


Fields (UK) New Zealand Lecture tour
Dunedin - Thursday 16th March
Christchurch - Monday 20th March
Wellington - Wednesday 22nd March
Palmerston North - Thursday 23rd March
Auckland - Monday 27th March
The UKs Funniest & Finest Magic Lecture
The DownUnder Tour!
Over 100 appearances at magic clubs and conventions has
produced a highly polished evening of splendid & tantalizing
magic. Thoroughly entertaining and totally educational.
But dont listen to me, read the reviews:
Paul Gross (Hocus Pocus Magic Store)
One of the best lectures I have ever seen. This guy
is a performer; he was thrilling and funny
Everyone in the audience hung on his every word, do not
miss it, truly one of the best Ive seen
Michael Mode (of napkin rose fame)
The funniest and most entertaining lecture Ive
seen in years! Keith blew me away with his superb comedic
timing and impressed me with the attention to detail he
puts into his highly commercial routines. It doesnt
matter what type of magic you perform you will learn a ton
at this lecture
Reported to the Magic Café after the Winter Carnival
of Magic (Scott Compton)
I just saw Keith Fields at the Winter Carnival of
Magic, and all I can say is WOW! Fifteen years on the streets
really shows. His chop cup routine is one of the best street
closers that I have ever seen. Bravo!
Bob Sheets after a lecture at Dennys
A fantastic lecture
my friend and I laughed so
hard at so many things
a Solid lecture from a Solid
performer with loads of magic that is both strong and funny.
John Luka (Magicians Lecture Network and organizer of Motor
City Magic)
Keith has appeared on the closing show of the Motor
City Close-up Convention twice - with two completely different
acts! And they were both hilariously funny! I cant
wait to see what he comes up with next year!
Keith Fields is from London, England. Over the last 30 years
he has worked in just about every conceivable performance
situation, his lecture reflects his vast experience; corporate
events, street magic, close-up, kids, cruises, theatres,
television, comedy clubs, shows for the troops, trade shows...
the list goes on. In 2009 the USA government called him
An alien with extraordinary ability so he moved
to Michigan you will have to ask him why!
During the lecture Keith demonstrates and explains elements
from his street show - the material that made him International
Street Entertainer of the Year; his close up material
- he is a Magic Circle Close-up Champion and a Member of
the Inner Magic Circle with gold star. He will also share
some of the amazing magic he has invented that has taken
him, quite literally, around the world, not just once but
several times.
Guaranteed no pipe dreams
all the material
you will see is from his working repertoire and honed by
thousands of performances. In this lecture a true working
pro tips it all and then answers questions on it.
Keith is an excellent and very funny performer and a
regular contributor to Vanish Magazine. He guarantees that
you will have an entertaining, educational and magical evening.
Marc DeSouza, Philadelphia
You won't find a more versatile magician anywhere and his
lecture is certainly a demonstration of that
It was
crammed with lots of fun, great lines and fantastic magic.
He then dissected the act and not only explained the "hows"
of the tricks, but more importantly the "whys".
His Chop Cup routine is a killer and his borrowed bill routine
is a perfectly honed piece of comedy magic.
Simon Lovell, New York
Keith Fields is not just a fellow Brit but one of
the funniest and most original magicians I've seen. If you
miss his lecture you'll definitely be missing a great experience.
Go and you'll learn magic that is not just fooling but fabulous
fun as well!
The Magic Circular
(The official magazine of the Magic Circle in London)
A real natural talent... His style and magic confirm why
he is one of Britains busiest magicians... he possesses
the one ingredient that eludes many aspiring close up performers
- he knows how to blend humor and good magic in square proportions
to create that vital ingredient - entertainment.

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Magic New Zealand® E-zine
