Ring 160 Day Of Magic
Sunday (Labour Day) 26 October 2014

Adam Mada
One of Australia's Most Sought-After Magic Showmen
will perform a lecture, entitled Method and Madness
a workshop, entitled Advanced Professional Event Cocktail
Magic (Real worker secrets)
headline our show on Sunday night
register go to:
Method & Madness
The lecture is themed around creative problem solving, starting
with several small close up style tricks which are taught,
leading on to larger effects and or routines based on a client
brief, such as the product launch magic I'm heavily involved
with. I will explain a step by step process, which is ultimately
the method underpinning the madness of saying yes to what
looks like an impossible situation and brief. We will end
up discussing large scale event magic special FX such as my
BMW ?ash reveal and the opening scene of the feature l'm Sleeping
beauty and how I achieved these against all odds.
Original Tricks / Routines and elements which will be taught
and discussed
Heads or Tails - A super strong coin in hand routine, relatively
impromptu and one of the strongest close up tricks I perform,
can be done in a group, on stage, or one on one. It can be
framed in a magical context or a mentalism context. It's based
on Max Mavens positive negative, but vastly superior, I came
up with it after spending time with Eugene Burger.
* Packet Watch - Spectators wrist watch to sealed packed of
crisps, spectator opens. I will discuss the evolution of this
trick and the gimmick (Stage and or Parlour)
* Key Ditch - ring ?ight, but using a house key, this routine
will be performed in the stage show, I will detail several
routines involving spectators with the ring ?ight gimmick,
and how to vanish the ring or key from a spectators hands.
Also using cameras and mobile phones. (This will also be covered
in the work shop, the lecture will focus on the problem solving
aspect of this routine and the gimmick.
Special FX discussed in detail
* Various product launch style magic, for coke, philips lighting
using branding embedded in close up tricks and on stage.
* Sleeping Beauty - Opening scene, case study, discuss how
I achieved the opening scene "illusion for the film"
even though it looks real, it most certainly is an illusion.
* Original CEO appearance illusion commission for a nightclub
owner in Sydney. Detail my collaboration with illusion designer
Mark Parker from Singapore.
* Australia's Got Talent Levitation for Dance choreographer
Sarah Boulter, will detail how we used a 120 year old illusion
and made it new and fresh and mind blowing for TV, which got
full standing ovations.
* BMW ash reveal, how I made this happen against all odds
* Heads or Tails will be available as a packet trick with
instructions to purchase.
* Packet Watch will be available with instructions and gimmick.
* I may have various other gimmicks with me, Such as my work
on the butter?y part of the Boris App created by my colleague
Ian Pidgeon
* I will be using a projector to display video and photos
of my work during the lecture. This is especially prevalent
for the TV stuff.
Advanced Professional Event Cocktail Magic - (real worker
This is based on 15 years of professional event magic, working
under every conceivable condition with consistent and long
standing high prole residencies. Adam is also one of the highest
paid close up magicians in the country.
The workshop is going to be a hands on session, covering close
up roving magic in a professional event environment. We will
take participants existing tricks, as well as new tricks and
tricks from my repertoire and cover the following:
* How to charge top dollar within the market.
* How and when to impress the right people, to get them talking
about you.
* When does the performance start? (Hint: before you get to
the gig)
* Effective routine and trick selection for each environment.
* How to turn a simple trick e.g. card transposition into
an amazing fully interactive group wonder worker.
* Continued work on how to involve everyone watching, to be
a part of the magic with your existing material.
* Ring flight, several versions that make sense, involving
people's objects, including their keys, wallets, phones, cameras
and hands, and or anything else on the table.
* Identifying status play within a group, i.e. ?nding out
and controlling the Alpha male