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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
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Issue Number: #1477
Date: Sunday 4th November 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 52 - November
3. The Magic Word - Mario The Magician
4. Smoke & Mirrors VR" Experience
5. Magic Thief Continues to Run His Scam
6. One, Two, Three! - John Carey #22
7. S.A.M.'s November M-U-M Preview
8. Take Nothing for Granted - #507 - Kyle Peron
9. It's Magic!
10. Magic Monday Will Feature Balls, Balls
11. The Academy of Magical Arts November Performers
12. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
13. E-zine Archives

1. Editor's Message
The highlight for Michele and I this week was to attend the IBM Ring 160 60th Jubilee 1958 -2018.

A huge congratulations to Ring President Paula Wray and her Team for organizing such a memorable event.

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1477-Nov04-2018.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 52 - November
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor Vanish Magazine

This month we feature a lady who was a sensation at Magic Live this year, Ding Yang. We get her story and talk to her mentors and teachers Juliana Chen and Greg Frewin. It is an incredible story about a very talented lady who was given the opportunity to work with two masters of our craft - the result was breathtaking.

Magic Tricks - we have a great selection of effects from Gregory Wilson, David Gripenwaldt, Louie Foxx, Chiam Yu Sheng and Joe Silkie. A great range from digital tricks to coffee magic shop tricks and a piece of stage mentalism.

Nick Lewin also shares his interview with one of the most influential mentalists in our business Kenton Knepper. An in-depth look and interview with Kenton we ALL need to read.

Seven Bad Habits Of A Magician - by Jason Ladanye. Habits we all do and can break if we are aware of them.

Magic Is Education - Jeff Christensen continues his series on using magic to educate.

The Asian Magic Revolution - Thomas Swieciak finishes his three-part series on looking at The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of the Asian magic scene. This final piece looks at The Ugly in the world of copycat tricks and acts in Asia.

Restaurant Magic - Expert restaurant magician continues his series on getting booked in restaurants and how to keep the gig.

Reviews - The very latest magic tricks, books and DVDs reviewed including Product Highlight - Deformer - the very best tool for metal bending on the market.

Free Download from www.vanishmagazine.com or download your free copy and purchase a printed copy.

Note: Vanish Book Year One - only a small handful remain - if you are interested in purchasing a copy of year one of Vanish then email Paul at editor@vanishmagazine.com

Year two is currently under way and will be released in the new year.

3. The Magic Word - Mario The Magician
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

One of the most creative and inspiring children's show entertainers working today is our featured guest this week. Mario the Magician (or "the Make") astounded me at the MagiFest in Columbus, Ohio earlier this year. I was pleased when I heard that he was booked for the TAOM here in Houston, Texas. Mario not only knows how to entertain children, but he knows how to speak to children on their level, much like Mr. Rogers did on public television in the U.S. for decades. And equally important, Mario inspires the youth to create and excel in science and math without the kids even knowing it.

He is an advocate for "Creator Conventions" which are held across the nation and encourage young people to build and create things. And even if they don't attend one of the many events, they can still go online to some suggested websites and create stuff there. Mario's excitement and infectious energy make even adults want to go out and build something. David Blaine recognized his talent and hired him to open his theater shows. This week Mario talks about that and much, much more in this week's rapid-fire podcast.

You can watch a video of Mario, see some photos, read the blog, listen to the podcast online and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/456-mario-the-magician

If you plan to buy anything through Amazon.com this holiday season, then be sure to click on the Amazon link on The Magic Word Podcast's website to access your account through our affiliate program. Each of your purchases with help us out a lot. Thanks.

4. Smoke & Mirrors VR" Experience
Message by James R Laudermilk (US)

Hey all! I created a VR Virtual Family Theater section for the Queen's Service Medal winning magician Alan Watson and his family of magicians! I hope you enjoy this preview of my "Smoke & Mirrors VR" experience! https://smokeandmirrorsvr.com I am getting a lot of positive feedback from the Magic and VR communities! This is the first of its kind in Virtual Reality.

You are the magician on a virtual stage performing virtual magic! The magic tricks are created after magic tricks used by actual magicians on stage! Indie Game Magazine (who has 65K Twitter followers) will be publishing an article on "Smoke & Mirrors VR" December 1st in their 5th edition! Can't wait to see it!

