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* Magic New Zealand®
* Proudly sponsored by International Entertainment Ltd (New
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Issue Number: #1441
Date: Sunday 15th April 2018
Editor: Alan Watson QSM
E-mail: editor@magicnewzealand.com
Hi here is the latest news
1. Editor's Message
2. International Federation Of Magic Societies
3. MAGIC Live is August 5-8, 2018
4. The Magic Word Podcast - Magic In The Big Apple (New
York City)
5. MAGIC Magazine Index Online
6. Being Remembered! - #483 - Kyle Peron
7. Potter & Potter Auctions
8. Melbourne's Home Of Close Up Magic Is Back Again!
9. AMA Performers at the Magic Castle
10. Chipper Lowell Is About to Break
11. Registrations for GeniiCon Sydney Australia
12. E-zine Archives
13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
1. Editor's Message
The highlight for Michele and I this week was catching up
with Michael Finney when he had a short stopover in Auckland,
New Zealand enroute to Apia then Pago Pago to join a cruise
ship. Michael is looking forward to becoming the National
President of I.B.M. in 2018-2019, new exciting times ahead
for the I.B.M.
you would like to read the Magic New Zealand e-zine in a
HTML format
go to: http://www.magicnewzealand.com/ezine-archive/2018-Jan-to-Dec-2018/1441-Apr15-2018.html
If you would like to write a regular column for Magic New
Zealand or
have some magic news drop me a line:
2. International Federation Of Magic Societies
Article forwarded on by Mel Kientz (US)
for magicians to kick off in July in Busan as organizers
North Korea's participation.
(Yonhap) -- More than 110 top guns of the magic world will
gather in the South Korean coastal city of Busan this summer
to take part in the World Championships of Magic competition,
the Organizers' said.
The organizing committee for the competition, which is hosted
by the International Federation of Magic Societies, said
the triennial event will bring together 113 top-notch magicians
from 22 countries -- 56 from five European countries, 22
from five North and South American countries, 34 from Asian
countries and one from Oceania.
In case performers from North Korea attend the Olympics
for magicians, the number of participating magicians at
the July 9-14 event will rise to 115. The Busan municipal
government has announced that two North Korean magicians
won berths for the competition from the board of directors
of the competition's Asian federation.
As many as 2,500 magicians are expected to visit the venue,
the auditorium at the BEXCO exhibition center, as spectators,
according to the organizing committee.
Seventy-four magicians will perform in the stage competition
and 39 in the close-up event. The stage competition will
have five divisions - 17 magicians for manipulations, 32
for general, four for illusion magic, 11 for mentalism and
10 for comedy magic. The close-up event will comprise three
divisions - 11 magicians for card magic, 18 for micromagic
and 10 for parlor magic.
Three South Korean magicians -- Ahn Ha-rim, Lee Kun-ho and
Chung Min-kyu -- will show their prowess in the manipulations
category. Ahn took third place in the category at the 2009
World Championships of Magic in Beijing.
Also participating in the category are French performer
Nestor Hato, who is well known for his fast card magic,
and Japanese performer Satoru Furukawa, who is famous for
his incredible money magic tricks.
The general category, or the magic of storytelling, will
draw the largest number of performers, including five South
Korean artists.
Four teams, including ones led by Yunke of Spain, who took
second prize in the illusion category at the 2000 World
Championships of Magic in Lisbon, and Lipan Jr. of Argentina,
will participate in the illusion magic competition.
Eleven magicians, mostly from South America and Europe,
will show off their talents in mental magic tricks that
include the art of reading people's minds or making prophecies.
Asian performers fall relatively behind in the field.
Buss of the United States, who has amazed audiences worldwide
with his innovative brand of comedy and magic, is expected
to stage a new type of wonderful comic tricks in the comedy
magic category.
In the card magic category, South Korean performer Yoo Hyun-min,
who took third place in the card genre at the 2012 Blackpool
Convention, will be pitted against two magicians from Spain,
the powerhouse in the close-up sector, and his South Korean
compatriot Jan Ji-woo.
