



Naked Magicians set to expose Auckland to a new type of
Good magicians don't need sleeves
Great magicians
don't need pants.
Following SOLD OUT shows across Australia the worlds
boldest and cheekiest magic show "The Naked Magicians"
is making its way to Auckland for an exclusive season at
the NZ International Comedy Festival.
Described as Magic Mike but with magic in it,
this boisterous R-rated magic show strips away the top hats
and capes to reveal full frontal illusions. Created and
performed by two of Australias biggest names in magic,
Christopher Wayne & Mike Tyler, the show has toured
to rave reviews and packed out venues right across Australia.
The Naked Magicians is presented by Auckland
Live and will take the stage at the Comedy Chamber at Aucklands
Town Hall between 12th - 16th May with a special preview
appearance at Le Comique on Sunday May 10th.
Tickets are on sale at Ticketmaster from Thursday Feb 26th.
Show times are:
Tuesday 12 May 2015, 8.30pm
Wednesday 13 May 2015, 8.30pm
Thursday 14 May 2015, 8.30pm
Friday 15 May 2015, 7pm and 9.30pm
Saturday 16 May 2015, 7pm and 9.30pm
Book at: Ticketmaster.co.nz or 0800 111 999
Prices all tickets service fees apply Adult / Full
Price $39.90 Student/Concession $29.95 Groups 6 plus $35.90

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Copyright © 2015 Alan Watson QSM.

Magic New Zealand® E-zine