Also "Smoke & Mirrors VR" was officially selected to be demoed live at Cucalorus Film Festival (http://www.cucalorus.org/), I'll be the only Oculus Rift VR experience demoing among Oculus Go, PSVR, HTC & experiences on the 9th & 10th November in Wilmington, NC. Around 20K will be there and Charlie Fink is a Keynote speaker at their Connection event!

To view the clip go to: https://www.facebook.com/james.laudermilk.imvr/videos/337582863668197/

5. Magic Thief Continues to Run His Scam
Message by Don Berry (US)

Greetings friends and fellow Magicians ...

Gaetano di Stefano in Italy has taken money from me for a Floating Table he advertised. He has not sent the table and has kept the money.

I have learned that several of you have experienced the same situation with this man who continues to run his scam.

At the present time I am gathering information from anyone who has been caught up in his scam. Any information you have in the way of messages, emails or receipts of money you have sent will be helpful. I am sending it to the Local Police who is investigating this situation.

Send all information you have urgently to:


I will email updates back to contributors and the Magic New Zealand ezine.

6. One, Two, Three! - John Carey #22
Message by John Carey (UK)

This piece was inspired by an effect of Larry Jennings called Triple Discovery, published in his book the Classic Magic of Larry Jennings. There was quite a bit of 'top of the deck action' in Larry's handling.

I wanted something a little more streamlined.

Take out and show the two Jokers and table them face down. Ask three spectators to help you. Hand to hand spread and ask the first person to say stop somewhere near the top. Bring the hands apart at the point stopped at and push over the card stopped at. Raise the left hand to show them their selection, say Ace of Clubs. Lower the left hand and as you bring the two hands together Hofzinser cull their selection under the spread.

Ask spectator two to say stop around the middle. Repeat the above display, showing them their card, say four of Hearts and once again cull their selection under the spread as you address your third helper. They are asked to say stop a bit further down. Show their card to them, say seven of Spades and once more cull their selection. Square up the deck sending the three selections to the bottom in 3,2,1 order from the face.

Secure a left little-finger break above the bottom card and then reverse double undercut it to the top. Dribble the deck and get a little-finger break beneath the top card. Pick up the Jokers and flip them face-up on top of the deck. The right hand immediately picks up all three cards below the break from above and the left thumb peels off the first Joker on top of the deck. Place the remaining two cards as one on top of all. This of course is the standard sandwich load of Edward Marlo.

Secure a little-finger break above the two bottom cards of the deck via a pinky pull down. Make 'the moment' over the deck and then spread and take off the top three cards, revealing a face-down card trapped in between the Jokers. Upjog this card and allow it to slide out onto the table in front of spectator three. Get her to name her card and have her turn it over to disclose her selection. As she does this it creates excellent shade to bring the Jokers over the deck, flip them face-down and come away in the left hand with the two cards you have a break above at the bottom. This is a version of the jinx switch, again by Marlo I believe.

Table the deck and then take the face-up selection and insert it between the supposed face-down Jokers. Ask spectator two to extend a palm up hand. Place the packet on their hand and then get spectator one to put their hand on top, trapping the packet.

Make a magical gesture over the tabled deck and then over your helper's hands. Retrieve the packet they are holding and spread it. Look a bit nonplussed and then ask for the name of the two remaining selections. Slowly turn over the two faces down cards to reveal the transformation of the Jokers into their cards and take a bow!

7. S.A.M.'s November M-U-M Preview
Message by Lindsay Smith (US)

In this month's cover feature, Michael Mezmer provides a fascinating examination of "Hypnosis and Magic," covering the history, similarities and differences of both. Michael notes that there is a long and honored history of magicians becoming stage hypnotists. Some of the well-known practitioners of both include Ormond McGill, Eugene Bernstein, Peter Reveen, and Kreskin. Should you want to combine magic and hypnotism, you must know your role. Michael offers numerous suggestions on learning to be a competent hypnotist, and words of wisdom when using volunteers. In closing, Michael says that hypnosis and magic can be a perfect combination and expand your horizons as an entertainer.

Stephen Short provides an excerpt from his new biography, "Johnny Hart - International Star of Magic." His intriguing article details Johnny's first trip from England to America for his memorable 1962 appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.

After 61 years, Okito (Theo. Bamberg) is back with one answer to the question posed in last month's "Preshow" column: What do you do when someone asks, "Show me a trick?" His routine, "The Expanding Ring," appeared in the April 1957 issue of M-U-M.

SAM National President Ron Ishimaru devotes much of his "From the President's Desk" column to the SAM Magic Center, currently located in Colorado. Newly elected Magic Center President, Dr. Joel "Batman" Zaritsky, provides its mission and values.

Few of today's younger magicians are familiar with the chapeau or the art of chapeaugraphy. SAM Dean George Schindler takes us through its history in "The Dean's Diary." George should know -- he used a felt chapeau in his act for many years.

Cinde and Dal Sanders take the Boy Scout motto, "Be Prepared," to heart when it comes to recognition and publicity as they explain in their "TV or Not TV" column. Numerous examples show how this works for them, and how it can increase your exposure, too.

Kien Meng Wee provides value-added activities for his birthday party shows without asking parents to spend extra. As explained in "Magic in a Bottle," he provides a simple activity sheet mailed in advance. It's detailed here, along with his designs. Moms love it.

Can't get motivated? In the doldrums? Antonio Cabral in "Cheats & Deceptions," suggests several ways to break out of a creativity or productivity slump. He concludes with "The Four-Card Quickie," a great intro to any four-of-a-kind trick.

In his "No Smoke, No Mirrors" column, David Corsaro delves into the various situations that can affect the availability of the part-time pro. He mentions two reenactments about "referrals," that can be tricky, or send friendships south in a magic minute.

According to Brian T. Lees in "Taking the Stage," the highest valued asset you have is your entertainment factor. It is a separate skill, learned and developed. Brian explains what impacts this factor, and recommends support bases to help you get there.

Let the growth be with you. That's the message Paul Draper is emphasizing in his "On Second Thought…" column. It's about making choices: change, continuous improvement, reinventing, and beginning anew . . . for yourself and your performance.

M-U-M's "Tech Tricks" wizard and keeper of apps and gadgets, Bruce Kalver, is back with five more items for your consideration, including, well . . . five more items that you didn't know you wanted. Surely you can find something here. If not, there's always next month.

One book, six tricks, one video download, and one miscellaneous item are reviewed in this month's "Shop Talk" by four well-posted magicians who share their subjective opinions on current offerings. As always, their evaluations are worth considering.

In "The S.A.M. History Project," David Goodsell notes that this year marks the 100th anniversary of The Houdini Fund. David explains the tragic demise of Paul Valadon and how Howard Thurston's appeal established the roots of this fund that has helped many.

In his "Thoughts on Thinking" column, Norman Beck gets personal this month with thoughts about his 88-year-old father's recent surgery. His dad's verbal interplay with the nurses provides examples we should all be thinking about, or perhaps aspiring to.

In addition to these features, you might want to turn quickly to Alan Wassilak's "Basil the Baffling and Chloe" cartoon strip where Alan has not one, but two surprises awaiting you. Editor Alan Howard congratulates the other Alan for one of these surprises in his "Preshow" column. After that, check out some great assembly ideas for your club in the many "Assembly Reports," followed by "Broken Wands," the "Good Cheer List" (also mentioned in "Preshow"), "Magic WORDoodles," "Path Puzzles," a "Magic IQ" test by PNP Dick Bowman, "Correspondence," and more. Of course, our advertisers would appreciate knowing that you saw their ad in M-U-M.

For more information on the Society of American Magicians and M-U-M, please visit www.magicsam.com

8. Take Nothing for Granted - #507 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

As many of you know I started losing my hearing at the age of 8 or 9. It got progressively worse as the years went on. I can't tell you how often I was picked on as a child, tormented or made fun of simply because I was "different." The countless hours by myself and the fear of being in the spotlight just to be made fun of again.

Magic was my escape from it all. When I performed I was suddenly just a kid again. I was not a kid with a handicap. In many ways magic was my "magic." Magic made me feel good about myself instead of feeling sorry for myself. Magic was my escape into a world which I had control over.

Just recently I received my first ever digital hearing aids. I cannot begin to tell you how this has changed my life. How "magical" the entire experience has become.

It is the simple sounds we take for granted that I enjoy the most. I actually stood outside a few weeks ago listening to rain. RAIN. lol Immean it's only rain but to me it was not only a sound I never heard, but was a symphony. I stood on the deck and just got lost in time. What a magical experience.

I felt like a kid at Christmas. Just standing there with a tear down my cheek. Imagine never having heard rain. Never knowing it even made noise before? Pretty amazing world we live in. NEVER take things for granted. We are all given so many gifts.

This past weekend, I saw a movie for the very first time with digital hearing aids. I never realized just how amazing sound can have on the impact and feeling of a movie. Sure I had heard the movies before, but never really understood a lot of it, missed parts of it and relied on lip reading for a great deal of it. What surprised me the most was just the sounds around me.

A kid whispered into his father's ear, "I love the Muppets. Thanks Daddy!". The sound of a hand going into a popcorn bag was majestic. Then the surround sound I finally could pick up for the first time. How startled I was when I heard noises behind my head and I understood them.
I mean a movies visual appeal always intrigued me. But the emotional connection to the sound that goes with it....that was magical. Really magical.

I never ever knew that my own footsteps made noise. I heard a cricket for the very first time in 42 years of my life and I was held speechless. I sat on a bench the other day just listening to a leaf blowing across the concrete path and it was so magical to me.

It is as if someone pushed a button and suddenly the word has opened up to me to enjoy. I am experiencing sounds I have never heard in my life before. Every day has been an adventure of discovery and I am so eternally grateful.

As entertainers, we too often take so much for granted. We tend to forget that what we have is a gift. It is a gift that can make others smile, laugh and forget about their problems for a while. We have the power to make a difference in the life of another.

Too often we get hung up on feeling tired, worried about finances, frustrated with traffic etc. etc. So much of the time we spend not giving 100% effort to every show we do and 100% customer service to every client we perform for.

Being a magician is an honor and a privilege. Maybe my hearing has made me more tuned into being grateful for what I now have. All I know is every time that I go out there and perform, I smile knowing I am damn lucky to be doing what I do. I will never, ever take that for granted.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at magic4u02@aol.com. I would love to hear from you.

9. It's Magic!
Article forwarded on by Mel Kientz (US)

The Independent Locally Owned and Edited Since 1963

'It's Magic' to Fill Bankhead Stage

Staff Report

Xavier Mortimer

The 62st anniversary edition of "It's Magic!" will deliver an all new show of magic, mystery and illusion when it comes to the Bankhead Theater on October 28, 2018. An event designed to appeal to the whole family, this showcase of magical arts incorporates comedy, sleight of hand, and thrilling stage illusions. Featured in this year's production is Xavier Mortimer who is currently headlining his own show at Planet Hollywood Resort Casino on the strip in Las Vegas.

Now making its sixth return to the Bankhead Theater, "It's Magic!" will enthrall, mystify and delight audiences of all ages in a single performance on Sunday afternoon, October 28th. While the $20 regular ticket level is already sold out, discounted tickets for students and active military personnel are still available at that price. Remaining seats start at just $40.

Developed in Los Angeles in the mid-1950s, the original "It's Magic!" variety show ran for nearly 30 years, sparking interest in the magical arts with its engaging mix of magic, illusions and stage entertainment. Co-founder Milt Larsen opened The Magic Castle for magicians and magic enthusiasts, which eventually became his primary focus. In the mid-1990s, a renewed interest in family-friendly magic shows led to a collaboration between Larsen and producer Terry Hill to recreate an all new "It's Magic!" show.

After opening in Southern California, the show quickly expanded to venues around the country. Featuring an ever-changing roster of world-class masters in the magical arts, each year the show offers audiences of all ages the opportunity to experience the wonder and suspense of the very best in magic and illusion.

