Carey (UK)
lecture registrations are now open
To register for the Auckland lecture email:
Andy Wonder -
Sponsored by IBM Ring 160 & Magic New Zealand
Date: Monday 27th May
Start Time: 7.30pm sharp
Venue: The Surrey Hotel, 465 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn,
Auckland 1021
Adult Lecture fee: $30
Juniors (School age) and financial IBM 160 members: $15
Wives or Partners: $10
New Zealand lecture dates:
Auckland - Monday 27th May
Palmerston North - Tuesday 28th May
Wellington - Wednesday 29th May
Christchurch - Thursday 30th May
Dunedin - Friday 31st May
Carey (UK) Bio
recent years, John Carey has become renowned internationally
for his streamlined and practical approach to card and close
up magic.
published 4 critically acclaimed books, Crafted with Carey,
Minimalistica, Carey Files and his latest work Me My Cards
and I, John's work is in the repertoires of working magicians
around the world. In addition he has released myriad DVDs
which are sold in magic shops everywhere.
is in constant demand to lecture and present his lectures
and workshops as well as taking private students. John has
lectured in 15 countries to date. If you want powerful
and memorable close up magic that won't bust your knuckles,
but will leave a lasting impression, Carey delivers the goods!
Carey (UK) lecture details:
The lecture will be around 2 hours with a break. The theme
of the lecture will be practicality! Close up material you
can perform pretty much anywhere, be it professionally or
socially. Everything is within anyone's scope with just a
wee bit of focus.
Zealand and Australia lecture program!
Triple Inpurseination - My opener. Triple spellbound meets
coins to purse!
2. 5 oh?!!! - 5 magic moments with a deck and self
3. Summer of 76 - My favourite sandwich routine. So
simple but a real fooler.
Then explanations.
Destiny - A 3 phase ungaffed B'wave that's super strong
and commercial (Packet effect 1)
5. Stealth Aces - John Bannon said this ace assembly
is a neo classic. You will laugh out loud at the sly method!
6. Coins of the realm - Dai Vernon's trick that cannot
be explained- with coins. Possibly my current favourite as
it's never the same and plays so strong.
7. Easy open or closed prediction - My minimalistic
approach to the open prediction. A worker!
(Get Jc a beer!????)
Lies all the way - My brand new lie detector routine.
I won't spoil the surprise?? (packet effect 2)
2. Ambitious Interchange - A multiple signed cards
to pockets with no palming? Yes you read that right!
3. One deck do as I do - This is my go to when I want
to make a spectator the star. So simple but strong.
4. Entrapped - A really cool slow Motion sandwich routine
5. Mental Fusion - My ungaffed Anniversary waltz- Self
working and impromptu!
6. Fate and Fortune - No spoilers. You will love this
I promise.. (packer effect 3)
that will be available at the lectures:
packet tricks with custom cards and media links (videos) £30
My 5 books as ebooks with pdf links £30! ($60) This
consists of about 900 pages (!) of my published work. I've
cherry picked some of my favorites from these books for the
program listed above especially for the tour.
Bundle deal for this tour only:
NZ Dollars each package or 100 dollars for both!