guest at the Shore City Magic Club meeting this Tuesday is
Sal Piacente from Kentucky USA.
All magicians are invited to attend as guests of the SCMC
Tuesday 5th November
Time: 7.30pm sharp
Venue: The Shore City Magicians Club Inc. club rooms,
Senior Citizen Hall, back of the Takapuna Library, The Stand,
Takapuna, Auckland.
Lecture Fee: Free to all magicians
Piacente is a very talented sleight-of-hand artist and an
authority on Casino Game Protection. He began his career in
the casino industry as a Blackjack dealer, which eventually
led him to the Game Protection business. He has spent most
of his career as a casino fraud investigator. In this capacity,
he has not only taught others about cheating methods, but
has also offered consultation on suspect play and game efficiency
for many clients, providing essential education to casino
will be giving a mini lecture to members. He is also looking
forward to meeting SCMC patron Richard Webster whose books
Sal is a great fan of. He has a number of Richard's books
and did not realise Richard lived in Auckland until he spoke
to Wayne Rogers late last week. Wayne jumped at the chance
to invite Sal to the meeting as he is only in Auckland until
the end of the week.
more information on Sal Piacente see the following links.