The 2018 "It's Magic!" show will feature a variety of performers in a fun-filled live stage show:

o Xavier Mortimer, a native of France, has traveled the world creating shows that blend magic, circus acts, music and comedy. He began to combine magic, mime and comedy at age 15 and was soon winning prestigious international magic awards. In addition to creating and performing, he composes the music for his shows. Prior to opening his own show in Las Vegas, he created the character of Sneaky in Cirque du Soleil's most recent show, ONE.

o Jody Baran and Kathleen are a world-renowned team whose original illusions have mesmerized adults and children alike in venues of all sizes, on cruise ships and in theme parks. They just completed a 16-year run with their magic illusion dinner show called, "Kupanaha" Maui's Magic for all Ages" on the island of Maui.

o Dan Raspyni's unique twist on the centuries-old art of juggling and his clever one-of-a-kind stunts have earned him two Guinness Book world records and the title "Juggling Genius." With impeccable comic timing and remarkable feats of coordination, he has entertained audiences in venues from nightclubs to the White House for 30 years.

o Tom Ogden, twice voted "Parlour Magician of the Year" at Hollywood's Magic Castle, has opened for celebrities such as Billy Crystal and Robin Williams and appeared on "The World's Greatest Magic II" and "The Great Magic of Las Vegas." Ogdon also wrote The Complete Idiot Guide to Street Magic and many books on ghosts, hauntings, and other spirit phenomena.

o Christopher Hart's hand was featured as "Thing," the disembodied hand in the film "The Addams Family" and its sequel, as well as in the comedy horror film "Idle Hands." His skills extend further than just his film-star single hand, his award-winning magic has earned him "Stage Magician of the Year" at Hollywood's Magic Castle. He performs as "Buzz Maxwell" the magician in "Triple Espresso" in San Diego.

The Bankhead Theater is located at 2400 First Street in downtown Livermore Tickets can be purchased at the box office, online at www.lvpac.org or by calling 373-6800.

10. Magic Monday Will Feature Balls, Balls
Message by Kent Cummins (US)

Magic Monday will feature balls, balls, and more balls!

This week the Facebook Live magic sale of items from Jim Baldauf's collection will feature Cups and Balls, Chop Cups, Billiard Balls, Golf Ball Magic, and the Ball and Vase.

Magic Monday is live on Kent Cummins Facebook Page every Monday at 10:30 am CDT. It is not an auction! Prices are firm, and the first person to type "BUY" in comments receives a link to pay using PayPal.

All proceeds are used to benefit Jim Baldauf, a lifelong magician who is currently a patient in a VA facility in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Kent Cummins <Kent@kentcummins.com>
Kent Cummins
105 N Austin Ave #6201
Georgetown, TX 78626

11. The Academy of Magical Arts November Performers
November 1 - November 4
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Misty Mew

Early Performer
Elliott Terral
Late Performer
Brian Ochab

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Late Performer
Pop Haydn

Palace Of Mystery
Keith Fields & Lady Sarah
Mickey O'Connor
Alexander Great

W.C. Fields Bar
Tom Frank
Thursday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Robert Jagerhorn
Thursday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Elliott Terral

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Jeanine Anderson

November 5 - November 11
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Joshua Woodward
Early Performer
Mike Elizalde
Late Performer
Eddie Medrano

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Oscar Muñoz
Late Performer
Christian & Katalina

Palace Of Mystery
Michael Finney
Scott Anderson
David Charvet

W.C. Fields Bar
Mike Barger
Thursday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Willie Tyler & Lester
Bob Jardine
Wednesday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Bob Jardine

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Gerald Schiller

November 12 - November 18
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
John Kippen
Early Performer
Rafael Benatar
Late Performer

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Eric Buss
Late Performer
Scott Tokar

Palace Of Mystery
Miguel Muñoz
Miguel Ángel Gea
Luis Manuel S.

W.C. Fields Bar
Jonathan Levit
Thursday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Dani DaOrtiz
Wednesday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Rafael Benatar

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
David Skale

November 19 - November 25
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Chef Anton
Early Performer
John Carney
Late Performer
Erik Tait

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Chad Long
Late Performer
Brent Arthur James Geris

Palace Of Mystery
Ed Alonzo

W.C. Fields Bar
Thursday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Alex Ramon
Wednesday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Erik Tait

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Frank Thurston

November 26 - December 2
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Tyler Rabbit
Early Performer
Alex Rangel
Late Performer

The Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Handsome Jack
Late Performer
Chris Rose

Palace Of Mystery
Greg Otto
Kyle & Mistie Knight

W.C. Fields Bar
Monday - Sunday

Peller Theatre
Jimmy H
Taylor Hughes
Monday - Sunday

Friday Lunch
Alex Rangel

Sat. & Sun. Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Arty Loon

12. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy.

You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com

Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2018 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine