The David Goodsell - Nothing up my Sleeve Lecture
Auckland only Lecture this Friday
by: IBM Ring 160 and Magic New Zealand
When: Friday 12th September, 7.30pm
Where: The Shore City Magicians Club Inc. club rooms,
Senior Citizen Hall, back of the Takapuna Library, The Stand,
Takapuna, Auckland.
Price: Adults $25, Juniors (School age) $10, Parents
and Partners $5 and financial IBM 160 members $10
Contact: Danny Phillips: danny@mostlymagic.co.nz
If you are planning to attend the David Goodsell (From USA)
lecture in Auckland you MUST pre-registered with Danny Phillips
- danny@mostlymagic.co.nz
Goodsell was the editor of M-U-M magazine, the Magazine
for The Society of American Magicians for 30 years and is
a Past National President of that organisation. He is the
author of numerous feature articles, editorials, trick articles,
reviews, etc., in a variety of magic and non-magic publications,
including the acclaimed biography of Dariel Fitzkee, Finding
Dariel Fitzkee.
is a very knowledgeable magician and has invented many effects,
some of which are still available from David Ginn and other
retailers. He has lectured all over the world including multiple
times at the SAM National Convention, The Magic Circle London
and at Japanese and Austrian association conventions and many
USA regional conventions and magic clubs. He is a Presenter
at Jeff McBride's Magic and Meaning Workshop in Las Vegas.
Lecture will include children's magic, mentalism, story magic,
including what might be called bizarre magic, and some card
item's that require elementary sleight of hand and some that
use colourful cards that magicians can make themselves. He
will also demonstrate and explain Golden Oldies, The Bermuda
Triangle, MiraclESPell, and The Golde Snitch, four successful
items he marketed a few years back. His notes will explain
how you can make them up for yourself.
will have a few items for sale, including his best-selling
(over 600 sold) "You're the Star" Children's trick,
but primarily lecture notes in CD format consisting of PDF
booklets of 20 - 30 pages with colour illustrations where
appropriate. (If you Google David Ginn You're the star
you can see him performing this effect. It was in David Ginn's
workshop for over 12 months.
is a lecture with general information magic for all magician's
and includes effects suitable for the family entertainer.