Shore City Magicians Club Inc. celebrating its 40th anniversary
Shore City Magicians Club Inc. was established in 1974 to
encourage the arts and traditions of magic and the allied
entertainment arts, with a focus on encouraging youth.
would love to extend an invitation to all past members, associate
members and other local magicians to attend this very special
Tuesday 5th August
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: The Shore City Magicians Club Inc. club rooms,
Senior Citizen Hall, back of the Takapuna Library, The Strand,
Takapuna, Auckland.
To attend this FREE special event you must pre-register
RSVP's for the SCMC 40th event is event@scmc.co.nz
part of the evening celebration Timon Krause the Dutch Champion
of Mentalism in 2014 will present a lecture.

Bio on Timo regarding hypnosis & mentalism:
got into hypnosis at the age of 12; all self taught
- started performing for friends & family; soon got bookings
for events
- got into mentalism via hypnosis around the age of 15
- went to visit New Zealand for a year at the age of 16
- published a book on mentalism, hypnosis & entertainment
in combination with coaching while there (Cut the Strings)
- since then co-authored, reviewed and contributed to different
publications on mentalism & hypnosis (works by Nefesch,
Dale Hildebrandt, Aaron Alexander, Bill Montana,..)
- was trained as a coach age 17, been offering services as
a coach using hypnosis and other skills since then
- started to give seminars age 18; the system now has trainers
in the Netherlands, Germany and America
- attached to the seminars a community on hypnosis is growing,
focused on young people that drive the art forwards
- now living in Amsterdam; studying philosophy in Amsterdam
as well as attending a theatre school in den Haag
- goal: become the best hypnotist I can be and Uncover my
full potential; live of hypnosis and mentalism
more information contact
President: Matthew Winnard
Email: matthew@winnard.me
Phone: 575 3630
Email: tophatmagic@ihug.co.nz
Phone: 09 232 1334