Everyone loves the dealers room because deep down inside we all secretly love to play with the latest gizmo and gadget.
While most of the headliners will be selling products after their lecture, we also have at least 5 other dealers currently schedule to be there...
1. Jeimin Lee (Korea)
Most know him for his most recent effect 'Silk thru Phone' which has been a top seller in the magic market over the last few years, ever since Dynamo featured it on his TV special. You can see Shin Lim performing Jeimin's effect HERE.
2. Divi Magic Shop (Philippines)
Based in Manila, Divi Magic Shop is the leading magic producer and retailer in the Philippines.
3. Xristo Magic Shop (Indonesia)
Based in Jakarta, Xristo Magic Shop is one of Indonesia's leading magic manufacturers and retailers, producing custom props for stage, closeup, mentalism and coin magic.
4. MGI Magic Shop (Korea)
Based in Bucheon (just outside of Seoul), MGI manufacture and produce props and gimmicks for both stage and closeup magic.
5. Magic and More (NZ)
New Zealand's largest/only magic shop - of course they're gonna be there.
We have a strict limit of 180 places at the convention - no exceptions - and over half of those places are filled. Don't leave it until the last minute. To register online, click here.
Accommodation - less than 20 rooms available...
Last year ALL of the rooms at the James Cook Hotel sold out. If you are planning to stay at the James Cook Hotel for the convention, please book your room soon. To find out more click here.
The New Zealand Magic Convention is proudly supported by Magic New Zealand - www.magicnewzealand.com.
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