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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New Zealand)
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Issue Number: #1471
Date: Sunday 23rd September 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news

1. Editor's Message
2. Shin Lim Wins America's Got Talent 2018
3. Houdiniana o Catalog Online
4. S.A.M.'s October M-U-M Preview
5. The Magic Word Podcast - Gene Anderson - A Real Cut-Up
6. It's All In The Cards - John Carey #17
7. Autographs- #500 - Kyle Peron
8. Las Vegas Magic - October 2018
9. Upcoming Estate Sale
10. Broken Wand - Paul Potassy
11. Masters Of Illusion
12. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
13. E-zine Archives

1. Editor's Message

If you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1471-Sep23-2018.html

If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:

2. Shin Lim Wins America's Got Talent 2018
Article forwarded on by Mel Kientz (US)

Shin Lim Wins America's Got Talent Finale 2018

The 26-year-old magician is known for his card magic. He's appeared on Penn & Teller: Fool Us, which led to international fame, and has toured internationally as a magician. Lim's first appearance on Fool Us has earned over 50 million views, and led to an offer for him to appear on the show again. He is the only magician in the history of the series to fool Penn and Teller twice.

Lim is the reigning world FISM champion for close-up magic. He studied music at Lee University prior to his appearance on AGT.

Lim was a double major in piano and telecommunications at school, according to The Cleveland Banner. During his time at University, he also continued practicing magic.

Then, in 2011, at 20-years-old, Lim was diagnosed with carpal tunnel and was forced to choose between music or magic. The Cleveland Banner reports, "He opted to stick to his passion for magic, taking a sabbatical from Lee, and eventually dropping out to return to his parents' home."

AGT win YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/Zt4EAwBKRLY

Shin Lim "9 of Hearts Act" AGT: https://youtu.be/L5J-nhz4og0

As the Cleveland Banner points out, unlike other competitors on the show, Lim is not unknown. He has produced a variety of award-winning acts, like the "Dream Act" and "52 Shades of Red."

And how did he learn all these skills? According to the outlet, he is mostly self-taught, having used YouTube as a tool for learning the tricks.

In a 2015 interview with Digital Journal, asked why he decided to pursue magic, he said, "I got into magic during high school, where my brother showed me the slip force and told me to go to YouTube to figure it out. From there I learned as much free magic on YouTube as I could. And because money was an issue for me, I couldn't afford to purchase books or gimmicks at magic trick stores, so a deck of cards was the most economical. The great thing about YouTube is that I could see the greats performing on there. The biggest influences were Tommy Wonder, David Stone, Jean Pierre Vallarino, David Sousa, Yu ho Jin, Yan Frisch, and many more which have influenced me in many ways."

Lim goes on to say that you should never give up, and should not listen to anyone else's advice but your own. "The moment you start feeding off other people's opinions you lose your own character," he tells Digital Journal

Congratulation to Shin Lim!

3. Houdiniana o Catalog Online
Message by Potter & Potter Auctions

Our October sale features the Houdini collection of John Bushey, who assembled one of the best collections of Houdini pitch books and related items in America. The collection will be complemented by a strong selection of magic memorabilia, books, and posters. The auction will also feature a selection of choice antique apparatus, Mikame Craft-made props, and a collection of original props, books, and decorative objects that belonged to the German magician Kalanag.
New for 2018!

Now you can bid live, online (with a 20% buyer's premium), at potterauctions.com

4. S.A.M.'s October M-U-M Preview
Message by Lindsay Smith (US)

This month's features include these highlights:

If you're looking to read about an "overnight success," then Rory Johnston's feature story on Farrell Dillon this month isn't it. Instead, in his article "Farrell Dillon: Balancing a Magical Career," you'll read about Farrell moving up the magical ladder, rung by rung and year by year. He was aided in his quest to be a professional magician by many friends and mentors. And don't discount his drive and ambition. This is a real-world success story that you'll enjoy reading, especially if you want to get on that first rung.

SAM President Elect Steven Spence reports on "The S.A.M. At MAGIC Live," covering the Society's involvement at this summer's MAGIC Live convention in text and photos. The SAM booth in the dealers' room attracted lots of interest, and results were positive in terms of new members, reinstatements, and advance registrations for the SAM convention in Las Vegas in January 2020.

After "Opening the Curtain: North Korea" in the August M-U-M, columnist Kien Meng Wee takes us to South Korea this month in an article appropriately titled "FISM 2018: Busan." If you weren't at FISM this year, and even if you were, you'll enjoy his take on the lectures, sections, the competition ("overall artistic level: extraordinary"), dealers, fellowship, and more. Included with his article is a list of the FISM 2018 competition winners and the FISM special awards.

