the collection of the late Keith Garrett
Message by Tony Wilson
Sale of over 190 bagged magic tricks, 54 plus magic related
DVD's in bags of 2/3/4., 12 large Illusions, 200 plus individual
card tricks and decks ,magic tables, novelties and numerous
magic related items all in one place at one time in Auckland
early in May 2014. All these items must be sold!
the collection of the late Keith Garrett who died suddenly
and unexpectedly last January.
Saturday May 3rd 2014
Place KG Magic Theatre at 9 Wheatley Avenue Pakuranga Auckland
2010. Please do not block neighbour's driveways.
open for viewing at 9.00 am. Sale starts at 9.30am and
closes at 11.30am
General items are for sale in three price groupings ie $15.00,
$30.00, and $50.00
Illusions will be on display .as is ,where is, and interested
buyers need to make verbal offers to Keith's son Christopher
during the sale period and when the sale finishes Christopher
will offer the relevant illusion to the highest bidder. Any
successful large illusion buyers must be able to remove their
successful purchases off the property that weekend or negotiate
a day or so shortly after.
How do I obtain an email copy of the items for sale?
By contacting one of IBM Ring 160 committee members (listed
below) requesting an email copy of:
All general items of magic for sale (over 190 plus)
2 All large illusions for sale (12)
3 Photos of 10 of the 12 large illusions that are for sale
Ring 160 Committee Members
Tony Wilson - President - tony@twmagic.co.nz
Roderick Mulgan - Vice President - xtr795067@xtra.co.nz
Danny Phillips - Secretary - danny@mostlymagic.co.nz
Terry Von Pein - Treasurer - tvp@mcgregorbailey.co.nz
Alan Watson - Publicity - AW@Alan-Watson.com
Malcolm Silverman - Malcolm@ips.co.nz
Syd Walker - syd.walker@paradise.net.nz
further questions please feel free to contact Tony Wilson
President of IBM Ring 160
Phone 09 5769581 or 027 4771240 or tony@twmagic.co.nz