South Korean performer Kim Kyung-duk, the winner of the
most original close-up act award in the 2015 competition,
will compete in the micromagic category, in which smalls
items such as dice, bottle caps, sugar cubes, pebbles and
pens are used for performances by sleight of hand.
In parlor magic, a genre smaller than stage magic and larger
than close-up magic, magician Choi Hyo-won will represent
South Korea. Magic Brothers, a duo from South Korea, took
the third place award in the category with Henry Harrius
from Hong Kong at the 2015 competition in Rimini, Italy.
organizing committee for the competition has been paying
keen attention to whether North Korea will take part in
the competition. Kang Yeol-woo, who heads the organizing
committee, and Ahn Sung-woo, the arts director for the convention,
are in talks with officials of the Unification Ministry
handling inter-Korean issues to discuss the North's possible
attendance at the event.
Domenico Dante, president of the International Federation
of Magic Societies, has expressed his support for North
Korea if the country decides to send its magicians to the
Busan event.
If North Korea's intention to attend the competition is
confirmed, the organizing committee plans to hold a joint
performance with magicians of the two Koreas during the
competition in a bid to give a message of inter-Korean reconciliation
and peace to spectators.
North Korea disappeared from the international magic stage
after it performed as a special guest at the 1976 World
Championships of Magic in Vienna. If the North participates
in the global contest this year, it will mark the first
time for the North to attend the competition in 40 years.
Kang, the organizing committee's chief, said the committee
will hold a public magic gala show on June 28 in the lead-up
to the opening ceremony of the competition on July 9 and
wishes to present a high-level magic festival in Busan this
3. MAGIC Live is August 5-8, 2018
Message by Stan Allen (US)
The next MAGIC Live is August 5-8, 2018. We have 165 spots
left, which might sound like a lot, but there were 1,600
available a few months ago. Hope you can join us.
4. The Magic Word Podcast - Magic In The Big Apple (New
York City)
Message by Scott Wells, M.I.M.C. with Gold Star
you plan to visit New York City, then be sure to listen
to this week's podcast for some interesting history on magic
in "The Big Apple", plus some ideas on what to
see and do during your visit. If your plans take you there
this weekend, then you need to listen to the podcast NOW!
There is some time sensitive information about the upcoming
"Salute to Magic" honoring Bob Little that will
happen on Saturday April 14, 2018. And there is a contest
on the website for two FREE tickets for the show that one
lucky listener could win.
this podcast, we chat with David "Silly Billy"
Kaye and Herb Scher who tell us about the rich heritage
of the S.A.M. Parent Assembly's annual "Salute to Magic"
which is in its 109th year. Richard Cohn then talks about
many of the legends who lived in and around New York City
and worked at the famed Coney Island (like Al Flosso) plus
some of the old magic shops that used to dot the landscape
like Martinka's and Holden's plus those still around like
Tannen's and Fantasma. This is a fun walk down memory lane
as we learn about some of the greats plus learn what to
do when next you are in "the City".
can see some photos, read the blog, enter the contest, listen
to the podcast and download the MP3 file at: https://www.themagicwordpodcast.com/scottwellsmagic/416-magic-in-the-big-apple
week we also congratulate the three winners of a copy of
Nate Staniforth's book, "Here is Real Magic":
David Thornburg, Tim Glander and Bob Hale. If you live in
or near New York City or plan to visit this weekend, then
you MUST enter the contest NOW for a chance to win two free
tickets to the "109th Annual Salute To Magic"
to be held this Saturday April 14, 2018. The winner will
be selected and notified at 12:00 p.m. EST on the day of
the event and notified how to claim the tickets.
5. MAGIC Magazine Index Online
Message by Stan Allen
For 25 years (1991-2016), MAGIC Magazine was published each
month. Now there's a fully-searchable index of all 301 issues
available online for free. You no longer have to wonder
which issue that particular trick or column or story appeared
in. Everything is indexed and ready to be rediscovered.
Simply go to:
If you don't have a complete file of MAGIC Magazine, all
301 issues are available digitally either as a subscriber
to Genii or for purchase from Lybrary.com.
Or if you're like me and enjoy paper, we have three complete
sets available. Each of these come with bonus materials,
including a copy of the misprinted first issue, an original
brochure, and "Square One," the booklet of tricks
and essays originally given out in 1991 and reprinted in
2016. These are the last complete files we will be able
to offer.
6. Being Remembered! - #483 - Kyle Peron
Message by Kyle Peron (US)
am sure from time to time you may have experienced the following.
You have performed at a gig and they loved the magic. Someone
says' "Wow that was great, we saw a magician once and
he/she was good but you were better" You reply, "Excellent,
what was his / her name?" They say "Well I can't
remember but he did this and this etc
the question now becomes, how do they remember you and not
the tricks you do? How can you instill in them such a presence
that it is YOU they remember and your name will come up
for possible bookings?
There are several things I do to get them to remember ME
instead of the tricks I do. I do not want them so much to
remember what effects I do but I do want them to remember
that Kyle and Kelly provide something that is different
and unique that they remember us long after we have left
the event.
Part of getting them to remember you stems from a theory
I put into place right from the start. This means being
a professional does not start when the curtains open and
end when they close. Simply put, it means that I go above
and beyond from the moment I first make contact with a prospect
to the time they turn into a client and long after the event
is over.
By being a true professional, it means I am really building
a relationship with the customer. I do not want to be seen
as product A, B or C. I want to be remembered far greater
than that. So how does one do this? For starters, you can
increase your perceived value in the minds of the client.
I do this through a theory we like to call being a "solutions
provider". Simply put it means that I am not there
to just perform a show. Anyone can do that. Every single
client has needs, wants and problems they are looking for
answers to. The problem is that we as magician forget this
aspect of performance. There is a reason why they call it
"Show BUSINESS" after all.
If I know that the above statement is true, I can train
myself into learning to listen more to my clients and prospects
instead of always selling to them only. I listen to what
problems they may be telling me. I listen to their needs
and wants. The more of these problems I can directly solve
for them, the greater my perceived value becomes in their
mind. Now I am not simply just magician A, I am Kyle and
Kelly and in that lies a big difference.
Think about this for a second. If you are hiring a plumber
(lets us say 3) to do a job. Each could be completely capable
of doing what needs to be done. So, what makes you as a
consumer remember one of those plumbers over the other one?
They all can do the job well. The thing that probably makes
you remember them specifically by name may be the fact 1
is solving more of your needs and creating solutions to
your problems and doing so in a professional manner that
makes it so much easier for you.
Their customer service might be the best of the 3. They
may return calls in a timely manner. When they do return
calls, they may be polite and instead of selling or being
rude, they actually listen to you. Maybe they even ask you
questions in regards to what you need done and what you
would like the final outcome to be. Maybe they are very
polite when they get there and they call you by name. Maybe
they ask permission to do something before just doing it.
In these examples you can already see that often times simple
things like this makes a difference in the consumer's mind.
You get to notice that one of them simply stands out more
than the others.
Now how can you get them to remember you after the event
is over? Well first of all you hope by the time you leave
you have 1) provided a great show, 2) provided a great service,
3) solved as many problems for them as you could, 4) were
as professional as you could be to build a relationship
with them and, 5) have used effective style marketing to
ensure your name gets out there to not only the client but
the people at the event.
If you have done this, the one thing many magicians forget
about is that the gig is not over after you leave the event.
It never should be. That is such a mistake magicians make.
They forget their past clients. Why forget a client who
you already performed for? Let us think about it. If you
did your job well, then that person can and should be a
walking advertisement for you and what you do. Do NOT forget
about these people. Encourage them to spread the word.
I first start doing this by giving the client my thank you
kit after the event is over. This is a thank you letter
and an evaluation form with a SASE. This also makes a difference
to them. How good do you think it makes the client feel
if they are given a thank you from you the client they paid
for? Time and again they are simply delighted because chances
are no one has ever done that for them before.
Now after I leave, they remember me and as they fill out
the simple evaluation form, they recall the experience.
The form shows them that I do indeed care about the service
I provide and encourages them to refer me to people they
feel could benefit from what I gave to them.
When I get home, I can now enter them and their information
back into my contact database (like ACT) and now I can remember
them throughout the year. Now touching base with them does
not mean I always have to hard sell to them. What it does
mean is keeping my name fresh in their mind throughout the
year. I can do this easily. for example, when it is a holiday,
I can send out a holiday greeting their way. Nothing more
than well wishes and my name and contact info. Not a hard
sell at all. There are many more ideas like this that you
can do to keep your name in their mind throughout the year
I hope this does help and perhaps gets you thinking a little
bit. Start to think and rethink how you do things and how
you come across to prospects and clients. Start to work
on systems to really provide a level of customer satisfaction
and service above and beyond what they expect. Grow your
perceived value in their mind's eye and I guarantee they
will remember you for it.
7. Potter & Potter Auctions
Article forward on by Mel Kientz (US)
books & Collections
28 Sale to Feature Over 700 Lots of Magic Memorabilia
IL- Potter and Potter Auctions is pleased to announce this
upcoming sale to be held on Saturday, April 28th, 2018 starting
at 10am CDT at the company's gallery, located at 3759 N.
Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, IL 60613. All lots are on display
and available for public preview on Thursday, April 26th
and Friday, April 27th from 10:00am to 5:00pm in their facility.
This auction's selections of magic ephemera are simply spellbinding,
with archives and research materials in the spotlight.
top lot in this sale is #357, a mostly 1922-1925 era, two
volume spiritualism scrapbook signed, kept, and annotated
by Harry Houdini (1874-1926). Estimated at $30,000-40,000,
the first book includes newspaper and news-magazine clippings
from the US and abroad pertaining to spiritualism and related
subjects. The second book is almost entirely devoted to
coverage of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's belief in spiritualism
and the supernatural. These scrapbooks offer fascinating,
firsthand, and personal insights into the project of "spirit
debunking" to which Houdini turned in the final chapter
of his life and career.
Lot #360, Elliot Sanford's Houdini manuscripts and archive,
is another astonishing find for magic historians. Estimated
at $10,000-15,000, it includes books, clippings, and ephemera,
as well as over 100 pages of manuscripts that chronical
Sanford's year with the Houdini family in tantalizing detail.
Full of unpublished data and anecdotes, the information
revealed within this collection is a book just waiting to
be written - and its contents easily may realign early twentieth
century magic history.
Lot #596, a magic trick archive from "Cardician"
Ed Marlo (1913-1991), is estimated at $5,000-8,000. The
contents dates from the 1950s to 1980s and include photos
and manuscripts detailing Marlo's magic effects. Many of
the manuscripts include corrections, annotations, illustrations,
and comments from Marlo in the margins. Our experts note,
"This is overall an irreplaceable and significant archive
of the great "behind the scenes" card wizard of
the twentieth century, one of the true titans of the genre
whose output was virtually unmatched."
Magic apparatus is another key category in this sale, with
over 150 lots of props, tricks, cases, and trunks taking
center stage. Lot #260, an Owen Magic Supreme 1966 Eclipse
Vanishing and Appearing Lamp, is estimated at $4,000-5,000.
This illusion involves an illuminated lamp disappearing
from a table and quickly reappearing on a hand-held tray.
#208, a c. 1950's Rabbit Tray from stage magician and illusionist
Harry Blackstone (1885-1965), is estimated at $1,000-1,500.
One of Blackstone's signature tricks was changing a box
of candy into a live rabbit; this wooden framed, canvassed
compartment helped make that happen. And it's all hands
on deck for this sale's offering of cards and card apparatus,
with 10 fine lots available. Lot #225, an unopened pack
of Silver Peau Doux playing cards from 1934 is estimated
at $250-360. These bridge-size fanning cards, marked Chicago
Walgreen Co., were purchased by master magician Cardini
(1895-1973) for use in his famous act.
Collectors are bound to be thrilled with this sale's over
200 lots of magic books on offer. Lot #141, The Vernon Chronicles:
The Lost Inner Secrets, Volumes I - IV, is estimated at
$3,000-5,000. Only 14 copies of this privately offered,
numbered, and signed quartet were produced in the 1987-
1992 timeframe. Each book in this majestic set is detailed
with half morocco over marbled boards, raised bands, a tooled
spine, and 14-karat gold stamping, and is housed in a matching
cloth slipcase. Lot #159, a first edition of Edward Sachs'
Sleight of Hand from 1877, is estimated at $1,000-1,500.
This early, handsome, and important early 204 page book
has gilt edges and is stamped ornamentally in silver, gilt,
and black. And two books with Houdini connections are certain
to cast a spell over enthusiasts.
first, lot #361, is a Houdini-signed 1913 copy of Knotting
& Splicing Ropes and Cordage, estimated at $1,200-1,800.
This edition, edited by Paul Hasluck and published in London,
contains occasional underlining, annotation, and ink drawing
in the text, probably by multiple hands. And the second,
lot #380, is Houdini's own Houdini's Paper Magic, estimated
at $1,800-2,600. Published in 1922, this example has been
inscribed and signed by Houdini.
This Magic Memorabilia sale closes the loop with fantastic
assortments of photos, advertisements, costumes, and other
rarities. Perhaps the pinnacle of the 130 posters and artwork
on offer is lot #387, The Jail Breaker and Dexerous Handcuff
King Houdini poster, estimated at $3,000-5,000. This eye-catching,
two color broadside is linen backed and measures 35"
x 11". A presidential caliber highlight is lot #369,
a spirit photo of Houdini with Abraham Lincoln's ghost,
estimated at $500-750.
#602, a wine-colored brocade jacket and white silk shirt
worn by Dutch magician Tommy Wonder (1953-2006) is estimated
at $1,500-2,000. And how about gifting an emerging young
magician in your life with lot #350, a c. 1930 A.C. Gilbert
Magic Exhibition Set No. 2005, estimated at $200-300? Its
fantastically illustrated box cover proudly promotes it
as, "A fascinating collection of the tricks, sleight
of hand, illusions etc. of world famous magicians with illustrated
book of instructions. A set for boys and grown-ups, too."
According to Gabe Fajuri, President at Potter & Potter
Auctions, "We are delighted to offer magic enthusiasts
these exceptional and well curated lot selections. The Sanford
and Marlo archives are once in a lifetime offerings, and
it is thrilling to consider what secrets they may hold.
They would be particularly appealing to historians, museums,
and academic research organizations worldwide. Sach's Sleight
of Hand book is also one of my favorites from this sale.
The only other edition I know of is in my personal collection.
I recommend it for both its content and stunning presentation."
Potter and Potter, founded in 2007, is a Chicago area auction
house specializing in paper Americana, vintage advertising,
rare books, playing cards, gambling memorabilia, posters,
fine prints, vintage toys, and magicana - antiques and collectibles
related to magic and magicians.
more information on this sale and Potter & Potter Auctions,
please see www.potterauctions.com. If you can't make the
auction in person, bids for these extraordinary offerings
can be placed directly on the company's website, by phone
by arrangement, or via an absentee bid form, which can be
accessed by clicking here.
8. Melbourne's Home Of Close Up Magic Is Back Again!
Message by Nicholas J. Johnson (Australia)
Night is fast becoming Australia's premiere close up magic
show. We have magicians travelling from around the country
just to join the line-up.
month's show is no exception with a brilliant line-up of
new faces and old favourites.
we usually sell out and we don't sell tickets at the door
so book today.
month's show features:
Chambers - Fresh from Melbourne International Comedy Festival,
Dom's brings laughs and illusion together in a fresh modern
Ellis - The godfather of Melbourne magic and the creator
of The Laneway Theatre, Tim is the reason Sleight Night
even exists. Check out his extraordinary close-up magic.
Kogaki - The kid who fooled Dynamo, Lucas wowed crowds the
first time he performed at Sleight Night. Come see what
he was for us this month.
Yistelle - Joining us from Sydney, Claire's magic has made
her highly sought after in the corporate world. Also, she
is French!
here to get your tickets!
J. Johnson
9. AMA Performers at the Magic Castle
April 30 - May 6
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Tyler Rabbit
Denis Behr
Late Performer
John Accardo
Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Pit Hartling
Late Performer
Henok Negash
of Mystery
Scott Alexander
Denny Haney
Fields Bar
Robert Ramirez
Thursday - Sunday
Dave Cox
The Bornsteins
Thursday - Sunday
Denis Behr
and Sunday Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Jeanine Anderson
7 - May 13
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Mark Furey
Gianfranco Preverino
Late Performer
Horret Wu
Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Aurelio Paviato
Late Performer
Frank Deville
of Mystery
Joseph Gabriel
Anson Lee
W.C. Fields Bar
Danny Magic
Thursday - Sunday
Joseph Tran
Scot Nery
Thursday - Sunday
Gianfranco Preverino
and Sunday Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Scott Green
14 - May 20
Close-Up Gallery
Cocktail Hour Performer
Kayla Drescher
T.C. Tahoe
Late Performer
Jimmy Ichihana
Parlour Of Prestidigitation
Early Performer
Dale Hindman
Late Performer
Derek Hughes
of Mystery
The Evasons
John Ferrentino
Fields Bar
Thursday - Sunday
Steve Hamilton
Thursday - Sunday
T.C. Tahoe
and Sunday Brunch
Parlour Kids' Shows
Steve Hamilton
10. Chipper Lowell Is About to Break
Message by Taylor Hughes - Host of the About to Break Podcast
week I host a free podcast on the ups and downs of life
in the entertainment industry. My guest and I discuss the
challenge of trying to break into the industry before it
breaks you.
latest episode featured the hilarious and very magical Chipper
Lowell. In this very special two - part in depth interview
Chipper shares wisdom from his years of touring and producing
is available now on all major audio platforms (spotify,
itunes, soundcloud, etc.)
or at www.abouttobreakpodcast.com
11. Registrations for GeniiCon Sydney Australia
Message by Kent Blackmore (Australia)
for GeniiCon are reflecting the excitement for our four
days of events, shows and lectures! The early-bird period
has now passed, but you can still register at www. geniicon18.com
for a great weekend of magic.
you're interested in the marketing and client-relations
side of magic, we have two fabulous talks to inspire you.
Magic from the amazing card work of Joseph Barry, to the
best of Children's entertainment, manipulation, comedy and
'workers' magic. More than ten dealers have booked in with
us, so bring your money; and extra tickets for the "Magic
at the Tivoli" public show are now on sale at https://rootyhillrsl.com.au/entertainment/magicshow/
12. E-zine Archives
Back issues of the Magic New Zealand e- zine go to:
www.magicnewzealand.com click on the red button centre right
When you enter the archive the e- zines are in issue order
in folders for each year and are Coded, e.g. 001 Nov06 1999.txt
first three numbers (001) denote issue number, then the
date (Nov06) and the last figures the year (1999)
13. Privacy Policy and Copyright Notice
Our subscriber list is NOT made available to any other companies
or individuals. We value every subscriber and respect your
You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from the Magic New Zealand®
E- zine at: www.magicnewzealand.com
Magic New Zealand® E-zine is published each Sunday.
The opinions and statements expressed therein are those
of the individual contributors and not necessarily those
of Magic New Zealand®. Neither Magic New Zealand®
nor Alan Watson QSM vouch for the accuracy or reliability
of any opinion, message, statement, or other information
reported via Magic New Zealand® E- zine.
Subscribers to this publication and authors who contribute
to it by doing so agree they will not hold Magic New Zealand®
or Alan Watson QSM, jointly or individually liable or responsible
in any way for the opinions or statements contained therein.
Magic New Zealand® reserves the right to alter, correct
or disregard any articles submitted.
Readers are encouraged to submit timely articles or news
items which may be of interest to subscribers. By submitting
articles to this e- zine, the authors grant Magic New Zealand®
the right to publish such articles and such authors confirm
their copyright of the material submitted.
All works published by Magic New Zealand® are protected
by international copyright legislation and articles must
not be published for profit by anyone other than the individual
authors without the written permission of Magic New Zealand®.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this publication may be freely
redistributed, but not sold, to other magicians if copied
in its entirety, including the copyright notice below and
the above disclaimer.
Copyright 2018 Alan Watson QSM