In her article, "The Art of Magic Stamps," Sara Crasson introduces us to just that: The Art of Magic postage stamps, unveiled at a first day ceremony led by David Copperfield at MAGIC Live on August 7, 2018, then celebrated later with a special show in New York City. They're bright, colorful, well designed, and the five images are magic-themed, of course. US readers should head to their nearest post office to obtain a 20-stamp sheet of Forever stamps.

Among our regular columnists . . .

M-U-M Editor Alan Howard poses an interesting question in his "Preshow" column. When someone finds out you're a magician and asks, "Show me a trick," how do you respond? Do you do a quick trick? If so, which one? Or do you reply with a simple "no," or perhaps a denial with an added explanation? Alan is looking for your answers, addressed to editor@magicSAM.com, with Trick Questions in the subject line. Magic New Zealand readers who are non-SAM members are invited to respond as well. SAM members should wait until they read Alan's column, which has more detailed thoughts. And your response is . . .?

National SAM President Ron Ishimaru focuses his "From the President's Desk" column on the men and women of our armed forces, both members on active duty and veterans. He introduces us to retired Navy Captain JR Russell who is assuming responsibilities as Chairman of the Veterans & Military Program Committee. We also meet Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Glen Bailey, a committee member who was one of the 2018 SAM Heroism and Patriot awardees, honored at the SAM's annual convention in Orlando.

In "The Dean's Diary," our Dean George Schindler takes us on a nostalgic trip through the history of Show-Biz Comedy Service, a company George started in 1958, although he started collecting gags, jokes, and one-liners as early as 1945. Got humor? George does. His original file stands at 12,000 gags, with the rest in books and computer discs.

Antonio Cabral explains some innovative handlings of the classic Ace Assembly, an effect many magicians consider "death on toast" among card tricks performed for normal humans. You know the old plot (four Aces and 12 indifferent cards). Cabral's article may change the way you look at this routine. Check out "Cheats & Deceptions" and why he considers this "a keeper."

David Corsaro explains a popular business expression, "Good - Cheap - Fast . . . pick two," and how this principle applies to someone selling you marketing courses, magic products, and marketing your own shows. In his "No Smoke, No Mirrors" column, he also shares information on pricing and customer retention. As always, there's valuable information here. Apply his thoughts to your situation, and benefit from them.

A train wreck in your magic show? Yes, it could happen, and often does. In his column "Taking the Stage," Brian Lees explains how and why this happens, and how you can keep things on track, and keep one of your favorite effects from derailing your show.

Mr. Bottle, a.k.a. Kien Meng Wee, mentions a number of principles used to generate laughter from kids in his "Magic in a Bottle" column. He expands on one, the Say and Stop (SNS) principle, and how he incorporates it into his Crazy Man's Handcuffs routine. If you do this trick for kids, check this out.

Halloween is coming and Paul Draper shows us how the classic PATEO force can be utilized as a game of death and chance to enhance your spooky shows this month. It's all explained in his column "On Second Thought…" It's playful with lots of outs and audience participation.

Cinde and Dal Sanders tackle the difficult question they're often asked about their show: How do we get paid? In their "TV or Not TV" column, they admit there is no easy or universal answer. But they explain how to get started, with lots of details about the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), union vs. non-union productions, contracts, flat fees, percentage points and residual payments, and increasing your credibility and popularity.

Five well-posted magicians review three books, one DVD, three tricks, and one utility device in this month's "Shop Talk." This is always the place to read what the experts think on something new or something you were considering.

Bruce Kalver, SAM's gadget guru and more, suggests three great ideas for your consideration in his "Tech Tricks" column. One requires that you or a friend visit a Disney theme park (or check eBay), another is as close as your local Bed, Bath and Beyond store, and the third is his take on listening to various podcasts. If you're not familiar with podcasts, Bruce explains, and offers several magic-themed episodes.

Two look-alikes appear in David Goodsell's "The S.A.M. History Project" column - one of Alexander Herrmann, the premier magician of the late nineteenth century, and one of John Sargent, the second president of the SAM. As David explains, he was also the SAM Poet Laureate. There's even a QR code that you can use to access an updated recording of his poem, "Martinka's on Saturday Night." Ain't technology grand!

In this month's "Thoughts on Thinking," Norman Beck offers his thoughts on working The Magic Castle and other events. The question is not so much how to get paid but rather, "How do I get booked back?" As always, he has some interesting observations that are - can I say it? - worth thinking about.

In addition to these features and columnists, there's Alan Wassilak's eagerly anticipated "Basil the Baffling and Chloe" cartoon strip, some wonderful ideas in the multi-page "Assembly Reports" that you can adapt to your assembly, "Broken Wands," "Magic WORDoodles" and "Number Grids" under "Diversions," SAM's National Secretary Marlene Clark's minutes of the SAM's National Council Meeting, and more. In all, it's quite a package.

For more information on the Society of American Magicians and M-U-M, please visit www.magicsam.com

5. The Magic Word Podcast - Gene Anderson - A Real Cut-Up
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star

This week we celebrate a mini-milestone…episode #450. So we thought we would offer a special guest, the creator of the often-used "Torn & Restored Newspaper" trick, Mr. Gene Anderson. Gene has been a legend in magic for decades. The term "legend" gets kicked around a lot in our vocabulary, but few are worthy of the appellation. Gene's invention of the Torn & Restored Newspaper is only part of what has made him an iconic figure in our community.

His newspaper act and his creative introductions as emcee have long been appreciated and seen all over the world. His infectious smile and engaging personality always makes it a joy to be around him. Among his many accomplishments inn our world, perhaps one of the most well-known of his "students" was the late Doug Henning. In Gene's book, "The Book", he talks a lot about his relationship with Doug and his influence on his show.

In our podcast this week, Gene talks about all of that: Doug Henning, the creation of the Torn & Restored Newspaper, creativity, his newspaper act, his work as a part-time pro, and more. You can watch a TED talk video with Gene, see some photos, read the blog, listen to the podcast online, hear some product reviews, and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/450-gene-anderson

Thank you to all the listeners and 15, 000 subscribers worldwide who have helped us reach 450 podcasts. Your encouraging words, texts, email, comments and letters have helped me each week to provide quality content. I am thankful to have such a wonderful group of friends in our international community. I hope to bring you more in coming years and look forward to hearing from you on what you would like to hear and your comments on the direction of The Magic Word Podcast.

6. It's All In The Cards - John Carey #17
Message by John Carey (UK)

"Playing cards are not only used by magicians and gamblers. For generations they have been used by gypsies, fortune-tellers and psychics to tell the past, the present and the future.

Imagine these cards are fifty-two pages all about you Mick. Please shuffle them as I want your personality to rub off on them. Now as I flick through the cards slowly, just call out stop. This card will represent you. Now I need something personal from you. No not your pin code Mick! Your signature please. Reach over and sign your card. Lets, give the cards a shuffle and would you take them and give them a few cuts. That's perfect. Will you cut the deck into two halves?

Now you have to make a decision, based purely on your impulse or gut instinct. Pick up either packet. And we will set the rest aside. Spread your cards in your hands. Now push some out of the middle and put them on top. Do that again and again once more, mixing your cards while totally under your control. Cut away a chunk and set them aside. Now they say that three is a magic number Mick. Deal a card down, then one next to it and then one more next to that. Continue dealing the cards into three piles, just as if you were playing some crazy game of cards with friends.

So from a deck of cards mixed thoroughly by you, we will use the top card of each packet and see what Lady Luck has dealt us. Remember at the start I told you about the cards being used by fortune-tellers? Well this card represents your past. It tells me you've had a very interesting past, full of mostly highs with occasional difficult times, like all of us. This next card represents the present. Ah, this one tells me you are at a good moment in your life, both personally and professionally. Now finally there's just the future to deal with Mick. To be honest, I don't tend to dabble in the future. But maybe, just maybe this remaining card will tell me something very personal about you. Ah, indeed it does, Mick. It tells me how you sign your name!"

The public, especially ladies, are fascinated by Horoscopes, palm reading and

other items dealing with the telling of fortunes. This piece, inspired by my dear friend, Andrew Gerard's effect Finding Yourself, published in Crafted with Carey, is essentially presentational smoke thrown around the discovery of a signed card. The fact that it is almost self-working and pretty much hands off after a selection is made gives one freedom to really sell the conditions and apparent fairness of it all.

From a spectator shuffled deck riffle down the outer corner of the deck and ask a helper to say stop. Lift off the cards at the point stopped at and raise the right hand to show the face of the selection to the audience. Have your spectator pick up a marker from the table and reach over and sign their card. A moment or two later bring both hands together and secure a left little-finger break beneath the selection as you square up.

Take back the marker with your right hand and place it away. Then cut off all the cards above your break to the table, followed by cutting small packets and dropping them on top until the deck is exhausted. The selection is efficiently controlled to the bottom of the deck.

Slip shuffle, retaining the signed selection on the bottom. Hand your helper the deck and have them perform the Jay Ose false cut from Lorayne's Close Up Card Magic on themselves: Have them cut off about a third of the deck and table it. Then ask them to cut off another third and table it to the right of the first packet. Finally get them to place the remaining packet furthest to their right. A few moments later have them gather up the packets from left to right. The signed selection is still on the bottom but the conviction of fairness is pretty strong.

Reach over the deck and cut it into two halves. Have the spectator pick up either packet. If they pick up the target packet you casually set aside the remaining packet. However if they pick up the X packet first casually ask them to set it aside without any fuss.

Now for a delightful (and very sneaky) Chad Long ruse: Ask them to spread the packet they are holding in their hands and push out a bunch of cards from the middle. Request they put that bunch on top. Get them to repeat the above actions twice more, covertly keeping their signed selection on the bottom.

Direct your spectator to cut away a chunk of cards and discard them. Then talk about how the number three is a magic number. We will now use a beautiful placement force of Al Leech to get ready for the fortune-telling phase prior to the

finale of the effect. Ask your helper to deal a face-down row of three cards and then continue dealing back and forth until all the cards have been dealt. Make a mental note where the last signed card is dealt.

To finish the effect pick up the top card of either of the X packets and give a friendly 'reading' of this card to represent the past. Then pick up the top card of the other X packet and turn this card over and make comments about their present. Finally pick up the top card of the remaining packet, look at it and pause. Then smile as you reveal the future and how they sign their name! Kudos to Gary Kurtz for that tag line.

There you have it. A presentational piece with the public in mind. No weird moves or extraneous actions and a hook that should keep them interested.

7. Autographs- #500 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)

I am a firm believer in getting to thank my audiences and giving them a chance to meet me after my shows. It is a great way of letting them know I appreciate them and a means in which to have kids meet an entertainer in person. It can really make an impact on them.

Whenever I bring this topic up, folks ask me if I sell my autograph. In other words am I making money off of it? I never sell my autograph at all. My feeling is that if not for the audience, I would be out of work. My audiences are everything to me.

Greeting my audiences and allowing them to get free autographs also does other important things for me. For starters, it allows the client/s to see crowds of people engaging me afterwards. It just simply looks good in their eyes.

Also, if I have a BOR table selling my products, this is a great way and method of getting them over to it. I have one part of the table where I am standing to meet the audience and sign autographs for the kids who want them. This leads folks over in droves to my BOR table and creates an atmosphere where they are much more willing to spend money while they are over there.

Now one method to get folks over to want an autograph is by offering them something totally for free in which you can sign for them. There are many options here. One of the easiest is to make a Magicians Assistant Certificate and give them out to any and every child.

They get the certificate from you after the show and you sign it for them right there. Not only does it give them something they want, but you get them to your BOR table and they go home with something special that also brands you and has your contact information on it. This can
easily add up to more shows for you later on.

Other things you can give out for free and sign could be postcards, your own trading cards or even free photos of you. The idea is to give something to them of value and do so freely.

We also must realize that in many cases we may be the first magician a person has ever seen. We are the ones that can make that person love magic or hate it. It is in our control. I think by taking the time to greet an audience and to sign autographs freely helps to really bond with people. It is also a great means in which to engage folks and find out firsthand what they thought of the show.

If you ever want great feedback, signing autographs really allows this to happen. You can build relationships with the audience and really get a chance to hear firsthand what they enjoyed about what you did.

As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at magic4u02@aol.com. I would love to hear from you.

Entertainers, please visit:

8. Las Vegas Magic - October 2018
Message by David Neubauer

Congratulations to Shin Lim!
Greatly looking forward to his Vegas show!

Criss Angel - Mindfreak Live!
7 pm & 9:30 pm (Dark Mon. - Tues.) - Luxor.
Ends Oct. 28

Criss Angel - Mindfreak Live!
7 pm (Dark Mon. - Tues.) - Criss Angel Theatre - Planet Hollywood.
Opens December 19th

David Copperfield - An Intimate Evening of Grand Illusion
7 & 9:30 pm nightly, also 4 pm Sat. - MGM Grand.
Tickets from $78: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/david-copperfield/

Gerry McCambridge - The Mentalist
7:30 pm (Dark Wed.) - Planet Hollywood.

Jeff McBride's Wonderground
3rd Thurs. each month 7:30 to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic & Variety Performance Art. A new show each month. $10 cover.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com

Ilusión Mental - Santiago Michel
Note: This is an all Spanish show.
5:30 pm (Dark Tues.- Wed., Fri.) - Sin City Theatre, Planet Hollywood.

Imaginarium - David Goldrake
7 pm. (Dark Mon.) 4 pm (Sat. Only) - Tropicana Theatre, Tropicana.
Closing September 30th. New Venue to be announced.
Half Price Tickets:
Las Vegas&State=NV&Name=david-goldrake-imaginarium

LaughterNoon - Adam London
4 pm, (Daily) - The D.
$12.48 Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/laughternoon/

Mac King Comedy Magic Show
1 & 3 pm, (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Harrah's.
Free tickets (buy 1 drink) usually available at the concierge desk or handed out by showgirls.

Mat Franco - Magic Reinvented Nightly
7 & 9:30 pm - Linq Showroom - LINQ.

Mike Hammer Comedy Magic Show
7 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Four Queens Hotel and Casino.

Murray The Magician
Opening October 3rd.
With Guest Act: Douglas "Lefty" Leferovich.
5 pm: Sun. - Wed.; 7 pm: Thurs. & Sat. (Dark Fri.) - Laugh Factory, Tropicana.

Nathan Burton Comedy Magic Show
4 pm - Saxe Theater - Planet Hollywood.
$12.50 Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/nathan-burton-comedy-magic/

Paranormal - Frederic Da Silva
4 pm (Dark Wed. & Thurs.) - Windows Showroom, Bally's.
Half-Price Tickets:
246&City=Las Vegas&State=NV&Name=paranormal

Penn & Teller
9 pm, (Dark Thurs. - Fri.) - Rio.
Discount Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/penn-teller/

Piff the Magic Dragon
8:00 pm (show days vary, check site) - Bugsy's Cabaret, Flamingo
Piff's Private Party (pre-show meet & greet): 7:00 pm

The Magic of Jen Kramer
6:00 pm. (Dark Sun. - Tues.) - Westgate Cabaret, Westgate Resort
Half-Price Tickets:
322&City=Las Vegas&State=NV&Name=jen-kramer-show

The Magic of Mike Aslan
8:00 pm. (Dark Tues. - Sun.) - Majestik Theatre, 99 Convention Center Dr.

The Magic of Seth Grabel
4:00 pm. (Dark Mon. - Sat.) - Kohiko Room, Tahiti Village

Xavier Mortimer's Magical Dream
7:00 pm, (Dark Fri.) - Sin City Theatre, Planet Hollywood.
Half Price Tickets: www.halfpriceshows.com/Shows/showdatelistt.jsp?i=4&id=270&City

Crazy Girls
Tony Douglas - 9:00 pm (Dark Wed.) - Crazy Girls Theater - Planet Hollywood.

Dixie Dooley - The Mystifier
2:00 & 4:00 pm every Saturday & Sunday - Center Stage at the Boulevard Mall.

Haunted Vegas Show and Tour - Jac Hayden
9:30 pm, picks up at the Royal Resort.
Half-Price Tickets:
=Las Vegas&State=NV&Name=haunted-vegas-tour-and-ghost-hunt

Redneck Comedy Magic - James Michael
6:00 pm. (Dark Tues. - Wed.) - LA Comedy Club, Stratosphere
Half-Price Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/james-michaels-redneck-comedy-magic/

Sapphire Las Vegas Comedy Hour
Comedians, Burlesque, Magicians, Variety Acts - Mondre
8 pm, (Dark Sun.- Fri,) - Sapphire Gentleman's Club, 3025 Industrial Rd.
Half-Price Tickets:
City=Las Vegas&State=NV&Name=sapphires-comedy-hour

Séance - Dixie Dooley
8:00 pm every Saturday & Sunday - Majestik Theatre, 99 Convention Center Dr.
Attendees receive a free tour of Dixie Dooley's Houdini Exhibit.

Tape Face
Featuring Michael Valladares as "PuppetFace" (who performs Magic and Puppetry throughout).
7 pm (Dark Mon.) - House of Tape - Harrahs.

V - The Ultimate Variety Show - Jason Byrne
7 pm & 8:30 pm, sometimes 4 and 5:30 - The V Theatre, Planet Hollywood.

Zombie Burlesque
Featuring Steve "Tiny" Daly as "Tiny Bubbles".
8:30 pm, (Dark Sun.) - V Theater, Planet Hollywood

Vegas Public Close-Up Magic
Linq: Magic Mike (Michael Moretti) - 7:30-9:30 pm nightly - Chayo Mexican Kitchen & Tequila Bar.
Mandalay Bay: Magical Mix - Christopher Karpiak 7-10 pm (Dark Sun.. - Mon.) - Skyfall Lounge, Delano Hotel.
Wynn/Encore: Shimshi - Resident Magician.
Las Vegas Strip Street Magic: Grndl, Jungle Josh, James Kelsey.
The Fremont Street Experience: Adam Flowers, Chris Randall, Will Bradshaw.

Las Vegas Magic Organizations
Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257, 7 pm - 8:45, 1st Monday each month at Top Hat and Wand Magic Shoppe, 5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102. No meeting if the 1st Monday is a major Holiday. ($24 a year to be a member). Current President and contact: John McClenahan, doctormagiclv@embarqmail.com or 702-395-3856. www.ibm257.com

Hang at the Magic Lounge! Free Pizza & Sodas the 2nd Tuesday each month at 6 pm. Top Hat and Wand Magic Shoppe, 5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102. Come in for food & drink and hang out with your friends, all are welcome to socialize, watch or perform.
Darwin's Magic Club 8 pm - Midnight. Each Wed. at Tommy Rockers at Dean Martin & Flamingo.

Upcoming Special Events
September, 2018
Sep. 20: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover, all others $20.

8:00 Comedy Variety show
Tim Wise - Your Host and MC
Sir Patrick - Magic that "takes off!"
Joan DuKore - Lady of Enchantment
Chris Britt - Magic and Mentors?
Jason Bird - Alchemagical Miracles

9:OO Magic Close -up, Strolling and Parlor
Will Bradshaw - Your Host and MC
Kevin Hall - The Madman of Magic
Joan Dukore - The Woman of Many Mysteries
Chris Britt - Storytelling Magic
Jason Bird - Alchemical Enchantments

Wonder-Bar Magic
Brian Apollo - The Modern Mystic
Scott Steelfyre - Very Nice-Dice!
Kent Axell - Mindbending Mystery

10:00 The Stage Extravaganza
Tim Wise - Your host and MC
Sonny Fonatana - The Invisible Man
Sir Patrick - The Romance Act
Joan DuKore - Feminine Mystique
Nathan Phan - The New Las Vegas Legend!
Jason Bird - Illuminating Illusions

All of the Above PLUS:

Photography by Sheryl Garrett. Bar Magic with Kent Axell, Brian Apollo, Scott Steelfyre & Maggie, Corey Rubino, Taylor Lloyd, New World Rythmatism Belly Dancers, Psychic Sideshow with Morganne- and many more surprises and special celebrity guests.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com

October, 2018
Oct. 17-20: Master Class for Mentalism *Sold Out* presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructors: Jeff McBride, Larry Hass, Ph.D., Special Guest will once again be Ross Johnson.

Oct. 18: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover, all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com

Oct. 20-23: Fall Training Sessions - Mentalism, Storytelling, Spirit Theater, and Illusions presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School.

Oct. 20: Fall Training - Part 1: The Classic Themes Of Mentalism presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructor: Jeff McBride.

Oct. 21: Fall Training - Part 2: Storytelling Magic presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructor: Jeff McBride.

Oct. 21-23: MINDvention - Palace Station
Presenters include: Kennedy, Timon Krause, Ian Rowland, The Evasons, Harrison Greenbaum, Gil Eagles, Ken Weber, Eric Samuels, David Gerard. Kennedy does an extra cost workshop on the 24th.

Oct. 22: Fall Training - Part 3: Séance & Bizarre Magic presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructor: Jeff McBride.

Oct. 23: Fall Training - Part 4: Illusions That Shock & Amaze! presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructor: Jeff McBride.

Oct. 24-27: Magic and Meaning Conference presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructors: Jeff McBride
Tobias Beckwith, Bryce Kuhlman, Larry Hass, Ph.D., Abigail Spinner McBride.

November, 2018
Nov. 15: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover, all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com

December, 2018
Dec. 20: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight - The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover, all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com

August, 2019
August 4-7, 2019 - The Orleans

January, 2020
The Society of American Magicians National Convention
January 18-21, 2020 - Golden Nugget

9. Upcoming Estate Sale
Message by Steve Varro (US)

If names like Mikame, Dean Dill, Colombini, Collectors Workshop, Viking Mfg., Maverick Magic, and Magic Makers, cause you to salivate, then you will not want to miss out on my next estate sale list. It will include new and like new effects, from those mentioned above and others.
These items have never before been listed.

If you are not on my estate sales lists, Just email me and I'll add you.

10. Broken Wand - Paul Potassy

For Pauls' magical history go to:


11. Masters of Illusion
Message by Steve Moyer <moyerpr@earthlink.net>

Masters of Illusion week twelve of season five on the CW Network hosted by Dean Cain, the series returns Friday, September 21st with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back, starting at 8/7C

Hollywood, CA (September 17, 2018) - Masters of Illusion, produced by Associated Television International and hosted by Dean Cain, now celebrating its fifth anniversary on The CW returns for Week Thirteen with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back on Friday, September 21, 2018 at 8:00 p.m./7:00 p.m. Central.

Masters of Illusion features amazing magic performed by 42 cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience.

This week's episodes will include:
"Masters of Illusion" - (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET)
"All About The Benjamins and One Switcheroo" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include Jarrett & Raja (Fire & No Water Piano), Shoot Ogawa (Changing Coin), Spidey (Love Spirit), Rick Smith Jr. (Card Throwing Tutorial), Joshua Jay (Blind Find A Card), Bill Cook (Ropes Through Body), Greg Frewin (Water Trick Aisle) and Tommy Wind (Wine Pairing). (Original airdate 9/21/2018) (#511)

To view performance highlights of the September 21st episode airing from 8:00 - 8:30 p.m., please visit:
and https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/289782566/488772b354

"Masters of Illusion" - (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET)
"Smart Money, Smart Phones and a Rising Pianist" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians featured in this episode include Greg Gleason (Center Cutting), Farrell Dillon (Die Box), Jason Bird (Salt & Pepper Aisle), Billy Kidd (The Kid & the Newspaper Hat), Chris Funk (Sponge Ball Watch Steal), Keelan Leyser & Matt Daniel-Baker (What's App) and Jarrett & Raja (Levitation). Encore Presentation. (Original airdate 9/7/2018) (#509).

To view performance highlights of the September 21st episode airing from 8:30 - 9:00 p.m., please visit:

Please note, the television show, "Masters of Illusion" will be preempted on Friday, September 21, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. in several U.S. cities due to sporting events. As a result, "Masters of Illusion" will be broadcast instead in Sacramento, CA on KMAX on Sunday, September 23, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.; in West Palm Beach, FL on WTVX on Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.; in Wilkes Barre, PA on WSWB on Friday, September 21, 2018 from 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.; in Rochester, NY on WHAM-D2 on Friday, September 14, 2018 from 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.; in Syracuse, NY on WSTQ on Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.; in Chattanooga, TN on WFLI on Friday, September 14, 2018 from 10:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.; in Savannah, GA on WSAV-D2 on Sunday, September 16, 2018 from 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. and in Evansville, IN on WTVW on Sunday, September 16, 2018 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.; and in Champaign, IL on WBUI September 14, 2018 from 10:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.

Dean Cain, host of Masters of Illusion, is an actor, producer and writer. Cain also appears in the hit CW series, "Supergirl," in which he plays the role of Supergirl's adoptive father, Jeremiah Danvers. Other upcoming projects include the documentary film, "Hate Among Us" (Executive Producer), and as an actor, "Gosnell," "2050" and "Angry Men." Most recently he executive produced, along with Montel Williams, the critically acclaimed documentary film, "Architects of Denial." His breakthrough performance as an actor was in the dual roles of Superman/Clark Kent in the television series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman."

The roster of award-winning magicians from around the world appearing in Season Five of Masters of Illusion is a virtual who's who in the field of magic.
Adam Wilber (New Durham, NH), www.adamwilber.com, .@AdamWilber
Andi Gladwin (Gloucester, UK), www.illusionist.co.uk, .@WhoIsAndi
Bill Cook (Chicago, IL), www.billcookmagic.com, .@billcookmagic
Billy Kidd (London, UK), www.billykiddshow.com, .@billykiddshow
Chipper Lowell (Fullerton, CA), www.chipperlowellexperience.com, .@chipperlowell
Chris Funk (The Wonderist) (Winnipeg, Canada), www.chrisfunkmagic.com, .@chrisfunkmagic, https://plus.google.com/+chrisfunkmagician-thewonderist
Chris Korn (Los Angeles, CA), www.chriskorn.com, .@kornkeezie
Chris Randall (Las Vegas, NV), https://www.facebook.com/ChrisRandallMagician/
Ed Alonzo (The Misfit of Magic) (Toluca Lake, CA), www.edalonzo.com, .@edalonzomagic
Eric Jones (Philadelphia, PA), www.ericjonesmagic.com, https://www.facebook.com/ericjonesprestidigitator
Farrell Dillon (Las Vegas, NV and Boise, ID), www.farrelldillon.com, .@FarrellfarrellX
George Iglesias (Lima, Peru), www.MagoGeorge.com, .@MagoGeorgeOf
Greg Frewin (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada), www.gregfrewintheatre.com, .@GF_Theatre
Greg Gleason (Las Vegas, NV), www.gleasonmagic.com, #GregGleason
Henok Negash (Hollywood, CA), www.bowtiemagician.com, http://www.facebook.com/bowtiemagician/
Jarrett & Raja (Jarrett Parker and Raja Rahman from Las Vegas, NV), www.jarrettandraja.com, .@jarrettandraja
Jason Bird (Las Vegas, NV), www.magicofjasonbird.com, .@jasonbirdmagic
Jason Bishop (Philadelphia, PA), www.thejasonbishopshow.com, .@JasonBishop
Jeki Yoo (South Korea and North Hollywood, CA), www.jekiyoo.com, http://www.instgram.com/jekiyoo, http://www.facebook.com/jekiyoomagic
Jibrizy (West Hollywood, CA), www.jibrizy.com, .@jibrizy
Joel Meyers (Los Angeles, CA), www.meyersmagic.com, .@joelmeyersmagic
Joseph Gabriel (Las Vegas, NV), www.gabrielmagic.com
Joseph Réohm (Los Angeles, CA), www.josephreohm.com, .@josephreohm
Joshua Jay (New York, NY), www.joshuajay.com, .@joshuajaymagic
Keelan Leyser & Matt Daniel-Baker (London, UK), www.keelanleyser.co.uk
Les Arnold & Dazzle (Les Arnold and Alex Arnold, Long Beach, CA), www.lesarnoldanddazzle.com, #LesArnoldAndDazzle
Michael Grandinetti (Los Angeles, CA), www.michaelgrandinetti.com, @GrandinettiMG, #michaelgrandinetti, www.facebook.com/Grandinetti.Michael
Murray SawChuck (Las Vegas, NV), www.murraymagic.com, .@MurraySawChuck, www.facebook.com/MurrayFanPage
Naathan Phan (Las Vegas, NV and Orange, CA), www.magicasianman.com, .@naathanphan
Nathan Burton (Las Vegas, NV), www.nathanburton.com, .@NathanBurtonCM
Noora Karma (Helsinki, Finland), http://www.noorakarma.fi
Rick Smith Jr. (Cleveland, OH), https://www.facebook.com/RickSmithJrpage/, .@RickSmithJr1
R.J. Cantu (Las Vegas, NV), www.rjcantu.com, .@cantumagic, .@rjcan2
Shoot Ogawa (Tokyo, Japan and Simi Valley, CA), http://www.holyshoot.com
Spidey (Montreal, Canada), www.spideymagic.com, .@spideyhypnosis
Titou (Baptiste Molard ) (Paris, France and Las Vegas, NV), http://titoumagic.com, https://www.facebook.com, .@MagicianTitou, https://www.instgram.com/titoumagician/
Tommy Wind (Las Vegas, NV), www.tommywindmagic.com, .@tommywind
Xavier Mortimer (Las Vegas, NV), http://xaviermortimer.com/blog, .@xaviermortimer
Young-Min Kim (Alchemist) (South Korea)

Masters of Illusion is produced by Associated Television International with returning Executive Producers David McKenzie ("The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards," "Marie"), Gay Blackstone ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009), David Martin ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009, "Marie"), and Al Schwartz ("The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards," "The Golden Globe Awards" 2013 and 2014), along with Co-Executive Producer Jim Romanovich ("From Rocky To Creed," "The 38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards").

Associated Television International (ATI) is an Emmy Award-winning company that has been the world's largest producer of magic for both stage and screen for over three decades. ATI's television series, specials and feature films have aired on all U.S. broadcast networks, major cable channels and with television partners all over the world. Current series in production include: "The Hollywood Christmas Parade," "Masters of Illusion," and the Emmy Award-nominated "Laura McKenzie's Traveler."

ATI has also been Emmy Award-nominated for its various television specials and series. For more information, please visit www.associatedtelevision.com

To view a Sizzle Reel of Season Five of Masters of Illusion on The CW, please visit: https://vimeo.com/user4830612/review/274173555/0699e86ee2

To learn more about Masters of Illusion, please visit http://www.cwtv.com/shows/masters-of-illusion/
Network with us at https://www.facebook.com/cwmastersofillusion

12. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right "Archives"

When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)

13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
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Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.

The opinions and statements expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.

Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.

Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted.

Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted.

All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

© Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM

Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice

Our subscriber list is not made available to any other companies or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your privacy. You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand® E-zine at www.magicnewzealand.com Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday. The opinions expressed therein are those of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand® nor Alan Watson QSMvouch for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, message, statement, or other information reported via Magic New Zealand® E-zine. Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand® or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible in any way for the opinions expressed therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct or disregard any articles submitted. Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting articles to this e-zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand® the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm their copyright of the material submitted. All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected by international copyright legislation and articles must not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and the above disclaimer.

Copyright © 2018 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine