


from Vinny Grosso
Hello Kiwis!!!
I just landed in Auckland and my excitement for being here
has been tempered by the tragic earthquake. Hoping you and
your loved ones are all ok.
I so look forward to meeting everyone. I have known Alan
for years and since first meeting him, New Zealand instantly
became a bucket list destination for me. I hope youll
enjoy what I have in store for you with some behind the
scenes stories on my Penn & Teller: Fool US appearance,
some of the work that went into earlier versions along with
some other magic from my corporate shows.
Some people have been asking if I have anything for sale,
would it be a magic lecture without??? I have notes, a book,
and a special deck of cards that I use in one the effects
for sale and a special price if youd like all three.
I also have some items in very limited supply, like the
Fabric Manipulation Devils Hank and Creative Magic
Change Cap. Id prefer cash but if you only have a
credit card we can figure something out. Regarding the limited
supply items, feel free to drop me a line if youd
like to reserve one (first come, first serve).
Heres what I have: Devils hanks - 3 black, 1
red, 1 blue; Change Caps - 2; Pandora Bag - 1 Lg, 4 Sm.
Thank you!
the Vinny Grosso Auckland lecture is this coming Tuesday
Registrations for the Vinny
Grosso lecture are filling fast....
If you are planning
to attend the Auckland lecture please register NOW!
Contact our Secretary James Fuller to pre-register your
seats for the Vinny Grosso Auckland lecture
Email: jimmy@themagician.co.nz
Phone: 09 950 6251
There will be NO
Walk-ins..... Seat are now limited....
Please note to venue has changed
for the Auckland lectures:
Te Tuhi Centre For The Arts
13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga, Auckland
Auckland Lecture
Sponsored by IBM Ring 160 & Magic New Zealand
Date: Tuesday
15th November
Start Time: 7.30pm sharp
Venue: Te Tuhi Centre For The Arts, 13 Reeves Road,
Pakuranga, Auckland
Adult Lecture fee: $25
Juniors (School age) and financial IBM 160 members:
Wives or Partners: $5

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Copyright © 2016 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine
