* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Issue Number: #1455
Date: Sunday 24th June 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editor's Message
2. Magic Live 2018 Is Sold Out!
3. US Stamps To Be Released At Live!
4. A Big Thanks To You And MagicNZ
5. Allan Slaight Awards 2018
6. David Berglas Digital Scrapbooks
7. Milbourne Christopher Awards
8. S.A.M. Elects New President, Featured In July M-U-M
9. The Magic Word Podcast - Gone In 60 Seconds
10. The Magic Word Podcast - Will Fern
11. The Magic Word Podcast - Geoff Williams
12. Clipped! - John Carey #5
13. Remove The Other Chair - #491 - Kyle Peron
14. Las Vegas Magic - July 2018
15. Marcelo Insua's Workshop And Lecture (Mr Tango)
16. Masters Of Illusion Announces Season Five
17. Magic Lectures At The Melbourne Magic Festival
18. E-zine Archives
19. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
and I thoroughly enjoyed attending the Geniicon Convention
in Sydney, Australia. This was extremely well run, and we
want to acknowledge that this was organised by Sean Taylor
(President of Geniis Magical Society), Peter Rodgers (Treasurer),
Kent Blackmore (Secretary) with assistance from committee
members Dale Sadler and Richard Lee. Tech support by Dave
Everett and Dennis Norman, and website/photography/programme
by Pat Taylor. A special mention to Bill Walsh and Peter
Wood for their great work with Museum exhibits.
Fantastic headliners all involved in lectures/stand up galas:
Christian Schenk (The Card Shark) from Germany, Paul Richards
from USA (flawless close-up and standup lectures and workshop
- who also successfully lectured through New Zealand). Popular
Nick Kay from Melbourne Australia (sleight of hand skills);
very fast paced lecture and comedy from Levent; wonderful
surprise to us and one to definitely watch out for Joseph
Barry (card whizz) from the UK; and Silly Billy who is played
by David Kaye top New York children's entertainer. David's
thought process and why and how he does his shows is top
notch and we highly recommend him as a convention lecturer.
He is right now successfully touring through New Zealand
with his excellent lecture. Also family magic super sessions
by Matt Falloon, Greg Britt and talks by Adam Mada, Sean
Taylor and Beverly Unit.
A diverse plethora of talent
thanks Geniis Magical Society!
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a
HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1455-Jun16-2018.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. Magic Live 2018 Is Sold Out!
Message by Stan Allen (US)
you're still interested in joining us August 5-8 in Las
Vegas, please add your name to our waitlist at MagicLiveConvention.com.
In the coming weeks, we do anticipate a small number of
cancellations, and we will do our best to make these registrations
available to the wait list on a first-come, first-served
basis. The sooner you sign up, the better your chance of
getting in.
Hope to see you there!
3. US Stamps To Be Released At Live!
Message by Stan Allen (US)
I'm excited to announce that Magic Live, in conjunction
with the United States Postal Service, will be unveiling
"The Art of Magic" series of five stamps as part
of convention program on Tuesday, August 7, 2018.
The stamps, created by Charleston-designer Jay Fletcher,
represent five classic effects: Production (rabbit out of
a hat), Prediction (crystal ball), Levitation (woman floating
in air), Vanish (empty birdcage), and Transformation (flower
to dove).
Every Magic Live attendee will receive a copy of the First
Day of Issue official ceremony program with cover envelope.
And many more surprises await.
to see you there!
4. A Big Thanks To You And MagicNZ
Message by Kent Blackmore for GeniiCon18, Sydney, Australia
I say a big thanks to you and MagicNZ for the regular promotions
and support for the GeniiCon weekend just finished in Sydney.
We rely on people spreading the word, and in the case of
GeniiCon your personal encouragement helped us reach well
over our target attendance goal.
was a fabulous weekend, made possible by the willing involvement
and cooperation of everyone involved.
5. Allan Slaight Awards 2018
Message by Julie Eng | Executive Director | magicana.com
Allan Slaight Awards recognize outstanding achievement in
the pursuit of the impossible. The Slaight Family Foundation
established the awards in 2015 and has pledged to give $50,000
a year, over five years, to celebrate exceptional work in
five distinct categories. Each recipient receives not only
a cash prize, but also a specially engraved iPad to commemorate
the achievement.
has the honour of administering the distribution of these
prestigious awards and now, in our fourth year, we have
changed the format for announcing them. This year we will
be announcing each recipient on our website (www.magicana.com),
releasing the name of one winner a day starting on June
25, until all four individuals and one organization are
lauded for their contributions to the advancement of magic
as a performing art.
sure to tune into Magicana's news blog (www.magicana.com/news)
to find out which exciting performers are the 2018 Allan
Slaight Award winners!
6. David Berglas Digital Scrapbooks
Message by David Berglas (UK)
Last week David talked about a1952 British Ring Convention
in Hastings and how a chance meeting with a writer for the
popular magazine Picture Post, led to the most impossible
challenge - which David accepted.
Episode 2 he explains, with photos and video clips, the
details of the challenge and how it achieved the most incredible
publicity. This certainly helped to launch his 60-year career.
3, this week he recalls a life-changing event that happened
on a ship to South Africa.
4, he talks about the first few months in Cape Town and
how he had to 'persuade' an editor to allow him to place
an ad for a demonstration of hypnotism.
7. Milbourne Christopher Awards
Message by David Haversat
Milbourne Christopher Foundation Awards September 29, 2018
New London, Connecticut
committee has unanimously voted the following names in the
categories listed:
2018 Award Winners -
Master's Award: Bill Smith
James Mapes
Award: Jon Dorenbos
Peter Gossamer
Samuel Patrick Smith
Award: Ryan Lally
Achievement Award: James Rainho
of Magic Award: Jimmy Brown
2018 Milbourne Christopher Awards Presentation at the Garde
Arts Center, New London, Connecticut
information and ticket sales available in July.
Foundation 1991-2018 * 27 Years of Incorporation
8. S.A.M. Elects New President, Featured In July M-U-M
Message by Lindsay Smith (US)
Aloha! That familiar greeting is from Ronald Ishimaru, the
incoming president of The Society of American Magicians
who takes over on July 23 at the organization's national
convention in Orlando. Ronald's photo appears on the cover
of the July issue of M-U-M and a feature article covering
his diverse interests and activities titled "The Life
and Inspirations of a Hawaiian Magician," co-authored
by Kai Lee Away and Estelle Ishimaru-Wong, appears inside.
SAM membership cards issued during Ron Ishimaru's tenure
as president will include a photo on the back of his mentor,
Jimmy Yoshida, along with a trick based on one of his favorite
phrases. Curtis Kam offers several of Jimmy's presentations
in a humorous article that explains what "The Last
One" really means.
Ron follows his life story with an illustrated article,
"Tips of the Trade," where he offers an excellent
solution to this challenge: With no table, where do you
place the scissors after cutting the rope in a Cut and Restored
Rope routine? He also tackles his first "From the President's
Desk" column. Deadlines come quickly Ron. Just eleven
more to go!
If you're going to be a first-time performer or visitor
to The Magic Castle, you'll want to read "The Dean's
Diary" by SAM Dean George Schindler. This month he
talks about Hollywood accommodations near the Castle. It's
great advice from a regular Castle performer. And every
column has a story you probably haven't heard before. This
month is no exception.
You're ready to perform magic for kids on TV. Everything
is set, right? Wrong. As Cinde and Dal Sanders explain in
their "TV or Not TV" column, "Nothing is
going to work the way you think it will." They use
multiple examples to support their position. You can learn
this the easy way (by reading their column) or the hard
way (when you show up at the TV studio).
Aspiring illusionists and those already there always look
forward to David Seebach's column, "Illusions of Grandeur,"
for his take on the world of illusions, both classic and
contemporary. This month David examines the classic Abbott's
Chests of Mystery illusion. It's the Square Circle principle
expanded to an illusion-proportioned "Square."
He explains why you might want to take a serious look at
this effective mystery and why its unique paint job is a
In his "No Smoke, No Mirrors" column, David Corsaro
writes about adapting to challenges that may affect your
marketing plans. Your well-designed plan could be derailed
by any one of a thousand reasons. David explains how to
deal with various scenarios by preparing and adjusting.
Loads of good advice here.
Those of you who use various gambling demonstrations to
establish your "card cheating" credentials will
find Antonio M. Cabral's Dealer's Choice routine in his
"Cheats and Deceptions" column of considerable
interest. It's not for beginners since it requires experience
with riffle stacking and a decent second deal.
Performance Investment is the theme of this month's "Taking
the Stage" column by Brian Lees. He opens with, "When
you perform, those who hire you are making an investment."
Brian asks you to look at charges from the buyer's side,
adding value to your performance, connecting with the audience
and more. He notes that good magicians follow a basic set
of goals. He outlines these five and asks, "Would you
be a good investment?"
Kien Meng Wee, a.k.a. Mr. Bottle, understands that lots
of kids know how many standard tricks work these days. In
this month's "Magic in a Bottle" column, he explains
how he uses a subtlety in his birthday party shows to throw
children off even if they know how a Dove Pan works. Here's
his Magic Recipe for Candy.
"Medallion Meets Tidal Wave" by John Hostler is
a cross-pollination of Al Koran's Gold Medallion and Harry
Lorayne and Ken Krenzel's Tidal Wave. The card trick lovers
out there seeking something different will find this of
more than passing interest.
Paul Draper's "On Second Thought
" column
focuses on the many variables in a mentalism act, and notes
that many successful performers are elaborating on a common
theme: Specificity and Intention. Paul goes on to explain
one of the single most powerful premises in the mentalist's
arsenal: predictions, and how to incorporate them to spice
up your show.
In March, Lance Burton, Fielding West, Jim Steinmeyer, Keith
West and members of Assembly 215 in Louisville, gathered
for the "Thomas W. Tobin Monument Unveiling."
Tobin was a brother magician who passed away in 1883 and
was buried, penniless, in a pauper's grave in Louisville.
It's a heart-warming tribute.
David Oliver, writing in "Life is Good," steps
into the tricky (no pun intended) and sometimes show-stopping
world of hecklers. If you haven't dealt with hecklers in
your audience before, David assures us that eventually you
will. He explains various types: The Instigator, the Fixers,
the Invisibles and the Prodigy. Then there's an entirely
different animal: Kid hecklers. In each case, there are
things to say and things to avoid saying in these thoughts
from an experienced performer who has dealt with his share
of hecklers . . . and lived to write this column.
This month's "Shop Talk" reviews one important
book, a five-volume DVD set, three tricks, and a Podcast
with 52 episodes on a flash drive. They're all carefully
evaluated by four well-posted and knowledgeable magicians
to help you invest your magical dollars wisely.
Bruce Kalver returns with a trio of gadgets in his "Tech
Tricks" column. Check out the DJI Osmo 2 for help with
recording your own promotional videos, magical applications
for your 3-D printer, and a flexible aluminum straw that
makes the perfect portable appearing wand. It's the Final
David Goodsell continues to seek tidbits and treasures for
his work on "The S.A.M. History Project." This
month, his research includes information on "Dante,
the Magician." No, it's not the Dante that first comes
to mind. This Dante pre-dates Harry Jansen by 25 years.
In "Thoughts on Thinking," Norman Beck asserts
that, "The only way to be a good magician . . . is
to go out and do it. Thinking that getting together with
your buddies every week will make you a good magician is
like thinking you will be great with women when you have
never talked to one." He has some other observations
that you won't want to miss.
But wait! There's more. In addition to these regular features
and columnists, there's Editor Alan Howard's "Preshow"
column, pages of informative and idea-filled Assembly Reports
from around the world, "Broken Wands," New and
Reinstated Members and Anniversaries, the eagerly anticipated
"Basil the Baffling and Chloe" cartoon by Alan
Wassilak, "Magic WORDoodles," and "Path Puzzles"
under "Diversions." Of course, our all-important
advertisers can help you with your magical needs and wants.
Tell them you saw their ad in M-U-M.
For more information on the Society of American Magicians
and M-U-M magazine, please go to www.magicsam.com
9. The Magic Word Podcast - Gone In 60 Seconds
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
was surprised at how many magicians have had their magic
props stolen. When I mentioned in the Facebook Page for
The Magi Word (which you should "Like", by the
way), there were dozens of comments from those who have
had their stuff stolen or they knew someone who has lost
equipment. In many cases, the losses were avoidable, but
in others, well
if the crooks want something, then
they are going to get it.
this week's podcast we hear from about 15 different magicians
with their cautionary tales of woe. They tell us what happened,
whether or not they recovered anything, and suggestions
to the rest of us on how they would have better protected
their stuff. Each of these brief chats takes about five
minutes and although the bottom line was the same (magic
stuff was stolen), their stories are all unique, interesting
and might I say
entertaining, in a strange sort of
can read the blog, see photos of the contributors, listen
to the podcast online, download the MP2 file and even contribute
to a crowd funding project raising money for one magician
who lost everything at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/429-gone-in-60-seconds
I mentioned Liking us on Facebook. Your help and support
will be appreciated because of the algorithm used to boost
the podcast. So please "Like" us on Facebook at
http://facebook.com/themagicwordpodcast Moreover, if you
are an iTunes listener, then you can really help boost our
numbers by leaving a five-star review on iTunes. Thanks.
10. The Magic Word Podcast - Will Fern
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
past week we learned about the suicides of two celebrities,
Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. But lost in the obituaries
that week was the suicidal death of magician, Leeman Parker.
We open this week's episode talking with Christopher Hannibal,
a friend of Leeman's, and giving you the suicide hotline
number in case anyone is considering it.
then launch into a lively discussion with Will Fern, a "40-miler"
who lives in New Jersey but within 40 miles of New York
City and Philadelphia which encompasses a huge population
and nearly unlimited source of work for a magician. Will
is my favorite strolling magician because he always "brings
the fun". Whenever he performs, his infectious personality
and charisma charms the room and you can always hear people
laughing and enjoying themselves.
this podcast, will talks about how he "brings it"
and how you can incorporate his formula into your strolling
performances. He is also involved in "Magical Healing"
which is an organization that brings magic into the lives
of those who most desperately need it. More information
at http://magicalhealing.org We also have two product reviews
this week: "Pierce" by Jibrizy Taylor and "Untouched"
by Ryuhei Nakamura, both products of SansMinds and available
from Murphy's Magic Supplies.
can watch a trailer of Will's DVD, "Will Fern: Bring
It", see some photos, read the blog, listen to the
podcast online, and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/428-will-fern
be sure to join our growing list of subscribers to our weekly
newsletter. Subscribers can learn how they can enter for
a chance to win $1,000 of magic. Just fill out the form
at the bottom of the page at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/subscribe-to-the-magic-word/
11. The Magic Word Podcast - Geoff Williams
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
Williams is a funny guy. If you follow him on Facebook or
Twitter, then you read his daily puns. Over the years, he
has penned well over 1,000 puns. In this week's podcast,
Geoff talks about how his creative writing process and why
and how he uses puns in his stage act to his advantage.
This podcast is a fun ride, relatively short and also contains
some great advice along with a couple product reviews.
can watch a video of Geoff, read the blog, see some photos,
listen to the podcast online and download the MP3 file at:
is unfortunate that we also have to report the passing of
yet another iconic figure in magic, our good friend, magician
and mentalist Arthur Emerson. Art was a magic dealer, demonstrate
par excel lance and a fine gentleman whose resonant and
mellifluous voice cannot be duplicated. Always the dapper
dresser, I rarely saw him without a coat and tie. He will
be missed. Aloha, my friend.
12. Clipped! - John Carey #5
Message by John Carey (UK)
card to impossible location always plays really well and
strong for the public. As my magician friends will tell
you though, I am not one for folding my cards!
a very direct approach sans folds. Place a paperclip over
the short edge of the two Jokers and place them in your
pocket. When you want to go into this piece simply take
out the clipped Jokers and place them face-up on the table
or even ask a helper to hold them.
Have the deck shuffled and upon return have a card selected
and signed. Control it efficiently to the bottom of the
deck. I always use the Hofzinser spread cull here. As you
square up secure a left little-finger break above the signed
childhood I have always been a fan of Star Trek. As a youngster
the scenes where the officers teleported from one location
to another always fascinated me.
we all know that it's not possible for people to teleport,
but with cards anything is possible!"
a magical gesture over the deck and then the paperclipped
packet and pause. Transfer the deck to right hand overhand
grip, transferring the break to the right thumb. As an in-transit
action the left hand picks up the paperclipped packet from
the table at the left long edge, thumb on top, fingers underneath.
Ask your helper to pull off the paperclip and to table it.
As they table it the right hand approaches the packet and
using the left long edge of the deck flips the face-up packet
face down, secretly dropping off the card (signed selection)
beneath the thumb break. Table the deck. The above sleight
is Jack Merlin's tip over addition.
out the bottom card of the packet smoothly and flip it face-up
on top. Immediately pull out the new bottom card and flip
that face-up and place beneath the packet and then spread
all three cards exhibiting a sandwich of two face-up cards
with a card trapped in between.
To conclude the mystery, ask for the name of the selection
and slowly extract the face-down card and revolve it face-up
to reveal a successful pasteboard teleportation!
Version 2.0:
say you have a blue deck. You will also require two red
backed Jokers and a red backed force card, say three of
Diamonds. Place the force card on the bottom of the deck.
Put a paperclip over the two Jokers and pocket them.
out the paper-clipped packet and table it face-up. Pick
up the deck, swing cut and complete the cut, securing a
left little-finger break beneath your odd backed force card.
The right hand removes a Sharpie and hands it to your helper.
Execute a dribble force and raise the face of the right-hand
packet towards the spectator. Ask her to reach over and
sign the face of the three of Diamonds. Lower the right
hand and bring both hands together and square up, keeping
a little-finger break beneath your force card. The right
hand takes back the Sharpie and pockets it.
double undercut the signed selection to the bottom of the
deck and secure a little-finger break above it. The handling
is now exactly the same as the first version. In other words,
transfer the deck to right hand overhand grip, the break
being taken over by the right thumb. Pick up the face-up
paperclipped packet at the left long edge and ask your helper
to pull off the clip. Execute the tip over addition, secretly
dropping off the signed card and table the deck.
state that earlier today you made a prediction. Pull out
the bottom stranger card and flip it face-up on top. Immediately
pull out the new bottom card, flip it face-up and place
it back on the bottom. Spread the packet showing an odd
backed card trapped in between the Jokers. "Jack, how
impressed would you be if my prediction matched your card?
Well actually the truth can sometimes be stranger than that..."
extract the face-down card and turn it face-up to reveal
the signed card and finish the mystery.
13. Remove The Other Chair - #491 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)
have been having a great discussion on one of the magic
forums about the chair suspension illusion and other illusions
that utilize a child helper. There were several questions
that came up repeatedly and I felt they were if such importance,
that I wanted to share my own ideas here with you all.
performing the chair suspension several people asked, "How
do you take the heat off of the other chair?" There
seemed to be many folks not doing the illusion simply because
they felt the other chair had to be removed or that kids
would shout out for them to remove it.
I perform the illusion I bring a child up on stage. The
very first step is to get the child relaxed and trusting
me. Throwing the kid right up on the chairs (or similar
illusion like Flying Carpet) and doing the illusion is asking
for trouble. So what I do is to make sure the child trusts
me and I do that through laughter. I want them to laugh
cause when they do they relax. Also, doing this takes the
heat off of the prop and onto me and the child. It becomes
changing the focus.
I came out and immediately showed the illusion and took
a child and placed them on it, then the heat and focus becomes
too centered on the prop itself. I like to change the focus
right from the start. I first get down on the child's level
by sitting on the stool I use to assist them on getting
onto the illusion. Towering over them can scare the kids.
The story line I use is one kids can relate to. It is talking
about super heroes as all kids can relate to them.
get the kids saying what their favorite might be. I tell
them that I will tell them my favorite but it is silly and
they all must promise not to laugh. Of course doing so always
gets them laughing... which is what I want them to do. I
tell them mine was Superman because he could fly through
the air. (the patter goes on but I do not want to reveal
too much here). You can see by doing this the focus is nowhere
near the chairs at all. the focus is on the child and myself
and what we are going to do.
I state clearly in the patter that I never got to learn
how to make people fly and I never became Superman. However,
I did become a magician and as a magician I have learned
to do something that sort of looks like flying. I can make
a person float on the edge of these chairs. In order to
do this, I need 2 things. I need magic and I need imagination.
The imagination is where the child comes in. It is his or
her imagination that helps me make this work.
notice that this is all done before ever placing the child
on the chairs. You may also be wondering how this has anything
to do with them not wanting the other chair removed. Well
to answer your question, I am entertaining them and engaging
them from the start. I am taking heat off of the prop simply
by not drawing attention immediately to it. The focus becomes
on the child and on me. The audience becomes so entertained
by the experience I am creating that there is no reason
at all to even ask for them to remove the chair.
buildup is all leading to the point of removing the final
board. I even state in the routine (prior to removing the
board) "They often say imagination is called magic
and magic is often called the impossible and the impossible
looks a lot like this...(pause)" That is when the last
board is removed.
this fashion my routine and patter is directing them to
realize this is the ending of the illusion. This is the
last part of it and the great "reveal". They are
directly lead to understand that this is the ending. Because
I am directing them in this fashion, no one has any reason
to want the other chair removed. The routine is also structured
in such a way that I am engaging them at all times through
patter, movement and music.
I stand there and just do the illusion and pause for a long
time (after board is removed), I am not dictating the end
of the illusion. The audience has no clue what is supposed
to happen because I have not told them. If this is the case,
then the logical reaction becomes wanting the last chair
removed because they think that is the ending and the next
logical step. See my point? My routine leads them down a
certain course and through my patter and actions they KNOW
ahead of time what the end of the trick is. Because they
know, they have no reason to go any further.
I am not doing is standing up there and going WATCH THIS!!!
This is what too many folks do. This puts heat totally on
the prop and the audience has no clue what is going to happen.
You are not directing their focus at all. If you do it this
way (and many do) then the audience is left with wanting
to comment simply because you are allowing them to. My routine
focuses them and points them all in a direction I want them
to go in. It is in essence "audience manipulation".
I am manipulating them without them knowing it.
is a very hard concept to fully explain and I apologize
if I am not doing a good job here with it. I will do my
best (as always) to answer anyone's questions about this
illusion or working with children on illusions. To fully
explain it one would really have to see me perform it or
work with me.
also find that if you engage the audience through an effective
routine of this illusion, they become so engaged with you
and with the child, that there is no time or no reason to
shout out anything but to applaud you for what you are doing.
always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your
thoughts. So, if you have any thoughts on my articles or
suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly
at KyleKellyMagic@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you.
14. Las Vegas Magic - July 2018
Message by David Neubauer - www.dnmagic.com
Criss Angel - Mindfreak Live!
7 pm & 9:30 pm (Dark Mon. - Tues.) - Luxor.
Scheduled to end Oct. 28
David Copperfield - An Intimate Evening of Grand Illusion
7 & 9:30 pm nightly, also 4 pm Sat. - MGM Grand.
Gerry McCambridge - The Mentalist
7:30 pm (Dark Wed.) - Planet Hollywood.
Jeff McBride's Wonderground
3rd Thurs. each month 7:30 to midnight - The Olive (3850
E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic & Variety Performance Art.
A new show each month. $10 cover.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
Ilusión Mental - Santiago Michel
Note: This is an all-Spanish show.
5:30 pm (Dark Tues.- Wed., Fri.) - Sin City Theatre, Planet
Imaginarium - David Goldrake
7 pm. (Dark Mon.) 4 pm (Sat. Only) - Tropicana Theatre,
Half Price Tickets: www.halfpriceshows.com/Shows/showdatelistt.jsp?i=4&id=296&City=
Inferno - The Magic Spectacular - Joe Labero
7:30 & 9:30 pm. (Dark Mon. - Tues.) - Paris Theater,
LaughterNoon - Adam London
4 pm, (Daily) - The D.
$12.48 Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/laughternoon/
Mac King Comedy Magic Show
1 & 3 pm, (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Harrah's.
Free tickets (buy 1 drink) usually available at the concierge
desk or handed out by showgirls.
Masters of Illusion
7 pm, (Dark Tues.) Jubilee Theater - Bally's.
Mat Franco - Magic Reinvented Nightly
7 & 9:30 pm - Linq Showroom - LINQ.
Mike Hammer Comedy Magic Show
7 pm (Dark Sun. & Mon.) - Four Queens Hotel and Casino.
Murray The Magician
With Guest Act: Douglas "Lefty" Leferovich.
4 pm (Dark Wed.) - Sin City Theatre, Planet Hollywood.
Half-Price Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/murray-celebrity-magician/
Nathan Burton Comedy Magic Show
4 pm - Saxe Theater - Planet Hollywood.
$12.50 Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/nathan-burton-comedy-magic/
Paranormal - Frederic Da Silva
4 pm (Dark Wed. & Thurs.) - Windows Showroom, Bally's.
Half-Price Tickets: www.halfpriceshows.com/Shows/showdatelistt.jsp?i=4&id=246&City=Las
Penn & Teller
9 pm, (Dark Thurs. - Fri.) - Rio.
Discount Tickets: www.vegas4locals.com/coupons/las-vegas-shows/penn-teller/
Piff the Magic Dragon
8:00 pm (show days vary, check site) - Bugsy's Cabaret,
Piff's Private Party (pre-show meet & greet): 7:00 pm
The Magic of Jen Kramer
6:00 pm. (Dark Sun. - Thur.) - Westgate Cabaret, Westlake
The Magic of Mike Aslan
8:00 pm. (Dark Tues. - Sun.) - Majestik Theatre, 99 Convention
Center Dr.
The Magic of Seth Grabel
4:00 pm. (Dark Mon. - Sat.) - Kohiko Room, Tahiti Village
Xavier Mortimer's Magical Dream
7:00 pm, (Dark Fri.) - Sin City Theatre, Planet Hollywood.
Price Tickets:
Magic and More
Crazy Girls
Tony Douglas - 9:00 pm (Dark Wed.) - Crazy Girls Theater
- Planet Hollywood.
Dixie Dooley - The Mystifier
2:00 & 4:00 pm every Saturday & Sunday - Center
Stage at the Boulevard Mall.
Haunted Vegas Show and Tour - Jac Hayden
9:30 pm, picks up at the Royal Resort.
Redneck Comedy Magic - James Michael
6:00 pm. (Dark Tues. - Wed.) - LA Comedy Club, Stratosphere
Half-Price Tickets:
Sapphire Las Vegas Comedy Hour
Comedians, Burlesque, Magicians, Variety Acts - Mondre
8 pm, (Dark Sun.- Fri,) - Sapphire Gentleman's Club, 3025
Industrial Rd.
Séance - Dixie Dooley
8:00 pm every Saturday & Sunday - Majestik Theatre,
99 Convention Center Dr.
Attendees receive a free tour of Dixie Dooley's Houdini
V - The Ultimate Variety Show - Jason Byrne
7 pm & 8:30 pm, sometimes 4 and 5:30 - The V Theatre,
Planet Hollywood.
Zombie Burlesque
Featuring Steve "Tiny" Daly as "Tiny Bubbles".
8:30 pm, (Dark Sun.) - V Theater, Planet Hollywood
Vegas Public Close-Up Magic
Linq: Magic Mike (Michael Moretti) - 7:30-9:30 pm nightly
- Chayo Mexican Kitchen & Tequila Bar.
Mandalay Bay: Magical Mix - Christopher Karpiak 7-10 pm
(Dark Sun.. - Mon.) - Skyfall Lounge, Delano Hotel.
Wynn/Encore: Shimshi - Resident Magician.
Las Vegas Strip Street Magic: Grndl, Jungle Josh, James
The Fremont Street Experience: Adam Flowers, Chris Randall,
Will Bradshaw.
Las Vegas Magic Organizations
Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257, 7 pm - 8:45, 1st Monday each month
at Top Hat and Wand Magic Shoppe, 5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102.
No meeting if the 1st Monday is a major Holiday. ($24 a
year to be a member). Current President and contact: John
McClenahan, doctormagiclv@embarqmail.com or 702-395-3856.
Hang at the Magic Lounge! Free Pizza & Sodas the 2nd
Tuesday each month at 6 pm. Top Hat and Wand Magic Shoppe,
5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102. Come in for food & drink
and hang out with your friends, all are welcome to socialize,
watch or perform.
Darwin's Magic Club 8 pm - Midnight. Each Wed. at Tommy
Rockers at Dean Martin & Flamingo.
The Las Vegas Magic Luncheon is the 2nd Friday each month
from Noon to 3pm. Magicians & Variety Artists meet for
lunch and laughs. All visiting magicians to Las Vegas are
welcome to drop in. Great food, great atmosphere - Ricardo's
at 4930 W Flamingo.
Upcoming Special Events
June, 2018
Jun. 21: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight
- The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety
Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover,
all others $20.
8 pm: host Tim Wise
Charly D'Carlo - The Rising star of Magic
Michael Mirth - From the Magic Castle in Hollywood
Chris Britt - Magical Musings
Jordan Rooks - Millennial Mysteries
Jeff McBride - Houdini Outdone!!
9:15 pm: host Will Bradshaw
Nino Maiani - The Pirate Magician!
David Ramey - From the Magic Castle
Michael Mirth - The Artistry of Mystery
Chris Britt - The Magic Storyteller
Charly D'Carlo - Master of Close-up Magic
the Wonderbar - Jeff McBride, Tim Wise, Kent Axell
10 pm: host Jeff McBride
Jeff McBride presents - Masks of the Mystic
Nathan Phan - He gives us Wings!
Charly D'Carlo - Illusions of Wonder
Rene Delgadillo - Salsa Magic!
Nathan Phan - Escape from Reality
Chris Randall - The World Championship Act
All of the above, plus:
Photography by Sheryl A. Garrett. Bar Magic with Zack Pattee,
Scott Steelfyre & Maggie, Corey Rubino, Taylor Lloyd,
New World Rythmatism Belly Dancers, Psychic Sideshow with
Morganne- and many more surprises and special celebrity
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
Jun. 23-25: Magic for Beginners: An Introduction to the
Art of Magic presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery
School. Instructor: Jeff McBride.
Jun. 30: Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257 presents a lecture by
Jason Ladaney. 7 pm. Top Hat and Wand Magic Shoppe, 5115
Dean Martin Dr. #102, Fantasma Ring 257 members free, others:
$20. Children free with paid adult.
July, 2018
Jul. 13: The Las Vegas Magic Luncheon from Noon to 3pm.
Guest Host: ??. Magicians & Variety Artists meet for
lunch and laughs. All visiting magicians to Las Vegas are
welcome to drop in. Great food, great atmosphere - Ricardo's
at 4930 W Flamingo.
Jul 19: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight
- The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety
Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover,
all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
Jul 28: Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257 presents a lecture by Michael
Chatelain. 7 pm. Top Hat and Wand Magic Shoppe, 5115 Dean
Martin Dr. #102, Fantasma Ring 257 members free, others:
$20. Children free with paid adult.
August, 2018
Aug. 3-4: Magic Summer School presented by McBride's Magic
& Mystery School. Instructor: Tobias Beckwith, Jeff
McBride, Larry Hass, Ph.D.
Aug. 5-8: "Experience the Tenth" MAGIC Live -
The Orleans Hotel.
Registration now open.
Aug. 10: The Las Vegas Magic Luncheon from Noon to 3pm.
Guest Host: Magicians & Variety Artists meet for lunch
and laughs. All visiting magicians to Las Vegas are welcome
to drop in. Great food, great atmosphere - Ricardo's at
4930 W Flamingo.
Aug. 9-15: 7-Day Master Class presented by McBride's Magic
& Mystery School. Instructor: Tobias Beckwith, Jeff
McBride, Larry Hass, Ph.D.
Aug 16: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight
- The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety
Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover,
all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
Aug. 19: Fantasma I.B.M. Ring 257 presents a lecture by
Bernardo Sedlacek. 7 pm. Top Hat and Wand Magic Shoppe,
5115 Dean Martin Dr. #102, Fantasma Ring 257 members free,
others: $20. Children free with paid adult.
September, 2018
Sept. 14: The Las Vegas Magic Luncheon from Noon to 3pm.
Guest Host: Magicians & Variety Artists meet for lunch
and laughs. All visiting magicians to Las Vegas are welcome
to drop in. Great food, great atmosphere - Ricardo's at
4930 W Flamingo.
Sep. 20: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight
- The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety
Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover,
all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
October, 2018
Oct. 11-13: Business Magic presented by McBride's Magic
& Mystery School. Instructor: Tobias Beckwith, Jeff
McBride, David Morey (based on the new book by Eugene Burger,
David Morey and John McLaughlin).
Oct. 12: The Las Vegas Magic Luncheon from Noon to 3pm.
Guest Host: Magicians & Variety Artists meet for lunch
and laughs. All visiting magicians to Las Vegas are welcome
to drop in. Great food, great atmosphere - Ricardo's at
4930 W Flamingo.
Oct. 17-20: Master Class for Mentalism *SOLD OUT* presented
by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructors: Jeff
McBride, Larry Hass, Ph.D., Special Guest will once again
be Ross Johnson.
Oct. 18: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight
- The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety
Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover,
all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
Oct. 20-23: Fall Training Sessions - Mentalism, Storytelling,
Spirit Theater, and Illusions presented by McBride's Magic
& Mystery School.
Oct. 20: Fall Training - Part 1: The Classic Themes Of Mentalism
presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructor:
Jeff McBride.
Oct. 21: Fall Training - Part 2: Storytelling Magic presented
by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructor: Jeff
Oct. 22: Fall Training - Part 3: Seance & Bizarre Magic
presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School. Instructor:
Jeff McBride.
Oct. 23: Fall Training - Part 4: Illusions That Shock &
Amaze! presented by McBride's Magic & Mystery School.
Instructor: Jeff McBride.
Oct. 24-27: Magic and Meaning Conference presented by McBride's
Magic & Mystery School. Instructors: Jeff McBride
Tobias Beckwith, Bryce Kuhlman, Larry Hass, Ph.D., Abigail
Spinner McBride.
November, 2018
Nov 9: The Las Vegas Magic Luncheon from Noon to 3pm. Guest
Host: ??. Magicians & Variety Artists meet for lunch
and laughs. All visiting magicians to Las Vegas are welcome
to drop in. Great food, great atmosphere - Ricardo's at
4930 W Flamingo.
Nov. 15: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight
- The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety
Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover,
all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
December, 2018
Dec.14: The Las Vegas Magic Luncheon from Noon to 3pm. Guest
Host: ??. Magicians & Variety Artists meet for lunch
and laughs. All visiting magicians to Las Vegas are welcome
to drop in. Great food, great atmosphere - Ricardo's at
4930 W Flamingo.
Dec. 20: Jeff McBride's Wonderground, 7:30 pm to midnight
- The Olive (3850 E Sunset Dr.) Non-stop Magic and Variety
Performance Art. A new show each month. Local ID: $10 cover,
all others $20.
www.vegaswonderground.com watch live: www.McBrideMagic.com
15. Marcelo Insua's Workshop And Lecture (Mr Tango)
Message by Anthony De Masi (Melbourne, Australia)
will be hosting Marcelo Insua's workshop and lecture at
the Magic school of Confidence in Melbourne on July 5th.
part of the Melbourne Magic Festival, Anthony will be hosting
a lecture at the Magic School of Confidence taught by the
inspiring Marcelo Insua, otherwise known as Mr. Tango.
is an information sheet attached detailing more about Mr
Tango and his wide array of tricks, knowledge and experience.
Get ready for a social evening, full of new experiences
and award-winning lectures. This is one you don't want to
The Magic School of Confidence,161-163 Waverley Rd, Malvern
East VIC 3145, Australia on 5th July, 7pm. Cost: $40.
16. Masters Of Illusion Announces Season Five
Message by Steve Moyer (US)
of Illusion announces season five premiere episodes airing
on the CW Network
hosted by Dean Cain, the series returns Friday, June 29
with two 30-minute episodes airing back to back, starting
at 8/7C
CA (June 20, 2018) - Masters of Illusion, produced by Associated
Television International and hosted by Dean Cain, will celebrate
its fifth anniversary season premiering on The CW with two
30-minute episodes airing back to back on Friday, June 29,
2018 at 8:00 p.m./7:00 p.m. Central.
Masters of Illusion features amazing magic performed by
42 cutting-edge illusionists, escape artists and performers
displaying skills ranging from perplexing interactive mind
magic to hilarious comedy routines - all in front of a studio
week's episodes will include:
"Masters of Illusion" - (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET)
"It's All in the Cards" (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Challenging Perception - Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters
of Illusion" features amazing magic performed by cutting-edge
illusionists, escape artists and performers displaying skills
ranging from perplexing interactive mind magic to hilarious
comedy routines - all in front of a studio audience. Magicians
featured in this episode include Rick Smith Jr., Ed Alonzo
and Samantha Bell, Joel Meyers, Keelan Leyser & Matt
Daniel-Baker, Shoot Ogawa and Andi Gladwin (#501). Original
airdate 6/29/2018.
of Illusion" - (8:30-9:00 p.m. ET)
"The Things You Can Do With Umbrellas" (Content
Rating TBD) (HDTV)
Hosted by Dean Cain, "Masters of Illusion" features
amazing magic performed by cutting-edge illusionists, escape
artists and performers displaying skills ranging from perplexing
interactive mind magic to hilarious comedy routines - all
in front of a studio audience.
featured in this episode include: Ed Alonzo (Piercing Glass
with an Umbrella), Scott Pepper (Small Trunk Metamorphosis),
Jason Bishop (Goldfish Image to Real), Tommy Wind (Rat A
Tat-Tat), Jarrett and Raja (Musical Card Trick), Murray
SawChuck (Cabaret Classic), Adam Wylie (Ever Changing Card
Deck) and Jonathan Pendragon (Group Magic 360). (#412) (Encore
Dean Cain, host of Masters of Illusion, is an actor, producer
and writer. Cain also appears in the hit CW series, "Supergirl,"
in which he plays the role of Supergirl's adoptive father,
Jeremiah Danvers. Other upcoming projects include the films,
"Hate Among Us" (Executive Producer), and as an
actor, "Prolonged Exposure," "Andy the Talking
Hedgehog," "2050" and "Angry Men."
