in Atlanta where the KIDshow World
will gather to Learn, Network and Share!
us for KIDabra Atlanta, August 21-24 and ShowSkills! https://www.kidabra.org/register-kidabra-atl
us on Facebook at KIDabra International Members and Friends
11. The Assembly Convention 2019 - Brisbane, Queensland,
Message by Sean Piper (Australia)
21st - 23rd 2019
Hill Hotel, Brisbane
and workshops from some of the biggest names in the business:
Jason Ladanye
John Carey
& guest of honour Phil Cass!
a Saturday night stage show with an all-star lineup. Don't
miss out!!
now: https://www.theassemblycon.com.au/
12. The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
The Orchante Saga - Beginnings
by the late Tommy Orchard (The Amazing Orchante)
Fun Doctor (Norman Tate) Magician, juggler, balancer, nose
pianist etc. He travelled all over New Zealand, entertaining
school kids, in a class room during the lunch hour. It cost
the exorbitant price of 3d. to see him. Many years later,
he was honoured with the M.B.E. for services rendered. Little
was I to know that 5 or 6 years later in Manurewa, Auckland,
my Dad was to receive a phone call asking if his son could
"fill in" at a local Ladies and Kids 'do' as the
night before, the Fun Doctor , this wonderful man, who had
been booked to do the show, had
left us for another magical place. I'll bet he's still entertaining
- playing harps with his nose, juggling clouds, balancing
'golden gates' and performing his 'magic tricks'.
God - the nostalgia. I have tears in my eyes writing this
- that was 47 years ago!. The only trick of his that I remember
was the little ball or block of wood on a string - for those
who are unaware of this effect - a ball with a hole drilled
'straight' through - a length of string about 2 ft. long
is threaded through it - the string is held vertically at
each end, the ball held by the fingers in the top hand.
Still holding the string, release the ball and it drops
straight down - naturally! The Magician reverses his hands
and repeats the exercise. Again, he reverses, but this time
he commands the ball to stop half way down, releases - lo
and behold - the ball stops, halfway - MAGIC! How? Well,
the hole drilled through the ball 'aint' straight - it's
curved. If the string is held loosely, the ball will drop.
Add a little tension, and the ball will slide, slowly, quickly,
or stop, depending on the amount of tension. Simple but
effective, but then all great tricks are.
I can still hear him (the Fun Doctor) saying "halfway
down please. Stop. Slow down now - a little more now - Stop.
All the way now". Etc. etc.
so often, Dad braved the tortuous route to the 'Big Smoke'
(Wairoa), for meetings with the Chief of Police - Chris
McRae a giant of a man, who had to bend almost double to
get through a doorway. Dad came home from Wairoa one day
with my first book of Magic, bought in
Woolworth's, titled 'Magic Made Easy' written by Carl March
of London. It cost the princely sum of 2/6d - looks and
feels like blotting paper - I've still got it - minus the
covers. This was closely followed by 'Teach Yourself Conjuring'
written by J. Elsden Tuffs (member of the
Magic Circle, London) 1st Edition 1954. I guess the 'blotting
paper' book is of the same vintage. From these, I got my
the Woolworth's book, among other things I learned the coin
roll. I wound up practicing this, deliberately sitting in
the back of a bus which bounced you six feet in the air
with every pothole. More about this later. From the 'Teach
Yourself' book, the first trick I learned
was how to burn a banknote in an envelope and restore it
from the ashes. This was also the first trick I ever performed
in public, probably at around 11 years of age.
to the Police station in Raupunga was a one stop shop -
Post Office, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing etc. Next to
that again was a long-corrugated iron barn-sized shed which
served as the local Picture theatre come dance hall - come
anything! It was owned and run by the Adsetts - a very entrepreneurial
family (theirs was the other home NOT made from corrugated
iron). Every Saturday was Picture Night, and the Adsett
parents made popcorn and candy floss while the sons ran
the box office, and the projection machine which sat at
the back of the shed, and the girls were ushers and sold
tickets and homemade soft drinks.
Adsetts decided, along with the local school, to run a fancy-dress
party and talent quest. I remember mine being an American
Cavalry type or something like that. It was in the Talent
Quest that I performed the 'burned and restored bank note'.
I still think about that poor soul who
loaned his £5 note to an 11/12-year-old, who promptly
shoved it into an envelope, held a lit candle behind the
envelope to prove the note was still inside, and then 'accidentally'
set fire to it.
years in Raupunga were very happy, and I'll tell you more
about them next week - if you can stand the pace!
E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
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of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
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Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
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Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
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the above disclaimer.
© Copyright 2019 Alan Watson QSM