



Wellington. 20-23 Oct. 2017.
Second Headliner: Rob Zabrecky
Through a wide range of artistic work that spans acting, magic and music, Rob Zabrecky has established himself globally as an original entertainer. He is regarded internationally for his cumulative and diverse projects in film and television, magic and music.
As a magician, there is simply no one like him. In live performances, he invents a magical world through a series of strange and beautiful effects, which he combines with remarkable timing and theatrical edifice. Zabrecky sets the stage for everyday life, then sets is on fire. As a magic humorist, he creates a dryly abstracted, austere universe that pushes magic to its very edges and often explores bizarre and contemplative human behaviour.
MAGIC Magazine described him as, "A unique persona, highly reminiscent of Norman Bates, with a bit of Rod Serling in the mix - a psycho from the Twilight Zone, doing magic."
In 2011 and 2012 he was voted "Stage Magician of the Year" by the Academy of Magical Arts at the Magic Castle, and in 2014, voted "Parlour Magician of the Year" by the same organisation.
Zabrecky will be presenting a lecture during the convention and performing in the Gala Show on Saturday night.
Online registrations open in 24 hours
Register at www.magicconvention.co.nz. Registrations open at Noon (NZST) on Wednesday 10th of August.
Early Bird Discount
Very Limited Offer
The FIRST 50 PEOPLE to register will get a 15% EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT on their registration. You better be quick if you want to snatch this great deal.
- Only available for online registrations
- Strictly limited to the first 50 registrations
- Your payment must clear within 5 business days to receive the discount.
Not good with computers? Worried you won't know how to register online? Send us an email at info@magicconvention.co.nz along with your contact phone number (NZ only). We would be happy to call you when registrations launch and walk you through the registration process.
Registration Prices - (NZD)
The main convention will take place on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd October 2017. People who register for these 2 days can also purchase registration for Friday (20th Oct) and Monday (23rd Oct), two half-days either side of the main convention.
Saturday and Sunday Registration - 21-22 October 2017
Price |
Early Bird |
Adult |
$300 |
$255 |
Junior* |
$240 |
$204 |
Friday Registration - 20 October 2017
Price |
Early Bird |
Adult |
$65 |
$55.25 |
Junior* |
$52 |
$44.20 |
Monday Registration - 23 October 2017
Price |
Early Bird |
Adult |
$55 |
$46.75 |
Junior* |
$44 |
$37.40 |
*Juniors must be 17 or under and provide proof of age on the first day of the convention.
Banquet Ticket: $70 per person
An evening buffet dinner & prize giving, with performances from international guests.
Gala Seating Upgrade: $15 per person
Upgrade your B-Reserve seat (included in registration) to an A-Reserve seat at the Saturday Gala Show.
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Like our Facebook page to stay up to date with the latest news and announcements - www.facebook.com/nzmagicconvention.

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Magic New Zealand® E-zine