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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
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Issue Number: #1451
Date: Sunday 3rd June 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editor's Message
2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 47, June 2018
3. David Copperfield Not Liable For Tourist's Injuries
4. Hollywood's Magic Castles Head To China
5. The Magic Word Podcast - Adrian Vega
6. Bluff Lie Detector - John Carey #4
7. Festival Magic - The Book - #490 - Kyle Peron
8. KIDabra News And Updates
9. Final Call For Registrations - GeniiCon2018 Sydney, Australia
10. Shin Lim Lecture At Fantasma Magic
11. Magic History Gathering at The Magic Circle
12. E-zine Archives
13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
ezine: next week we will be on holiday and we are also attending
Geniicon in Sydney Australia so the NEXT issue will be published
on Sunday 24th June.
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a
HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1453-Jun03-2018.html
you would like to write a regular column for Magic New Zealand
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. Vanish Magic Magazine Edition 47, June 2018
Message by Paul Romhany - Editor, Vanish Magazine
feature cover artist is a legend in the show business world,
Bob Fitch. Bob has guided and helped some of the top magicians
including David Copperfield, David Blaine, Shawn Farquhar,
to name but a few. His background comes from Broadway where
he starred in many major productions as well as television
shows and movies. During the filming of Pennies from Heaven
Steve Martin to Bob's kids and said, "Follow in your
father's footsteps
I did!" The cover story features
a workshop Bob gave recently in Vancouver for a local SAM
club. We have exclusive photos and stories from that event
plus background on Bob and what he brings to magicians with
his workshops. A lifetime of theatre that will change the
way you do your magic and take it to a level you never dreamed
Tricks - cards, coins, business cards - it's all here for
- exclusive write up and review of the most famous magic
convention on the planet - FFFF. With its very limited access
and invite only this is a great chance to see what happens
at this amazing convention.
Bennett shares with us some out of the box thinking from
business guru Seth Godin.
Million Dollar Lesson - an article every magician needs
to read! Imagine being sued for $1 million dollars after
an event you performed at. Valuable lesson here folks!!
Valentine - 13 steps for when you mess up.
Clubs And How They Can Survive - A look at one magic club
who has found a way to keep their head above water and try
to attract new members.
Beat - A Youthful Approach - our young writer from Austria
Joshua Endress shares a youthful approach to social media,
publicity etc.
Fashion Of Magic - A look at the latest trends in fashion
and where things are headed for magicians.
Hobson - a live interview about Jeff and his part in The
Illusionists with tips on touring in a long running show.
Sisti - Walk Away Renee - why it is good to sometimes walk
away from taking a gig!
Parker and Charles Bach - A No Bullshit Approach to magic
- straight from the heart - Mark Parker opens up about magic
of today - definitely a must read!!
- the latest magic tricks, books and DVDs, and downloads
To Download from www.vanishmagazine.com or purchase your
hard copy direct from the magazine.
3. David Copperfield Not Liable For Tourist's Injuries
Article forwarded on by Rob Thomas (US)
David Copperfield found not liable for British tourist's
A jury in Las Vegas found magician David Copperfield negligent
but not financially liable for a British tourist's injuries
during one of his vanishing acts in 2013.
Cox is 100% liable for his own injuries, a jury found late
Tuesday night, according to the Clark County District Court
tourist took part in the magician's signature disappearing
trick, and said he suffered brain injuries when he fell
during the performance.
jury ruled the five parties named in the lawsuit -- including
Copperfield -- were all 0% responsible for the injuries.
Cox was "100% " responsible for his injuries,
it said.
4. Hollywood's Magic Castles Head To China
Article forwarded on by Peter Blake (US)
magic-themed entertainment venue The Magic Castle is to
set up shop in China through a deal with local tech and
entertainment firm Novaex Group. It is the first time that
Magic Castles Inc. has licensed its property outside North
has obtained an exclusive license to use the The Magic Castle
IP in themed entertainment projects, including indoor and
outdoor entertainment centers, hotels, and restaurants in
mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.
CEO, Jeson Zheng and a team led by magician Andrew Goldenhersh,
will create a new style of magic experience, with state
of the art technology playing a major part in the development.
first Magic Castle-themed project is being developed for
Novaex's offline Internet community brand The Circle, which
integrates a five-star hotel resort, recreation, catering,
natural scenery, luxury shopping and immersive entertainment
that features VR, AR, MR, 3D and hologram projections. Novaex
also plans to build a Magic School under the MCI brand banner,
for children and teens.
announcement was made Friday at an event in Beijing. "We
are looking forward to the creation of this first project
together with NOVAEX that will showcase the over 55-year
legacy of The Magic Castle and the long history of magic
in China," said MCI founder Milt Larsen at the launch
Magic Castle was launched in 1952 and took shape a decade
later when Larsen leased and restored an ornate 1909 mansion
in Hollywood, California, turning it into a meeting place
for magicians. In 1963 the castle became the home of the
Academy of Magical Arts, Inc.
5. The Magic Word Podcast - Adrian Vega
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
passing through Houston on a nationwide lecture tour, Spanish
Close-Up Winner, Adrian Vega, stopped by the Magic Word
Podcast microphone to record a delightful and inspiring
conversation. Adrian is a 29-year-old magician from Spain
who was classically trained for three years at Juan Tamariz'
magic school. He moved to Las Vegas for a while where he
met and worked with Criss Angel and toured as one of "The
Supernaturalists". He is continuing his journey from
here (Houston, Texas) on west where he will stay in Las
Vegas for a short while then later in July will perform
and lecture at The Magic Castle.
this week's podcast, Adrian talks about his experience at
the magic school in Madrid and their method of teaching.
The first thing they learn is passion and respect for magic.
This theme runs throughout our chat and Adrian gives us
some advice on being happy when you are performing or competing.
That way you will not be nervous in front of your audience.
can watch a video of Adrian's performance, see some photos,
read the blog, listen to the podcast online, and download
the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/426-adrian-vega
week we also congratulate the winners of last week's contest
to win a copy of the eBook "Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser"
by Raj Madhok: Mike Masaveg and Nick Kapatos. Congratulations,
guys. And for thank you everyone who entered the contest.
Continue to listen and watch for upcoming contests.
6. Bluff Lie Detector - John Carey #4
Message by John Carey (UK)
always loved the classic lie detector plot in its many forms,
Jim Steinmeyer's Nine Card Problem being a particular favourite.
Gary Plants has a great version in his Dallas lecture notes,
which inspired the following. It makes use of the classic
plunger principle for the revelation.
wanted a version where I didn't have to do any thinking
about what types of cards to move as the packet is 'programmed'.
Basically, this approach is pure bluff but has proven particularly
a shuffled deck in use remove ten cards and hand them out
for mixing. Upon return introduce the theme of the polygraph
or lie detector. Spread the packet for a free selection
and when it is returned control the selection, say two of
Clubs, to sixth from the top. I simply spread off five cards
into my right hand and extend the left hand and have the
selection dropped on top. Then drop the right-hand cards
on top and you are done. Execute a quick false shuffle or
Ose false cut and you are ready for the presentation.
you will program the lie detector in readiness for some
questions and answers. Execute a reverse faro, up jogging
every other card. Square the packet up neatly leaving the
cards in a telescoped condition with the packet held at
the long edges by the left fingertips.
your helper was her card red or black? She can lie or tell
the truth. After her answer the left index finger pushing
sharply down on the outjogged cards, plunging a packet through.
Now based on her first answer ask her what colour was her
card, again lying or telling the truth. With the backs of
the right fingers sharply push the jogged cards upwards,
plunging another packet out.
ask her to name a value, again having the option to be truthful
or lie.
left index finger once more sharply pushes the outjogged
packet inwards, plunging another packet through towards
you in an injogged condition.
so I asked you three questions and you had the option to
lie or tell the truth. You kept a poker face and I genuinely
am not sure. However, the lie detector knows everything.
For the first time, tell the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth! What card are you thinking of?"
says, in this example two of Clubs. Execute one final plunging
action, pushing the injogged cards in sharply, causing one
card to plunge from the packet. Make a one-handed fan. Pause,
remove and revolve the card to disclose their selection
and conclude the mystery.
7. Festival Magic - The Book - #490 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)
years ago, I started on a journey to educate and help others
to learn about the festival market. I started with a simple
post on the magic cafe in hopes to maybe get a person willing
to just chat with me so I can offer some help and some advice.
did I know that single post of kindness would turn into
15 pages full of discussion on the topic of working for
festivals and fairs around the world. So many people chimed
in, posted, sent emails or PMs that it is really quite staggering.
answered every single one of them and was happy to offer
advice to anyone asking it of me. A lot of years have passed
and I still get emails form folks saying a simple "thank
you". I get folks telling me how they applied some
of the ideas we talked about and are now a success in the
festival market and really enjoying it.
gives me great joy to be able to help someone and to be
able to help my peers and my magic brothers and sisters.
10 Long years in the making I am SO very happy to announce
that It's Here!
am happy to announce that my newest book, "Festival
Magic", is finished and is NOW available at http://www.kpmagicproducts.com/Festival_Magic.html.
This 112pg book is
filled with the most up to date information on how anyone
can work and succeed in the festival and fair markets.
this new book you will learn how to effectively market to
festivals with a show tailored to them. Gain proven phone
scripts, lead generation letters and follow up email templates
that you can easily use. Learn the golden secrets of festival
marketing that gains you the advantage. All this and more.
am really blessed and grateful to so many folks over 10
years who have helped make this book a reality. I want to
thank a lot of you as well for helping this dream come to
life. Thanks to each of you.
always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your
thoughts. So, if you have any thoughts on my articles or
suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly
at magic4u02@aol.com.
would love to hear from you.
8. KIDabra News And Updates
Message by Mark Daniel (US)
News and Updates
Message by Mark Daniel (US)
KIDabra KIDshow Auction Wednesday August 22
your closets and magic rooms to prepare for The 24th Incredible
KIDabra KIDshow Auction with Auctioneer Extraordinare, Gary
Shelton, Wednesday Evening August 22nd at KIDabra. Hundreds
of KIDshow props, tricks, books, and more will change hands
to inspire new owners! This year the evening features the
Conference opening ceremonies, a Very Special New KIDabra
Welcome Show produced by Christopher T. Magician and the
Auction, which all make for a jam packed kick off to KIDabra!
For one week a year the KIDabra Vendors Room is the heart
and focus of the KIDshow industry with World Premieres,
debuts, and the tools to build great shows! In the dealer's
room, confirmed so far, Tommy James Magic, Axtell Expressions,
Barry Mitchell Products, Smoky Mountain Magic, Scott Green
Magic Products, Dave Hill's Magic Dollar Store, magicbackdrops.com
with Jeff Jones, Jim Austin's Creative Connections, Michael
Messing Photography, Jay Rumple Designs, and the Guest lecturers
more to come!
the Very Popular Tommy James lectures for the first time
on Planet Earth!
Terrific Carisa Hendrix with the high interest - Performing
with Bubbles, and Annie Banannie shares her incredible approach
to Storytelling with Balloons!
Axtell joins us for a look at the largest project in the
history of Axtell Expressions, The Frazzle Chickens in Pigeon
Forge (just down the street from the conference!).
Mitchell with his 27th Consecutive Brand New Lectures designed
Just for KIDabra!
Very Rare appearance and New lecture from the incredible
genius of Steve Petra! Plus, Gene Cordova joins Steve during
the Optional ShowSkills for a Super Duo Puppet Workshop!
Time Appearances by Yasu Ishida, from Japan, and Tom Hughes,
from England!
The Saturday Night Gala produced and directed by Christoper
T. Magician.
Jams: Late Night Balloons with Clark Sides, Breakfast with
the Santas, the Wow Early Morning Senior Show Jam with Jim
Austin and Gary Shelton and more!
KIDabra KIDTalks, more lectures, and surprises to come!
invited to spend time with Tommy James, Christopher T Magician,
Steve Axtell, Buster Balloon, Steve Petra, Carisa Hendrix,
Scott Green, Tom Hughes, Yasu Ishida, Barry Mitchell, Gene
Cordova, Annie Banannie, Joe Selph, Gary Shelton, Andrew
Remnet, John Bobik, Jim Austin, Clark Sides, Tim Gaines,
Tate Elliott, your hosts Mark and Tami Daniel and a who's
who of the KIDshow World, August 22-25 in the Resort Town
of Pigeon Forge.
year KIDabra is in late August, and with lower hotel rates!
KIDabra Conference is the go to gathering, and resource
center for the KIDshow and Family Entertainment World, who
are- You and Me!
arrive from all over the world to share in this important
week of the
KIDshow community/industry!
happens in one of the World's Top Family Entertainment destinations:
Pigeon Forge, home of Dollywood, Terry Evanswood, and Barry
Mitchell. You'll find Darren Romeo, Niels Duinker, and Jessica
Jane Peterson there too!
popular show/tourist area, Pigeon Forge/Sevierville, Gatlinburg,
and The Great Smoky Mountain National Park are a family
performers study arena that's "magic" settles
on you
like a favorite comforter.
KIDshow Stars will Shine! Make your plans today, and we're
complete until you're there!
Hotel/Travel http://www.kidabra.org/hoteltravel
Schedule: www.kidabra.org/2018-schedule
info www.kidabra.org
9. Final Call For Registrations - GeniiCon2018 Sydney, Australia
Message by Kent Blackmore (Australia)
The hands-on workshop sessions will present you with a choice.
You'll be able to select 2 out of the 3 workshops. Levent
has asked that anyone attending his workshop give some thought
to what stage magic they would like to discuss. His main
lecture "The Fundamental Rules of Stage Magic"
has silks, billiard balls, cards, coins, and a salt pour,
this might give you some options. As a default, he will
cover the miser's dream so if you have a wine bucket of
any sort, please bring it along.
profile - Allan Sullivan's Estate
Long time Sydney magic stalwart Allan Sullivan passed away
last year. Allan was an avid collector and buyer of magic
for over 50 years. Graham Kite and his wife Suzanne have
been working along with Kent and Peter to catalogue and
sort the contents of Allan's house. As a result, Graham
and Suzanne will have a large stand in the dealer's area.
Much of what is available will be rare and many of the books
are long time out of print. There are over 40 boxes of books
alone and the prices have been set a realistic levels to
ensure a good clearance rate.
Walker Memorial Banquet
Seating for the banquet is at tables of 10. You will have
the opportunity to write your names against tables on a
seating chart.
Dealer's Display
has the finest array of dealers we've ever had at one of
our events.
we have a special stand selling Allan Sullivan's enormous
collection of rare and unusual pre-owned magic books.
also have a vast array of new, exciting and interesting
magic from an International dealer line-up. Check out this
list to whet your appetite: -
at The Tivoli
Starring Silly Billy, Paul Richards, Levent, Joel Howlett,
Jeannie, Sean Taylor and Brendan Montanner's Magic to the
of us are old enough to remember the wonderful Tivoli circuit
in Australia which played host to the greatest magicians
of their era. People like Houdini, Chung Ling Soo, Carter,
Dante and The Maskelynes. (Sydney actually had 2 Tivoli
theatres - one prior to 1928 in Castlereagh St and one after
that in Hay Street). How apt then that the largest showroom
at the Rooty Hill RSL is named "Tivoli" after
this golden age of variety. We need your help to fill this
huge showroom.
10. Shin Lim Lecture At Fantasma Magic
Message by Steve Vil of Fantasma (USA)
Evans Meet and Greet (free) at Fantasma Magic on Tuesday,
June 12 from 4-6 pm.
Evans Show at Fantasma Magic on Wednesday, June 13 at 7
pm followed by a Lecture at 8:15 pm.
(regular seating and VIP seating) for both events here:
Lim Lecture at Fantasma Magic on Saturday, June 30th. Meet
and Greet from 1-4 pm (free).
Lecture from 6-7:30 pm. It WILL be sold out. Tickets (regular
seating and VIP seating) for both events here: http://www.fantasmamagic.com/index.php?route=product/
11. Magic History Gathering at The Magic Circle
Message by Peter Lane (UK)
Saturday 9th June the 2018 Magic History Gathering will
be held at
The Magic Circle. The programme includes a variety of talks.
There are
talks on the female magicians Talma and Suzy Wandas. The
history of card
magic is covered by talks on Edward G. Brown and Richard
Kaufman talking
about Cliff Green. The lives of Jardine Ellis, the Pinchbecks
Servais Le Roy will also be covered.
will be a sale of collectable books.
day starts with coffee at 10am and will finish by 6-30pm.
price of tickets is £40 which includes a substantial
buffet lunch,
afternoon tea and morning coffee. The event is open to non-members
The Magic Circle.
can be obtained from The Magic Circle website
12. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
their copyright of the material submitted.
All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM