Sjöstedt (Portugal) Auckland only lecture
Registrations now open
you are planning to attend the Auckland lecture please register
our Secretary James Fuller to pre-register your seats for
the Peter Sjöstedt (Portugal) Auckland only lecture
Phone: 09 950 6251
will be NO Walk-ins.....
Sponsored by IBM Ring 160 & Magic New Zealand
Date: Thursday 16th February
Start Time: 7.30pm sharp
Venue: Te Tuhi Centre For The Arts, 13 Reeves Road,
Pakuranga, Auckland
Adult Lecture fee: $25
Juniors (School age) and financial IBM 160 members:
Wives or Partners: $5
Information from Peter:
Here is an extract from my lecture notes.
Business Meeting Magic
This is a suitable title for the kind of magic I have performed
for many years.
I have worked as a Project Manager in the Information Technology
sector for almost two decades, and I have lived through
uncountable meetings. In some of these meetings, one or
more participants have arrived late, leading to a delayed
start of the meeting. Participants failing to arrive on
time are a big annoyance for the ones who do, and it can
be an expensive cost for the company due to the time lost
while waiting.
To perform something that I like to call "Business
Meeting Magic" while waiting for the late arrivals
may lead to everyone being in time for the next meeting
- because no one wants to miss out on the magic!
In fact, it becomes a win-win situation for both my project,
and for my employer and/or costumer if the time consumed
for the magic trick is less than the time gained from every
participant being on time for the meeting. In the end, we
will all be winners!
I do not want to give the appearance of performing "magic",
instead I want to show that what I am performing is a skill
or well mastered competence. As we all know, success is
not 100% guaranteed in our field, and this is why I am vigilant
about clarifying that what I do are experiments and not
demonstrations. This gives me a bit of leeway to fail once
in a while.
Innumerable different types of meetings exist, and not all
of them are suitable for my type of Business Meeting Magic.
You might attend meetings with your manager, your project
team, your project manager group, representatives of your
customers, or with other kinds of groups you have a relation
with. You often need to adapt to your context, and your
kind of organization. Just as I have put my mark on the
experiments described in this book, so will you inevitably
make these your own as well.
This is my description of Business Meeting Magic, and the
reasons why I perform it can be summarised in the following
three points
· Be remembered in the organization
· For the meeting to start on the set time
· To lighten the mood and start off on a positive
The experiments need to be short in order not to occupy
too much time, or to annoy neither your employer nor the
participants of the meeting. After all, they are there for
the meeting - not to "see a show".
I want to give credit to my daughter Hannah Sjöstedt
who has been a sounding board and a great help with the
preparation of my lecture notes, and the business cards
demonstration described in this book. Tom Stone has skilfully
assisted in the research for authors and originators to
some of my experiments. Finally, I am grateful for the comments
from my fellow members of the Clube Ilusionista Fenianos
- CIF in Porto, Portugal.
Experiment 1 - Business Cards
On your already handed out business cards, have each participant
draw a picture on the back. The business cards are then
collected and shuffled. By interpreting each picture you
then deduct who drew which picture!
Without guidance being able to identify which drawing belongs
to which participant.
Experiment 2 - Who is the liar?
Five participants move an object between them when you tell
them to, without you watching. In the end you say which
of them is hiding the object.
Remarkably being able to identify which person that is hiding
the object.
Experiment 3 - Is it true or false?
You have two participants assisting and you hand them an
object. The participants decide by themselves to either
tell the truth or to lie. You then tell if they are lying
or not, the consequence being that you know who has the
You reveal if each participant is telling the truth or is
lying, which enables you to identify who has the object
Experiment 4 - Rock-Paper-Scissors
Three participants get to play hidden rock-paper-scissors
with each other. You surprisingly can tell them who wins
over who even you cannot see what they are doing.
You can reveal who is the winner without seeing the game.
Experiment 5 - Randomness Square
Three participants get to pick one numbered square each
among many from within a big square with numbered squares.
The sum of the numbers from the squares is the same as your
Predict the sum of the numbers chosen by the participants.