Most recently he executive produced, along with Montel Williams,
the critically acclaimed documentary film, "Architects
of Denial." His breakthrough performance as an actor
was in the dual roles of Superman/Clark Kent in the television
series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman."
roster of award-winning magicians from around the world
appearing in Season Five of Masters of Illusion is a virtual
who's who in the field of magic.
Adam Wilber (New Durham, NH)
Andi Gladwin (Gloucester, UK)
Bill Cook (Chicago, IL)
Billy Kidd (London, UK)
Chipper Lowell (Fullerton, CA)
Chris Funk (The Wonderist) (Winnipeg, Canada)
Chris Korn (Los Angeles, CA)
Chris Randall (Las Vegas, NV)
El Alonzo (The Misfit of Magic) (Toluca Lake, CA)
Eric Jones (Baltimore, MD)
Farrell Dillon (Las Vegas, NV and Boise, ID)
George Iglesias (Lima, Peru)
Greg Frewin (Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)
Greg Gleason (Las Vegas, NV)
Henok Negash (Hollywood, CA)
Jarrett & Raja (Jarrett Parker and Raja Rahman from
Las Vegas, NV)
Jason Bird (Las Vegas, NV)
Jason Bishop (Philadelphia, PA)
Jeki Yoo (South Korea and North Hollywood, CA)
Jibrizy (West Hollywood, CA)
Joel Meyers (Los Angeles, CA)
Joseph Gabriel (Las Vegas, NV)
Joseph Reohm (Los Angeles, CA)
Joshua Jay (New York, NY)
Keelan Leyser & Matt Daniel-Baker (London, UK)
Les Arnold & Dazzle (Les Arnold and Alex Arnold, Long
Beach, CA)
Michael Grandinetti (Los Angeles, CA)
Murray SawChuck (Las Vegas, NV)
Naathan Phan (Las Vegas, NV and Orange, CA)
Nathan Burton (Las Vegas, NV)
Noora Karma (Helsinki, Finland)
Rick Smith Jr. (Cleveland, OH)
R.J. Cantu (Las Vegas, NV)
Shoot Ogawa (Tokyo, Japan and Simi Valley, CA)
Spidey (Montreal, Canada)
Titou (Baptiste Molard) (Paris, France and Las Vegas, NV)
Tommy Wind (Las Vegas, NV)
Xavier Mortimer (Las Vegas, NV)
Young-Min Kim (Alchemist) (South Korea)
of Illusion is produced by Associated Television International
with returning Executive Producers David McKenzie ("The
38th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards," "Marie"),
Gay Blackstone ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009),
David Martin ("The World Magic Awards" 2007-2009,
"Marie"), and Al Schwartz ("The 38th Annual
Daytime Emmy Awards," "The Golden Globe Awards"
2013 and 2014), along with Co-Executive Producer Jim Romanovich
("From Rocky To Creed," "The 38th Annual
Daytime Emmy Awards").
Television International (ATI) is an Emmy Award-winning
company that has been the world's largest producer of magic
for both stage and screen for over three decades. ATI's
television series, specials and feature films have aired
on all U.S. broadcast networks, major cable channels and
with television partners all over the world. Current series
in production include: "The Hollywood Christmas Parade,"
"Masters of Illusion," and the Emmy Award-nominated
"Laura McKenzie's Traveler."
has also been Emmy Award-nominated for its various television
specials and series. For more information, please visit
To view performance highlights of the June 29th episode
from 8:00 - 8:30 p.m., please visit:
view performance highlights of the June 29th episode from
8:30 - 9:00 p.m., please visit:
view a Sizzle Reel of Season Five of Masters of Illusion
on The CW, please visit:
learn more about Masters of Illusion, please visit http://www.cwtv.com/shows/masters-of-illusion/
Network with us at https://www.facebook.com/cwmastersofillusion
# # #
Contact for Associated Television International:
Steve Moyer, Steve Moyer Public Relations @ 818.784.7027;
Media Contact for The CW Network:
Judy Yam @ 818.977.1021; judy.yam@cwtv.com
17. Magic Lectures At The Melbourne Magic Festival
Message by Tim Ellis (Melbourne, Australia)
year, in addition to 65 different shows over 13 days, the
Melbourne Magic Festival has for the first time ever - Five
international lectures:
Aragon - One of the world's best and most creative card
3.30pm Saturday July 7
Billy - David Kaye, New York's most popular children's entertainer.
3.30pm Wednesday July 4
Esteban Valera - Chile's 'Magic of the Year' and creator
of 'Magic in the Dark'.
3.30pm Sunday July 8
'Mr Tango' Insua - Giving an exclusive workshop on his way
to FISM.
7.30pm Thursday July 5
Hendrix - One of the world's top female magicians and winner
of the MMF Comedy Award.
3.30pm Saturday July 14
full details of the Melbourne Magic Festival go here http://melbournemagicfestival.com/
18. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
19. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
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All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM